Escobar: Syria May Be The Biggest Defeat For The CIA Since Vietnam

Authored by Pepe Escobar via,

What is happening in Syria, following yet another Russia-brokered deal, is a massive geopolitical game-changer.

I’ve tried to summarize it in a single paragraph this way:

It’s a quadruple win. The U.S. performs a face saving withdrawal, which Trump can sell as avoiding a conflict with NATO ally Turkey. Turkey has the guarantee – by the Russians – that the Syrian Army will be in control of the Turkish-Syrian border. Russia prevents a war escalation and keeps the Russia-Iran-Turkey peace process alive.  And Syria will eventually regain control of the entire northeast.”

Syria may be the biggest defeat for the CIA since Vietnam.

Yet that hardly begins to tell the whole story.

Allow me to briefly sketch in broad historical strokes how we got here.

It began with an intuition I felt last month at the tri-border point of Lebanon, Syria and Occupied Palestine; followed by a subsequent series of conversations in Beirut with first-class Lebanese, Syrian, Iranian, Russian, French and Italian analysts; all resting on my travels in Syria since the 1990s; with a mix of selected bibliography in French available at Antoine’s in Beirut thrown in.

The Vilayets

Let’s start in the 19thcentury when Syria consisted of six vilayets Ottoman provinces — without counting Mount Lebanon, which had a special status since 1861 to the benefit of Maronite Christians and Jerusalem, which was a sanjak (administrative division) of Istanbul.

The vilayets did not define the extremely complex Syrian identity: for instance, Armenians were the majority in the vilayet of Maras, Kurds in Diyarbakir – both now part of Turkey in southern Anatolia – and the vilayets of Aleppo and Damascus were both Sunni Arab.

Nineteenth century Ottoman Syria was the epitome of cosmopolitanism. There were no interior borders or walls. Everything was inter-dependent.

Ethnic groups in the Balkans and Asia Minor, early 20th Century, Historical Atlas, 1911.

Then the Europeans, profiting from World War I, intervened. France got the Syrian-Lebanese littoral, and later the vilayets of Maras and Mosul (today in Iraq). Palestine was separated from Cham (the “Levant”), to be internationalized. The vilayet of Damascus was cut in half: France got the north, the Brits got the south. Separation between Syria and the mostly Christian Lebanese lands came later.

There was always the complex question of the Syria-Iraq border. Since antiquity, the Euphrates acted as a barrier, for instance between the Cham of the Umayyads and their fierce competitors on the other side of the river, the Mesopotamian Abbasids.

James Barr, in his splendid “A Line in the Sand,” notes, correctly, that the Sykes-Picot agreement imposed on the Middle East the European conception of territory: their “line in the sand” codified a delimited separation between nation-states. The problem is, there were no nation-states in region in the early 20thcentury.

The birth of Syria as we know it was a work in progress, involving the Europeans, the Hashemite dynasty, nationalist Syrians invested in building a Greater Syria including Lebanon, and the Maronites of Mount Lebanon. An important factor is that few in the region lamented losing dependence on Hashemite Medina, and except the Turks, the loss of the vilayet of Mosul in what became Iraq after World War I.

In 1925, Sunnis became the de facto prominent power in Syria, as the French unified Aleppo and Damascus. During the 1920s France also established the borders of eastern Syria. And the Treaty of Lausanne, in 1923, forced the Turks to give up all Ottoman holdings but didn’t keep them out of the game.

Turkish borders according to the Treaty of Lausanne, 1923.

The Turks soon started to encroach on the French mandate, and began blocking the dream of Kurdish autonomy. France in the end gave in: the Turkish-Syrian border would parallel the route of the fabledBagdadbahn — the Berlin-Baghdad railway.

In the 1930s France gave in even more: the sanjak of Alexandretta (today’s Iskenderun, in Hatay province, Turkey), was finally annexed by Turkey in 1939 when only 40 percent of the population was Turkish.

The annexation led to the exile of tens of thousands of Armenians. It was a tremendous blow for Syrian nationalists. And it was a disaster for Aleppo, which lost its corridor to the Eastern Mediterranean.

Turkish forces under entered Alexandretta on July 5, 1938.

This emergent Syria — out of conflicting Turkish, French, British and myriad local interests —obviously could not, and did not, please any community. Still, the heart of the nation configured what was described as “useful Syria.” No less than 60 percent of the nation was — and remains — practically void.Yet, geopolitically, that translates into “strategic depth” — the heart of the matter in the current war.To the eastern steppes, Syria was all about Bedouin tribes. To the north, it was all about the Turkish-Kurdish clash. And to the south, the border was a mirage in the desert, only drawn with the advent of Transjordan. Only the western front, with Lebanon, was established, and consolidated after WWII.

From Hafez to Bashar

Starting in 1963, the Baath party, secular and nationalist, took over Syria, finally consolidating its power in 1970 with Hafez al-Assad, who instead of just relying on his Alawite minority, built a humongous, hyper-centralized state machinery mixed with a police state. The key actors who refused to play the game were the Muslim Brotherhood, all the way to being massacred during the hardcore 1982 Hama repression.

Secularism and a police state: that’s how the fragile Syrian mosaic was preserved. But already in the 1970s major fractures were emerging: between major cities and a very poor periphery; between the “useful” west and the Bedouin east; between Arabs and Kurds. But the urban elites never repudiated the iron will of Damascus: cronyism, after all, was quite profitable.

Damascus interfered heavily with the Lebanese civil war since 1976 at the invitation of the Arab League as a “peacekeeping force.” In Hafez al-Assad’s logic, stressing the Arab identity of Lebanon was essential to recover Greater Syria. But Syrian control over Lebanon started to unravel in 2005, after the murder of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri, very close to Saudi Arabia, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) eventually left.

Bashar al-Assad had taken power in 2000. Unlike his father, he bet on the Alawites to run the state machinery, preventing the possibility of a coup but completely alienating himself from the poor, Syrian on the street.

What the West defined as the Arab Spring, began in Syria in March 2011; it was a revolt against the Alawites as much  as a revolt against Damascus. Totally instrumentalized by the foreign interests, the revolt sprang up in extremely poor, dejected Sunni peripheries: Deraa in the south, the deserted east, and the suburbs of Damascus and Aleppo.

Protest in Damascus, April 24, 2011. (syriana2011/Flickr)

What was not understood in the West is that this “beggars banquet” was not against the Syrian nation, but against a “regime.” Jabhat al-Nusra, in a P.R. exercise, even broke its official link with al-Qaeda and changed its denomination to Fatah al-Cham and then Hayat Tahrir al-Cham (“Organization for the Liberation of the Levant”). Only ISIS/Daesh said they were fighting for the end of Sykes-Picot.

By 2014, the perpetually moving battlefield was more or less established: Damascus against both Jabhat al-Nusra and ISIS/Daesh, with a wobbly role for the Kurds in the northeast, obsessed in preserving the cantons of Afrin, Kobane and Qamichli.

But the key point is that each katiba (“combat group”), each neighborhood, each village, and in fact each combatant was in-and-out of allegiances non-stop. That yielded a dizzying nebulae of jihadis, criminals, mercenaries, some linked to al-Qaeda, some to Daesh, some trained by the Americans, some just making a quick buck.

For instance Salafis — lavishly financed by Saudi Arabia and Kuwait — especially Jaish al-Islam, even struck alliances with the PYD Kurds in Syria and the jihadis of Hayat Tahrir al-Cham (the remixed, 30,000-strong  al-Qaeda in Syria). Meanwhile, the PYD Kurds (an emanation of the Turkish Kurds’ PKK, which Ankara consider “terrorists”) profited from this unholy mess — plus a deliberate ambiguity by Damascus – to try to create their autonomous Rojava.

A demonstration in the city of Afrin in support of the YPG against the Turkish invasion of Afrin, Jan. 19, 2018. (Voice of America Kurdish, Wikimedia Commons)

That Turkish Strategic Depth

Turkey was all in. Turbo-charged by the neo-Ottoman politics of former Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, the logic was to reconquer parts of the Ottoman empire, and get rid of Assad because he had helped PKK Kurdish rebels in Turkey.

Davutoglu’s Strategik Derinlik (“Strategic Depth’), published in 2001, had been a smash hit in Turkey, reclaiming the glory of eight centuries of an sprawling empire, compared to puny 911 kilometers of borders fixed by the French and the Kemalists. Bilad al Cham, the Ottoman province congregating Lebanon, historical Palestine, Jordan and Syria, remained a powerful magnet in both the Syrian and Turkish unconscious.

No wonder Turkey’s Recep Erdogan was fired up: in 2012 he even boasted he was getting ready to pray in the Umayyad mosque in Damascus, post-regime change, of course. He has been gunning for a safe zone inside the Syrian border — actually a Turkish enclave — since 2014. To get it, he has used a whole bag of nasty players — from militias close to the Muslim Brotherhood to hardcore Turkmen gangs.

With the establishment of the Free Syrian Army (FSA), for the first time Turkey allowed foreign weaponized groups to operate on its own territory. A training camp was set up in 2011 in the sanjakof Alexandretta. The Syrian National Council was also created in Istanbul – a bunch of non-entities from the diaspora who had not been in Syria for decades.

Ankara enabled a de facto Jihad Highway — with people from Central Asia, Caucasus, Maghreb, Pakistan, Xinjiang, all points north in Europe being smuggled back and forth at will. In 2015, Ankara, Riyadh and Doha set up the dreaded Jaish al-Fath (“Army of Conquest”), which included Jabhat al-Nusra (al-Qaeda).

At the same time, Ankara maintained an extremely ambiguous relationship with ISIS/Daesh, buying its smuggled oil, treating jihadis in Turkish hospitals, and paying zero attention to jihad intel collected and developed on Turkish territory. For at least five years, the MIT — Turkish intelligence – provided political and logistic background to the Syrian opposition while weaponizing a galaxy of Salafis. After all, Ankara believed that ISIS/Daesh only existed because of the “evil” deployed by the Assad regime.

The Russian Factor

Russian President Vladiimir Putin meeting with President of Turkey Recep Erdogan; Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov standing in background, Ankara, Dec. 1, 2014 Ankara. (Kremlin)

The first major game-changer was the spectacular Russian entrance in the summer of 2015. Vladimir Putin had asked the U.S. to join in the fight against the Islamic State as the Soviet Union allied against Hitler, negating the American idea that this was Russia’s bid to restore its imperial glory. But the American plan instead, under Barack Obama, was single-minded: betting on a rag-tag Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), a mix of Kurds and Sunni Arabs, supported by air power and U.S. Special Forces, north of the Euphrates, to smash ISIS/Daesh all the way to Raqqa and Deir ez-Zor.

Raqqa, bombed to rubble by the Pentagon, may have been taken by the SDF, but Deir ez-Zor was taken by Damascus’s Syrian Arab Army. The ultimate American aim was to consistently keep the north of the Euphrates under U.S. power, via their proxies, the SDF and the Kurdish PYD/YPG. That American dream is now over, lamented by imperial Democrats and Republicans alike.

The CIA will be after Trump’s scalp till Kingdom Come.

Kurdish Dream Over

Talk about a cultural misunderstanding. As much as the Syrian Kurds believed U.S. protection amounted to an endorsement of their independence dreams, Americans never seemed to understand that throughout the “Greater Middle East” you cannot buy a tribe. At best, you can rent them. And they use you according to their interests. I’ve seen it from Afghanistan to Iraq’s Anbar province.

The Kurdish dream of a contiguous, autonomous territory from Qamichli to Manbij is over. Sunni Arabs living in this perimeter will resist any Kurdish attempt at dominance.

The Syrian PYD was founded in 2005 by PKK militants. In 2011, Syrians from the PKK came from Qandil – the PKK base in northern Iraq – to build the YPG militia for the PYD. In predominantly Arab zones, Syrian Kurds are in charge of governing because for them Arabs are seen as a bunch of barbarians, incapable of building their “democratic, socialist, ecological and multi-communitarian” society.

Kurdish PKK guerillas In Kirkuk, Iraq. (Kurdishstruggle via Flickr)

One can imagine how conservative Sunni Arab tribal leaders hate their guts. There’s no way these tribal leaders will ever support the Kurds against the SAA or the Turkish army; after all these Arab tribal leaders spent a lot of time in Damascus seeking support from Bashar al-Assad.  And now the Kurds themselves have accepted that support in the face of the Trukish incursion, greenlighted by Trump.

East of Deir ez-Zor, the PYD/YPG already had to say goodbye to the region that is responsible for 50 percent of Syria’s oil production. Damascus and the SAA now have the upper hand. What’s left for the PYD/YPG is to resign themselves to Damascus’s and Russian protection against Turkey, and the chance of exercising sovereignty in exclusively Kurdish territories.

Ignorance of the West

The West, with typical Orientalist haughtiness, never understood that Alawites, Christians, Ismailis and Druze in Syria would always privilege Damascus for protection compared to an “opposition” monopolized by hardcore Islamists, if not jihadis.  The West also did not understand that the government in Damascus, for survival, could always count on formidable Baath party networks plus the dreaded mukhabarat — the intel services.

Rebuilding Syria

The reconstruction of Syria may cost as much as $200 billion. Damascus has already made it very clear that the U.S. and the EU are not welcome. China will be in the forefront, along with Russia and Iran; this will be a project strictly following the Eurasia integration playbook — with the Chinese aiming to revive Syria’s strategic positioning in the Ancient Silk Road.

As for Erdogan, distrusted by virtually everyone, and a tad less neo-Ottoman than in the recent past, he now seems to have finally understood that Bashar al-Assad “won’t go,” and he must live with it. Ankara is bound to remain imvolved with Tehran and Moscow, in finding a comprehensive, constitutional solution for the Syrian tragedy through the former “Astana process”, later developed in Ankara.

The war may not have been totally won, of course. But against all odds, it’s clear a unified, sovereign Syrian nation is bound to prevail over every perverted strand of geopolitical molotov cocktails concocted in sinister NATO/GCC labs. History will eventually tell us that, as an example to the whole Global South, this will remain the ultimate game-changer.

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Vote Harder
Vote Harder
October 20, 2019 10:15 am

And perhaps the real reasons for the defeat in Vietnam and Syria may be the same.

America’s Rationale for Going to War:

With that ample background, let’s look at an interesting document from 1965 showing the justification for entering the Vietnam War. The memo dated March 24, 1965 was written by Assistant Secretary of State John McNaughton and sent to Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara. The subject of the memo was to outline a proposed course of action for Vietnam, given that the situation in the country was “bad and deteriorating”. As you may recall from the earlier part of this posting, the first 3500 American boots were put on the ground in Vietnam on March 8, 1965, only two weeks prior to this memo:

The key part of the memo is found in the Annex – Plan of Action for South Vietnam section, a brief look at the justification for the United States to commit to entering the Vietnam civil war:

“70% –To avoid a humiliating US defeat (to our reputation as a guarantor).
20%–To keep SVN (and then adjacent) territory from Chinese hands.
10%–To permit the people of SVN to enjoy a better, freer way of life.

ALSO–To emerge from crisis without unacceptable taint from methods used.

NOT–To “help a friend,” although it would be hard to stay in if asked out.”

Note how a major part of the reasoning behind entering the Vietnam War was to avoid a humiliating defeat at the hands of the Communist Viet Congress, not to help out the people of South Vietnam who were barely part of the equation. This provides us with a fascinating glimpse into the mindset that is Washington.

Yep, Tulsi is right on the fraud called the Military Industrial Complex!

  Vote Harder
October 20, 2019 10:23 am

Any time that the CIA is defeated, it’s a victory for the American public!

October 20, 2019 11:18 am

Without a doubt…and for the world. Talk about the road to hell is paved with good intentions…this book exposes the beginnings of the unholy trinity of the CIA, The Mafia and the Vatican, and how we got to where we are today. It’s a road map of the crimes, corruption, and secret society spiritual filth.

This disturbing expose describes a secret alliance forged at the close of World War II by the CIA, the Sicilian and US mafias, and the Vatican to thwart the possibility of a Communist invasion of Europe. Journalist Paul L. Williams presents evidence suggesting the existence of “stay-behind” units in many European countries consisting of five thousand to fifteen thousand military operatives. According to the author’s research, the initial funding for these guerilla armies came from the sale of large stocks of SS morphine that had been smuggled out of Germany and Italy and of bogus British bank notes that had been produced in concentration camps by skilled counterfeiters. As the Cold War intensified, the units were used not only to ward off possible invaders, but also to thwart the rise of left-wing movements in South America and NATO-based countries by terror attacks. Williams argues that Operation Gladio soon gave rise to the toppling of governments, wholesale genocide, the formation of death squads, financial scandals on a grand scale, the creation of the mujahideen, an international narcotics network, and, most recently, the ascendancy of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, a Jesuit cleric with strong ties to Operation Condor (an outgrowth of Gladio in Argentina) as Pope Francis I.
Sure to be controversial, Operation Gladio connects the dots in ways the mainstream media often overlooks.

October 20, 2019 12:25 pm

In my opinion, the only way to combat the MIC is to stop hero worship of young men going into the military. Even go as far as to ridicule.

Vote Harder
Vote Harder
October 20, 2019 12:52 pm


comment image

22winmag - 1/4 Jew 3/4 Anarchist
22winmag - 1/4 Jew 3/4 Anarchist
  Vote Harder
October 20, 2019 1:51 pm


Where are the Oath Keepers in the above scenario?

I’m asking for a friend.

  22winmag - 1/4 Jew 3/4 Anarchist
October 20, 2019 2:47 pm

Are you kidding…obviously little grasshopper it depends on what side is keeping their Constitutional Oath.

Jeeeeez, that was a no brainer.

Obviously, you didn’t bother to watch the video I posted about the 500 Texas Oath Keepers (mostly former military – now civilan Oath Keepers) who completely surrounded the bully Texas Police Station, marching with AR’s and Ak’s, and totally backed that Police Department down from ever arresting any more citizens who were open carrying legally. I posted the vid THREE TIMES to answer your mindless ranting against them.

Like talking to a brick wall.

October 20, 2019 12:58 pm

Young men looking for a purpose (nowadays it’s young men looking for a pension) are being u.s.e.d.

October 20, 2019 2:02 pm

Donkey? Regarding the new, um, moniker image?

Did you eat RiNS and Stucky?

  M G
October 20, 2019 2:15 pm


Are you reading my mind? I wanted it to be a Christian Soldier but I simply won’t step on Stucky’s toes. He beat me to the best moniker on the net.

I am a Norseman so….

October 20, 2019 2:38 pm

It is AWESOME… where is nova scotia boy?

October 20, 2019 2:04 pm


That’s a too simplistic an explanation of the motivations to enlist.

Most of our wars have been fought by ‘citizen’ soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines and the coast guard, even nowadays, for many more reasons then you listed.

1. Wanting rites of passage, manhood incubator, arena experiences.

2. An aggressive, war like, testosterone nature.

3. World travel.

4. Family tradition/patriotism.

5. The GI Bill when you come home.

6. A path out of poverty, three hots and a cot every day/night.

7. A purpose and a career with a pension.

8. Revenge for the second Pearl Harbor.

9. Teenage naïve military romanticism (too many war movies).

10. The judge gives you no choice (ask Flea) the miltary or the slammer.

11. Multiples of the above.

I enlisted with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 7.

The fact that most of our wars have been FF Game of Throne lies and manipulations still isn’t known widespread throughout the masses, but the truth is spreading, mostly because of the internet. That is why TLPTB (Luciferian is the L) are so desperate to gain 100% control of it.

October 20, 2019 2:18 pm


When did you enlist? I mixed you up with Fea? You were Vietnam, I thought? If so, what are you calling the second Pearl Harbor?

October 20, 2019 3:32 pm


Enlisted in 68, fought in Nam in 69 (both Flea and I fought in 69).

Flea is the tall good looking one…I’m the short good looking one.

The second Pearl Harbor is 911…both were FFs of course.

October 20, 2019 3:40 pm

Mark, sorry, I misread. I thought you said one of the reasons you enlisted was #8. I see my mistake.

October 20, 2019 4:18 pm

I enlisted in 65, went to III Corps in Nam from Dec. 67 to Dec 68. Was there for the Tet offensive, the counter Offensive and the two Mini Tets.
What I was Privy to and later participated in is covered by .22 Mag. but nobody reads his stuff because he all over like horse manure.
We (CIA with LBJ’s permission) took the heroin trade from the French while honing our regime change and terror skills but the Elephant in the room was the noise covered the regime change in the strategic mother lode of Indonesia. Using false info about commies we (CIA) put Suharto in and commenced the extermination of Christians and many others. Previously we had annexed Irian Jaya for the Rockefellers for the rich copper deposits. It began in 65 and ran for quite a few years.

October 20, 2019 6:03 pm

Flea and Mark

What do you think of the people who sent you to Nam?

October 20, 2019 6:23 pm


I sent myself…I enlisted see: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 7 above.

My WW2 vet Father who literally begged me to enlist in the Navy or Airforce (I announced I was going in the Marines at age 13 in 63) said two things when I kept my word and enlisted at 18 (he refused to let me quit HS or sign for me to enlist at 17).

1. You are in for the rude awakening.

2. Watch out when you get what you wished for when you are 18.

Of course he was right both times.

It was amazing how smart he became the older I survived…by the hair of my chiny chin chin.

My opinions on The Luciferian Powers That Be (TLPTB) are well documented.

October 20, 2019 7:27 pm

I am indifferent to them. They can do no other than they did and are doing today. Their deeds and motives are their Fathers. I expose them and fight them with a detached determination in a hundred ways. When I hated them I became them.
Now ask me what I think of Birkenstock Hippies. Keeping it at or below the “Cold Anger” T4C was talking about is a daily chore.

October 20, 2019 7:38 pm

Flea, I get it that you would hate hippies. They were a bit misguided/used as well, I assume.

October 20, 2019 8:53 pm

Loathing would be more like it. I don’t hate anyone. The treatment we got when we came home was not misguided. It was intentional liberal contempt directed at the least guilty group and who had no idea why they were being hated and no defense for it because it was everywhere. Any supporters we had were cowed into looking the other way.

October 20, 2019 9:39 pm

Flea…I sent one of the mistreaters to the hospital. He got in my face in a neighborhood bar soon after I came home. Shit, I was still looking for bobby traps when I was walking. Big man on the Rutgers campus. I grew up with him, we use to be friends…he got loaded and tried to publically humiliate me. He was clueless to what I had done and become.

After that everyone else in my hometown (Edison NJ) kept their distance, and extremely civil tongues in their head. Nothing like almost killing a guy to make everyone else super polite. And I would have killed him that night too – if not for some big dudes who saved his life and pried me off him.

Found some Nam Vets at an American Legion in Iselin, we closed ranks, partied hard together.

Then Rambo cartoon movies came out and suddenly it was way cool to have a little blood on your hands, and all the stolen valor bullshit artists came out of the frigg’in fanasty woodwork.

October 21, 2019 12:02 am

After 911 all the Nam era vets came out of the woodwork. Towel boys at the officers beach in Rota Spain suddenly had 8 purple hearts or were Navy Seals in 68 when there were only 2 dozen Seals in the whole Navy etc. Or how about all the Re-con guys who survived 2 weeks in a pow camp in Ft. Dix. The Hippies started thanking us to assuage their guilt after 911 also.

October 21, 2019 10:28 am

Ha! Yea, some of the stolen valor vids make me laugh at those sad wanna bes. They are always pathetic.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
October 20, 2019 9:49 pm

I’ll stand between the tall and the short one day day;)

  Mary Christine
October 20, 2019 10:11 pm

That is what you would call: ‘One beauty and two beasts’.

October 20, 2019 1:31 pm


That’s not going to stop and unravel the unholy trinity…especially with a 70 year overwhelmingly successful history.

What you’re talking about is a different branch on the brainwashing three root evil tree that the book I posted above completely exposes.

Have you read it?

I thought I understood that three headed snake until I did. I actually didn’t know jack shit about their three cord evil strand: drugs, murder/death, and money laundering and how it ties into other components of the TLPTB (The ‘Luceriferian’ Powers That Be).

Don’t underestimate the Secret Societies and their occult influence and power…this book exposes that as well.

What you are taking about is stopping the empire expansion/maintenance and forcing the military back into its right and honorable role in the ‘defense’ of the ‘Republic’ not the offence expanding the Luciferian Bankster Globalists empire through FF and other lies, propaganda, and deception.

October 20, 2019 1:41 pm

I have no suggestions on how to combat those people/entities(?) and I would love to hear some. The only thing I’ve heard is to end the fed. The good book tells us the devil wins here on earth until he doesn’t.

October 20, 2019 2:34 pm


First suggestion: Read the book and understand your enemies’ history, tactics, and strategy. At least these 3 demonic components. You where posting from 30,000 feet and I brought it down to ground level.

“The only thing I’ve heard is to end the fed.”

Really? You are not paying close attention. Some of the debates around here are wide and deep.

“The good book tells us the devil wins here on earth until he doesn’t.”

So we should not do anything and just wait for the end to the Tribulation? Not me.

I believe in knowledge/truth (read the book about these three evil imp organizations – but read God’s book all you’ll need on what to do is there) spreading the knowledge/truth, prep, thoughtful action, worship/prayer, and a few other foundational beliefs without getting too preachy.

October 20, 2019 2:47 pm

We should start a Burning Platform library. We can all send books to one another. Are you finished with your copy?

I’ll admit, going deep deep is mind bending for me though. How are you supposed to fight these 3? Going Galt? End the fed? I like what you write about in what you are doing on your end. I really do. You may be THE redoubt in your area.

The lies are just too good and embedded to discern the truth. What does that make me? This is why I wrote the article for TBP titled “The Truth Does not Exist”.

If/when the day comes that I have no choice but to fight, I will do so. I do not believe I am a leader though simply because I have to KNOW what the truth is in order to lead.

October 20, 2019 3:38 pm


I’m leaving to see a friend who is dying of cancer…my wife is bringing his family a meal…when I get back I’ll post a brief answer, but the book is the depth & details you will need to understand these 3, how the occult has taken over, and what we can do as individuals…in my opinion.

Pray for my buddy Gary…he is going home soon…and is fully prepared to meet his Maker.

October 20, 2019 3:42 pm

I can do that for you. I missed a visit to see my father-in-law before he died by just a few weeks. Career Air Force. He was a great guy. He is missed every day.

October 20, 2019 9:14 pm

Donkey: Going deep into the Matrix or the Rabbit Hole is always mind-bendingly scary. I remember when I started my little trip, I got angry, beyond angry at the fraud, brutality, greed and outright viciousness of the plotters and schemers and murderers. Their callousness and cavalier attitudes towards the suffering of others along with the destruction of the planet and societies, all done in the name of greed and power.

What we have today isn’t unique to us and this present time, it’s gone on for centuries with the 20th century seeing some of the most egregious abuses. . Difference today from earlier eras is sophisticated technology that is far reaching at all levels, intelligence, weaponry, biologics and chemicals, plus psychological manipulations and propaganda on massive scales via media.

What you do is pay attention, educate yourself and don’f fall for lies and manipulation. Get rid of cable and TV, stay off of social media like facebook except if you need to see where the other half goes and what it does. Go Galt as much as possible without harming yourself or your family, hold onto that which is good and help those who want to see and understand.

Also, most importantly, don’t throw up your hands and quit. The ones who say don’t vote or participate have a point but only a point. In’today’s world, especially with lunatics in the democrat party, it is vitally important to not abandon the field to them by not voting.
Go read Desiderata for some insight….
Max Ehrmann


Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.

The rest of the poem here:

October 21, 2019 7:58 am

Mygirl, you said the word.

October 20, 2019 2:26 pm

It’s in the male DNA to be a hero and a warrior. Even the “New Castratti” Beta Soy Boys have it. Being a Hero and Protector is a mans highest calling. It’s been badly perverted by the Luciferian Trans-humanists in charge but it’s still there.

October 20, 2019 2:33 pm

Flea, I agree. It is being used against us just like Steve Irwin used a gators tendencies against itself. We need to wake up the young males so they understand they aren’t actually being heros and protectors but instead are being u.s.e.d.

22winmag - 1/4 Jew 3/4 Anarchist
22winmag - 1/4 Jew 3/4 Anarchist
October 20, 2019 1:51 pm

Fantastic 1999 radio segments.

October 20, 2019 8:29 pm

The Arab Spring uprising began in Tunisia, not Syria as Escobar claims. A fruit vendor set himself on fire to protest police brutality, political corruption and poverty.
Escobar also skips over the inconvenient fact that the PKK are communists seeking to establish an independent communist state in Turkey and they’ve been battling the Turks since the 70’s. There’s lots of confusion and misinformation about the PPK and it’s offshoot, the YPG, who are no strangers to terrorism in pursuit of the goal of an independent communist Kurdish nation.

Like much of what happens in the Middle East and elsewhere, there are wheels within wheels and no one specific cause of conflict but lots of special interests.

Additionally, one of the most important aspect to consider in American foreign policy over the years has been the Wolfowitcz doctrine and said doctrine explains in no uncertain terms just what the goals were and still are.

22winmag - 1/4 Jew 3/4 Anarchist
22winmag - 1/4 Jew 3/4 Anarchist
October 20, 2019 1:50 pm

Don’t be a fool.

The only time the CIA is defeated is when they fake it, so your dumb ass thinks they lost some ground.

  22winmag - 1/4 Jew 3/4 Anarchist
October 20, 2019 6:42 pm

Who are you talking to here short round?

October 20, 2019 11:28 am

Just pull out of the middle east and let the peaceful Muslims work things out. Just think about how gas really costs if you take the cost of our military into account.

October 20, 2019 3:00 pm

there might not be any gas except that from gasbags–

October 20, 2019 12:12 pm

The “Global South” in South America is exploding, thanks to… to what? Not anything done or not done by DJT. Not in my opinion at least. No, these “explosions” here and elsewhere can be laid at the feet of the usual suspects. These sudden violent outbursts in Ecuador, Chile and likely to soon spread elsewhere aren’t “spontaneous” or unorchestrated; quite the contrary. Riots over a rise in gasoline prices and subway tokens requiring declarations of states of emergency? No, these events are planned and executed at first by cadres and then perhaps by an inflamed population that takes their cues from well-organized (often from afar) for ulterior motives.

The “Global South” (where I live) might be headed for its own “Arab Spring”, something I quite simply dread. Out in the boons (where I live), it shouldn’t be too bad, but then one thinks of Perú and the terror of the Shining Path not all that long ago. Perú, too, is having its problems of late. The next and likely most important target of the nefarious plotters? Brazil. Argentina has its presidential election next Sunday, with the left the likely winners. No, things don’t bode well for the “Global South”, Mr. Escobar’s glee notwithstanding.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
October 20, 2019 1:46 pm

Monte, I think S. America is the big story no one is talking about. You really have to dig to find out anything.

This is from an ex-pat in Ecuador I came across. I don’t visit American Partisan very often but dropped in there yesterday and this is a fascinating account in 12 parts that begins on Oct 4th. The instigator seems to be the IMF…of course..who else.

Surviving SHTF: Chaos In Quito, Part 12

Chaos in Ecuador from an Expat On the Ground

  Mary Christine
October 20, 2019 6:43 pm

Spoke with a friend (a native) in Ecuador last night. She has a very nice apt in the snazzy zone of Quito, but is holed up on the family farm near the coast. She said the situation in Quito was very bad, but she was returning since things seemed to have settled down. Now I’m waiting to hear from a friend in Santiago de Chile. Whole lotta shakin’ goin’ on down here, and it ain’t earthquakes. Not surprised to hear it’s not being covered much by the US “press”.

22winmag - 1/4 Jew 3/4 Anarchist
22winmag - 1/4 Jew 3/4 Anarchist
October 20, 2019 1:49 pm

Fuck you Escobar the disinfo agent!

It went public in 2009 that no-talent Jim Morrison’s daddy George was in charge of the Gulf of Tonkin hoax.

Yes, the Gulf of Tonkin was 100% hoaxed per the mainstream! This means the Vietnam war was micro-managed at such high levels on *both sides*, financed by the same corporations, that nobody “lost” the war, and certainly not the CIA, which never stopped expanding and BLOSSOMED after 1975.

That’s not “losing.”

Asshole Escobar.

Disinfomation flack.

October 20, 2019 2:42 pm
October 21, 2019 12:08 am

here’s a good article i read at lewrockwell–
the genealogy of the kurdish question

The Genealogy of the Kurdish Question