Image result for occupy wall street hot girl

I’ve now been running The Burning Platform blog for over ten years. It’s been over eleven years since I wrote my first article – Why We Need Ron Paul – in May 2008 during the Republican primaries. I really thought I could change enough minds through my writing to influence voters and help wake up people to the truth about our deteriorating financial situation. I would send op-eds to my local paper, and they would publish them. My articles on Seeking Alpha in 2008/2009 were the most read and commented on their site.

My assessment of the Wall Street banks, coming financial crisis and recession were accurate enough that I was being sought out by Glenn Beck on CNN, Neal Cavuto on Fox, and Maria Bartiromo on CNBC to be interviewed on their shows. I didn’t want that kind of attention, since it would likely have negatively impacted my day job – which actually supported my family.

I had already experienced negative blowback when I predicted the bankruptcy of General Growth Properties in one of my articles. It seems the CFO was a Wharton grad and large donor to the real estate department. He called the Dept. head, who called the Deputy Dean, who called my boss, the CFO. It was at this point where any mention of Wharton was forbidden on my part, or I risked being terminated.

The interesting part of the story was the General Growth CFO said none of my facts were incorrect and six months later General Growth Properties filed for bankruptcy. I sent a link of the announcement to my boss, who throughout his tenure defended my right to free speech whenever the Dean’s office received complaints about my articles. We had a good laugh about their bankruptcy.

During late 2008 and early 2009 I was driven to write at least two massive articles per week about the financial industry, the economy or the military industrial complex. My views were virtually identical to those of Ron Paul. The two sites who published all of my articles – Seeking Alpha and Financial Sense – loved me during the early days of their sites when they were trying to attract eyeballs.

But their goal was to become mouthpieces for Wall Street and make money, so articles critical of financial markets did not help them achieve their financial ambitions. I had no such ambitions, other than seeking the truth. They began to edit my article submissions. This really pissed me off. In early 2009 a Seeking Alpha reader offered to create a website where I could publish without fear of censorship. Jason created the Raging Debate website and in February 2009 I was live.

The intelligent, volatile, nasty, humorous comment stream, that has been a hallmark of TBP, began immediately, as Seeking Alpha fans followed me to the new site. I was eventually banned by both Seeking Alpha and Financial Sense, as they sold out to the establishment for money to pump stocks and regurgitate the fake Wall Street narrative. As the markets continued to fall and we experienced the deepest recession since the Great Depression, I was contacted through email by some guy saying he wanted me to be in his documentary about the financial crisis. I said no. I didn’t want to be in the public eye, and I was skeptical that it was a real documentary. I had done a number of phone interviews with various like-minded websites, but eventually began turning those down. I couldn’t risk my livelihood, as I was financially responsible for a wife and three boys.

The documentary filmmaker was persistent. He wouldn’t take no for an answer. He had read all my Seeking Alpha articles and insisted I be in his film. I finally agreed to meet him in NYC after work. I paid my own way to take an Amtrak train after working a full day at Wharton. I arrived at an office building and went up to the floor where they were filming. I expected to be asked questions and then answer.

Instead the filmmaker just asked me to start talking about how the housing market led to the greatest financial collapse in history. I talked for 30 minutes and about 20 seconds made it into the documentary. The documentary was Generation Zero, based upon Strauss & Howe’s Fourth Turning theory. And the filmmaker was a little-known man named Steve Bannon. It was a cool moment in my life when I was able to take my wife and kids to the world-premiere in NYC the following year. I think Bannon went on to bigger things.

Not having the chore of running the website allowed me to do nothing but write. I was pumping out one large article per week and daily posts about the various economic lies put out by the government. But, my penchant for scorning and ridiculing the establishment, the government, Wall Street and corporate America was at odds with Jason’s plan to convince a mainstream media outlet to buy the Raging Debate and cash out.

I had no interest in his vision. He began to censor my articles and tell me what I could and couldn’t publish. It got ugly and we both burned our bridges. He pulled the plug on me and I was left without a site. A good friend at Wharton had an Indian IT company and put his best guy to work on creating a WordPress site using a cheap server company to host it. I was up and running about a week later with version 1 of The Burning Platform.

The daily visitor counts averaged 3,000 in the early days. It was the wild wild west. The daily commenters (Smokey, Llpoh, Stuck in NJ, AWD, Davos, and a few others) would have epic shitfests over the smallest disagreements. During the OWS protests in 2012 the competing factions would fight with such vitriol and venom, we would abandon the site for days. I tried everything I could think of to increase visitors, including having Burning Platform business cards printed, and leaving them next to student computers across the university.

But it turns out the best way to increase traffic to your site is to write provocative articles and get them published on other more popular sites. I owe most of my site’s success to Zero Hedge for publishing every article I’ve sent them for ten years. But Lew Rockwell, 321gold, Dollar Collapse, Market Oracle, Steve Quayle and several other sites have also contributed to my increase in visitors.

In the early days I was driven to write. I felt I could influence enough people with my views regarding the crooked politicians, terrible financial shape of the country, government lies, media propaganda, Deep State control, and how all of this would be impacted by the current Fourth Turning. My Fourth Turning articles even came to the attention of Neil Howe and we met for lunch to discuss how this Crisis might progress. As I kept writing, the visitor counts grew. I signed up for Google Ads and I started to make a few bucks. The revenue covered my server costs.

But my articles tended to piss off the establishment. It wasn’t long before Google pulled the plug after I wrote a critical article about their Orwellian tactics. Being a capitalist at heart, it was gratifying to earn a few bucks from my writing, but it is like getting punched in the gut when these left-wing goliath social media companies ban you from their ad platforms. Over the next several years at least a half dozen ad companies have abruptly pulled the plug on TBP with no warning and no chance to respond.

I can honestly say it is depressing when you work 365 days per year trying to keep a blog interesting and lively, and the rug is pulled out beneath you when the modest amount of income you were generating is gone in an instant. The goal of the SJW’s who complain to the left-wing internet media conglomerates about my site is to shut me down and shut me up. They don’t want dissent from their fake news narrative. They don’t want my site to infect too many people with the truth.

They are worried truth-telling, fact-based sites like mine will undermine the establishment and create resistance to their agenda of control. The undermining of my revenue streams has temporarily taken the wind out of my sails, but every time they have knocked me down, I’ve found alternative advertisers and my dedicated TBP family have picked me up with their generous donations.

As this Fourth Turning has progressed (or regressed is more fitting) I’ve found myself becoming more and more detached from the daily minutia. For years I would scour every BLS, BEA or Census report from the government apparatchiks and methodically and sarcastically skewer their fake data narratives. But, based on the lack of comment stream on these posts and me getting bored saying the same thing over and over again, I stopped analyzing the bullshit government reports. What good does it do?

Anyone who has followed TBP for a long period of time knows the government lies. The ignorant masses who believe everything they are told by their keepers don’t read my website. Trying to convince people who are already onboard is not necessary. The blog has migrated towards political and social issues because that’s what the readers want. This has required a shift in how I view my blog.

I decided it was no longer about me and what I had to say. I’ve resolved myself to the fact nothing I write or say will change anything in this world. We are on a path towards a painful future. I thought it had arrived in 2008/2009 and we’d be faced with a relentless onslaught of pain and suffering. I filled my storage area in the basement with water, food, and survival supplies. I bought some guns and took lessons to learn how to shoot properly. I had exited the stock market well before the crash and have stayed out for the last ten years of this bull market.

I could chalk it up to being early, but that isn’t any different than being wrong for a decade. I’ve made it a mission to use any funds from TBP to pay down my mortgage. Being completely debt free in the next three years is the goal. I’ve had a tumultuous work situation for the last four years that has sapped my mental strength. We’ve dealt with some serious medical issues in our household over the last couple years, which further detracted from my ability to think and write. Hopefully, the work and medical issues are resolving themselves, but you never know what looms over the horizon.

As my increasing detachment has led to less output on my part, I’ve encouraged my extremely intelligent readers to make their voices heard by writing their own articles. This has been a resounding success, as dozens of readers have found their voice and written outstanding, thought provoking articles. Many other bloggers have approached me as they try to get their blogs off the ground and asked if I would post their articles. I’ve done this gladly, as I remembered how ZeroHedge and Lew Rockwell helped me get off the ground.

Supporting like-minded websites is our only defense against the oligarchy, media conglomerates, surveillance state and leftist Big Brother agenda. Whenever I’ve found myself depressed or in a funk, it’s the commentary, courage, fortitude and not giving a fuck attitude of the TBP crowd that sustains me and keeps me plugging away. I’ve always been inspired by this Samuel Adams quote:

“It does not take a majority to prevail… but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.”

The readers of my blog are most certainly a minority in this warped, corrupt, decadent society. I met a few of them at Marc’s farm. We are irate. We are tireless. We love liberty and freedom. We coalesce on TBP because we want to be among others who believe in freedom from a tyrannical government, a manipulative media, an out of control military industrial complex, and a cabal of greedy evil bankers.

By committing myself to keeping TBP relevant and entertaining, I’ve become mostly a publisher of others, rather than a writer of my own stuff. It is grueling trying to find 15 to 20 posts every day, mostly done at night after work or early in the morning before work. When I start to feel sorry for myself, I think about what my life would be like without the people I’ve come to admire and call family on TBP.

So here we are, eleven years since the start of this Fourth Turning. It probably has close to ten years to go. I hope I’m wrong again about the intensity and amplitude of the coming hurricane of consequences brought on by our recklessness and foolishness over many decades. But I fear I will not be wrong this time. The mood in the country and across the globe continues to darken. Sides are being drawn. Enemies are being chosen by nations, politicians, and citizens alike. Simmering animosities are rising to the surface.

There will be no compromise in the current environment. The unmistakable smell of conflict is in the air. We have entered the time of year when stock markets crash and those swimming naked are revealed. Debt, civic decay and global disorder are three category 5 hurricanes relentlessly moving towards a final denouement. The next decade will surely be perilous, but most people are wholly unprepared, mesmerized by their iGadgets and zombified by the relentlessly false mainstream media narrative.

Image result for three hurricanes

“It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.”Emiliano Zapata

I simply cannot visualize a positive outcome to our current Crisis situation. Some people may say I’m prone to viewing situations from a negative viewpoint, but I think I view the world from a rational realistic point of view. The problem for people like me is the world has adopted a delusional, unrealistic, head in the sand perspective on the desperately irrational “solutions” put forth by our ruling class.

I’ve been wrong for ten years because I thought rationality would come back into style after the second crash in eight years caused by the Federal Reserve and their minions in Washington D.C. Instead, they double downed on their debt dependent debauchery. The world has gone mad and I’ve been left demoralized, depressed and now detached.

No one blinks an eye at $22 trillion in debt, trillion dollar annual deficits, 0% interest rates for ten years, $17 trillion of negative interest debt in the world, retro-active adjustments to GDP and savings rate calculations to make them more positive, 40% of the working age population not working – but unemployment reported as 3.7%, inflation reported at less than 2% when the average person experiences inflation in excess of 5%, corporations using their billions in tax cuts to buy back stock to boost their stock price, a military waging undeclared wars across the globe, an out of control surveillance state monitoring our communications, media companies using propaganda and censorship to push their new world order agenda, and $200 trillion of unfunded liabilities that cannot be honored.

Facts won’t matter until they matter. I wonder what historians fifty or one hundred years from now will say about this profoundly corrupt, aberrational, willfully ignorant episode in world history. How could we be so stupid, egotistical and disinterested in the fate of future generations by wasting the wealth of the unborn to live above our true means today? The selfishness, greed and myopia of those steering the ship of state, and the willingness of the masses to go along with the lies as long as they can be distracted and entertained by their phones is mind numbingly ludicrous in my opinion.

But clearly my opinion is not worth much these days. I guess that’s why I find it harder and harder to write articles pointing out the absurdity of everything going on around me. I think my time is better spent working in the yard, taking long walks with my wife, going to the gym, and just letting this Fourth Turning play out as it will, with an unforeseeable culmination and new beginning – I hope.

Whenever the feelings of demoralization and depression sweep over me and I wonder what’s the use of running my blog, I am sustained by the thoughts of the long-time virtual relationships I’ve formed, the community that has grown within TBP, the great people I’ve met in person, the knowledge there are thousands of people who read TBP every day but don’t comment, and knowing the establishment would like it if I shut TBP down. This is where defiance enters the picture.

The establishment has tried to shut me down with denial of service attacks, trying to get me fired from my job, cutting off my modest revenue stream, and trying to suppress my articles. They didn’t realize pissing me off is the exact opposite of what will work. It was my anger and outrage that drove me to start the blog. The anger directed inward results in depression. As long as I have enemies to fight, I’ll keep TBP alive and defying the forces I view as the enemy.

As my brain tells me the next phase of this Fourth Turning will be tumultuous, dangerous and bloody, my heart hopes I won’t have to face the tragedy and fateful choices that lie ahead. I doubt many people are mentally and emotionally prepared for tests on par with those about to be faced by Americans in 1860 and 1940. Note the 80- year gap. And understand 2020 is 80 years since the last major test of human fortitude and courage. I find myself pondering what trigger will ignite the next phase of this Crisis period.

A financial crash resulting in a bail-in from 401k holders to sustain the Wall Street cabal would push people into the streets (i.e. Hong Kong, Paris). A leftist president attempting to initiate national gun confiscation would provoke violence in the streets. Lastly, if the government tried to force my three sons to fight in a foreign war for oil, the gloves would come off and I’d take to the streets. I will continue to fight the establishment through the free thought allowed on my blog. It’s good ideas and freedom of thought which are the only hope for generating a positive outcome at the climax of this Fourth Turning. The gathering storm approaches. The tests ahead will try our souls.

Image result for gathering storm

“Men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth — more than ruin, more even than death. Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible, thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habits; thought is anarchic and lawless, indifferent to authority, careless of the well-tried wisdom of the ages. Thought looks into the pit of hell and is not afraid … Thought is great and swift and free, the light of the world, and the chief glory of man.”Bertrand Russell, Why Men Fight

It is my sincere desire to provide readers of this site with the best unbiased information available, and a forum where it can be discussed openly, as our Founders intended. But it is not easy nor inexpensive to do so, especially when those who wish to prevent us from making the truth known, attack us without mercy on all fronts on a daily basis. So each time you visit the site, I would ask that you consider the value that you receive and have received from The Burning Platform and the community of which you are a vital part. I can't do it all alone, and I need your help and support to keep it alive. Please consider contributing an amount commensurate to the value that you receive from this site and community, or even by becoming a sustaining supporter through periodic contributions. [Burning Platform LLC - PO Box 1520 Kulpsville, PA 19443] or Paypal

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Gloriously Deplorable Paul
Gloriously Deplorable Paul
September 2, 2019 1:10 pm

I have a very small circle of friends/acquaintances who mean enough to me to share my thoughts and desires with. I’m not a crusader by any means and believe that everyone has to be responsible for their own decisions. I also tend to not repeat myself over and over. Dead horses and such.

TBP has been a real eye-opener to me. I’ve been blessed to stumble upon it a few years ago and come here daily. Every once in a while an article comes along that I must share with my circle.

This is that article.

Boiled down to the essence of where we came from , what we’re facing and what the most likely outcomes are (thankfully no exact prediction- that wouldn’t be believable). I’m sending it along today to the people I care about.

Thanks, Mr. Quinn, for keeping up the good fight.

September 2, 2019 1:12 pm

Damn. That about sums it all up. Every Last Bit. I share your concerns, frustration and all the rest of the issues you so eloquently wrote about. Like you I don’t know what the future holds or where we go from here. I too hope it isn’t as bad as it looks like it will be and these days my focus is on living one-day-at-a-time while still prepping for what may be.

Contrary voices must be silenced by TPTB, can’t have truth muddying the waters, truth upsets the narrative and gets in the way of total and complete control of society.

So, Mr. Quinn, please, keep talking and writing, there are many who hear and read, many are nascent and others are quiet but watching and listening. We never know who we reach or how profound what we did or said may be. We may feel futile in our efforts but we never know the fruits of our actions until after the fact.

September 3, 2019 6:26 am

Galations 5 23

September 3, 2019 7:46 am

23: gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
Good verse.

September 3, 2019 7:31 pm

I think so.

September 3, 2019 11:45 pm

Milky Way Galaxy; a tautology…milky way milky
Galatea; “she who is milk white”
“Now we, brethren, as Isaac was are the children ep (of) angelos.” Galatians 4:28
Strong’s Greek #1860, 1861, 32

tim mcgraw
tim mcgraw
September 4, 2019 1:26 am

Please stop with the God talk and the Bible verses. They do us no good.
“My God my God, why has thou forsaken me!” Well, is Jesus talking to Himself on the cross? It makes no sense. If Jesus was God He could jump off that cross and end the pain immediately. Bible thumpers drive me nuts.

  tim mcgraw
September 4, 2019 3:19 am

Disagree. I learn so much about the bible from the appropriate quotes. Fascinating.

tim mcgraw
tim mcgraw
September 4, 2019 5:05 am

Fair enough. I follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. The rest of the Bible is dribble to me.

e.d. ott
e.d. ott
  tim mcgraw
September 4, 2019 6:10 am

If the rest of the Bible is “dribble” then obviously it’s a massive distraction of irrelevant context and consequences you’d rather ignore. It’s akin to marveling at a tower and ignoring the historical, cultural, and early moral foundation it sits upon while showing little respect for the builders.

tim mcgraw
tim mcgraw
  e.d. ott
September 5, 2019 1:20 am

Yeah, I meant “drivel”, these spell checkers…. And yeah, I think the Old Testament is obsolete. And the Book of Revelations is downright dangerous. It shouldn’t even be in the Bible imo. The Eastern Orthodox Church agrees with me on that. Arguing about religions and their “Holy” books is kinda silly. And it can get downright dangerous like that Book of Revelations and the Quran. Believe what you will. So will I. It’s not worth getting upset over. But people kill each other over the words in these books. Look what happened to Jesus.

old white guy
old white guy
  tim mcgraw
September 5, 2019 7:38 am

People kill each with or without religion. atheists have killed over 100 million in the 20th century.

  tim mcgraw
September 5, 2019 2:29 pm

But people kill each other over the words in these books. Look what happened to Jesus.

Haha. Moron.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  tim mcgraw
September 4, 2019 10:01 am

Follow the teachings of Christ via Paul, the apostle He sent to you. Things will clear up very quickly. Read Romans 3-8 over and over and over…

  tim mcgraw
September 4, 2019 9:49 am

Well, is Jesus talking to Himself on the cross? It makes no sense. If Jesus was God He could jump off that cross and end the pain immediately. Bible thumpers drive me nuts.

respectfully, Mr. McGraw, if Jesus had spared Himself, He could not spare YOU. That’s kinda the whole point… He died FOR YOU and ME… He died for OUR SINS. Those blind to the love, grace, and mercy of God drive me nuts

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  tim mcgraw
September 4, 2019 9:59 am

Um… Christ (God) was quoting Psalm 22:1, words the Holy Spirit (God) had penned via David centuries before. He was not asking the Father (God) a question.

He did that for the sake of anyone who was listening; that they would KNOW He was who He said He was. The Bible makes perfect sense when once we learn HOW to read it.

  grace country pastor
September 4, 2019 9:40 pm

Got a question for ya, Pastor.
You are a deep student of the Word. I read it a lot myself, trying to take the whole counsel of Scripture into consideration when I do. I know I have benefitted tremendously from immersion in the Word.
I love to read and think and question because I was born that way. I am just like my maternal great grandma, grandpa, and my mom, so I know it is in my genes, as all temperaments are. Lately I have been wondering about those with the opposite temperament. They are born to be busy, to do and to make, not to sit around contemplating issues like tribulation timetables. These people may love the Word, but they are not prone to study and reflection and questioning. They would run away from complex interpretation of Pauline theology in favor of more superficial applications of Scripture. Where do these two factions meet? If the Word is meaty, and it surely is, how do these folks get past the milk, by virtue of their need to be busy in the material world doing things like milking cows and building bridges.? How do they develop their spiritual side when their most fundamental orientation is towards engaging and manipulating the material world? There’s the question, finally, I would like you to answer.

PS I am a pre-wrath person. Pre-trib is too tidy. God is not tidy.

September 4, 2019 10:01 pm

Gayle, I think Paul addresses people who he calls spiritual. He was a tent maker, a practical man who was passionate to the point of persecuting Christians and upbraiding the chief priest. When he fell off his high horse, he was blinded and learned to depend on others and developed a spiritual side. He had always been one to follow the letter of the law but maybe needed more prayer. His 13 year retreat was spent in prayer rather than his usual activities.

There is that verse that says faith comes through hearing and hearing the word of God. Paul had read the scripture but he had not heard God speak directly to him. On the one hand, it may be like the people who crowded around Don Quixote’s host, the innkeeper, to hear him read from a book. On the other hand, it could be that reading the word alone is not enough. It is plenty, though, because the word is living – I don’t mean the medium – I mean the message.

Now let’s hear what GCP has to say.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
September 6, 2019 3:07 pm

Hi Gayle. Very simply, people have to WANT it, there has to be an honest desire and belief behind that desire. Most people are far more concerned with physical rather than spiritual reality. All people like you and me can do is leave a trail of breadcrumbs in the hopes that some pick up on it with enticed curiosity.

Sometimes it’s good to say something shocking like “Jesus wasn’t talking to you” just to get people thinking; questioning, like “why would a seemingly moderately intelligent Bible believer say such a thing?” Most folks have never come across such a statement. Sounds heretical and yet clearly I’m not a heretic.

“God is not tidy.”

Seriously? He knows the beginning from the end. That’s about as “tidy” as it gets, no?

tim mcgraw
tim mcgraw
  grace country pastor
September 5, 2019 1:32 am

Religious arguments go round and round because there is no way to prove anyone’s point of view. People quote words in books and pretend they know why we are here. No one knows where we come from and where we go after we die. This whole world could be an illusion for all we know, and a painful one at that.
The Holy Trinity is one of the strangest (imo) religious beliefs out there.
I remember years ago my uncle asked a priest on the Finance Committee at Notre Dame University what the Endownment Fund was for as Notre Dame never seemed to want to use it.
“Ahhh, Mr. Miller, ‘twould be easier for me to explain the Holy Trinity than what the Endowment Fund was for.”

  tim mcgraw
September 4, 2019 10:00 am

Lassie, where’s Timmie? Woof, woof.

September 4, 2019 11:03 pm

Thanks for the reply. We haven;t communicated in a long time!
I think Paul must have always been a great intellect and was proud of it to the point it took him to the dark place of murder of innocents. Then he was, ironically because God has a sense of humor, transformed into a great expositor of Christian faith and doctrine.
After I wrote my comment I was thinking about the Farmer, and how we defies my little theory. A depplymthoughtful doer, he.

September 4, 2019 11:39 pm

Gayle, his introductory story was one of conversion; from pursuing worldly affairs; comedy clubs to city hall speaking of worldly things. Then his fall from grace, abandoned by the public, the story of the stoning like Stephen (all this portending the fall from the tree, being bedridden like Job, and the return of the public at the picnic) His retreat like Paul to a distant town or Elijah to a cave, the crucible of the burning barn, a near death in the truck, like Paul’s ship or snake bite, the ghosts in the farmhouse, the killing of the pig, or demon, that followed him, his vision of an angel coming down the stairs like Jacob seeing the angels on the ladder…

If HSF’s adventures don’t have a tinge of bible stuff, then I’m not reading his stuff right and my English professor, Doc Pangloss, would be ashamed.

September 4, 2019 11:54 pm

But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. 28He chose the lowly and despised things of the world, and the things that are not, to nullify the things that are,…

  tim mcgraw
September 5, 2019 12:25 pm

Me too Couldn’t agree more

not Hollywood Rob (EC)
not Hollywood Rob (EC)
September 5, 2019 12:56 pm

Your new here, Lebrewski. The thread is dead, it dropped off the radar, go home.

Thread is dead
That’s what I said

Wilbur Wright
Wilbur Wright
  tim mcgraw
September 5, 2019 8:07 pm

Please stop with the religious intolerance. Imposing your own beliefs on others distracts from our goal here.

tim mcgraw
tim mcgraw
  Wilbur Wright
September 6, 2019 1:29 am

You are right Wilbur Wright. I’m leaving this site. I’m back to Ron Paul and Lew Rockwell. I don’t need the religious fanatics.

D Bulldog
D Bulldog
September 3, 2019 8:49 pm

Yes. Keep it up. There are many who don’t comment because of our lack of elloquence with words and we type slowly. Keep up the good work!

  D Bulldog
September 4, 2019 12:23 am

: )

September 2, 2019 1:14 pm

“We don’t want the truth, we just want to believe.”

While I do not know the author of this quote it just might be a good summation of the idiocy of the gathering storm.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
September 2, 2019 6:10 pm

When the Bible says the path to destruction is wide and most will take it to the end it is a very sad, horrific truth.

Most don’t know the truth, don’t want to and will not listen even when faced with indisputable facts, but that has and will never stop it from coming anyway.

The real truth about human nature , not just some but all, and the coming judgement of God, is not just a difficult pill but an impossible one for most to ever swallow.

And this is truth; ALL who really believe in and call upon the name of Jesus shall be eternally saved.

All who don’t will be eternally condemned.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
  Eyes Wide Shut
September 2, 2019 7:16 pm

Matthew 24:34 tells us the generation that sees Israel regenerated will not pass away until they see the second coming of Jesus.
Psalm 90:10 states the years of man are 70-80 years.
That means by 2028 minus the 7 year tribulation period or by 2021 the rapture should occur and all hell on earth break out.
By 2020 in 360 day years.
That would be at the last trump if he only serves one term.
Very interesting.
Time will tell.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
  Eyes Wide Shut
September 2, 2019 7:53 pm

The last trump of 1 Corinthians 15:52 king james version of course.

Uncle Remus
Uncle Remus
  Eyes Wide Shut
September 3, 2019 2:40 am

I doubt very much the notion that God has restricted eternal salvation
only to those “who really believe in and call upon the name of Jesus”

God is for everyone, not just those who believe only their religion is true

  Uncle Remus
September 3, 2019 6:27 am

Are u looking for Holy water at that well for the Jews?

September 4, 2019 11:26 am

But, do they serve with humility or with self-annointed righteousness?

  Uncle Remus
September 3, 2019 12:36 pm

It is not what we say that counts, it is what the word of God says-

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

-John 3:16-18 King James Version (KJV)

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
September 3, 2019 3:03 pm

Honest and sincere question as I am in agreement with you regarding the word of God. I believe in Jesus, that He existed as it says in the verse you quote. I believe He was who He said He was. Am I going to heaven?

  grace country pastor
September 3, 2019 4:51 pm

GCP. Nice way to pose that question. I know you know this. All scripture must be weighed against other scripture. The key point is ‘on Jesus’ not ‘in Jesus’.
… even the demons believe and tremble. The issue is not whether anyone believes in His existence, but whether or not they actually accept Jesus as God and the relationship with Him that He offers. That’s it, the whole criteria in a nutshell.
Relationship via adoption into His family = eternal life. No relationship = eternal separation with all its attendant horrors.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
September 3, 2019 7:51 pm

Best summed up in the internalization of Romans 5:8… I am that sinner who deserved to die. And He took my place on that cross.

I don’t see that in John 3:16. It can be “read into” the verse but that’s a dangerous practice. That’s how we get denominations.

  grace country pastor
September 3, 2019 8:24 pm

An okie preacher said there was only ONE who did not deserve it. Only ONE.

It was not so much what that Pentecostal preacher yelled at us kids, but the way he glared at us that let us pre-teens passing notes during sermon know our mothers were going to spank someone.

Bad behavior was punished by those with valid authiruty.

It is how u train up younguns.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
September 3, 2019 8:53 pm

“An okie preacher said there was only ONE who did not deserve it.”

And He’s the One that took it. Now that’s Divine love satisfying Divine judgement.

  grace country pastor
September 4, 2019 11:32 am

I know.

Thanks for prayers and support preacher man. God is good.

I have it on real inside authority you make a difference.

September 4, 2019 10:12 pm

” For I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that Day.”

The point is that man believed the serpent and died. The deal since then is that if you will believe God, you may live. But it isn’t easy to believe. Faith is a gift. There are so many arguments against faith. Jesus says that few will take the narrow path even though many are called. Many more are not called and many others given over to a strong delusion that there is no God. These are the philosophers who are always learning yet never arriving at the truth.

e.d. ott
e.d. ott
  Uncle Remus
September 4, 2019 6:46 am

I highly doubt Temple High Priest Caiaphas, his father Annas, or the Sadducees will see the face or God or stand in the presence of Jesus in Heaven. There are no less than seven Scriptural woes from Jesus Himself who had quite an opinion on the matter.
Likewise Mohammed or anyone else who seems to recognize only Allah, but denies the holy deity of Christ, deeming Him simply a prophet of Allah. Denial of the deity of Christ is a denial of Him who sent Jesus, as well as a denial of the Holy Spirit. Belief in the Trinity – Father, Son, and Holy Ghost – is a basic tenet of the Christian faith.
Allah is not the Christian God and I seriously doubt the soul of Mohammed will be found in Heaven, either.
So tell me, Remus, who is God, really?

  e.d. ott
September 4, 2019 11:51 pm

Considering that Jesus alone has seen the Father and Paul can’t say if he saw him in a dream or not, I forget the verse that says our tiny minds cannot fathom God anymore that we can measure the ocean or conceive the far reaches of the universe.

  Eyes Wide Shut
September 3, 2019 10:49 am

No it doesn’t and Israel isn’t mentioned anywhere in the previous 33 verses….

The parable of the fig-tree is no more than this, that its budding and blossoming are a presage of summer; for as the stork in the heaven, so the trees of the field, know their appointed time. The beginning of the working of second causes assures us of the progress and perfection of it. Thus when God begins to fulfil prophecies, he will make an end.

Mathew Henry

Long time lurker (like 10 years)

September 2, 2019 1:20 pm

Thank you. Been visiting TBP daily since 2010.

September 2, 2019 1:24 pm

TBP is a place I lurk daily. Today seems as good a day as any to contribute to TBP and helping Mr. Quinn become debt free.

I can’t tell you how much stress was removed from our lives when the mortgage was paid off, even it if it’s in an overpriced Toronto suburb. The house is ours and we did that.

September 2, 2019 5:37 pm

Just so. I hope the commenters above have been contributors or are sending their money order (cash?) as we speak. I know I am.
What’s best, M.O. or cash?

The Modern Chronicler
The Modern Chronicler
September 2, 2019 9:18 pm

I will send you a money order this week. I won’t use my real name, but I’ll probably write “The Modern Chronicler” on the envelope so you know it’s from me.

  The Modern Chronicler
September 3, 2019 5:46 am

If you send him a combination of rubles, pesos, pounds, euros, krona, etc, he love that. Really. The smaller the denomination the better, too.

September 3, 2019 6:31 am

Mags sends money orders since her package with a *new* c note and tequilla got lost.

The insurance from the package went his way in a money order. As did a subsequent gift in coyote and a devoted grandpa here’s name.

The next envelope will be the last

September 3, 2019 8:33 am

Unfortunately a house is never yours. Try not paying your property taxes.

Robert (QSLV)
Robert (QSLV)
September 3, 2019 10:48 am

Must get out of NJ. Upper Bucks, lower Montgomery Co PA 1/3 the property taxes. Even better in the Sacramentos where my camp is, $ 200 / year.

Robert (QSLV)

September 3, 2019 12:09 pm


September 3, 2019 8:01 pm

Disabled vets are exempt in some states

September 2, 2019 1:31 pm

“Fear is the mindkiller” Paul Muad’dib
No other emotion drives the populace like fear. Nothing.
We are seeing this fear-driven narrative every day from every corner. It demoralizes the people, it makes wise men and women irrational.
Middle-class families are afraid of a loss of income, of the ability to feed, clothe, and house their dependents.
The rich elites are afraid of losing the wealth, status, and power over the lower classes.
White people are afraid of what minorities will think of them.
Minorities are afraid they will not be heard.
South American migrants are afraid they will be denied access to the US
American citizens are afraid of what a border-crossing populace will do once they are here.
What all of these groups fail to realize is no one is coming with a magic wand to save them. You have to save your self. And salvation means something different to each individual.
This fourth turning will almost certainly bring about massive societal change. We will probably see energy disruptions on a large scale. Technology may be cut off or reduced for long periods of time from most of the populace. Access to food will be restricted, and many may have to rely on gardens and hunting to adequately get nutrition. Sickness will rise, and most notably in places where it already is. Think bubonic plague, hanta, dystentery, and cholera outbreaks in LA, San Diego and San Francisco. If bubonic plague seriously gets a foothold in LA, what do you think the consequences will be? When a rich banker is struck down on his way to work because he got bit by a flea from a homeless encampment, takes it home to his wealthy enclave in the hills, and infects his family, his children’s elite school, and his wife’s book club….what do you think will happen?
NO ONE in this country in human memory has experienced anything like the plague. It is terrifying, and for the most part, will be caught too late because no one will think that’s what it could possibly be in the people who end up catching it. The homeless encampments have people who can be high as kites and not feel the pain from swollen buboes until they have infected every single person around them and so on and so on. Given the over use and abuse of antibiotics in today’s society, it is entirely possible a strain could mutate and become resistant very quickly.
My brother has a wealthy friend that lives in Laurel Canyon. She was telling us about the King riots and how none of them were worried because “the police would never let them up here”. Well, fleas don’t care about money lines and such, and you can contract this just as easily as the junkie in the tent. Make no mistake.
Loose liberal policies that have allowed unfettered IV drug use, defecation on the streets, and rampant squalor will be the downfall of the very people who “felt good” about allowing these conditions to grow. You reap what you sow.
There is, right now, an outbreak of mumps. Mumps. Fairly treatable and not fatal for most people. But if you catch it and are over 18, and male, you risk infertility. Catch it and are obese, on heart meds, then it could be a death sentence. How many people does that describe that you know personally or live in your town?
The butterfly effect of a plague outbreak in LA or San Fran is unknown, but scenarios could be guessed.
If the city of LA and surrounding counties experience a massive health crisis like the plague, the economy could be devastated in a short period of time, rippling outwards to the US in general. If the detention centers housing illegals and people crossing also were infected, it would be spread to Texas, New Mexico, and Nevada very quickly.
Everyone worries about a financial collapse but this collapse could come much quicker and on the heels of something like this in short order.
Protecting yourself from this is as easy as making sure your city or town does not allow rampant homeless encampments and the filth that goes with them.
Keep the streets clean and do not allow local governments to kow-tow to idiots who feel bad for homeless drug addicts who inflict crime and filth.
That simple encampment today turns into the hot bed of sickness tomorrow.

John Galt
John Galt
September 3, 2019 7:09 am

Easist way for tyranny to take over. “The enemy of my enemy if my friend”. The govt would love it. An invisible deathly efficient means of keeping people locked in homes, starving, compliant, under martial law. How easy then to go door to door to confiscate items. Everyone in the know understands once the collapse is confirmed soon after their will be bio hazards.

  John Galt
September 4, 2019 10:23 am

I often think a major disease or plague event will be the beginning of the end. We have toyed too much with nature in the form of modified foods and over-use of antibiotics. There is no way it will end well. I just read an article this morning about Clostridium Difficile (C. Diff) being antibiotic resistant and loving the sugar-rich diet the majority of Americans now eat.
The rise in obesity will see large swaths of the populace wiped out fairly quickly with the hospitals overwhelmed.
Short of needing emergency care for a major wound, I avoid hospitals and doctors in general. All they want to do is hand out pills and seem to know pretty much next to nothing about people’s “health”.
American medical care is about treating a symptom or pain, not the whole person.
The cholesterol scam has been brought to light, and while the ads for these drugs have dropped off somewhat, I still see them.
The next new thing is type 2 diabetes meds. Type 2 is, in my opinion, a misnomer and the result of very poor lifestyle choices for many years. That coupled with “fat acceptance” is doing nothing for us but creating an entire generation that is overweight and incapable of doing anything other than use a touch screen. You can’t take care of yourself or anyone else if you can barely walk and putting on socks is a major life event every day.
The entire medical system is nothing more than a money maker for the drug and medical equipment manufacturers, yet most people buy into it hook, line, and sinker continually.
The layers contributing to where we are are many and varied, and looking at just one thing, for instance the money factor, is blindness and madness.

September 5, 2019 10:07 pm

No plugues gonna happen.No collapse gonna happen.We are at the beginning of a 3d industrial revolution.Nothing happened to Russia in 90 th collapse.Food and entertain ment will be plentiful.Yes,more stress for sure,but this is a natural selection.Those with good skills will flourish ,mostly young.Old with no skills not gonna have a luxury life,but will be o.k.Most blacks Brown’s and white trash will suffer,they have to.But not gonna die,unless they kill each other.Those with brains and good skills will prosper.

September 2, 2019 1:32 pm

Awesome Jim, awesome article. Thanks for writing. Keep TBP going. Keep up the good fight. Let me take this opportunity to say thanks to the many great contributors and commentators – I might not always agree with them on all topics but always read them to try see/understand different perspectives.

September 2, 2019 1:32 pm

Thank you for everything that you do for us all, Jim. Your efforts do not go unnoticed. I don’t know what I’d do without TBP. May good fortune be with you.

September 2, 2019 5:39 pm

Let’s send some “good fortune” his way.

Sionnach Liath
Sionnach Liath
September 2, 2019 1:36 pm

The year was 1989, I was running a successful law practice, active in the community, had put our children into college. My life should have been a happy one; but I was seeing coming clouds on the horizon. I had lived through the violent ’60s, the changing ’70s and the uncertain ’80s. We were headed into a recession and I did not like the future I thought I saw. I had come to the conclusion that the USof A was no longer united, and being pulled apart by the cultural, legal and political changes taking place.

What really caused my greatest concern was that the growing cultural differences, which existed even then, would lead to social disturbances of a magnitude this country had not seen since the middle 1800s. The generations which had grown up since 1945 were not equipped to handle the inevitable future. The severity of coming crises would lead to blood in the streets. The Fourth Turning was still years in the future, but fear was rising.

My wife and I made some decisions. She sold her insurance business; I merged my law practice and we bought a farm in southern Appalachia, It was a small operation, but having grown up on a farm during the war, I felt comfortable about the new lifestyle. This year I reached my 80th birthday. We have sold the farm and moved closer to two of or children, still here in the southern Piedmont. I will likely not live to see the final denouement of this fourth turning; I can only hope that we have taught our children and grandchildren something of the wisdom we have attempted to pass along to them.

  Sionnach Liath
September 2, 2019 5:42 pm

The “cultural differences” you describe, of course, are the result of the forced mixing of brown/black with actual White civilization. Please hold on, Mr. Liath, it may be a grim satisfaction, but here’s hoping you make it to the ultimate denouement.

  Sionnach Liath
September 3, 2019 2:52 am

Mr Liath You WILL make it and you may not be happy about what you see sadly

  Sionnach Liath
September 3, 2019 5:04 am

I bet you really wanted out of being a lawyer. You couldn’t stand it one more minute. One more second.

September 2, 2019 1:40 pm

The Historians fifty or one hundred years from now will be writing on tree bark or animal hides. This is going to be a “Titanic” minute in the history of the USA and may well…probably, will drag the entire planet down into a new dark ages that will take centuries to recover from.

September 3, 2019 5:06 pm

Are you implying that to be a bad thing?

September 3, 2019 5:24 pm

BTW, Jazz by YSL was my favorite. It’s been gone for some 20 years but Gucci Guilty is very similar and just as effective, if you catch my drift.

Ron B. Saunders
Ron B. Saunders
September 2, 2019 1:56 pm


Thanks for this heartfelt sharing. As a regular follower (but infrequent commenter) of TBP, I’ve often wondered what keeps you going. This is a tough gig, and I think it’s just your devout conviction, civility, writing talent, and genuine concern for your fellow humans that keeps you in the game.

As a blogger and writer of fiction premised on the real world travesty of globalist greed, political corruption, banking chicanery/fraud, and creeping totalitarianism, I know firsthand how frustrating it is to try to deliver the truth to those who are just as happy to tumble down the rabbit hole. It seems no matter how hard you shout, the message falls on deaf ears.

Jim, you need to protect that little flame that burns bright in your heart. Don’t let the bastards blow it out. But, more than ever, we need freedom fighters such as you. I pray you discover the balance that grants you a good personal life but keeps you in the game.

  Ron B. Saunders
September 2, 2019 10:03 pm

“…to those who are just as happy to tumble down the rabbit hole.”
One thing I have discovered; if the Saints can win another Superbowl, If I can catch that 10 lb bass, if I can shoot that 12 point buck, if the stock market just keeps on rising, if, if,if,. People just do not give a rat’s ass about anything as long as they can be distracted. Free bread and circuses for everyone.
A paraphrase from the Bible about the days of Noah. They were marrying and giving in marriage….till the flood came and carried them all away. There was something else in there about the door being “SHUT.”
Sobering huh?

  Ron B. Saunders
September 3, 2019 2:54 am

I will second that thought Ron

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
September 2, 2019 1:59 pm

Thank you for hanging in there. For a minute I was afraid you were going to say that you were tired of keeping the site going and were going to shut it down. I don’t think I could blame you if you did.
They want us demoralized and depressed. We would be so much easier to handle at that point. I’m not going to give in to the temptation to shut up and shut down.
However, we do need to take breaks and enjoy what peace and quiet we have while we still have it.
Have a beer or two and relax today. I’ll toast to you later. It’s not happy hour yet.?

  Mary Christine
September 2, 2019 3:34 pm

What you said is true. Many of us have been at this for a number of years now. You can’t go to the races every day! I’m trying to take some of those breaks so that I don’t become too discouraged, depressed or completely checked out. So, I’ve gotten back into beer brewing and wine making, along with making some mead from the bees I’ve been raising for the last 3 years. (not the bees, what they produce!).

Mister Anderson
Mister Anderson
  Mary Christine
September 4, 2019 1:00 pm

I thought it was a goodbye too….whew. Thanks for hanging. “Facts don’t matter until they matter “. Truer words were never spoken.

September 2, 2019 2:05 pm

Many ‘alternative’ news sites are what I’d call gate keepers(speak some truth but also push a lot of lies) or just fear pushers. I’ve not found that here. I’m a daily visitor here and although the times are dark and there are few people who have any idea of the reality we are facing this site helps keep me sane.

I would agree spending your time pointing out the government lies to try to get the blind to see is not very fruitful. The reality is if you have any sort of critical thinking capabilities you already are very aware.

I have tried to test people’s awokeness every now and then and 99% are living in the the ‘Everything is awesome’ fantasy or have some clue of the amount of corruption but are in a complete state of cognitive dissonance. “Yes the politicians are all immoral thieves but I still want them to fix my problems and take care of me” or “Yes things like things like that have happened in the past but never in my lifetime so that will never happen”

We certainly live in interesting times.

September 2, 2019 5:58 pm

We’ve been living in “interesting times” since at least 1913.
The sinister machinations of the financial (((elite))) have been difficult to merge into a coherent storyline these many decades. But their rotten, devious plan could do nothing but fail, and it’s coming
to its ruinous fruition.
It’s just taken this long for the sheep (and among the many, I’ve been one) to just start to wake up. Harden you heart, prepare, gather like-minded folk, and steel your nerves for what is coming

September 2, 2019 9:39 pm

Agree 100%.I am well versed in the history of money and the non-Federal Reserve. We all at some point in our lives were among the ignorant masses. I’m not sure what it is exactly that makes some seek the the truth and others all to happy to be spoonfed such obvious lies.

As the saying goes history does not repeat but it does rhyme. This time what makes it interesting is that it is not one country but almost the entire world in this mess.

September 2, 2019 2:07 pm

I arrived here via marketoracle. Nostalgia for AWD and Billy but don’t remember Smokey. Stuck and Llpoh are still around but some other notables are gone. Actually I didn’t realize I have been visiting this site so long.

Jim, when events prove you right we are all going to wish you were wrong. Thanks.

September 3, 2019 12:21 am

Over – if you had ever run into Smokey, you sure have remembered the experience. He was incendiary, and that is for sure and certain.

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
September 4, 2019 9:01 pm

Funny, I don’t remember Billy but I do remember AWD and somewhat recall Smokey.

Wasn’t there a Reverse Engineer dude who posted at one time and was 24/7 flamed??? IIRC it was wonderful work entertainment.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
  Articles of Confederation
September 5, 2019 8:27 pm

RE is now a cripple in a wheelchair and still posts at some “doomer” sites, like Ugo Bardi’s Cassandra’s Legacy, Gail Tverberg’s Our Finite World, etc. I didn’t know he used to post here. His own blog is the Doomstead Diner.

Earlier today I was looking for recipes for canning pâté, and wah-lah… there was RE on YT! Coincidence?

David Erickson
David Erickson
September 2, 2019 2:14 pm

Good article Jim.

“I’ve resolved myself to the fact nothing I write or say will change anything in this world. We are on a path towards a painful future”. That is it in a nutshell. The Deep State / New World Order is too entrenched and too well financed. They have virtually unlimited resources due to the fact that they have the printing press for U.S. dollars. So we can’t beat them. But your work is still valuable in that it explains what is really happening for those who haven’t been brainwashed by the establishment. And the more people who know what is really going on, the more likely we will be able to recover from the next Fourth Turning event, whatever it turns out to be.

  David Erickson
September 2, 2019 6:05 pm

I’m fairly pessimistic, too, but don’t stop working to stop this monstrous evil. The Deep State will limit Internet access to people like Jim, as countries all over the world are currently doing. The Deep State is counting on low morale and ambivalence!

  David Erickson
September 3, 2019 1:52 pm

We don’t have to beat them. We have to fight them. Beating them will just be icing on the cake.

  David Erickson
September 4, 2019 11:50 am

“I’ve resolved myself to the fact nothing I write or say will change anything in this world.”
Disagreed with Jim on this one. If you only affect a few hundred or few thousand people you’ve had a significant impact. Keep on keeping on. You’re great at what you do.


tim mcgraw
tim mcgraw
  David Erickson
September 5, 2019 2:32 am

Hi David, The quote you mention is the nut of the piece by Quinn. Sad really. There is a great line and scene in the movie “The Eiger Sanction” with Clint Eastwood. All has gone to hell on the mountain climb and the ice is rotten. Their pegs holding the ropes are failing. Eastwood says to another climber, “We’re gonna make it.”
The other climber replies. ” I don’t think so. But we shall continue with style.”
That’s what I’m doing.

randy from the andes
randy from the andes
September 2, 2019 2:32 pm

I have followed your work from the start. I have found it some of the best around. I used to just worry about the financial part. I won that battle and have a nice place in ecuador to watch the show from. Now I see that was just a warmup for the bigger battle between good and evil. For those of us with children, we have skin in the game. There is no way to walk away from the truth, the stakes are too high. Building some guest houses on my land, should be done end of summer 2020. Be honored if you or your family would visit, and be our guests. We live just outside of Cuenca. You have done more than your part. Taking time to enjoy life while you can is a wise decision.

  randy from the andes
September 3, 2019 2:58 am

Randy Doing the same thing here on the Med in SW Turkey near Rhodes Big shout out and good luck to you brother

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
September 2, 2019 2:42 pm

Beautifully done Jim. I would just suggest that you can do all of this and still take walks with your wife.

We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.

I think it’s a good choice.

September 2, 2019 2:43 pm

Thanks Mr. Quinn for your blog. You are doing a fine job. It may seem you are not accomplishing anything but really you are. It will be a small percentage of people that will pull this country through it’s darkest hour.

There is a saying that we don’t miss the water until the well runs dry. This is a truism. The majority never see the train wreck coming until it happens.

There are two great weaknesses that we humans have. It is suggestion and denial. You are getting through to the people that are awake and that is important. When the event we are seeing finally develops into a full disaster it will be the awake ones that will pull this nation through. The ones who are in denial will suffer the most and many will probably either commit suicide or just die. That is the way nature works. Nature weeds out the weak.

So don’t be depressed. Your purpose is to warn and for that I am grateful I found your blog a few years back.

Thank you for your work.

September 2, 2019 2:43 pm

Been luking here since I don’t know when. great article. I always appreciate what ya write.

September 2, 2019 2:45 pm

Detachment may be a healthy self-preservation response to the avalanche of suicidal irrationality that surrounds us daily. The problem is detachment is an intermediate response presaging a final individual decision to revolt or submit. I agree that all legacy Americans will be compelled to make such a decision soon.

September 2, 2019 2:46 pm

Great article, Jim.

I put my money where my mouth is so I just made a donation. Hey everybody … hint, hint! We gotta keep this website going ‘cause there ain’t none other like it.

September 2, 2019 3:39 pm

Totally agree, Gerold! I just sent $100 and I live on my meager SS and minuscule savings.

Thank you, Jim, for all you have done and continue to do. I wish I could do more.

September 3, 2019 12:23 am

Very generous of you.

September 2, 2019 2:48 pm

I hope you don’t give up. Many people count on your insight and you commitment/bravery to the truth. We are surrounded by liars. Myself, I count on your website to help me keep my head above the lies. The total bs is disillusioning for all of us. But we can’t go back. None of us can simply get plugged back into the matrix. Besides, I’d rather be exposed to the truth with all its blemishes, than be lied to. It’s as simple as that. This is your calling. I hope you continue to embrace it.

September 2, 2019 3:00 pm

Jim, it was great meeting you at Marc’s and talking about the 4th Turning. I’ve read your works since the beginning, and they are always eloquent and spot-on. Thanks for another good one. We all appreciate the time and effort you put into this.

September 2, 2019 3:01 pm

Fascinating read Admin as I have only been around TBP a few years and didn’t know all of the back story. Enjoyed understanding all of your individual puzzle pieces.

Your journey through the establishment cul-de sacs and around the barriers then barreling down the information super highway while stripping away the façades of the TPTB lies, manipulations, thefts, cons, easing’s, propaganda, and subversive political and economic treachery is a celebration of sharp truth and gritty determination.

Long before I stumbled into the 4th Turning’s history I was a rabid, foaming at the mouth anti Fed/Central Bankster critic, a stacker, a prepper, a debt free standard bearer, a FF investigator, but everything changed when I became a Christian and eventually went from milk to meat, and discovered prophecy fulfilled, but even more powerful to me was prophecy unfolding before my eyes in my lifetime.

I’m intrigued as I see this 4th Turning and what is the probable soon starting of the Tribulation merging at some point (probably within the 2020’s) but fulfilling prophecy becoming the dominant reality. I could be wrong on the timing, maybe not just riots but revival will break out with hard times? Maybe both?

Either way it appears to me the most exciting, grim, wild rides, eventful times, and enduring eternal personal choices and decisions in history are just around the corner.

September 2, 2019 3:03 pm

Good article, and Quinn deserves recognition for his efforts. Things are probably as bad as he thinks, and perhaps much worse. He may be excused for thinking he might have made some difference in the outcome. The core problem, however is almost always overlooked, because we humans almost always think in terms of humanity’s destiny. We think, we are rational beings, so it cannot be that we are possibly slated for extinction, right? We are either created by a God who has grand plans for us(he won’t fail us), or, even worse, we are so talented, so smart, so inventive and industrious that the universe will eventually have to recognize our superiority. Tomorrow, the colonization of Mars, then the rest of the galaxy will fold in the face of our presence.

The real truth is the biggest pill ever to swallow; that as special as we apparently think we are, nature has no respect for us at all. Collectively and individually, we are lined up for some serious disillusionment and pain. Some generation is going to have to be on hand to witness the great fall. It is likely that some small remnant will survive to begin the process of repopulating the earth, but minus some genetic changes that modify how we think, we will likely just repeat the entire cycle.

That modification in our thought processes would include a huge dose of humility. We make our biggest mistake when we think of our “leaders” as evil as opposed to ourselves as good. The average man is the same in his core as the richest of the NWO oligarchs; he only lacks the opportunity or the talent of the rich. Infuse him with a big dose of confidence in his abilities and a generous expense account, and watch him go. All for the sake of his family and friends, of course. It is an oversimplification, but therein lies the truth of our lack of understanding of our own natures. At our core, we are all the same, and we do not like to admit our failures.

If we are to make a difference in whatever future might be available to us, we are going to have to mature to realize the grand plans we have dreamed of.

September 2, 2019 6:14 pm

Judging by human nature, you are, in the main, correct.
But there are some highly intelligent (((people))) who seek to subjugate and rule others.
THAT, also, is somewhat natural, but it seems that only White people are the only ones who try to find some balance and constraint. That and 10 cents used to buy you a phone call.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
September 2, 2019 3:04 pm

I was led here by the TF Metals Blog and “Turd Ferguson.” Maybe Mike Shedlock and definitely Zero Hedge too. I was with those voices in the wilderness telling everyone the housing market and banks were about to go blooey and to buy Gold.
You’ve done yeoman work here Mr. Quinn.

September 2, 2019 3:04 pm

Being brighter than average, Admin may underestimate the lag time between when things become obvious to him and when they become obvious to the masses.

The PTB aren’t annually blowing hundreds of millions of dollars on propaganda aimed at the masses just because they want to. They’re doing it because the stark divergence between observable reality and the state sanctioned fantasy is now something the average person is noticing – and Admin helped make that happen.

September 2, 2019 3:09 pm

It’s been several years now since I first ran across TBP. I can’t even remember how I found it.
Thank you for all the effort you have put forth.
I, too, saw the hand writing on the wall, a long long time ago.

I decided it was no longer about me and what I had to say. I’ve resolved myself to the fact nothing I write or say will change anything in this world.

One reason I don’t comment as much as some of the others is pretty much that same reason. I gave up banging the drum, except when the shit gets a bit too deep, probably 20-30 years ago. I have never suffered willful ignorance easily. I had to let go of the frustration and deep sarcasm I used to deploy. I am happier for it. I know my future, let everyone else figure theirs out. Want to know? Ask. Want to argue about stupid shit? Adios.
My tendency now is to offer something when it’s more relationship oriented – people oriented and not system. Obviously I’ll spout off on just about anything, but I see a lot of it as analyzing symptoms, because the only real solutions are at the very local and personal level, in my opinion. Ala HSF and Uncola. Not to minimize so many others, but these two come to mind immediately.
Don’t get me wrong; the articles are interesting and the comment threads are vastly entertaining at a minimum, and I have learned a great deal from some of the most unexpected articles, often about myself and my reactions/motivations. Well worth it. Some time back, I commented that this is a unique place and I am pleased to be able to be a part of it.

Again, thank you. We all know that the day will come when these meetings of the mind will come to an end, for whatever of the many many scenarios possible, but until then Bravo! for your resolve and skill.

September 3, 2019 5:34 am

As long as old Hollywood Robber will put up with ya!


September 3, 2019 9:15 am

Howdy! right back.

September 2, 2019 3:15 pm

I’m a daily reader, very infrequent poster. I’ve said it before, but you changed my mind. Your writing opening my eyes to all the lies that I had swallowed hook line and sinker for most of my life. It was either 2010 or 2011 when I started reading your work. I haven’t missed a day on the TBP since. AWD is missed and Billy’s entrance was, epic. I always look for Llop posts for his manufacturing and business tips. Stuck, well he is one of a kind.

Thank you for your commitment. There are lots of people around this country that have your back, because you are about the truth.

September 3, 2019 12:28 am

Athenssot – thanks for the kind words. I will try to put together something for you, as I suspect you are my only reader! In the meantime, I have used the following two quotes in recent days – they are among my favorites:

1)”The problem with making something idiot proof is that idiots are so damn ingenious” – author unknown.
2) “Give me one bull neck man and I will move the world.” H Ross Perot

September 2, 2019 3:20 pm

Thank you Jim for sharing your perspective (and heart) and reviewing your history on the blogosphere.
I rarely comment anymore because I speak the same things each time. I am also tired of the ongoing lies insanity around me and prefer to escape by tending my own garden. That said, I still find TBP one of the most entertaining parts of my day. Kudos to you for your relentless efforts to keep it relevant and fresh despite your fatigue.
I also appreciate the regular commenters and authors of articles that always stimulate my thinking. You do my aging brain a lot of good.
Over the years I’ve been around, the site has evolved in an interesting direction more towards social issues and away from economics, as you remarked. So many of the predictions from experts I trust have not panned out and yes, all the preparations by the aware have been “early.” I think we are all amazed at the tenacity of TPTB to keep a very leaky ship afloat, churning onward toward a waiting Dorian, but always able to maneuver around it.
So we await disaster, but are resigned that we have no way of knowing how bad it will be for us personally. I live in Southern California so I feel somewhat doomed, but I have become less depressed. I have had a sunny life compared to most people in the history of mankind. I do watch and wait, though, and feel grief for my grandsons.
Now I am going to go wash my windows and screens because beautiful autumn is coming and I want to see things clearly.

September 2, 2019 3:22 pm

@ JQ,

The truth is worth dying for, and I’d rather die standing for truth than to live a lie. I don’t care for money any longer beyond my daily bread and, like you, the support of those whom I love. Additionally, I expect one day soon to die a violent death and, obviously, that can be depressing in the here and now. For sure.

In truth, I am sad for my kids’ future and fear for them. Their generation will experience the American decline in full force and, therefore, I’m also angry at the bastards who I helped to elect for selling us all down the river.

As you know, several years ago, I found TBP while in the throes of despair and, in time, felt a sense of community. Call it Galt’s Gulch or the Island of Ideological Misfit Toys, in any case, I took comfort here and soon TBP became a process for me to test ideas and work things out. The airing of concepts, the debates, the music, the humor, and the overall irony of this place, eventually, made me want to pick myself up, shake off the lethargy, and get back into the game.

Had it been called “The Burning Dollar” or similar, I might have only checked in periodically because I believe all economic articles could be summarized as “we’re fucked.” But, instead, this site was named “The Burning Platform” and I approached it as a place for the like-minded to converse as it all burns to the ground.

I read the posts on TBP for a year or so, coming a few times a week at first, then daily, and then several times a day. There were your stellar articles of economic doom, societal turnings, and first-hand reporting on urban decay and squalor, accompanied by Hardscrabble’s quiet musings on life and nature.

And, also, there was Stucky. He continually regaled the readers here by means of his honest insights. Whether these arrived via explorations into historical exaggerations, human shit, Noah’s Ark, ancient castles, machines of war, masturbation, or copfuks – each article kept me coming back.

And, in time, I started reading the comments and realized the real action here was beneath the surface in the teeming underworld that is the comment section. I felt like the scientist Robert Hooke discovering cells for first the time through the lens of a microscope. These comments weren’t random. No. There were real personalities here engaging in not only in entire conversations, but while throwing digital primate excrement as well.

So, now, my time divides by the blue light separating the ether and three dimensions. And when the Stormtroopers come crashing through my door, or they put me on the rack, or both, I will remember fondly the words and personalities here.

Until then, however, it will be 2 steps forward and 1.75 steps back. And ripples in the pond. In the comment sections of TBP over the last week I posted two YouTube videos and mentally recorded the view-counts for each. Today, one of the videos (that was originally posted on YouTube in 2014) had a net increase of 21% and the other saw an increase of 400 views.

So please know you’re efforts are not in vain, every online personality counts, ideas change the world, and your courage and work ethic are contagious.

To the readers, I would ask that you please support Jim financially. Now more than ever.

September 2, 2019 3:26 pm

Jim, my wife and I, at about the same time, pulled our proverbial heads out of the sand around 2006 or so. Since that time, and after reading many books, articles, and blogs like this one, I too have gone back and forth in my mind, and actions, to where you probably are today. Early on I rang the bell with family and friends about what was coming (is coming and has come) to where one brother told me to “Stop with the doom and gloom shit!”. He would turn beat red and argue with me that his boy, Oblahblah, was just the beginning and where we were heading as a nation. Back then, socialism was not mentioned too often; today, it is part of the dem’s platform. As a tail end baby-boomer I never thought I’d live to see these days of moral decay, divisions in my family over politics, massive national debt beyond measure, and many of the other things you stated so eloquently. . I only hope that when it finally does hit the fan, and it will, I’m not too old to do at least a decent semblance of defending my family.

One last thing on a totally different subject. Question; my wife is from Pittsburgh and she still has living family on the north end. Are you the same Jim Quinn that was on the radio for years there?

September 3, 2019 5:37 am

Finnegan’s Wake!

September 2, 2019 3:29 pm

Thank you!

September 2, 2019 8:04 pm

??? Keep up the good work and keep the faith! Remember the prophet Jeremiah carried on a campaign, not unlike yours, for 50 years (!) to warn the Jerusalem elite that their city and their country was going to be demolished by God for their many sins if they didn’t reform their ways. They didn’t listen and they were destroyed as he predicted. But his message and his life weren’t wasted, because after being carried off into exile they would’ve concluded there was no God or that he failed them if it hadn’t been for Jeremiah’s consistent message in advance for decades. They therefore concluded that they had indeed been punished for their sins. They realized because of him that they had brought that disaster on themselves.

I don’t think you’re here to reach the masses and by that change the world. You’re here to reach “the remnant.”

September 2, 2019 3:50 pm

The best thing you could possibly do is take that long walk with your wife. The world will wait while you cool your heels. The world has lived, died and been reborn many times over the past two or three millennia. It will die again and be roborn once again. Nothing you do or say will change that. My goodness, just 80 years ago 60 million people died due to the same stupidity that it rampant today. Keep writing for those who are intelligent enough to read, think and prepare. But don’t take yourself too seriously as events will unfold as they do regardless. Life is much to short to fret about the stream of coming events that ignores truth and logic.

I for one love reading your work and think that is spot on. Keep writing please, there are thousands who agree with you and need your insights. Just do take that long walk. Bill

September 2, 2019 6:20 pm

No, NOW is the time to take EVERYTHING seriously.
What planet are you on?

September 2, 2019 7:25 pm

My friend: I have lived overseas twice, once in absolute poverty, and once in total splendor. I have held death in my hands over a thousand times-and I mean up close and personal, with blood on the walls and terrible grief in those who loved. That is the world that I live in. I have learned not to take my self too seriously. Short of true apocalypse, the roses are still out there and one should take time to smell them now and again even if the world is crumbling.

September 3, 2019 9:58 am

Good post Bill…long ago I learned to appreciate and embrace the wonder and beauty of a common uneventful day…wise survivors…no matter the width or depth or number of their scars…celebrate the juicy sweetness of abundant life, one precious day at a time.

I use to be a survivalist…then my heart was changed and I matured into a revivalist!

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
September 3, 2019 10:12 am

Keep the hummingbird feeders full…!

September 3, 2019 2:03 pm

Spoken like a warrior.

e.d. ott
e.d. ott
September 4, 2019 7:09 am

Merging the heart of a soldier with a monk’s spiritual humility is one of the most dichotomous things in Nature to be found. Vengeful power needs tempered and fed with respect for life, otherwise the spirit withers and dies.
Our young people die daily of suicide because they haven’t learned to bridge that gap. It’s a shame.

Bob P
Bob P
September 2, 2019 4:00 pm

Words of wisdom, Mr. Quinn. Thank you for creating TBP and being its heart and soul.

September 2, 2019 4:02 pm

I wish I had a higher IQ, Jim and a much bigger wallet. I’d be a lot more help. I love this place.

September 2, 2019 5:47 pm

We wish you did , too.


September 2, 2019 6:02 pm

Reading TBP for the last 10 years has raised my IQ by 10 points and has made me more popular than before.

September 2, 2019 6:57 pm

Too bad you started from such a low base. You just need more time – say another 20 years. But Rome was not built in a day! 😉

How the hell are you, EC? We do not talk so much lately.

September 2, 2019 7:04 pm

I know, but you’re still in my mind

September 3, 2019 5:42 am
September 2, 2019 6:59 pm


September 2, 2019 4:09 pm

From the title, I thought this was going to be about a very sick lady who writes off and on about her memories of a bygone era in America when life was simpler. A woman who wrote also of her military experience high above the skies. I thought it would be about the abuse she has endured at the hands of a madman who is hell bent on shutting her up. I thought it would be about the courageous voices who tried to protest and stop the abuse and finally gave up and went AWOL. I thought it would be about the Pyhhric victory of a scumbag who has nothing to contribute but salutations and generic pap, “Nice job”, handing out participation ribbons to those he approves of and posting shitting rhinos gifs for those he doesn’t like. I thought it would be that kind of post.

Instead it is a post about a lost land, America, bound and gagged by an oppresive media that will not allow mention of the past; of freedom and valor. She cannot speak the truth of her fight for freedom. With every utterance of the truth, , she is called a liar. She can only exist as an America without a memory whose controllers we don’t know, there is no personal history available for self-appointed character assassins. Controllers who call anything they don’t like – Antifa – and pursue and persecute their prey like Lt Gerard pursued Dr Kimball. Because such truth-tellers have been tried and found guilty in a court of public opinion tightly controlled by the murderer of freedom.

September 2, 2019 7:25 pm

Anyone who did not speak out and remove their consent is just as guilty, fairweather fucking cowards.

September 3, 2019 5:44 am
Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
September 2, 2019 7:50 pm

As a communist radical living in a communist state, I fail to see how you can justify your contentions.

You seek to gain power through maggie, but you do not have access to that power. You are hoping to sway the focus from your own criminal actions but we all see your duplicity…well, maybe not all, but soon all will see that you actually are antifa. If you are not I invite you to condemn antifa now.

  Hollywood Rob
September 2, 2019 8:08 pm

“As a communist radical living in a communist state, I fail to see…” Hollywood Rob

Are you saying that you are a communist radical living in a communist state? And you have the balls to come here and spout your anti-American bullshit on this hallowed blog?

September 2, 2019 8:15 pm

I always wondered where you got your nerve to come here and attack an all-American girl, who was a high school valedictorian and an AF Red Rope simply because you have no accomplishments of your own.

Payola the Gun
Payola the Gun
September 3, 2019 5:48 am
Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  Payola the Gun
September 3, 2019 8:24 am

Just can’t stop lying can you maggie. Now you claim to be a fighter pilot.
comment image

  Hollywood Rob
September 2, 2019 9:17 pm

It seems you don’t get it from your comment. Are you calling a predilection a criminal act? Where are you coming from? Please explain.

Don’t know if you are a communist since you have not lived in a communist country of the 20th century to know what communism is. California is not communist I don’t know what to call it. All I know is the policies coming out of the capital seem to be nuts and lacking sound reason.

What I see in your comment is drama. I myself shy away from drama queens.

September 2, 2019 4:18 pm

it was truly a pleasure meeting you, your better half, and so many other tbp faithful this summer in NH. a bit surreal…
thanks so much for keeping the site going, Jim. like MC, i was worried at first that this was a goodbye article.
i’m on your site daily, and it is by far my favorite. there’s no place like it, at least for me.
a paypal donation is now on it’s way to the philly area via the ether.
all the best to you from us in western PA.

September 2, 2019 4:33 pm

Thank you for all you do. I’ve enjoyed your articles for years especially those relating to the fourth turning. I made my first small donation today to help keep the lights on. I really appreciate the article and i think I’ll spend more time in the comment section.

September 2, 2019 4:41 pm

“I’ve now been running The Burning Platform blog for over ten years. ….I really thought I could change enough minds through my writing to influence voters”

Too bad your heavy-handed censorship in the comments section coupled with your need to control the narratives chased away most of your more educated readership leaving you with only angry, aging baby boomers to appease through your constant fear-mongering based articles. I can still remember when you avidly defended GW Bush’s policies & eternal wars with gusto right up until the moment the black homosexual was “elected” at which point you suddenly became “woke” …not because you actually really became woke but rather merely because you (along with most of your readers) are low IQ racists. Doesn’t take a genius to spot that fact. For you slobs it was one thing to have a WHITE semi-functional retard you could identify with running your shit stain of a country into the ground ….but quite another to have a NIGRA homo doing it.

So here we are over a decade later: I google-searched your blog and absolutely NOTHING comes up other than links to articles published on TBP itself. That is to say, no one is talking about your blog or even referencing it anywhere. Because no one gives a shit. TBP is a closed circuit, group-think circle-jerk endeavor that actually PRIDES itself on chasing away and/or insulting what you egocentric putzes refer to as “newbies”. As that imbecile who posts as Stucky is wont to do for example.

Other than the articles you reprint from Zero Hedge, which are mostly good, your other posts are either poorly-written, poorly reasoned …or an eclectic combination of both. You’re not even worth trolling anymore.
comment image

September 2, 2019 5:43 pm

In all fairness, No Thanks is not so stupid. Did you see how he used “wont to do”? That’s a sign of education there. Too bad nothing else in his comment showed even a glimmer of a gnat’s intellect.

September 2, 2019 5:36 pm

Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

September 2, 2019 5:55 pm

Why, thank you, NoThanks. I wouldn’t have known how stupid I was until I saw myself measured against your prodigious intellect. I will certainly leave this festering boil of ignorant posturing and seek true enlightenment in other sites, more commiserate with free speech and indolent with the hearty communion of like-minded souls.
Which ones were they, again?

September 2, 2019 6:50 pm

The same ones that espouse cracking those that don’t agree with them over the head with a tire iron. Such enlightened thinkers that they are …

September 2, 2019 5:57 pm

Well at least the troll recognized what the last president was ….

September 2, 2019 6:13 pm

Don’t call me a boomer. I’m Gen X through and through. We were brought up the most non-racist generation ever. But you know what they say about facts and shit.

September 2, 2019 11:34 pm
Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
September 3, 2019 4:14 pm

Nice. The song is from 1965, tho’. Wonder what music ‘the kids’ rally ’round today that isn’t shitty rap (what the wiggers in my 98% white town seem to listen to).

September 3, 2019 2:12 pm


September 2, 2019 7:13 pm

Man, you are one hateful bastard towards people that never did anything to you. Did you ever post any musings on here? I don’t remember it until now. The only time anyone on here ever got ripped up was when they personally attacked another person. By the way, use of bold typeface indicates rudeness.

September 2, 2019 7:20 pm

No Thanks, where the fuck have you been? You speak with authority on the content of the entire sight, but have held all of your communication for this one grand moment, where your going to tell admin how it is? No, that’s not it, your either a bot, or a troll.
Bring it.
Go back to saying fuckin nothing, it was better for all.

September 3, 2019 11:33 am

Alison Krauss – “You say it best when you say nothing at all.”

September 2, 2019 8:00 pm

Talk about a little hard turd bobbing and weaving in the punch bowel…poor little I don’t care bear pissing in the wind…oh well…I suspect Rickey Nelson’s Garden Party was playing in the background providing inspiration when he wrote this sad little rebuttal…filled with bitter discontent and I don’t care bear trouble.

September 2, 2019 8:20 pm

mark, that is pure poetry. I refuse to believe you are new here.
When they were passing out brains, No Thanks said, no thanks.

September 2, 2019 9:49 pm

Thanks EC…I’m a poet and know it…been published off and on since the 70’s. I lurked occasionally for about a year then started posting when I retired around mid to late 2015ish.

Yea poor little Care Bear feels hosed
By Admin’s prose
He has confused the TBP Pranksters
With the dark evil Banksters
However we are the freewheeling Good Guys
Some of us even wise
In spite of our years
And posting after too many beers (hic)

September 3, 2019 5:52 am

He is a keeper…kind of a pinch hitter ain’t he.

I bet he knows how to contact your old friend.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
September 3, 2019 8:27 am

Sure maggie.
comment image

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
September 2, 2019 8:52 pm

The Burning Platform is probably not cited often by other sites because TBP allows free speech, and therefore commenters routinely make comments that are “racist, sexist, anti gay”. To cite TBP is to admit to being – as SJW’s would put it – at a minimum, racist-adjacent or alt-right-adjacent. Free speech has few true advocates. Young people, in particular, can’t comprehend that a site that allows “hate speech” can also publish important, dangerous and vital truths that can’t be found in the mainstream media.

John Galt
John Galt
  Iska Waran
September 3, 2019 8:00 am

I have never disagreed with iska. One of my favs here.

  John Galt
September 4, 2019 10:04 pm

Iska luvs Rush by the way

one of his favourite songs is….

It helps him stay warm in the sun..
Not depressed and demoralized
keeps him detached and defiant
in the face of the hachet, axe and saw….

  Iska Waran
September 3, 2019 5:31 pm

First time here, will return. I’d like to add my 2cents. As a person of white color, I disliked our first AA presidential candidate and did not vote for him. Not because of his color; there were many people I knew of color that I admired. Because they weren’t phony. Had it been my business law professor (of dark color) I wouldn’t have wasted any time getting to the voting booth. So I didn’t vote because the other candidates were just as phony. I still and always will believe that its the content of your character, a conception that NoThanks has yet to grasp.

The Modern Chronicler
The Modern Chronicler
September 2, 2019 10:34 pm

Low-IQ racists?

The “racist” epithet has been so diluted that it hardly carries any weight any longer and that is the work of childish, shrill, thin-skinned, and idealistic leftists who think anyone who disagrees with them is Hitler.

Are there some posters here who are not too fond of certain races? Perhaps. Do they have the right of association and freedom of speech? Yes. Does that mean they are low-IQ people? Hardly.

We all choose whom we spend our time with. No one is obligated to spend time with anybody of any given race, creed, religion, gender, or background one does not care for. This is not necessarily racism.

  The Modern Chronicler
September 3, 2019 5:48 pm

When you have to modify the term racist, you know it is losing its strength.

John Galt
John Galt
September 3, 2019 7:56 am

I came here when I became woke in or around the inception of TBP under a different name which I will resurrect soon. One of 2 reasons I remain is the info/comments but mainly the non registration anonymous non censoring of the comments. You jackass. Brietbart, zero hedge all of the others use leftist run companies that run their comments sections like “Disqus”. You have to register and surely there are back doors so every comment is traced back to you and if you ever decide to run for office you are doomed. So leave already. Bye.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
September 3, 2019 11:34 pm

I thought IQ tests were artifacts of a white supremacist patriarchy skewed to produce differential result weighted in favor of systemic racism?

You need to check your privilege, NTIDC.

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
September 4, 2019 9:24 pm

Last one out is a penis pump!!!

(Sorry, Jim, I had to rediscover my puerile roots.)

  Articles of Confederation
September 4, 2019 9:29 pm

We can have a beer together. My buddy and I could kill time doing jean checks at the base exchange.

September 5, 2019 10:51 pm

Totally true.

September 2, 2019 4:42 pm

Jim Quinn,

Isnt it amazing how although we have never met or even spoken to one another, the amount of influence your articles and this blog have had on my life over the course of the past 10 years.

Having first read your work on the “Raging Debate” I followed you to TBP. There have been intermittent breaks, especially after Obama won and reigned for 8 years and the attrition of living a politically active and Constitutionally vigilant life wore me down, along with working towards a masters degree and the birth of my son. Along with a few of these personal milestones, other more bizarre circumstances began transpiring in my life, forever changing my life and those around me….difficult choices and extraordinary circumstances and too many coincidences like Yahoo email hacked twice, Experian, bank accounts compromised, routers and modems infected, computers essentially made inoperable…and the introduction to the spy craft, first hand by being introduced to a self professed spy. Targeted individuals? Freedom of information acts might prove.

To my dismay, I returned to this blog during the last Presidential primaries to a Trump Love fest circle jerk;eerily similar to the cultic influence Obama had over mich of the “left”…

THE MAGA punch bowl was strong but your economic writings that I had learned so much from in TBP’s infancy reappeared after the honeymoon hangover period from the MAGA brew and Qunacy and the TRUTH you so eloquently convey began to rise above the hateful rhetoric that Brand Trump was put into office to spew and deceive the Baby Boom generation still holding onto their nationalistic programming, whose ignorance to the Admiralty U.C.C global system prevents them from understanding the total circumvention of the U.S. Constitution and our unalienable God-given natural rights..

Many of my rabbit holes first began on this site, either from the amazing articles or from the flame fest in the comment sections. I lurked for years, soaked up knowledge and expanded my worldview… I still look to hone and test aspects of it thanks in large part to the intelligent, wise and highly informed shit throwing monkeys.

Kudos on it being over 10 years and still going!

I am grateful that there is still a place on the Interwebs that Truth can be heard, where freedom of speech can still be practiced! Much Love and gratitude!


September 2, 2019 9:34 pm

It is all a part of the greater present of the United States; past, present, and future. The play is not over. It is one segment of an event that happened in 1776 and is playing out in 2019 in a pattern that only exists in North America. Look at the pattern; not the drama.

September 2, 2019 4:59 pm

@ No thanks idontcare,

Obviously you care enough for that lengthy diatribe. I wonder how you can make accurate statements when you say this:

. I can still remember when you avidly defended GW Bush’s policies & eternal wars with gusto right up until the moment the black homosexual was “elected” at which point you suddenly became “woke”

I am pretty certain that Jim Quinn was not an avid Dubya defender, he was consistent on the foreign wars being waged under the guise of fighting terrorism and the influence of the MIC. Yes, Mr. Quinn might have arrived to the 9-11 Truth movement and Chemtrail conspiracy truths a bit late; but better late than never.

Nothanksijustate or nothanksidontcare or whatever other moniker you choose, please continue sharing your “insightful” prose….and prepare yourself for what words might be shared your way.

September 2, 2019 5:17 pm

I was just bragging about this place being a bastion of free speech, then I look for the comment I responded to and it disappeared….

Say it ain’t so….


It has reappeared! Let the flame war ensue.

September 2, 2019 5:50 pm

I have been here for a couple of years and never had a comment disappear except when I stupidly deleted it. There was a time when things like that happened if you took too long to post your comment. The best thing to do is write it in word and paste it here so you can re-post it if it “disappears”.

September 2, 2019 5:57 pm

Wasn’t my comment I couldn’t see. I copy and pasted a portion of it in my reply to “nothanksidontcare” then went back to reread the ignorance “nothanks” posted and the comment was not visible to me. Then a few moments later after my edited comment above, the vanishing comment reappeared.


Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
September 2, 2019 6:04 pm

Why EC you lying sack. You yourself asked admin to delete one of my comments just days ago and he did indeed delete my comment. I guess your “By Any Means Necessary” mentality allows you to forget when you yourself complain to mom to have a post deleted. In fact, both you and maggie had almost a dozen of my comments deleted. They were not lost. They were deleted.
comment image

  Hollywood Rob
September 2, 2019 6:07 pm

I don’t recall asking admin to delete anything. Are you taking any medication for delusions or hallucinations?

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
September 2, 2019 6:14 pm

You lying antifa commie bastard. Perhaps Jim will deign to refresh your memory.

  Hollywood Rob
September 2, 2019 6:19 pm

Stooping to name-calling, you fascist fucktard? I thought you were above such Antifa antics.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
September 2, 2019 6:22 pm

So you do admit to having my posts deleted then.

  Hollywood Rob
September 2, 2019 6:39 pm

Where do you conclude such a thing? Your delusional mind fills in the gaps with convenient dialog, I see. Maybe I’m talking to the wrong Hollywood Rob.

I want to speak to rational Rob now.

September 3, 2019 5:57 am

Coyote u gots the.biggeat pair on the platform!

Of course u aren’t after dollars.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  Hollywood Rob
September 2, 2019 6:29 pm

Oh Never Mind, here you go:


Admin, is this a legitimate use of TBP resources, copying personal videos from an individual’s FB account without permission and posting them here with malice aforethought? How much more can one man’s vendetta be justified by the abuse of ‘free speech’ with a purported goal of preserving free speech? I am appalled at the silence of the lambs, the same folks who defend white pride cower at the antics of a delirious nutjob who claims he is fighting Antifa here, who makes Andrea Iravani seem like a stable genius; an intellectual giant.

Asking for a friend.

(Fuck all you silent fuckers who stand by and watch the abuse with your thumbs up your asses.)
3-1 Reply
August 29, 2019 12:53 pm

I took care of it.
5-1 Reply
August 29, 2019 1:09 pm

You are the man!
3-1 Reply

  Hollywood Rob
September 2, 2019 6:42 pm

That, Hollywood, is a complaint, it is not a request for Admin to delete anything. Read it again slowly, moving you lips if it will help, and it might dawn on you that there is nothing there that sounds like ‘delete’.

September 2, 2019 6:56 pm

I guess Rob is out looking for somebody who can read my comment to him, the homecare nurse must have gone home.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
September 2, 2019 8:16 pm

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  Hollywood Rob
September 2, 2019 8:27 pm

Hollywood Slob has no comeback, he’s not used to arguing with somebody who has a nutsack. There are a few women here you might pick a fight with, Robbie, but I wouldn’t recommend it.

September 2, 2019 8:36 pm

Admin; I whole-heartedly agree.

September 3, 2019 6:00 am

You can make that happen.


grace country pastor
grace country pastor
September 3, 2019 10:25 am

Admin said please…

It is destructive.

  Hollywood Rob
September 3, 2019 5:58 am

Larger than Life.

Balls of steel.

Not jellyfish.

You EC are a real man.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
September 3, 2019 8:32 am

Ec is no more a real man than you are maggie. You are only half a man.
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Now I realize that many of you are likely confused by maggies antifa/communist tactics so let me just take this opportunity to point out that maggie is posting as paula, payola, payola the gun, jellyfish, anonymous and it’s variants, and several other names in this comment stream alone.

  Hollywood Rob
September 2, 2019 7:00 pm

HR – I saw that shit you posted and it needed deleting. Anyone with any sense would have asked it be deleted. EC just bet me to it. Posting links to those vids was horseshit and you know it.

September 2, 2019 7:08 pm

The problem is that he doesn’t know it. He is clinically in psychosis and detached from any earthly reality. He believes everybody he doesn’t like is named Maggie and that’s just peachy because he likes beating up women anyway.

Robbie saw you were on site and he ran away screaming.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
September 2, 2019 8:15 pm

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September 3, 2019 6:02 am

But he is this site’s most prolific poster. Posts almost daily.


Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
September 2, 2019 8:13 pm

Pooh, maggie posted her videos on Vimeo. Those videos were accessible by anyone with access to the internet. You have access to the internet and you yourself could have referenced those videos. maggie herself accessed those videos on many occasions in comments that she made on TBP. They were absolutely no different from the Lost in Space video that ec references below, save for the fact that neither ec nor TBP are legally authorized to use the lost in space video. That video is actually covered by copyright and there is no fair use claim as there is no modification of the video and it is not for commentary. Most posters on TBP find that they are attaching videos that are not legally authorized for use on TBP which makes money based on the content, which contains copyrighted material.

But maggies videos are under no such restriction. By posting them on Vimeo, she makes them free for all to use. You actually understand this concept, although you most likely will not want to admit it. There is no request posted on Vimeo that these videos not be used. There is no legal reason not to use them. You know this. ec, obviously, does not. Maggie has not marked some of her videos as free to use, and some as personal. She did not place any of them into a restricted Vimeo account and she did not copyright them. I know that you are smart enough to understand this.

It really doesn’t matter whether maggie thinks that her videos were private. The law is that they were not. The videos which were removed appeared in the comment threads as no longer available. That is fine. If she takes the videos down, that is her right. But if she leaves the videos up, then she is authorizing their publication. That too is her choice. But she has no authority to whine about the videos being private. They were not, and I know you understand why they were not.

Regardless of what you think about the videos themselves, or the posting of those videos in a comment stream, the posting of those videos were just as valid a comment as any other that any of us have made. It doesn’t matter if you yourself think that they deserved to be taken down. It doesn’t matter if ec begged admin to take them down. In the final analysis, they were deleted by admin at ec’s request. So ec lied about not making the request. He knows he made the request. You know he made the request. And Jim knows he made the request.

You can chose to believe what ec obviously lied about. That isn’t really my concern as I don’t care what you think. All I can do is offer the TBP community the facts and they will judge for themselves what they see as the truth.

I have offered this considered response to your comment out of respect for you. I do hope that you will find that you can see that ec is an antifa agitator bent on destroying that which you claim to admire. But I can’t make you see the truth. That is up to you.

  Hollywood Rob
September 2, 2019 8:31 pm

I read they were from her Facebook account, whatever that is, as I have never used such. If posted on an open forum, that does change the color of that cow a bit. However, I suggest that the vendetta between you two has gone in long enough. Mygirl and I had a very nasty 24 hrs, but it is long gone now. Kiss and make up.

September 2, 2019 9:31 pm

Either kiss and make up or ignore each other. HR, you have made your points. You have done a very good job of it, I might add. But, for the love of God almighty, this is getting quite sucky.

September 2, 2019 10:30 pm

You have done a very good job of it…

Please enlighten us, how has he done a such a good job of falsely accusing an Air Force veteran of being a communist that you actually believe him?

September 2, 2019 10:46 pm

HR does not need me to stand up for him. I have said such before. He has contributed to TBP in his writings and articles posted. His responses have always been well thought out. I have NOT ever said that I agree with everything he says. As far as the feud between you 3, how the hell would I know who is right or wrong about most of what you 3 argue about? I DO AGREE with HR as far as you and Maggie ALWAYS taking a comment section into no mans land. Why do it to one of Jim’s articles? I do think it is disrespectful of you to do that. Especially after Jim did you a solid by taking down one of HR’s comments? As far as him accusing you of having a comment/video taken down…if you complained about it and it was taken down, how else is that to be interpreted? If you didn’t complain, would it have been taken down? Is HR not correct about the public posting of Maggie’s video? Is it any more egregious than any video you post? You post lots of videos.

If so, please explain.

September 3, 2019 6:06 am

We’ll botlicker, Maga is gone.

You can deal.with me.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
September 3, 2019 8:41 am

Maggie you are truly an awful person. I can’t really say whether your live in a world of your own making under the care of doctors or if you get paid by Soros to troll conservative sites, but in either case your thin veneer of sanity is rapidly being peeled away. Your fingers can’t even successfully navigate the keyboard and you don’t take the time to read what you type.

The fact that you are allowed to constantly troll TBP is a source of amazement to me.

BTW, what does We’ll botlicker, maga mean?
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September 3, 2019 6:38 am

Bot Licker

September 2, 2019 10:33 pm

I’ve proven my point, he hasn’t. I win. He can suck my dick if he wants to continue on with his Woodstock induced acid trip flashback. He picked on an Air Force veteran, he deserves what he got. Fucking commie.

John Galt
John Galt
September 3, 2019 8:05 am

Who is on FB and why are you on FB. Supporting the enemy. Delete FB you fools……

  Hollywood Rob
September 2, 2019 8:35 pm

“In the final analysis, they were deleted by admin at ec’s request. So ec lied about not making the request. He knows he made the request. You know he made the request. And Jim knows he made the request.”

You pretend to have a sharp legal mind with all the windy preface to this lie. But you miss the obvious; I never asked anybody to delete anything and neither LLPOH nor Admin would ‘know’ something that is unknowable.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
September 2, 2019 9:41 pm

So you can see, Pooh, that ec is grasping at straws. I can’t really claim to understand why he insists on lying, but without a doubt he does lie. So one must ask what possible outcome he could be seeking to support with his lies. It is my contention that he is trying to troll TBP to stop the conversation. He obviously did ask admin to delete the comment and admin did in fact “take care of it.” The truth is there for all to see. To what end does he seek to continue to lie? Is he truthful in his actions and his ways, clearly not.

He has managed to take a very good post by Jim and turn it around to make it about himself and maggie. He has once again derailed this thread, and you have been his vehicle of choice. So I ask you, what do you suppose his intend might be. Does he have the best interests of TBP at heart, or is he trolling?

My interpretation of his actions, his lying, and his obvious antifa/communist activities is that he can only be intentionally causing TBP to be damaged. I take offense to his actions.

You are, of course, free to interpret his activities in any way that you chose.

Not EC
Not EC
  Hollywood Rob
September 2, 2019 10:24 pm

I am a regular reader on this website who wishes to remain invisible and above the fray. I would not want to engage Hollywood Rob because he is devoted to this website and has raised his sword against encroaching collectivism. But be assured that EC and Maggie are not ‘obvious antifa/communist’ agitators. EC is an American from California of Hispanic heritage. Maggie is a homesteader from the Ozarks. Hollywood Rob’s paranoia smacks of McCarthyism. How can anyone prove they did not beat their wife if she was only verbally abused? The administrator of this website has written a heartfelt article that has inspired many comments in kind. He previously made it known that Maggie and EC are not the same person. He knows because he has acknowledged that he can identify the IP addresses of the commenters. He has also asked for the feud to be taken elsewhere from this thread. A little courtesy please. Hollywood Rob will never cower before the Marxists. That makes him my brother. But as many stand on this platform to discuss war strategies there are those who desire to converse among themselves and to each other. These would be EC and Maggie. They are not the enemy. If they were the enemy war would be over before it began. They are harmless but ignore them at your own peril. May God bless the United States of America.

  Not EC
September 2, 2019 11:18 pm

I hadn’t noticed that Admin rang the bell. I apologize to Admin, LLPOH and HR for the sucker punch. Please disregard my comments after the bell. Thank you.

September 3, 2019 12:37 am


September 3, 2019 12:38 am

Anonymous was me.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
September 3, 2019 1:03 am

We all know maggie.
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Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
September 3, 2019 1:02 am

Sure maggie.
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Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  Not EC
September 3, 2019 1:01 am

Sure maggie.
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Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  Not EC
September 3, 2019 2:45 am

Sure maggie. Nice try. We don’t buy it.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  Not EC
September 3, 2019 8:46 am

Oh and you should add Not EC to that long list of fake names that maggie uses to troll TBP.

I Am Not Maggie
I Am Not Maggie
  Hollywood Rob
September 3, 2019 9:44 am

Hollywood Rob’s paranoid projections are evidence of the insanity of the faithless. He believes there is nothing more and it’s why he takes himself so seriously. In his atheistic vanity he has made himself the self appointed savior of a blog that is not his while defying the polite requests of its administrator, challenging his judgment, and making false accusations against other commenters. Who is the real agitator sowing discord and confusion? Hollywood Rob. That’s who. The administrator of this blog has asked that you take your feud elsewhere. Please do. How about Portland, Oregon since you take yourself so seriously? Or do you really? What are you trying to accomplish? Be smarter, Hollywood Rob. Because what you are doing is not working here.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  I Am Not Maggie
September 3, 2019 1:45 pm

I guess we will see maggie, you lying antifa whore. Clearly you have your antifa comrade ec, and there are still a few here who think that you and your menagerie of false identities are actually real people. Perhaps you will prevail. Clearly you will persist, that is beyond question. But then, the soy latte crowd is known for nothing if not perseverance. If you are to prevail the only thing that you will demonstrate is that a barrage of constant lies can fool people who do not care to pay attention. I guess you can take some consolation in that accomplishment. You can brag about it at your next antifa meeting in St Louis.

Perhaps we should as Jim to list the many names that you have created on your email address. I suppose he could if he cared to. That would clear your name…so to speak.
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i am not maggie or ec
i am not maggie or ec
  Hollywood Rob
September 3, 2019 2:56 pm

Hey dumb fuck. If maggie and ec were antifa why wouldn’t they disavow antifa just to troll your ass? How hard would that be? I am not maggie or ec and I disavow antifa. Hollywood Rob on every fucking thread.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  i am not maggie or ec
September 3, 2019 5:38 pm

Sure maggie, still waiting for Jim to publish that list.
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  Hollywood Rob
September 2, 2019 10:25 pm

You dissembling draft dodger, can you really swear that you are a patriotic non-communist? Do you support the troops and our disabled veterans? Of course not. You are lying pond scum. You posted the very comment that proves there was no collusion, no request for deletion, you delusional dickweed, you pretend to be rational while your head reels in some acid flashback to the tune of the Strawberry Alarm Clock.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
September 3, 2019 1:11 am

So we can all see now that ec is such a marxist believer that he can’t bring himself to even lie to us about his support of antifa. All he would have to do is say “I disavow antifa.” He can’t do it. I could, you could, any of us could because we have no allegiance to marxist ideology, but clearly ec is not capable of stating that he disavows antifa. Neither is maggie. You are free to draw your own conclusions, but to me this, along with maggies promotion of marxist literature, are the two most damming proofs that they have bad intentions.
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September 3, 2019 12:29 am


What was the video? We all know Maggie has no desire to hide any part of her life. Unless it was a Doxing? That wouldn’t be cool.

How does this facecrack thing work anyway? Don’t you have to be friends in order to see each others videos and photos? If so, that would mean HR and Maggie are Facebook friends? This is getting cray cray.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
September 3, 2019 1:06 am

There was no fartbook. That misdirection was thanks to ec. The videos in question were publicly posted to Vimeo.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  Hollywood Rob
September 3, 2019 1:20 am

If you care to look for yourself, feel free.

  Hollywood Rob
September 3, 2019 4:39 am

I don’t quite understand the problem. Very nice piano playing.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
September 3, 2019 1:46 pm

Yeah I don’t get it either.

September 4, 2019 12:36 pm

The videos were uploaded to a Photobucket account used years ago…some videos were on Vimeo, then linked here and to other plac
Some just silly stuff for kids.

What he will uncover is a big hick with a lot of videos about rabbits and goats and some piano practicing.

How does this relate to antifa?

  Hollywood Rob
September 3, 2019 6:05 am

There is Supreme Court doctrine about private versus public person.

Admin should have his lawyers bone up if u continue.

September 3, 2019 7:19 am

Please explain supreme court doctrine.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
September 3, 2019 8:45 am

Maggie doesn’t know anything about the supremes (not the court or the group) and videos posted on Vimeo can not be interpreted as private. I really don’t know what that old bat is complaining about. Nobody has said a single negative thing about her videos that she freely posted on an open Vimeo account.

September 2, 2019 5:20 pm

You’ve come a long way, baby.
And,brought thousands a kicking and screaming with you.
Many thanks .

September 2, 2019 5:29 pm

I got entirely debt free a decade ago- no car loans, mortgages, credit card-zilch. It’s a wonderful way to greet the morning and has given me financial freedom and-as importantly-peace of mind.

Good luck with your 3 year goal, Jim. I’ll contribute towards it as I can.

September 2, 2019 5:52 pm

I understand this article so well. It is to point where I sometimes think folks look at me as the boy who cried wolf. Yeah any day now is the attitude we get. So any advice I can give is not a saying I coined.But….”Pray for the best.Prepare for the rest”

September 2, 2019 5:57 pm

Admin – seriously, I hate it when you sugar coat things and post these “everything is just peachy and the world will be just fine” articles. That just is not you. You need to tell it like it is instead. You are mellowing in your old age.

BTW – do not think I have forgotten the OWS fight. I kicked your ass, and I was right. You were so hoping that that would make a difference, that the movement would take root. Ha! See what hope does for you? It slaps you in the face with reality, that’s what.

Thanks for keeping the wheel turning. Appreciate it.

Fine bit of doom porn, and for giving the new monkeys a bit of history of the place. Many thanks.

September 2, 2019 6:02 pm

$1oo sent. PayPal under a different email.

Not Sure
Not Sure
September 2, 2019 6:13 pm

I’ve started simply with a Christian point of view and an ambivalent attitude towards politics that starting around 2012, became more vigilant, as I began seeing glimpses of corruption becoming more commonplace as the second term of president Obama marched on.

From the time the government began looking more like an adversary as opposed to a friend to its citizens, I began my learning about preparing for “spicy times.” As I searched the internet for information I stumbled upon TBP and have since then, come away with a far more enlightened understanding of global politics, economics and being able to see under the false presentations of the media that pass for truth to an unsuspecting citizenry.

I am thankful for all the valuable insight I have received from you and the rest of the kin, and grateful for your persistence in keeping TBP relevant. My hope is that as the difficult times approach, we can keep this connection active as it will be invaluable for me in making the difficult choices we all will be facing sooner rather than later.

Love to all,

Not Sure

September 2, 2019 6:31 pm

Greeting James, if it wasn’t your site, along with Charles Hugh-Smith’s writings, I wouldn’t have know about The Fourth Turning. I read and printed your Dec 2018 article on Fourth Turning as a proof to educate others that things are about to turn ugly. I also read your Economic Fourth Turning article sometime in June 2019. Thank God we were early preppers due to our deep research for the last 16 years, and we tried to educate others to make this a better world. Sometimes even our own family gives up on us for being early in this doom and gloom. I am the type who would rsther know and be prepared than go into the darkness blind. Thank you for your writings.

Saeed Hoque, (BS Mech Eng, Columbia, MS Mech Eng, Texas A&M, MBA Corporate and International Finance, Columbia)… just to share my credential that I am no cooke.

September 3, 2019 12:38 am

What the fuck is a cooke? I can forgive you going to Columbia, but being a damn Aggie? Hell no. That is a step too far. Hook ’em.

Nice to see you post, btw.

e.d. ott
e.d. ott
September 4, 2019 7:28 am

It’s called “ESL”.
English as a second (or third) language. It quite probably should be re-interpreted as “kook”.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
September 2, 2019 6:46 pm

Best spot on the Internet.

  Hardscrabble Farmer
September 3, 2019 8:30 pm


Another link

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