Robert Gore’s Latest

This is what I’ve been doing instead of writing blog articles. My latest book: Everything I Know About Business I Learned From The Godfather, is now available on Amazon as both a paperback and Kindle ebook. From the book:

Chapter 6

Bonds, Not Ties

As rich and powerful as the Godfather becomes, he never loses sight of the reciprocal strands of respect, obligation, honor, and loyalty due family, friends, fellow Sicilians, and the Catholic church. These are not ties that bind. They are bonds, sources of strength, foundational stones of his life and empire. Such bonds have bolstered the human race for most of its history. That they are now under sustained assault would strike Don Corleone as foolishness. Their proposed replacement would strike him as madness.

The family became the basic unit of human society not because men were a patriarchally oppressive conspiracy bent on enslaving their wives and children, but because it made the most sense. Humans reproduce, having filled the planet with almost eight billion of their kind. Women are vulnerable during pregnancy and when they’re caring for infants and children. Men are physically stronger and better able to provide sustenance and protection. A division of labor suggests itself. Women stay home and care for the children while men hunt mammoths, farm, tame fire, invent the wheel, propitiate the gods, battle enemy tribes, and other, equally exciting lines of work.

Although punctuated by the occasional catastrophic setback, the phenomenal increase in human population suggests this division of labor has been, from an evolutionary standpoint, quite successful. From that standpoint everyone gains. Children and grandchildren receive the care and training they need and perpetuate the genetic line. As they grow older and are able to work, they’re an economic asset for their parents and grandparents. The extended family is the safety net, with younger family members caring for the elderly.

“Good, because a man who doesn’t spend time with his family can never be a real man.”

—The Godfather, Part One

In the Godfather’s formulation, supporting a family— spending time; providing for a wife, children, and elderly members of the extended family; making the hard decisions; disciplining and training the children, and doing all the other unnoticed but necessary things fathers do—makes a man a man. Men with families labor for their daily bread, take risks, work to improve their situation, and otherwise engage in constructive pursuits, usually as much or more for their families as for themselves.

If a man who doesn’t spend time with his family can never be a real man, do we have a term other than “miserable excuse for a man” for the worthless trash who father children but want no part of their upbringing? What can be more repugnant than spilling your sperm and taking no responsibility for the consequences? It destroys lives and dramatically reduces children’s chances for success or happiness. Some of the groups who most loudly bewail their persecution have illegitimacy rates of 60 or 70 percent. They drape 100-pound millstones around their children’s necks, wonder why the kids never win the race, and blame it on other, less-burdened competitors.

Won’t a man who fails the tests of fatherhood and family also fail the tests of friendship? How can a father who has no loyalty to his children—his own blood—or their mother have any loyalty to his so-called friends? He’ll abandon them at the first inconvenience, just as he did with his children and their mother.

When Bill Clinton was president it became fashionable to say that qualities of character a man demonstrates towards his family are irrelevant to his quality as a man. Restate that as: whether or not a man deliberately harms his own family has no bearing on whether or not that man will deliberately harm anyone else. If you want to buy into that proposition, be my guest, but do it with your own money.

A mother deludes herself if she thinks she can do as well bringing up her children by herself, or with help from relatives, revolving door boyfriends or girlfriends, the government, or the occasional appearance of the father as she could if the father is full-time committed to her and the family. The most masculine thing a man can do is accept responsibility for his family, but today’s politics, divorced from reality as they are, deride and reject both family and masculinity.

In The Godfather novel and movies, individual interests are subordinated to the family, the sacred unit. Young Vito Corleone takes up a life of crime to feed his family. Going all in, Michael takes up a life of crime because it is under attack. Connie must somehow “forget” that Michael has murdered her husband and reconcile with him and the family. There is no forgiveness involved because like God, family cannot be forgiven.

“I know it was you, Fredo. You broke my heart. You broke my heart.”

—Part Two

Michael plants the kiss of death because Fredo has committed the most unforgivable sin in the Sicilian and Mafia firmament: he betrayed the family. Michael is so shocked he brooks usual Corleone protocol and lets a victim know that his transgression has been discovered and the victim will be a dead man. Michael later observes another Corleone protocol—keeping his enemy close—and puts Fredo under Lake Tahoe house arrest until the time is right for retribution.

Murdering Fredo is not Michael’s crossing-the-River- Styx moment it’s sometimes made out to be. That canoe launched when Michael whispered to his father in the hospital room, “I’m with you now. I’m with you.” At that moment he subordinated his conscience to the moral code of the Mafia. Under that code, there can be only one fate for a member like Fredo who betrays the family. Michael’s father would have approved of the murder had he been alive.

Calling the entire Corleone organization—or any other large-scale Mafia operation—a family is propaganda. It’s meant to evoke the same sentiments towards the Mafia family that members have towards their real families. It’s akin to the nonsense dished out by corporations about their employee “associates” and “partners,” “our team” and “our corporate family.” The executives will lay off employees in a heartbeat to save a buck; employees will leave in a heartbeat if they find a better deal. Anyone who doesn’t see through the nonsense is destined to a disappointing career.

“All our people are businessmen, their loyalty’s based on that. One thing I learned from Pop was to try to think as people around you think. Now on that basis, anything’s possible.”

—The Godfather, Part Two

Any don foolish enough to believe that his underlings would sacrifice their own interests for those of the organization is not long for this world. Michael recognizes that like any business, the Corleone family runs on self-interest. Wisely, he tries to see things as those around him see them.

Friendship is another word that means something different inside the Mafia. There, friendships are mutually beneficial business and political relationships inside and outside the family. In Part Two, Senator Pat Geary, indulging in his favorite perversions at a Corleone whorehouse, is drugged and the prostitute sordidly murdered. Geary awakens, confused and unable to remember the murder he didn’t commit. He unties one of the bloody corpse’s arms and tenderly places it by her side. Tom Hagen assures him the matter can be fixed; the prostitute has no family or friends and she’ll be quickly forgotten. It will be as if nothing happened, and all that will remain is the senator’s friendship with the Corleones.

Most business friendships aren’t based on murder and implicit blackmail, but they are based on mutual benefit. The guy who said that if you want a friend in business get a dog wasn’t too far from the mark. Stop benefitting a business friend, even one of long standing, and your friend will drift away. It’s not what have you done for me lately, it’s what can you do for me now.

When I was trading bonds, I had all sorts of friends. They made money off of me; I made money off of them. You can take all the sincerity on Wall Street, put it in a thimble and still have room for a good-sized thumb. I wasn’t surprised when I received only a couple of calls after I got fired. Through the years I’m sure I didn’t call people who had met with misfortune and who regarded me as a friend. Real friendship and loyalty are rare in business, and that’s the way it has to be. The annals are filled with stories of failure where friendship and family were put before sound business judgment.

At a conference I attended, an executive claimed her poultry processing company befriended its chickens. Lighting, heating and all other living conditions were continuously adjusted to keep the birds happy, she gushed. Happier poultry may be better tasting poultry, but in the end they still kill the chickens. When business tells you it’s your friend, that it cares for you and your happiness, keep those chickens in mind.

The government says it wants to be not just your friend but your family, cradle to grave. It provides anything for which enough people have clamored: maternity benefits, medical care, child care, education, food, housing, money, pensions and death benefits. Cradle-bound children on college campuses howl for still more: free college and guaranteed jobs afterwards. They need their diapers changed, but eventually they’ll probably get what they’re crying for.

Just as Don Corleone wants something for the services he performs for his friends, the government wants something for what it provides. It steals from some, gives to others, keeps much for itself and its friends, but unlike a Mafia don, it wants your soul, regardless of where you fit in this scheme.

If you’re one of the hard-working unfortunates from whom it takes, the government expects docile compliance. You might not like this state of affairs and the government will tolerate a bit of grumbling. However, any serious objection to its right to steal what you’ve earned will be dealt with harshly.

There are highly productive people who don’t protest their own enslavement, they endorse it. Much of this is a con game. It helps make friends in the government, and to paraphrase Don Corleone, friends of the government, with lawyers and their briefcases, can steal more than a million men with guns. It’s crony socialism: you’re raking in the government loot, so you’re all for government.

A few wealthy people who receive nothing from the government except tax bills and regulatory hassles still proclaim their allegiance. Some of these people inherited their wealth or acquired it in enterprises that bestow outsize rewards on work of dubious merit—Hollywood, the recording industry, sports, fashion, art, publishing, the media, and academia. Deep down, many of them don’t believe they deserve their wealth. They’re almost relieved to have it taken from them and in today’s political climate, pandering to government is the popular thing to do.

Many of the panderers claim that the government doesn’t have enough money and should take more. Nothing stops them from sending in more, so we know their real object is to raise the tab for everyone else. They’re angling for popularity, crony socialistic gravy, power, or—most likely—all three.

Every government bent on total control tries to suppress or eliminate competing loyalties, especially loyalties that go back centuries. Stepping in as the provider and letting fathers off the hook has been our government’s main line of attack on the family. This has met with success, so it has turned its attention to other bonds.

The current fixation is eliminating the natural affinity most people have towards people who are like them, and the belief that their particular group is better than any other. The proper-speak pezzonovantis [big shots], commanding water to run uphill, try to prohibit racial and ethnic groups they don’t like from touting their own group or disparaging others. All that does is drive such sentiments underground.

There is nothing underground about the Mafia of Don Corleone. It would drive proper-thought, proper-speak torchbearers apoplectic, and the Corleone family would earn scads of demerits, fines, and public opprobrium. It unapologetically consists of males of Sicilian ancestry, with the occasional non-Sicilian Italian male thrown in. There are no women or members of historically disadvantaged minority groups. Improper-speak is rampant—Jews and blacks are routinely denigrated. The family’s one attempt to reach out to an unrepresented ethnicity—making German-Irish Tom Hagen consigliori [the Don’s counselor]—is derided by the other families and reduces respect for the Godfather.

Don Vito’s consigliori is anomalous, for the don certainly believes in the value of ethnic solidarity. Not only is it the glue cementing ties between families and friends, but Sicilians are steeped in the ways of the Mafia in the home country, particularly omerta, the law of silence. For men facing the prospect of imprisonment from the day they begin their careers, this assurance that their confederates and even their enemies will not rat them out to the authorities, regardless of the pressure brought to bear on them, is essential to their own keeping of the faith. The real life Mafia unraveled in the 1960s and 1970s when omerta [Sicilian code of silence] broke down as successive generations’ connections to Sicily and its traditions became ever more attenuated.

Erasing racial and ethnic loyalties has proved daunting for those governments that have tried. It has been impossible to eliminate religion, despite the best efforts of both intellectuals and governments.

There is a fable about the wind and the sun arguing about who can get a man to take off his coat. The wind goes first, blowing with all its might. The man clings more tightly to his coat. The sun beams brightly. The man gets hot and takes off his coat. The harder governments blow against religion, the tighter devoted adherents cling to it, even at the cost of their own lives. Religion strengthens them against depredation and tyranny, and inevitably outlasts the governments. Any government that wants to put a dent in religion should allow it complete freedom. Look at where Catholicism has gone in Europe and America.

The Corleones’ fealty to the Catholic Church and its rituals may seem hypocritical. The Godfather’s funeral launches the scheme to kill Michael and his counterattack. Michael renounces Satan at a baptism as his men shoot up his enemies. His son’s first Communion is the backdrop for chintzy Lake Tahoe opulence, Connie’s moral and spiritual deterioration, and corrupt political dealings. Michael seemingly reconciles with Fredo as their mother lies in her casket, but he’s only moving his enemy that much closer.

Yet, along with family, friends, and Sicilian ethnicity, Catholicism is the glue holding the Mafia together. Their lives are exercises in hypocrisy, but they are all part of the same hypocrisy and observe the same rituals, hypocritical though that may be.

It was at this time that the Don got the idea he ran his world far better than his enemies ran the greater world which continually obstructed his path.

—The Godfather (novel)

The Godfather inarguably ran his world far better than governments, which have made a complete botch of it. He marshaled affinities and loyalties that have stood the test of countless centuries. That the pezzonovantis think they can suppress or destroy such bonds and replace them with mankind’s falsest god— government—only demonstrates their stupidity and their corruption.

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September 12, 2019 2:28 pm

Good to see you’re staying busy and still outside of Gitmo.

  Robert Gore
September 12, 2019 9:04 pm

Ok. That will allow me to bra about having a complete library of R. Gore Mysteries and Satire.

Check Six
Check Six
September 12, 2019 2:47 pm

I just ordered the book. Sounds most interesting. I shall compare it to the displayed character of a few fellows I once knew in Chicago.

Check Six
Check Six
  Robert Gore
September 12, 2019 10:29 pm

Will do.

September 12, 2019 3:16 pm

What a novel idea (pun intended) and a great concept for a book! Congrats, Robert. Hope it goes viral

September 12, 2019 6:41 pm

I was intrigued from the start, Robert.

“…he never loses sight of the reciprocal strands of respect, obligation, honor, and loyalty due family, friends, fellow Sicilians, and the Catholic church. These are not ties that bind. They are bonds, sources of strength…”

For all the vices “pushed” by the Corleone organization and the other families, The Don knew that doing business with Sollozzo (an outsider) and his allies would be an introduction of foreign agents that would be be an alien virulent infection against the Families. Easy money, sloth, comfort and greed would be the start of their demise.

September 12, 2019 9:11 pm

Excellent, am ordering the book.

-Stephen King
-Stephen King
September 12, 2019 11:47 pm

Good to see a post from you Mr. Gore its been a bit. I will toss a few random thoughts you inspired about as is my wont.

First and foremost, we have been conditioned to think of the mafia as brutal and governments as benevolent. Ridiculous, of course as I hope all here realize. Governments are much, much more brutal and nasty that mafias and the reasoning for such an argument could not be more obvious. 1) Governments are much bigger and much more powerful, but nonetheless comprised of the most ruthless and aggressive competitors. 2) Mafias tend to not mess much with ordinary citizens, but for governments ordinary citizens are the easiest and therefore the most targeted.

Second, is the necessity of brutality both in business and in government simply a requisite price for civilization. And, then, logically, the question must immediately follow: is such a price worth it? Saw a guy named Sebastian Junger on Joe Rogan’s show and he made the claim, that I have no reason to doubt, that many, many people left “modern” civilization to join Native American tribes in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries and virtually no one voluntarily did the opposite. His rationale is very simple and sound…we spent far more time working together in small tribes, struggling to survive in a harsh environment than we have in the comfort of modern life. Are we at our best when in mortal danger almost constantly. The twentieth century would seem to suggest that this may be the Truth.

On the heels of this, I cannot help but think that it is worse than useless to think about how life was then. We are here, now and the way things were will never come back. Pandora’s box is never-ending. And on that a final thought, and I know I sound like Jordan Peterson in saying this: How fucking incredible and timeless a story is that of Pandora’s Box. It is staggering in its brilliance and utility. How the fuck did our ancient, heathen, superstitious, foolish ancestors ever come up with something so incredibly deep and at the same time simple. A story we modern geniuses take completely for granted.

Simple…they had none of those attributes and 2) they had thousands of generations to work it out. Staggering.

Time is a face on the water.
– Stephen King

  -Stephen King
September 13, 2019 1:15 am

Yup. Me. DRUD.

22winmag - Guns now, due process later DJT 2-28-19
22winmag - Guns now, due process later DJT 2-28-19
September 13, 2019 3:57 am

I was able to figure out the Godfather as a little kid.

The lawyer’s role of representing and fronting for the criminal organization made sense to me, and it seemed inherently slimy.

Then I realized the government is permeated and saturated with lawyers.


But there was sort of a code of honour amoungst the crime families.
When they made a hit or went to war, it was well thought out, with thought out consequences, and the minimal bloodshed. Bad for business.
Also respect was given to wives and children.

The government does not care who it kills, how many, or the consequences. Just look at the South. On another article someone was praising Sherman, he not only encouraged the burning out of innocent women and children (done during early March leaving them to basically freeze and starve to death) but continued the policy against the Native Americans. This is now stardard US policy against anyone(see Germany, japan, Vietnam, and now Syria), and if one does not think it will be used against them it would be best to think again.


On my last count, there were approx. 50% of the Senate populated with Attorneys and the House had approx. 137 Attorneys. I have always had one question, “Given that Attorneys are ‘Officers or the Court’ is it not a conflict of interest for them to be in the Legislature”? The answer I have received with that question is: “They don’t work as Attorneys when in office”. I see; I could mentally separate myself from the ‘Group of Attorneys’ when writing/making Laws that will be tested by my colleagues and money made on both sides of the question. They should ONLY be allowed in the Judiciary with that becoming an issue having Judges Legislating from the Bench!

September 13, 2019 11:54 am

You may be interested in the original 13th amendment.

September 13, 2019 5:15 am

Will order.

You got caught in early crossfire last year. Apologies.

Am glad to see this RG.

September 13, 2019 5:33 am

Robert? I am intrigued. My husband’s Italian roots are in Bari. (Heel of the boot) However, the same feudal/coastal rules apply in the family.

I plan to order it and then tell my husband what it says while he works

Perhaps Nick Garuccio will review it for you. Not I.

Good luck and good tidings!

  Robert Gore
September 13, 2019 6:54 pm

Indeed I purchased the book in paperback! I really do rely upon prism lenses at times to read.

My husband says if he can actually HOLD it and read it, he will do so because the title is, of course, titillating. You may actually get the Nick the Knife thumbs up. LOL… That and the commission you get from the paperback might buy you coffee. If you come to the Ozarks, you will get beans.

Thanks for your perserverance and stoic dedication to telling Truth. No matter how many idiots surround you.

September 13, 2019 10:06 am

Excellent writing, Robert. I wonder your take on how the subversive Jew tribe has turned all our lives in America upside down, infiltrated every nook and cranny of government at every level, judges, colleges, financial institutions, entertainment, news, propaganda, sexual interaction and identity, art and subliminal art, in essence transforming all of America into either a cesspool or a second Israel, I don’t know which. Be careful though, anything you can write or say may be used against you in Zion’s court. But I thank you for your wisdom, pure reading pleasure !!

September 13, 2019 11:22 am

RG – Nicely done. You have invoked a lot of memories.

I lived in Sicily in the early 80s, and had a lot of interaction with the local Mafia. As a US service-member, we were basically designated hands-off by both the Carabinieri and the Mafia. As long as we didn’t push it too hard, either way.
Three friends and I rented a top floor and roof space from a local in Catania, who lived with his family on the bottom floor. We would watch this elderly gentleman walk twice a day through the neighborhood. People would come out to him, bringing small gifts, and showing respect. We, in our turn, brought him an occasional bottle of Jack Daniels or a carton of cigarettes. We never had to lock up our cars or worry about thieves, which are a terrible bane in Sicily. His youngest son, still living at home, explained to us that his father was a fairly high-placed don and controlled a large part of that side of Catania. I learned far more about the intricacies of the Mafia from that time there than any books or Americanized Sicilians ever could. Years later there were several such acquaintances that tried to boast about their ‘connections’, but they backed off pretty quick when I finally got tired of their BS and told them my experiences.
Conversely, the Carabinieri were also friendly and non-aggressive, unless you were stupid and arrogant. At the base housing, my room was right next to one shared by two Carabinieri, with a locked door between us. Nice guys.
I witnessed more than one running battle between the two sides, and knew far more about what each side was doing than was probably prudent. Neither group tried to get info from us, and neither side would’ve been understanding if we involved ourselves in their fight. We were expected to stay out of it and keep our mouths shut, by both sides.
We actually served a function as go-betweens at times. After living in Catania, the four of us rented a house in Costa del Sole. We would have parties there, often on the beach, during the off-season, when there were maybe 20 people living in the summer housing. Most times there would be 100 or more people show up; locals, Air Force from Comiso, sailors from Sigonella, low-level consulates from Palermo. Those parties were widely considered neutral, because it was expats from several countries and me and my friends. Low level Carabinieri, Mafia and diplomats mingled and had many ‘off-the-record’ talks. Usually we all just had a good time, and the only problems that ever came up were from drunk Americans, which we policed ourselves rigorously.

It was an amazing time.

September 13, 2019 12:37 pm

I was just wondering what happened to you. Glad you are back here.

Gory Guerrero - suck it, AoC
Gory Guerrero - suck it, AoC
September 13, 2019 12:52 pm

You make a distinction between government and the mafia where no discernible distinction is available. The Democrats running an illegal campaign against the Republican candidate sounds like an inversion of Watergate where bad is good

  Gory Guerrero - suck it, AoC
September 13, 2019 1:18 pm

Good read Robert ! Say what you will about Mafia families but I do admire the loyalties they have or once had for one another . I hate traitors and our government is full of them.

September 13, 2019 7:02 pm

My friend Paula wants to date you. This is Maggie pretending to be Paula pretending to be… oh shit! It IS hard to follow.

Now, about the Mafia families… my husband’s father lived with us for about six months before he died. When we held his service and dinner in Cleveland, his younger sister Pat told me she was glad he was with us. I told her it was an honor to be his daughter those last months.

She said they all knew that and would never had let me have him if they thought I would not take good care of him.

THEY would not have let ME have him… And she shook her finger in my face, as Italian matriarchs do. I fit right in.

That was the nicest thing anyone ever said to me. Perhaps. Ever.

So, Paula is in Norman, about 30 miles south of I-44. What do you think? I’ll give her your number if you say “go.”

September 13, 2019 1:52 pm

Brilliant! I love it. My day is not complete with at least one Godfather attribution. One of the best scenes (of many):

September 13, 2019 10:15 pm

Bob Gore is back and has book for us to read. Fabulous.

Thank you Bob, we/I have been waiting for this book.

Thank you very much.

Best regards,


Cleveland Rocks
Cleveland Rocks
September 14, 2019 4:47 pm

When you think of government think of pharaoh. All governments demand to be obeyed as king and worshiped as god.

Margaret Richner
Margaret Richner
September 14, 2019 10:47 pm

I really enjoyed the post on LRC about this book. I now have a better understanding of why I enjoyed the Godfather books and films so much. Thank you.

September 15, 2019 9:43 am

Great points about the nuclear bonds of family, faith, and fatherland.

We live in an age, as elucidated, where these foundational institutions have been eroded to the degree where they are, if they are not already, disintegrated and destroyed by the Hurricane Dorianesque forces of technology, “liberation,” and Evil. The flood tide of technology which swallows the worth of human labor; liberation of sexuality, women, children, failed and recycled political ideologies and anything else than can be “freed” from tradition and learned experience of the millenia; and The Evil that comes with replacing God with Satan in the pragmatic physical as well as spiritual realm.

Keep up the excellent and thought provoking writing Mr Gore, because as you prove here, the pen is mightier than the sword.

September 15, 2019 9:04 pm

Family. It is the core of everything. I was able to have lunch with my dad, wife and son today. Three generations of my name. Everything I do is to enable that 4th generation to thrive.

September 15, 2019 10:21 pm

Great book! Im still reading it, but it is extremely insightful and full of practical personal & business advice.

September 15, 2019 10:37 pm

I’d say ‘The Sopranos’ is a more accurate depiction of the way organised crime does business than ‘The Godfather’. It all seems very manly and moral until you have something one of them wants.

September 19, 2019 7:37 pm

I received the book today and am enjoying the read.

I am at Ch9, poised in a bit of frustration that Michael’s attempt to redeem his tarnished soul through the philanthropy and goodness of his daughter brings about the greatest tragedy of all.

Robert, that killing of his daughter at the glamorous charity ball offered a chance to discuss what tragedies happen when a businessman stops focusing on business.

Disaster is what happens.

You call it Ego-juice.

Some say Hubris.

I will check in with final assess tomorrow. Am enjoying the Godfather parallels.