Why Gen X says “Okay Boomer!”

[I liked gilberts’s assessment of the Boomers so much in the Gen X says Shut Up post,  I asked for permission to post it. *(See below)]

Boomers are the most pampered, selfish, self-absorbed, phony, hypocritical generation in history. (Numbered points added by me for reference below.)

  1. They’ve never stopped telling the rest of us how to live our lives. They wrecked the system, created nothing better to replace it, railroaded the system to profit themselves, had kids and ignored them while still chasing their own selfish interests. Now they dump their pronouncements down on the rest of us.
  2. Everyone before them was evil because they were all racist, evil, stupid, hateful, closed-minded bourgeois bigots and everyone younger than them is selfish, lazy, and stupid. For a bunch of people who are/were so proud of all their protesting and activism and drug use and free love, they sure were happy to silence dissent with “free speech” zones, campus speech codes.
  3. These same former pot-heads and 80s coke-heads now support zero-tolerance drug testing and mandatory drug possession sentences, and… well, they seem to be pleased when we get abortions, so I guess they’re OK with the free love still.
  4. These people benefited from and wrecked the most powerful economy in the world, and we all suffer from their financial chicanery, but they’ve embraced a system of debt servitude for the rest of us and they don’t want to let anyone declare bankruptcy. Ask a Boomer to forgive your crushing student debt, which was run up in their casino on their watch. HA!
  5. These people were literally able to say anything they wanted, do anything they wanted, fuck anything they wanted, and they will arrest a 5 year old for making a gun shape with his fingers, charge a little boy for kissing a little girl, and call the cops to arrest a developmentally disabled kid for wetting his pants in school.
  6. They hitchhiked to Mexico as teens and they will call the police if you let your child go play in the park alone.
  7. They hate guns, but they’re happy to hire armed security to protect themselves.
  8. They so fucked up the system, they’ve tied up most of the nation’s wealth and given themselves a variety of freebies, yet many of them were so short-sighted, they made no plans for retirement.
  9. I’ve seen fat, stupid, lazy Boomers squatting in positions from which they should have retired long ago.

But they refuse to go, keeping others dammed up, waiting for them to die so they can progress. I supported a govt office once where the senior guy had 30 years’ experience (so he claimed). When offered the manager spot, he refused the responsibility, and actually slept at his desk.

His younger supervisor couldn’t fire him and we suffered his presence. He filled up a spot a talented, productive younger person could have had, performed no work, and was so selfish he literally abandoned his co-workers when they went into town together. I’ve seen a lot of that in recent years. If these things aren’t you, and they probably aren’t if you’re reading this, then good for you, but your cohorts are super-massive-mega-douchebags. (Emphasis mine.)

When I grew up, old people were all WWII vets, Korea vets, even some WWI vets. My dad served in the Navy during Korea-didn’t deploy tho. There were retired vets of all ranks in my neighborhood. COL Gerald Averill, author of Mustang, for instance, was the nice old man around the block who liked to play pranks on kids at Halloween. A gun store just outside of town belonged to a guy who lied about his age to join the Navy in WWII, served in Korea, and then served in Vietnam. Make any petulant comments you want; some of those people were damn good people. They were made of iron compared to the pussyfarts running around now.

My Young One will grow up in a world where all the old people are former protestors, drug dealers, free lovers, symbionese army veterans, ex-black panthers, former marxists, etc. Not much to look up to if you ask me.

“What did you do during the war, grandpa?”

“I protested, bombed the pentagon, did a bunch of drugs, got the clap, and I joined a commune!”

Worse, they’re going to look up to my friends and associates who… well, we were pretty good at Xbox. We could pound beer and destroy pizzas like it was our job. One of my coworkers got cussed at by Elizabeth Banks. That was pretty exciting. Worse than that, they might look up to the losers born in the 90s who got participation trophies for showing up. “What did you do during the war, dad?”

“Which one?”

Seems like we’ve been at war for most of my life at this point. There was Iraq, then Yugoslavia, then Iraq, then Afghanistan, then some brief things in Africa and South America, then Iraq again… Well, I watched the Marvel superheroes movies. That was pretty serious stuff.

And I beat Call of Duty parts 2-4.

I worked at TGI Fridays for a while.

Then, I worked at Sunglasses Hut.”

* See? I asked for permission and nonreply = acquiescence.

gilberts? It is 7:15 a.m. here. This Boomer has chickens to tend and rabbits to feed. I have put paragraph returns and a couple minor punctuational corrects. When I get back in, I plan to submit your comment as a post unless you ask me not to.  I am posting my own semi-correlated questions below.

  1. Why do the Boomers think they reinvented the damn wheel?
  2. Why haven’t Boomers realized their own bad behavior snowballed into the bad behavior in our society?
  3. Why didn’t Boomers train up their children correctly? Did the drugs and easy access to abortions make their children seen, well, disposable?
  4. Why did the Boomers think entitled to meant it should be theirs already?
  5. I’m not sure I think all these are possible, but I get your general gist as this:  Why do Boomers think their opinion is the only one that is enlightened?
  6. Why did the Boomers use up all the free and safe rides, free and safe love?  Do they know they invented Aids and Herpes?
  7. I’m not sure the “gun” thing fits but how’s this:  Why will Boomers justify their own guns but support taking yours?  (I think it is a rich/poor thing.)
  8. Why did Boomers fall for every market scheme thrown their way and expect it to be different the next time?
  9. Why do so many Boomers refuse to admit they cannot keep up?

(The questions are simply my own offering, if anyone would answer or argue, I would appreciate the feedback.)

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TN Patriot
TN Patriot
January 14, 2020 11:29 am

I am a boomer and on points 1 – 9, I fit none of them. I see a lot of these points that fit the life of just about any progressive, crossing all generations from The Bern to Accidentally Occasionally Coherent.

TX Patriot
TX Patriot
  TN Patriot
January 14, 2020 1:58 pm

Thanks TN,
That fits me to a tee as well. Nothing to add. I guess we are not typical Boomers. Glad for that!

Done in Dallas
Done in Dallas
  TX Patriot
January 14, 2020 6:20 pm

Well to the Gen X’ers that believe this shit, FOAD.

  Done in Dallas
January 14, 2020 8:28 pm

I wrote it. I believe it. If it’s not you, good for you. I qualified it stating if you were reading it here, it probably didn’t apply to you. I’m sure millions of people don’t fit that description, but in America’s largest-ever generation covering a 20+ year spread there are bound to be some outliers. Still, even if it doesn’t fit you, a vast generalization can be valid if it is generally true. And my vast generalization seems to be generally true from my perspective. History seems to support it, too, if any of the many Boomer-produced TV histories I’ve been treated to since the early 1980s are any indication.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
January 15, 2020 3:59 am

It seems the liberal half of the boomers are as described above. The conservative half isn’t. At least that’s my experience.

  TN Patriot
January 14, 2020 3:18 pm

WRONG GENERATION. Millenials can barely tie their shoelaces. I work in a professional center. It is chock full of them. Unbelievable what an entire group of hot house flowers. If you practically look at them wrong, they are on the verge of tears.

January 14, 2020 11:38 am

“Boomers are the most pampered, selfish, self-absorbed, phony, hypocritical generation in history.”

heh. wait until your kids judge you.

(you did have kids, didn’t you?)

January 14, 2020 12:26 pm

Yeah, they passed-on those attitudes to their Millenial spawn, and they will be 10x as bad.

January 14, 2020 2:43 pm

Boomers did not produce the most WORTHLESS generation, the Millennials. Generation X did. Please don’t blame us for those worthless Millennials. Thanks.

The Hinoeuma
The Hinoeuma
January 14, 2020 4:17 pm

Break out your calculator, hoss. The Millennial generation started in the early 80s. They are products of the younger Boomers. The largest bulk of GenXers are from the 70s as we older GenXers are a smaller group due to Vietnam (and we are THE SMALLEST group if you start with the ‘Greatest Generation’ folks…I think the Silent Generation is smaller than we are). Even being born in 1966, I was a young teen in the early 80s and the bulk of the GenXers from the 70s were kids. GenXers are, typically, 1965-1980. The Millennials aren’t ours… SORRY.

  The Hinoeuma
January 14, 2020 9:03 pm

Savage! And, one faggy Boomer down voted you.

January 14, 2020 7:36 pm

No, the vast majority of the Millenials are children of Boomers. Check your dates of that generation.

  M G
January 15, 2020 8:28 am

There is a little bit of overlap in the spawning of generations, bc of the avg age that people have kids. Generational cohorts are also defined by common experiences and major cultural events/assassinations.

Here’s how it works: the WW2 generation was born in the early 1900’s, and spawned the Boomers (born 1945-1962 – – Kennedy assassination is the cut-off). The Silent Generation (called that bc no presidents from that group) were born 1925-45 (too young to fight in WW2, born before end of war), and they mostly fathered GenX (they were born between Kennedy and Reagan shot) [side note: maybe 20% of the GenX were born to older boomers bc of how women are waiting longer to have kids, and generally speaking, they act more like Millenials.]

Millenials were born roughly 1980-2001. GenZ was born post 9/11 to mostly GenX parents, but about 20% were born to Millenials. There is some debate as to when Gen Z wrapped-up/will end… .perhaps it was the election of 2016 ushering-in the Age of Trump being the cut-off, or maybe it’s not quite done… it may be that something else really big/changing-event is set to go down, if the pattern holds. This is just my anecdotal observation, but I see a lot of promise from the non-zombiefied kids of GenZ…. they detest much of what the Boomers & Millenials represent, and they will be real go-getters, and may take up the mantle of the “Hero generation” archetype that the Millenials have forsaken.

January 15, 2020 1:56 pm

I worked my way through that and agree with you. It is sometimes the one you least expect who steps up and does the right thing.

January 14, 2020 11:51 am

I’m a boomer, did a tour in Viet Nam came home to a factory job in Mich, quit spent over 40 yrs running over the road in a truck working 80-90+ hrs a week, worked weekends holidays kids birthdays anniversaries etc, long story but after 3+ million miles and a couple yrs starting and building a business from scratch today have nothing to show for all the work, never inherited a dime and live in a rented mobile home on ss and any odd jobs I can find married 50+ yrs to the same great girl and happy, oh and I’m a white hetero male and really feel ashamed of my white privilege

Yeah i guess I must apologize for being a boomer. I’m sorry, forgive me.

January 14, 2020 11:55 am

“I must apologize for being a boomer”

you’re missing the point. they’re not blaming you for your life. they’re blaming you for their life.

January 14, 2020 12:13 pm

In other words, “I’m a victim”. The blame for this can not be placed on boomers nor any other generation In general. Satan wants to destroy mankind because mankind is the pinnacle of God’s creation. So he uses those he can deceive and places them in positions of authority to lead his world in that direction. This is why we see this happening all throughout history.

But, all to a certain end that concludes with those who chose to trust in the true God living with Him in His kingdom for all eternity. And those who trusted in the false god living with him in his kingdom for all eternity.

Even so… Maranatha!!

January 14, 2020 12:32 pm

No, as a Gen X’er, we just blaming them for the terrible consequences of your liberal cohorts’ lifestyles/attitudes. I dont despise all Boomers (I know quite a few solid, conservatives in that age group), but it’s the stereotypes of that generation that are being discussed here – – and stereotypes exist for a reason. If you need to have this concept pointed out, perhaps it does in fact apply to you, or you feel guilty about some of this??

January 14, 2020 2:08 pm

“stereotypes exist for a reason”

true. and blaming a stereotype will get you a stereotype response.

“you feel guilty about some of this?”

newsflash: life’s not fair. saddle up.

edit: as things go down those of us who are still citizens will try to help those who are still citizens, and for that matter everyone else we can.

January 14, 2020 4:34 pm

Ok Boomer

January 14, 2020 5:49 pm

“OK Boomer”

(laugh) well we’re all gonna go “boom” here pretty soon, so it’s all good.

  M G
January 14, 2020 7:39 pm

Lol, the arrogant reactions here from the Boomers only reinforce the points made in the article and the contempt we have for that generation, as a whole.

  M G
January 14, 2020 7:51 pm

“The “Okay Boomer” thing is maddening, isn’t it?”

it’s just a dismissal. “I’m not going to answer you, I’m just going to look down on you.” a common trope everywhere for left, right, young, old, libertarian, communist. no need to take it seriously, if they don’t want to consider and rationally answer what you say then just let it go.

(… actually, no, not for communists. communists don’t discuss anything, they just tell you what to believe and shoot you if you don’t immediately believe it and get in line.)

January 15, 2020 8:39 am

No, it’s not an irrational ‘dismissal,’ it’s a “we are tired of dealing with the crap that most of your generation has dished onto everyone, and cant wait until you get out of the way, maaaaaan.” I know plenty of conservative and sensible Boomers that agree w/this sentiment, and they work to undo the damage their cohorts have done by equipping the younger generations for the future. The fact that some people here are taking this so personally is very telling….

January 15, 2020 11:27 am

“The fact that some people here are taking this so personally is very telling”

you seem to be taking it very personally and emotionally yourself. which is what we’re trying to point out to you. you’re damaging yourself more than what you accuse us of has.

saddle up dude. if you think things are bad now they’re about to get a whole lot worse, you might want to get in the habit of dealing with it before it all hits.

(of course all this assumes you’re sincere and not some mossad operative trying to stir up the goyim to kill each other while you stand back and laugh.)

January 15, 2020 1:58 pm

i hear you…

January 15, 2020 2:05 pm

I told you that your point of view is altered by being weird.

January 15, 2020 1:58 pm

Did you like Book ’em Danno? It is funny because a Gen Xer doesn’t get it!

January 14, 2020 8:03 pm

yadayadayada… Sorry, I call bullshit on the entire premise and am very tired of yet another wedge being created to further disunite the country. Articles like this are useless, overly general and essentially disingenuous and pointless.

January 14, 2020 9:08 pm

Look, I shit all over boomers. But, Nam vets I have much love for. With that, Mellenials are far worse.

January 14, 2020 10:49 pm

Go find the perfect man, the perfect generation, the perfect group or society and get back to me. Like I said, it is counterproductive to push one group against the other, unless division, blaming and hatred are the goal.

January 15, 2020 1:56 pm

Perhaps we should form a “Boomers Anonymous” victim group.

January 14, 2020 12:04 pm

WTF is wrong with you? One of the most vacuous articles I’ve read.

Us ‘Boomers’ invented: transistor, built the interstates, polio vaccine, printed circuits, integrated circuits, produced ‘ethernet’ – the back bone of computer communications, designed cell phone technology, designed packet switching networks (Internet to you), and a ton of everything you ass wipes take for granted everyday.

There are several problems that contribute to your thinking, which is not the fault of anyone age group:

Over time our government (federal / state / city) has been growing larger and larger every year. It is out of control, with many self interested politicians, sociopaths, and do-nothings. The government is controlling so much of everything, it’s not a free market anymore, and it’s also consuming ever increasing amounts of our wealth. I believe we are witnessing the natural decline of our 250 experiment in Democracy.

The other is economic opportunity. The first and second industrial revolutions built the county and contributed to a growing middle class. Then came the Tech Revolution (circa 1970). Well the tech revolution is mostly done ( I was part of that revolution, and did quite well.) To summarize, much of the mechanical inventions have been done. There is engineering software that will allow a draftsman to design a bridge, and build a bill-of-materials – all to spec. Bank employees (tellers / loan officers) have all been replaced by web-sites / ATM’s.

The resentment you feel is not caused by the “Boomers”, but rather the advancement of history.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 14, 2020 12:28 pm

A lot of that stuff was done by people born before 1946. Just saying.

Half of the people bitching about “boomers” (a waste of time) don’t know who fits that age bracket. Joe Biden is not a “boomer”. Keanu Reeves is.

January 14, 2020 2:46 pm

Preach Dutch!!!!!!!

January 14, 2020 12:19 pm

There is some truth to those points. Probably the one I think of the most was my generation was asleep at the wheel when degenerates like Bill Ayers and his ilk were put into position of teaching our youth about socialism and how great it is. Any boomer, of which I am, should be very sad that we allowed the Marxists into our schools, churches and government positions, without doing due diligence to root them out, vote them out, etc.

Beyond that, it sounds like a pissed off millennial wrote it and just wants to throw around blame like a monkey in the zoo throwing around his feces.

  M G
January 14, 2020 9:14 pm

Yeah. We grew up on a lot of TV because many of our parents were off doing their own thing instead of being there for us. Read the 4th Turning. Strauss and Howe nailed the description of our generation.

As Fight Club’s Tyler Durden said, “We’re the middle children of the history man, no purpose or place, we have no Great war, no Great depression…”

Gen X has received the shaft throughout it’s collective lifetime. Those of us with Boomer parents were latchkey kids, taking care of ourselves while you were out doing your own thing.
We got out into the world just in time for the .com crash.
Some of us enlisted to go fight the War of Terror.
A lot of us got shafted in the 2008 crash.

Now, many of us are the middle managers and service reps between Boomer bossess and the Menials generation. We unfuck what we can and try to make it work between the unreasonable or insane demands of management and the retarded work ethic of the kids. We got none of the attention the Boomers got and none of the love lavished on the Menials. We live knowing we won’t get the parachutes many of you Boomers will get from your careers and we won’t be able to rely on the safety net you built yourselves.

When I was in 4th grade, my Boomer teacher told us about Social Security. She told us she would get it when she retired, but we would pay into it all our lives and never see it. No shit! Decades later, her prediction looks to be on track. I live with the assumption I will never get to retire and any pension I invest in will either be clawed back by the government to pay for the useless or it will be cratered in another economic crash. I’m not bitter, just certain I know how it will shake out.

We never got a lot of positive attention as a generation. In the 90s, nobody knew what to do with us or how to think about us. They wrote scores of articles and books trying to figure out what the hell was wrong with us and where we fit in and why we were so sarcastic and negative about the world. Nobody raved about our culture and accomplishments like they did about the Boomers. Nobody lavished the attention and praise on us the Menials received, either. Thank God nobody gave us participation trophies. And we don’t want or need them. I don’t think we were the entitled ones.

I think we’re survivors. I think we’ve made our own lives and made our own way and if it’s not traditional, it’s only because the Boomers uprooted and wrecked the nation and its culture and its economy since they grew up, so we’ve made our own arrangements. Black Pigeon Speaks and Devon Stack are great at covering this stuff on youtube.

We’re the quiet professionals who will be mentoring the useless buffoons of the Menial generation, trying to raise our own kids with the love and attention we didn’t get without the excesses of the participation trophies, and when you lot are all doddering and in need of care, we’re going to be the ones making the arrangements for you, too. We’ll be the silent professionals handling all the shit while your generation before us and the goofballs after us get all the attention. Case in point- my Boomer mother has known for years, and been telling me in no uncertain terms, she will be turning to me when the time comes. Don’t expect those goofy Menials to take care of you, because their only outlet on the world is Twitter and Instagram and whatever other social media bullshit they’re obsessed with, chasing the next trendy thing, like beards, PBR, and axe throwing, and they couldn’t give a shit about anything else. They’ll be posting funny pics and .gifs mocking you when you fall down, while we’ll be the ones actually picking you up.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
January 15, 2020 4:18 am

You seem to be blaming Boomers for some things out of their control. For example, Social Security was from the Greatest Generation, not Boomers.

  Vixen Vic
January 15, 2020 7:40 pm

Social Security was originally FDR, but Boomers have seen fit to expand our welfare net immensely in the last few decades. Consider the prescription drug benefit, Barry Phones, Barry Care, etc. All those expansions cost money which we don’t have, letting you eat future lunches today.

January 14, 2020 2:47 pm

Amen 55!!!

Two if by sea, Three if from within thee
Two if by sea, Three if from within thee
January 14, 2020 12:34 pm

Sounds like we are right on schedule for that 4th turning.
The “Leg Up” was twisted into the “Hand Out” that begot the “Entitlement”.
Looking forward to simpler, liberating times here.

January 14, 2020 12:37 pm


One meme says why as a Gen Xer I might say “Ok, Boomer!” To some of ya.

  M G
January 14, 2020 1:08 pm

A lot of boomers I know act like they can take their wealth with them when they are gone. Hahaha, selfish and proud of their accomplishments which inevitably leads to their attitude towards us Gen Xers and the Millenials that follow. These Boomers can’t seem to acknowledge that the economic and social environments have changed since they’ve been out of school and in the workforce…
They talk shit about kids having to live with their parents still or the burden of having to pay for their grown adults health insurance up through age 25 or whatever it is…

Poor babies!

January 14, 2020 1:44 pm

sounds like your dad is sitting on a nice portfolio and you want some of it now.

January 14, 2020 2:28 pm


You might think so, wouldn’t you…haha
My dad hasn’t been in my life for most of it, prison for many years and not one letter written to his young sons. Selfish fits, so fuck off Boomer! You and your self righteousness!

but I’m sure he has ASSETS and cash… he reminds me of it when we do talk which is rarely.

Don’t want or need SHIT from that man.

As far as my mom goes, I’ll take care of her for as long as I can, being the only child capable of it on this side of the continent.

I just find it interesting how western families are compared to other cultures who hold the family in higher regard.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
January 14, 2020 7:47 pm

We have allowed the federal government to become the care takers and we are all much worse for allowing it to happen.

January 14, 2020 2:51 pm

Perhaps Plato, if the worthless Millennials would stop spending $150,000 on worthless college degrees and get a degree that will produce a livable income they could move out of their parents basement!!! Just sayin’…………

January 14, 2020 3:08 pm

And spending money eating out.

January 14, 2020 3:07 pm

How’s your parents basement? If you’re good, they may give you your bedroom back – or maybe your mother turned it into a sewing room.

January 14, 2020 3:40 pm

My mom doesn’t own a home, medical bills due to her work related injuries that she never sued over forces her to sell the house when we were still in high school.

I’ve lived on my own (roommates) since I was 17.
As for those worthless degrees and debt, it’s hard to not “believe” those in positions of power and influence in the schools suggesting that college is a necessity in today’s job market.

I work in the schools and see the hypocrisy daily. One school refers to all of their students as “scholars”…ita hard to put all the blame on the Millenials for the offshoring of our manufacturing jobs or the work visas bringing more mouths to feed from the trough.

No basement for me, but I see the younger generation struggle with these new realities….just read an article today in our local paper. Rents continue to skyrocket even for 1 bedroom apartments since there hasn’t been any new building for 10 years and we conrinue to get prople moving here fron the bay area because it is still cheaper here.

I’m glad you were such great parents and taught your children to be self sufficient, that is something to be proud of for sure but don’t let that pride cloud your empathy or understanding, otherwise you’ll get that “OK, BOOMER!” LINE!

YA had it better than your parents and still better than your kids! Good for you! Happy for ya! Now fuck off and die already so some jobs and housing become available for the lost Generation, Generation X

January 14, 2020 4:36 pm

Yeah, it is always different this time, right? Bullshit.

Wish I had a dollar for every time I heard that, and it was wrong.

Certain things are constant: family, hard-work, education (real education where you work at learning 60 hours a week, not the 12 hours they spend these days, including class time – seriously, that is the hours college students put in now to get “educated”), thrift.

There is more opportunity for young people with those attributes than at any other time in human history, in my opinion. Why? Because the competition is so damn poor.

You would not believe what my kids are earning, and I shit you not. One is likely to retire at 35 the way things are headed. And why? Because they have a work-ethic, they educated themselves, and perhaps most importantly they can communicate, which is a rare commodity these days among the Igizmo addicts.

The basic attributes will work for anyone. Not everyone, but then everyone will not do it.

I read a post by an idiot mil just yesterday. It basically said why do people work more than 40 hrs a week, when they get paid for 40? The answers were that those folks were suck ups, stupid, need to get a life, etc.

I responded that I worked thousands of hours more than my peers when I was young, and that very soon my peers became my subordinates, and that I probably made in the end $1000 an hour for each of those hours, and now can do as I please and have done for many years, while my peers are sweating out whether the catfood they will have in old age will be tasty.

The Mils need to quit whining and get to fucking work. There is a rainbow shining and a pot of gold at the end of it.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
January 14, 2020 7:49 pm

My ex had a great saying – The harder I work, the luckier I get.

Flatlander (EC)
Flatlander (EC)
  TN Patriot
January 14, 2020 11:20 pm

You were a kept man?

January 14, 2020 12:43 pm

Lucky me at 65 missed the Vietnam draft by less the 30 days worked on oil tankers and oil rigs under construction as a trainee apprentice then a 1st class mechanic for 11 years . When American heavy industry was raped and murdered by the Circle Jerk Of Wall Street To K-Street To Capitol Street there I stood with journeyman’s papers one third of my way to a 30 year retirement that was literally bankrupted out from under me .
Mortgage and kids the wife and I dug in ! I started over and in about 8 years got back close to where I left off less of course the retirement and health benefits the wife’s salary covered that !
Kept the old cars going beyond the normal life expectancy and huddled to pay cash for a used vehicle when we had to replace one . Paid for catholic school and college for our kids both doing well . Survived a near death illness that required an organ transplant ! The organ failure was something I was born with “SURPRISE”! After banging it full time for 42 years took my doctors advice and took my social security and a part time position a couple days a week till my wife can retire in a few years .
I advise and support young people with respect and care because I know the shit sandwich they have been handed . I try still to have there backs when ever I can ! We have many great young people in America doing great things , those that have nothing but antagonism and complaints muscle up it sucks but most of us boomers were just as screwed over as you feel now . Give it your best shot to fix it for you then reach out to a younger friend or family member and help them up you would be amazed what you can accomplish from life’s bitter pills ! Take due notice there of and govern yourselves accordingly !

January 14, 2020 1:28 pm

The dope smoking kids of the 60s are also the people who embraced Disco. We have a lot to answer for.
I think Boomers are also know as the Me Generation


January 14, 2020 10:57 pm

Disco? Oh hell no. No self respecting dope smoker from the 60’s even countenanced Disco. Disco is an abomination especially when compared to this….

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
January 15, 2020 4:27 am

Disco sucks!

The Thing in Room 101:
The Thing in Room 101:
January 14, 2020 1:56 pm

Being a “boomer” and raised in the country, I feel I may have a different view of many things. I was reared in a fairly strict home with several siblings. We were brought up, I figure< much as my mother has been reared. I say that because my father was orphaned at seven years of age and had to rear himself.
This posting has gotten me to thinking about how the wife and I treated our own children; which was, again, much as we were treated as kids. I have watched as they have been rearing their own children and there have been a few conflicts on parenting skills.
I have also been watching how many of the other kids, and adults have been acting the past few years, and I feel I must tell some of them a few things.
1. This world owes you NOTHING.
2. You can have anything in the world which you may want.
3. Everything has a price and to get it all you need do is be willing to pay that price for it.
4.This world will take away from you EVERYTHING.
5.If you wish to keep those things which you have, you must be willing to fight the entire world to keep them.

I have heard some of these "progressives" talk about how they find nothing wrong with a person who may "identify" as a different gender, go into which ever bathroom they feel they should. I have a question for them; and I am very serious. I would hope some of them will stop and think about it before they attempt an answer.

What will you tell your daughter when she comes out of the bathroom and tells you about "man" who was showing himself to other girls in there?
What do you tell your son when he comes home and tells his mother about the principal and his teacher demonstrating "sex education" in front of the class?

Yes, these are extreme instances, but it might be something to think about while you are allowing your children to become exposed more and more to the "modern morals of the day".

the experienced
the experienced
January 14, 2020 2:34 pm

I guess the only good thing about this blaming and nonconstructive article are the testimonies of the over-comers below the article.

“And they overcame by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony“.
Revelation 12:11

January 14, 2020 2:39 pm

More painting with a broad brush.
There are good and bad, in each generation.
Likewise, in most ethnic groups, races, religions, sexes.

The sub group labels within each generation or group is what
matters, if labels are to be used for evaluation purposes.

We need questionnaires, honestly answered, about who and what each
Individual or sub-group believes, stands for, supports, and rejects.
Who they think is good, and who they think is evil.

If someone lies with their answers, check their motive.

January 14, 2020 2:40 pm

Wow, in the second paragraph I thought you were describing lazy, worthless, Prius driving, Crooked Hillary voting, Latte drinking, BLAME SHIFTING, RESPONSIBILITY SHIRKING, POOR DECISION MAKING, technology addicted, worthless college degree getting Millennials!!!!!!!!!! Millennials-The most WORTHLESS generation the world has ever produced!!!!!!!!!!!!

January 14, 2020 3:11 pm

Hip-Hip! Sums it up nicely.

January 14, 2020 3:35 pm

Generally true but doesn’t make it so…

January 14, 2020 4:58 pm

Don’t cry for this boomer either. Our father left us, never to be heard from again when I was 11 and my sisters were 5and 6. I dropped out of school -11th grade. Went in the Army for the GI bill and worked through school on the way to a doctorate. Married now for 30 years and raised 3 kids, all in college. No silver spoon here. Worked hard, worked all the time then, worked some more. That’s the way it was and I’m fine with it.
Sorry, if I can’t see how easy I’ve had it and how I ruined the world.

January 14, 2020 5:03 pm

To paraphrase a famous song “We Didn’t Start the Fire” by Billy Joel, it’s not every “boomer” that is the problem. In fact, many of us boomers struggled through life, but finally “made it”.

I am a “boomer” who has worked all my life, starting at 12 years of age. Being one of a very large family, life for my parents and us was not easy, but we all persevered in our own ways and were successful in life.

Nobody ever gave me anything. What I did was gained “with the sweat of my brow”.

If there is any “blame” to be placed, it must be placed at those of previous generations, especially the “greatest generation”, that formulated and passed many of the destructive laws and customs that we live under to this day.

From the enactment of the federal income tax and the creation of the unconstitutional Federal Reserve cartel, previous generations have a lot to answer for.

The “greatest generation” was duped into fighting a war for European (jewish) interests, destroying much of European culture as a result, and solidifying international jewish power by NOT going after the REAL enemies of human culture, legitimizing the state of Israel, thereby consolidating jewish power, and assuring the jewish zionist hold on the world political process.

Let’s not forget that the “greatest generation” pushed for the terribly misguided “civil-rights” acts, statutes and laws, which effectively disenfranchised whites (but only whites) with the abolition of “freedom of association” (but only for whites). In fact, federal troops were used against law-abiding whites in violation of “posse comitatus” laws which prohibit utilizing the military for domestic law enforcement purposes. Whites have been effectively neutered since these laws were passed. Forced integration of schools (cross-district bussing and other schemes) was enforced by leftist judges who insisted that blacks needed to sit next to whites in order to learn.

The “elephant in the room” to which blame can be squarely put on the “greatest generation” was the “Hart-Celler Immigration Act of 1965. This act successfully cut off the immigration for white Europeans while opening up the floodgates for third-world brown and black immigration.

Both major political parties were responsible for this travesty. Democrats saw increasing third-world immigration as a source for votes while the Republicans saw it as a source of cheap labor.

The wages of native-born Americans have not increased in real terms since 1970, that point in time being seen as the “high-water mark” in relation to wage growth. There has not been any “wage growth” since then.

All of the above can be attributed to those of the “greatest generation”

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
January 15, 2020 4:36 am

Very good points. I was born in 1962, at the very end of the Boomer Generation, though some add my age group into the next generation.
However, you can’t really blame the whole generation for the wrongs. It’s really the politicians and the State. The people had as much control then as we do now, which isn’t much.

January 14, 2020 5:31 pm

I’ll take BS for $500, Maggie. If we are blaming, I blame the 5/6 media corporations that have masterminded this generational warfare. The same tribal members also pushed the progressive political climate that spawned this mess we find surrounding us today.

This economic shitshow can’t endure and YET AGAIN the same tribal members have elected Boomers to take the blame in their stead. Gen X and any other generation moaning and crying about how they are holding the bag as the train pulls into the station needs to understand that we never had the power to create any of this.

OK Gen Xers….. Point your finger in the right direction for a change.

PS- 1-9 also does not fit me in any way as other commenters have posted.

  M G
January 14, 2020 8:54 pm

Magoo- The counter culture of the 60’s was 100% aimed at the Boomers and WE had NO power to counter the counter culture brought about by the MIC/Global Heeb Progressives. Same time the money supply was made worthless by Tricky Dick ditching the gold standard so the expansion of credit could go full retard (we also had no control over that). NOW, the chickens have come home to roost and our juniors want to blame us…..sorry no cigar.

Don’t blame me, I screamed foul and predicted a collapse socially and financially. You get what THEY foist upon you.

January 15, 2020 2:02 pm

But do we HAVE to just take it? Isn’t there anything we can do?

Where is Fleabaggs?

January 14, 2020 5:47 pm

I don’t know how to upload the link but the song Kids of the Baby Boom by the Bellamy Brothers sums it up pretty well.

January 14, 2020 6:50 pm

Idiots attempt to cast a broad net of judgment, so I’ll start by saying, there are weak people in every generation, as well as the strong.

I was born into a lower-middle class family of nine kids, financed by a construction worker who rarely found work during winters. I started shoveling snow in the winters and mowing lawns in the summers when I was eight years old. I was one of many who did these type of things voluntarily to help during the hard times. I added three paper routes to that income stream by age eleven, and worked at the super market starting at age fifteen – there were zero hand-outs. After being denied an apprenticeship in a steel mill, as well as the electrician union after high school, because I was white (although I scored the highest on the aptitude tests), I didn’t complain or quit trying. I didn’t like it or agree with it, but understood the intent of affirmative action, a

I took any job I could find until I could afford college at age 28. If you take the time to look it up, you’ll see that the labor participation rate was lower in the 1970’s than in recent times. After graduating 2nd in electrical engineering technology, I lived way beneath my wages to save 30% of my gross income, driving a 1986 Nissan Sentra until 1999. I also lived in a travel trailer for two years in order to pay off a $16K student loan.

I’ve been expecting the system to collapse since 1983, when Reagan and O’Neil kick the SS can down the road, so bring it on! Let’s see who survives. The whining, blaming, complaining types, or the survivors. There are both kinds in every generation. Even at my decrepit age, and retired on a fixed income on promises about to be monetized into a few cans of dog food per month, I think may get to prove myself yet again. Praise to my Lord and savior, Jesus Christ, who gets the credit for making me the man I am, not a wimp, but a soldier. I’m surrounded by Godly People of every generation, all who are prepared to endure hardship and not cast a wide net of blame, except where it belongs:
… on human nature and sin.

  M G
January 14, 2020 7:42 pm


TN Patriot
TN Patriot
  M G
January 14, 2020 7:58 pm

Maggie – You certainly know how to stir the pot. I too have looked in a couple of times to see how much of a sh** show was going on. I still stand by my original statement that the 9 points describe progressives and just about everything that is wrong with our country has been brought to us by them.

Income tax, Federal Reserve, welfare, UN, affirmative action, just to name a few.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  TN Patriot
January 15, 2020 4:41 am

I agree wholeheartedly with that statement.

January 14, 2020 8:22 pm

Thanks for posting it! I never suspected it would go farther than my rant on the previous X article. Sorry I couldn’t respond sooner, but my morning starts rather early, too, and I can’t post from work.

January 14, 2020 8:47 pm

Silent Generation here. Never went to town so don’t know what all the fuss is about..

January 14, 2020 10:57 pm

Mods- My Girl… Maybe’s user name is linked to “Queef.com.” Not sure why or how, but you may want to contact Admin and the Man With No Name to check the site.

  M G 100
January 15, 2020 7:36 pm

No, I’m well aware of what a queef is. If you can turn your username into an HTML link, it’s news to me. My antivirus kicked off when I clicked on the username by accident, blocking the site. I was concerned this site may have been attacked in some way, hence my warning for mods to check it out.

Flatlander (EC)
Flatlander (EC)
January 14, 2020 11:14 pm

Boomers just plain refuse to grow up. The recent study concludes that oldsters are acting more immaturely than previous generations. With each passing decade, they declare XX is the new 40. Surre.

Wanderer (EC)
Wanderer (EC)
  M G 100
January 15, 2020 12:17 pm

And the point is? Vaginas do not get gas, that’s mostly a mechanical issue having to do with vaccuum and stuff. If all you remember of sex is the noise, your doing it wrong.

January 15, 2020 9:57 am

Flame thrower. Another example of dopamine addiction. Lots of click bait.

The funny thing is the ‘generation gap’ meme was started by the boomers (or CIA) and you’re joining in. Bitter envy is so unattractive.
Maybe you’re CIA, or just another tool.

January 15, 2020 8:39 pm

I think I got a lot of generational perspective from this gilberts… I’ll be watching you, Gen X!