Harvard to the Big House: Research with a Background

Logistical and Technical Exploration into the Origins of the Wuhan Strain of Coronavirus (COVID-19)

This report is the product of a collaboration between a retired professional scientist with dozens of peer-reviewed publications and 30 years of experience in genomic sequencing and analysis who worked at the Theoretical Biology Division of the Los Alamos National Laboratory, and later helped design several ubiquitous bioinformatic software tools, and a former NSA counterterrorism analyst. It considers whether the Wuhan Strain of coronavirus (COVID-19) is the result of naturally emergent mutations against the possibility that it may be a bio-engineered strain – directly altered by genetic manipulation, subject to artificially-guided evolutionary selection, or both – meant for immunotherapy protocols and released into the public, most likely by accident since China’s rate of occupational accidents is about ten-times higher than America’s, and some twenty-times more than Europe’s, the only other regions with high-level virology labs.

The former NSA counterterrorism analyst behind this article left that position to write an accessible, fast-paced distillation of everything you need to know about modern terrorism, which concludes that America  gaps between her haves and have-nots will be the most likely source of violence. During his incarceration he spent 20 months as his prison’s special education tutor, and wrote extensively about the forces that draw
humans together and push us apart, and reflecting upon how badly he’d screwed up.

And the scientist behind this article has dozens of peer-reviewed publications and 30 years of experience in genomic sequencing and analysis. He’s previously worked at the Theoretical Biology Division of the Los Alamos National Laboratory, and later helped design several ubiquitous bioinformatic software tools while at another federal agency.  If you’ve ever done any kind of scientific research, you’ve interacted with at least one of
his projects. Neither author referenced in this or previous offerings mentioning Harvard to the Big House’s research currently has any federal or governmental affiliation, and all work was done on their own time.

Their article explores an enormous number of genetic abnormalities and puzzling circumstances around the start of the outbreak of the Wuhan Strain COVID-19, nearly all of which point to the idea this thing was accidently leaked out of a Chinese lab, and is meant for the educated layperson.

Please read the article and the supporting documentation at the hyperlinks provided in text and click through to Harvard to the Big House’s site to comment on the research and opinions provided.

… and, as a sign he forgives my faux pas and is willing to pander to my journalistic tendencies?

Where could Pompeo mean?! Hmmm?  Visit Harvard to the Big House to find out more!

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ursel doran
ursel doran
March 7, 2020 7:44 am

More exposure of the dis information from China, (surprise, surprise), Japan and the world in new video below.


Coronavirus Panic

Guy in Japan with FACT checking on Chinese diagnosis methods, and governments agendas. 23 Min.

Lies, Damned Lies, and Coronavirus Infection Numbers – #PropagandaWatch

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  ursel doran
March 7, 2020 8:39 am

I watched that Corbett Report yesterday. It’s worth watching and I bet the guy he interviewed would be interested in this.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  M G
March 7, 2020 11:02 am

Btw, I take everything that comes out of Pompeo’s mouth with so much salt it makes my fingers swell.

  M G
March 8, 2020 3:16 am

Your really tickled about the she-wolf thing. Maria Conchita Alonso called herself a loba, she-wolf, because she was a man-eater like JLo. It seems they all are.

Prostitutes are not that uncommon in Central America where they don’t have welfare. The chicks having babies here for a welfare check are prostitutes who are only kidding themselves.

The bible also features murderers and thieves, why are you so surprised?

Mrs. P.
Mrs. P.
March 8, 2020 3:18 am

My Bob thinks you are cute.

March 7, 2020 7:45 am

Last week, when I introduce J.C. on a bike, I submitted the piece a bit hastily and submerged the inspiration which pushed the bike-seat lecturing professor from Pittsburg to venture into the current media frenzy over Coronavirus Pandemia. Harvard to the Big House deserves his own introduction and I hope Admin realizes what a valuable contacts both of these bloggers are for those of us with questions about actual factual science and also the troublesome bureaucratic systems which oversee the scientists.

Thanks to both J.C. and Harvard for giving me so much of their time this week to try to get it right. I hope TBP discerning readers will consider both of them as good sources to look at and if you disagree? Good people to argue the points with because they know their science.

Qualified people to argue with deserve qualified arguers, especially in these days when we can’t be sure anyone actually says what we heard them say.

I appreciate Jay for the careful work he’s doing with the first TBP “Exclusive” with the Bike-Seat Journalist, but I also want to direct serious researchers to follow the hyperlinks to Harvard’s site to discuss his background, research or any of the issues Jay obviously cannot address.

JC Onabike and HarvardtotheBigHouse are different researchers with different points of view. That is why they are perfect for me to use as an example of what I consider to be Diablogging in a Diablogical and Dieclectical fashion.

And to hell with all the red squiggly lines. It says what it says and it says what I meant: Diablogging is happening One Hundred Percent.

Welcome to TBP, Harvard, or what we fondly refer to as “The Monkey House.”

mission statement

Folks, please take the time to learn about TBP’s newest Subject Matter Experts (SME in military speak) before you start flinging shit at them.

And don’t bother Admin at work to correct a legal disclaimer. Lesson learned.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
  M G
March 7, 2020 8:13 am

Much appreciated, will dig into it this evening.

  Hardscrabble Farmer
March 7, 2020 9:03 am

Just to clarify here, H2BH’s research is what got me motivated to really dig in. But I read myself into competency in this subject over the course of more than a few weeks of hard work. Included in that list are all the primary literature sources cites in said article and much more.

Nevertheless, the fact remains that the only true expertise I have is in microscopy, neuronal physiology, and patch clamp recording techniques. While I have a good grip on the basic biology now, I am still as in the dark as everyone else as to exactly what’s going on. Is it real? I think so, insofar as there is a illness–likely viral–traveling around the globe. Is it as bad as they are saying, or are they hyping something to create a manageable crisis from which they can both profit and exploit for change? That’s where I am at with this.

I’d really appreciate anyone watching/listening to my ride and giving me feedback. I am convinced that we need to find create produce more content that is capable of bringing about change over time as it is shared and absorbed. A flood of such content would be impossible to censor, and the mass awakening could begin. (I have three young kids, so I have to try to be optimistic here.)

I am going to address H2BH’s latest report additions regarding the concept of a “mutant swarm” in this ride because I think it’s fundamental viral biology that everyone should know (I didn’t).

But I read everyone. Maybe you’ve read “Cosmic Banditos” (pretty great book)? Well, he has a blog where he postulates more about what they’ll use this to implement:

A Predictive Program

Anyway, I have to edit.

March 7, 2020 9:57 am

Thank you JC Onabike!

Am eagerly awaiting your video.

And look right there! Surfer Dude!

I asked Allan to submit that directly. Glad you linked it.

Diablogging from a bike seat.

It has potential.

JC Onabike
JC Onabike
  Hardscrabble Farmer
March 7, 2020 9:12 am

Just to clarify here, H2BH’s research is what got me motivated to really dig in. But I read myself into competency in this subject over the course of more than a few weeks of hard work. Included in that list are all the primary literature sources cited in said article and much more.

Nevertheless, the fact remains that the only true expertise I have is in microscopy, neuronal physiology, and patch clamp recording techniques. While I have a good grip on the basic biology of this story now, I am still as in the dark as everyone else as to exactly what’s going on.

Is it real? I think so, insofar as there is a illness–likely viral–traveling around the globe.

Is it as bad as they are saying, or are they hyping something to create a manageable crisis from which they can both profit and exploit for change? Geen idee. (Dutch for NO IDEA) That’s where I am at with this.

I’d really appreciate anyone watching/listening to my ride and giving me feedback. I am convinced that we need to find create produce more content that is capable of bringing about change over time as it is shared and absorbed. Pod casts can be this. But not everyone listens. Maybe the bike blog will flop, but it’s my current attempt at a contribution.

A flood of such content would be impossible to censor, and the mass awakening could begin. Right? (I have three young kids, so I have to really try to be optimistic here, every day, day by day.) I am not talking just about this virus. I am talking about fractional reserve banking and all the real shit that’s holding us down. Oh, man. Maybe saying too much here.

I am going to address H2BH’s latest report additions regarding the concept of a “mutant swarm” in this ride because I think it’s fundamental viral biology that everyone should know (I didn’t).

But I read everyone. Maybe you’ve read “Cosmic Banditos” (pretty great book)? Well, the author has a blog where he postulates more about what they’ll use this to implement:

A Predictive Program

Anyway, I have to edit.

M G (waiting tap tap tap)
M G (waiting tap tap tap)
  JC Onabike
March 7, 2020 10:01 am

Jeopardy theme…

  M G (waiting tap tap tap)
March 7, 2020 10:39 am

I will take SHTF Alex for 1000.

22winmag - TBP's top-secret Yankee Mormon
22winmag - TBP's top-secret Yankee Mormon
  M G
March 7, 2020 9:01 am

No shit flinging, but most people don’t readily subscribe to new SMEs without firsthand knowledge or boatloads of corroboration.

I’m slow and suspicious to get excited about anything that actually grabs *most peoples* attention (or worse, the nations attention) for a whole hour.

Do I qualify as a spy shit SME? There are 134,000,000 million links for “The Report from Iron Mountain” and I worked for the guy in Cambridge, MA who recruited the real writer (ghostwriter) and helped manage that famous intelligence project. They all thought it would be laughed out of existence by the 1980s. At that time, Robert Ludlum novels were starting to give way to Clancy novels. He had me read “The Report” after working with him for a few months and that’s when he filled me in on the hoax- late 1990s, but there you go, people still waste space talking about hoaxes from 50+ years ago as if they are real in 2020.

He gave me the wink and nod when I pressed him on the fake JFK assassination. By the late 1990s, people were figuring out the Gulf of Tonkin was staged and the Cold War was nothing but a well-managed boondoggle. The USSR was a manufactured threat, meaning not really a threat.

So my mentor would play golf on Sundays with Darpa and MIC brass from all over greater Boston, Cambridge, and Lexington. I was taught how to sniff documents and recruit Darpa flunkies with and without clearances in the 1990s before the old man retired. He made millions with his private recruiting company. He was Christian, drove a Chevy, and must have owned $50 to $100+ million worth of real estate.

The best spy writers and secret documentation always came out of greater Boston and New England. After WWII, Boston area Darpa and technical/secret documentation and spy writing outclassed pretty much anything produced in Washington DC, Northern VA, or California during the pre-internet era and beyond.


You can be a fucking rocket scientist but nobody cares if you do not know how to make rocket science interesting

Biker dude makes biology look fun

March 8, 2020 3:22 am

Ahem, you make biology sound like fun, Paulita.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
March 7, 2020 9:04 am

Mornin’ MG..

I went to the bighouse site earlier this morning and spent a good couple hours there reading this piece and a few others…..I didn’t leave a comment. My predisposed conspiratorial attitude would have led me to come across a bit critical/cynical …..

JC Onabike may be familiar with this story:


This story about the school closings is another one that leaves some open ended questions…….but it sure smells of a dotgov beta test to me.

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <<——-== bio-weapons; just more DC politics – the Hegelian dialectic is as strong as ever.

I watched the Emperor's presser at CDC and immediately after the Pence presser yesterday. Disgustingly obvious to me. The foundation of dotgov's approach is 'containment and control'……….integrating with state and local 'authorities'

Emperor Trump did not want to see the 3000 brought ashore, but Pence announced they would…..always keep the Emperor clean.

  ordo ab chao
March 7, 2020 10:06 am

I appreciate your time. And I think it is clear the two are independent researchers whose paths crossed on the webs.

I find whole thing demonstrative of what I am calling “diablog.”

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
  M G
March 7, 2020 5:00 pm

Almost an hour after I posted my comment, probably about the same time you replied, I heard a sound bite of Pence’s statement on FOX and he said the ship load would NOT be brought ashore….IDK

When you post their stuff….I’ll be following it best time allows. I felt like JC onabike is straight up guy after listening to a couple of the videos you posted, and the bike video format is easy watchin. H2bh pulls a bit more creds with me from the bighouse seniority, but when I hear Harvard, I think Skull-n-Bones….

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <<——==

March 7, 2020 11:02 am

I have been reading this info from bike dude and Harvard dude but will be honest,a lot goes over my head.I feel part of it is due to info. dump burnout from many different sites about the virus itself and so many ideas how to deal with on a personal level.Don’t get me wrong,I appreciate all the sites/authors ect. but just feeling a bit overwhelmed at times due to this and some personal issues regarding a family member.I thus will tonight sit back/drink beer/listen to some good music(including Tull of course!).I feel there is a chance that kind of mindless enjoyment/recreation may at least for a time be a distant/happy memory!

I have prepped a long time to ability financial/mental(could and will always do more) wise and will keep working towards even more on the supply end whether info. or just goods but dammit,need a break!

I did some more shopping yesterday before the weekend crowds,different stores and such to get a better local picture.Seemed for most part all foods/goods available excepting the 90% rubbing alcohol,just not around.I will also say the stores so far do not have pool shock in,coming anytime which given the season makes sense.

I will give updates on shopping as am helping others stock up a bit more,no work at moment(choice,not lack of)so helping others a good thing,the more ready the less the hit at least a little.

This shopping report is from the central and when there northern reaches of New England,your results may vary!

  M G
March 7, 2020 12:38 pm

MG,like I said,tis good stuff and appreciated,just personally need a bit of a break.I hope we also reach some new folks that are on the fence about being prepared for whatever and inspire/help em out.

I would like to pass some stuff along and not just absorb(sponge),here is a site I feel folks might find useful: http://www.themodernsurvivalist.com/archives/2471,huge library of downloads which some hopefully find helpful.

I would also say for folks to look up TM31-210(for entertainment/education only of course!).I was clued into this by a poster here on the platform,again,forget who but thanks!

March 7, 2020 12:46 pm

Sigh…..,OK,I tested link before posting and worked from me bookmarks,hit link here and said not found,when you hit the page not found recopy link at top of your search bar/paste and takes you to the library,not sure what is going on but will give meself a – for doing something wrong.Still,worth your effort to do this for the info.