The Great Retreat

Guest Post by The Zman

It is becoming increasingly clear that the great zombie apocalypse of 2020 is not going to live up to the hype. At this stage, the models and their experts said we would have bodies in the streets and chaos at the hospitals. Instead, what we have is a shuttered country and hospitals furloughing staff due to a lack of sick people. The curve benders keep changing their forecasts, but the virus keeps letting them down. The big question now is how will everyone retreat from this debacle.

To his credit, President Trump has sensed the end game from the very beginning and has been talking about “reopening the country” for a while. He knows this cannot go on much longer and his job will soon shift from battling dingbats in the press room over the virus to battling dingbats in the press room over the economy. If he is to continue in his role, he will need the promised V-shape recession. If it is a depression, then he will be replaced with the first Alzheimer-American to run for president.

This may turn out to be what saves his presidency. He will have six months to go around the country talking up the economy. He will also be able to blame Congress for a whole host of things in the process. Running against Congress is a good way for a President with soft support to win over skeptics. If the economy is quickly recovering by the fall, with employers hiring back furloughed workers, Trump can run as the guy who not only saved us from the invisible death but also saved the economy.

A lot of that will depend on the local politicians. They have suddenly found their spines in this panic and are now claiming to control our destiny regarding the lock down. They are coordinating their plans to re-open, which is smart politics. They don’t want to give Trump credit, but they don’t want to risk being the first to open up. They will pretend to be operating as a team in order to not risk getting blamed if the media does not follow orders and continues to report on the virus.

That’s the big part of the coming retreat from this panic. The media will have to be coached carefully so they don’t screw up and accidentally report the truth. A whole new gaggle of experts and actors playing experts is being prepped to explain why it is now okay to go outside. At the same time, they still have to blame Orange Man for the deaths that never materialized. In the end, they may just drop the whole thing and pretend it never happened, like the impeachment fiasco.

Perhaps the hardest hit by the great virus flop has been the curve benders. They will have the task of explaining why they are still smarter than the rest of us, but were ridiculously wrong about the biggest event in their lives. As RamZPaul pointed out the other day, in most professions, being this wrong gets you fired. Being an internet expert, however, means never having to be right, so maybe they just follow the lead of the media and forget the whole thing happened.

The problem with that plan is the curve benders personalized this from the start, calling the skeptics all sorts of names. It is unlikely that the skeptics will forget how Nicky Taleb threw his dress over his head and ran around squealing like a girl. Many of the curve benders will be able to recover their reputations, but some will not. In a better age, the curve benders would be packing their stuff and heading out of town right now, but in this age, they will probably be rehabilitated without much effort.

Then there are the people who fell for the hype and then piously lectured the rest of us about how the virus was more important than the economy. Many of these people claimed to be on this side of the great divide. They had lectured for years about how the media can never be trusted. Then they swallowed the official line on the virus like good little boys and girls. The internet never forgets, so they will be reminded of this for the remainder of their days, especially on this side of the divide.

It’s not so much that they were wrong or acted like smug bleeps. It’s that they revealed themselves to be every bit as out of touch as the mass media. This was just another game for them to play on-line, like their politics. Their clapping for the lay-offs and business closures revealed that they have no skin in the game. It is a good reminder to never take business advice from someone who has never signed the front of a paycheck and never take political advice from people without jobs.

As far as timing, we are getting close to the point where the lines of the alarmists and curve benders break. The one guy consistently right about this thinks the great retreat is coming soon. Governors are now preparing to declare victory, so they will be scurrying away from this in the next couple of weeks. Local business is already showing signs of rebellion, so they may set the pace for the governors. Trump now has a task force to re-open the economy. It even has his dingbat daughter on it.

What all this suggests is that in a couple of weeks, everyone will be talking about the economy and going back to work and school. In another month, the only people talking about the virus will be conspiracy nuts and the remaining curve benders who refuse to let it go. If the summer is a great recovery in the economy, this whole sorry episode will be sent down the memory hole. The great retreat from the panic that will change everything will be complete and no one will remember any of it.

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April 15, 2020 7:40 am

“What all this suggests is that in a couple of weeks, everyone will be talking about the economy and going back to work and school.”

Maybe, but I don’t believe America has a couple of weeks left in her. It was spirituality , morally and financially bankrupt from the first day of lock down and now that the food supply chain has been severely disrupted, it’ll be extremely difficulty putting Humpty Dumpty back together again.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
April 15, 2020 7:49 am


  Hardscrabble Farmer
April 15, 2020 10:38 am

Yeah, can’t believe Quinn wrote this.

April 15, 2020 11:31 am

I used to contribute daily to TBP, corresponded to many intelligent / gifted people. And I will continue… at some time in the future.

I’m just burned out with the COVID-19 bullshit, and everything has gone to hell, and we are all going to go to hell – syndrome.

At one time I reviewed Drudge / ZeroHedge every day. Now they are all filled with doom / gloom / EOTWAWKI.

IMO, this crisis has shown how shallow the internet information really has become.

April 15, 2020 8:05 am

” The great retreat from the panic that will change everything will be complete and no one will remember any of it.”

Horse shit. It’s not coming back to the way it was. This will be remembered for generations.

Just Thinking
Just Thinking
April 15, 2020 8:08 am

Amen Admin.

Thanks to many of the contributors and commenters here, among others, I have been cautiously pessimistic (how’s that for fence sitting?) about this whole thing.

My trips to big box store without full PPE envirosuit getup earned me plenty of side eye and room making, as I smirked down the empty TP isle.

Now that things seem to be panning out as critics predicted, we are left to hope that most of the small businesses, that were declared to be non-essential, by people who continued to collect paychecks, none the less, are going to ever come back.

A visit to a small auto repair shop yesterday saw three employees and exactly NO vehicles to work on.

One of our funeral home customers has been turning away business (anything other than direct disposition).

How’s that for a business model?

Nucking Futs!

Driving through upper Ohio valley small towns and seeing what’s left of open store fronts with “closed” signs in the windows is saddening.

I pray that they had a couple of months of capital set aside.

Who knows, sometime soon, maybe, we will all be “essential” again.

And we can get back to enjoying what’s left of our freedoms.

Until next time.

April 15, 2020 8:18 am

‘The great retreat from the panic that will change everything will be complete and no one will remember any of it.’

No one will remember any of it? Are you nucking futs?

April 15, 2020 8:21 am

When we open there will be daily headlines of new CV cases. People think that if they test positive then they are dead. So far from the truth. No worse than testing positive for the flu. BUT being that people have been scared shitless by the hype, lots of folks will still stay away from crowds. So much for a boom back in the restaurant business. Will people go to baseball and basketball games? Indy 500? NASCAR? Hard to say. But my guess is 50% or more reduction in attendance. That’s NOT going to lead to a V shaped recovery. More like a slower down slope… Chip

April 15, 2020 1:51 pm

People that go to basketball games deserve everything they get including Chlamydia, HPV (human papillomavirus), Syphilis, HIV ,Gonorrhea,
Pubic lice (‘crabs’),Trichomoniasis, Herpes and cooties.

Brian Reilly
Brian Reilly
April 15, 2020 8:39 am

Money quote:”…the whole sorry episode will be sent down the memory hole.”. Not a chance. No way, no how. The old system, corrupt and failing as it was, is GONE, we just haven’t acknowledged the fact yet. There is a new deal and no room at the table for the old. We will next have food “shortages” in meat, dairy, eggs, and fresh vegetables. Truckers will soon be denied (for some made up reason) the permission to make deliveries. Except for Amazon drivers, of course.

The people running this scam need to patient (us) on the table, knocked out and not moving around for a while yet, while they steal things and re-do contracts and laws and such. They cannot have us free to move around until “free” means “anywhere inside this nice corral”. So look forward to self-enforced social distancing until 01 June, at least. We just are not quite desperate enough to accept all they need us to accept yet. They can’t force us into it, so they are planning to scare us into it using our own studious ignorance of common sense to accomplish their goals.

I am appalled and ashamed of the American people. We should be in DC and every state capital slitting throats and hanging traitors, but we cower in our homes, waiting for the dole to be electronically deposited. God help us, though we do not deserve it.

Bob P
Bob P
April 15, 2020 8:50 am

I agreed with this piece until the conclusion. This will not be done in two weeks. Yes, the virus will fade away, but the economic fallout will build and build. We have little idea how much economic damage has been rendered with the shutdown of the entire economy. We were on the verge of collapse before Covid-19, and the government response made things immeasurably worse. To think that we just send this down the memory hole is the height of wishful thinking. IMO we’re on the cusp of the Greater Depression. The trillions invented out of nothing and given to the arch criminals who caused the problems may stave off the inevitable for a few more months, but it’s coming.

  Bob P
April 15, 2020 9:01 am

KD covers the ‘dislocation’ here:

April 15, 2020 10:37 am

Thanks for that. Karl’s got it going on. He can dissect the complicated and explain it in a way that even a dummocrat can understand… Chip

April 15, 2020 8:58 am

No worries, you’re in good hands now . The country will be back online soon and everything will be swell. Trust the plan.

For those wondering, Wilbur L. Ross Jr. spent 24 years at the New York office of Rothschild Inc. In the late 1990’s he started a $200 million fund at Rothschild Inc. to invest in distressed assets. In 2000, on April Fool’s day, Ross raised an additional $450 million to invest in troubled companies. The timing of this strategy could not have been better, as this report from New York Magazine stated:
“The 2000–1 rolling stock-market crash, 9/11, and a globally synchronous recession pushed scores of companies into bankruptcy. New Economy highfliers like Enron, WorldCom, and Global Crossing went bust. But so did Old Economy stalwarts in industries like steel and textiles—victims of excess capacity, global competition, and generous union contracts.”
So it’s of course no surprise that billionaire investor Wilbur L. Ross Jr. would support the nomination of Donald Trump for president in this Bloomberg article dated March 9, 2016.
It would appear that Rothschild supported front men like Ross and Trump do extremely well in the worlds of finance and politics. Trump’s proclamations to bring jobs back to America will help “….industries like steel and textiles-…” and will support both domestic growth and an increase in wealth for those like Ross who have invested in distressed American assets.

April 15, 2020 9:50 am

Welcome to Feudalism.
If the great retreat happens and all is forgotten in a few weeks it will be because Shekeltown got everything they could have dreamed of and then some and because Americans are such sluggards and dullards that they are thanking the Rothchilds for allowing them to donate plasma twice a week.
I was expecting the change over and said so many times here along with several others. What I didn’t expect and what I’m still in a bit of shock over is how eagerly the alleged Alt-Right rolled over and sang the praises of Big Bro. No one dared to question the CoviScam without first qualifying with a “I’m not doubting it’s deadly and dangerous but” or “Death is no laughing matter but” or “Incompetence and mismanagement allowed it to get this bad” you get the picture. All the ” It’s for the Seniors” bullshit while we have no objection to flushing the Juniors out of their mothers wombs with all the contempt we would show for a Vaginal Wart.
50 years of being told to just Pull the lever for the Republican even if you puke because at least he’s not Hillary. And 50 years of Dems being told to pull the lever for the Democrat even if you puke because at least she’s not Bush. And whatever you do, don’t throw away your vote on third parties. Well now we have no parties but the banksters party. soon even that charade will be over.
Whatever Barronage you find yourself on when the last hammer comes down Is where you will spend your remaining days unless they sell you to someone else.
Welcome to Feudalism.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
April 15, 2020 9:55 am

Hurry up and give us a hand with the stone walls and you too can secure a berth on the Homestead Ark.

Those with experience in operating a trebuchet given preference.

  Hardscrabble Farmer
April 15, 2020 9:59 am

Will we be slinging pumpkins?

April 15, 2020 1:15 pm

Pumpkins? No, roosters. Ruin the sleep of the besiegers.

April 15, 2020 1:53 pm

Will we be slinging pumpkins?

Well, once upon a time in the Middle Ages the precursor to contemporary biowarfare consisted of slinging plague riddled corpses o’er the ramparts.

April 15, 2020 4:50 pm

Good point. Or maybe smallpox infected blankets, ‘merican style.

April 15, 2020 4:35 pm

Nope …Covid infected cadavers.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
April 15, 2020 7:17 pm

Or perhaps poison riddled Chinese counterfeit vape cartridges?