In Part 1 of this article I discussed how our country has devolved from Huxley’s Brave New World of distraction and irrelevancy into Orwell’s world of Big Brother surveillance and Solzhenitsyn’s Gulag Archipelago. Now I will make the case for joining the fight against the Great Reset.

Now is the time for a 'great reset' of capitalism | World Economic Forum

As more than half the country sleep-walks into the clutches of Marxism and tyranny, they fail to heed the wisdom of those who experienced the cruelty, oppression, and degradation after a similar revolution in the last century.

“A revolution never brings prosperity to a nation, but benefits only a few shameless opportunists, while to the country as a whole it heralds countless deaths, widespread impoverishment, and, in the gravest cases, a long-lasting degeneration of the people.”Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Dangerous Chuck Schumer: Now We Take Georgia then We Change the World! – Shore News Network

Schumer’s slip of the tongue about changing the world and then putting on his mask (to push the masks work narrative) and declaring he will change the country when they win the two Georgia Senate seats reveals the global nature of this ongoing coup attempt by the global elites and the Deep State. I was highly suspicious of the engineered hysteria for this China flu back in March when I wrote P for Pandemic and stand by my conclusions reached nine months ago:

“As this incomprehensible national shutdown extends into April, tens of thousands of small businesses will be forced to close their doors for good. Local restaurants, hair salons, delis, hardware stores, and thousands of other small businesses will be involuntarily shuttered for good.

The national chains will collect their government largess, produce PR campaigns to pat themselves on the back, and abscond with the profits of the now deceased small businesses. The corporate fascists will become ever more powerful. Why are we letting this happen?”

Politicians use COVID-19 war to destroy small businesses - Washington Times

I’m infuriated every time I see an Applebees, Wal-Mart, or Amazon commercial touting their bravery and fortitude during these troubled times. These mega-corporations, with powerful lobbying departments and unlimited financial resources, have reaped tremendous profits and seen their stock prices soar to all-time highs, while hundreds of thousands of small restaurants and retailers have closed for good. Somewhere between one-third and one-half of all small businesses in America have closed or will close permanently.

WATCH: Angela Marsden, of Pineapple Hill Saloon, Goes Viral | Heavy.com

The bullshit slogan “We are all in this together” has been beaten to death by the propaganda media, while our wealthy elite overlords work remotely in their multi-million-dollar mansions, doing their daily Peleton workouts, sending their kids to expensive private schools and dining on white truffles and caviar at the French Laundry for $1,200. We are not in this together.

It’s us and THEM. You know who THEY are. The millions of formerly middle class and poor are lining up at foodbanks because authoritarian governors like Newsom, Cuomo, Whitmer, Murphy, and Wolf have shutdown small businesses without any science to back up their dictatorial actions, while allowing Wal-Mart, Costco, Lowes, and other favored companies to remain open. Political donations appreciated.

How Rich Must You Be To Dine At French Laundry Like Gavin Newsom?

As the months of idiotic government tyranny have gotten worse, I couldn’t help but experience an Inspector Finch moment while pondering the confluence of events surrounding this pandemic/plandemic/scamdemic.

“I felt like I could see everything that happened, and everything that is going to happen. It was like a perfect pattern, laid out in front of me. And I realized we’re all part of it, and all trapped by it.” – Finch – V for Vendetta

The purposeful destruction of the US and EU economies through unnecessary, unwarranted and un-Constitutional lockdowns of citizens and small businesses; mandatory masking for a virus that can easily penetrate a mask, with a survival rate of 99.5% for those under 70 years old; using the virus to steal a presidential election though mail-in ballot fraud, social media manipulation, and Dominion software vote switching; and now the rollout of a vaccine in nine months that is supposedly 95% effective, when the regular flu vaccine is only 40% effective after decades of study, and no one has a clue regarding any long-term consequences of the vaccine, is all part of the plan.

We also know the drug companies have legal immunity from whatever terrible side effects might arise. Whenever confronted with a confusing sequence of events and baffling governmental measures, it is always a safe bet to just follow the money. Leftist ideology is only a means for evildoers to justify the destruction of our society.

“Ideology—that is what gives evildoing its long-sought justification and gives the evildoer the necessary steadfastness and determination.”Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

If you drive 50% of small businesses into insolvency, all those sales and profits must gravitate to the connected mega-corporations, as we have already seen. They then payoff politicians to enforce regulations and mandates to keep the profits flowing and small businesses from competing. By stealing the presidential election and accomplishing the same result in the Georgia Senate races, the Marxist loving global elite will change the world.


By packing the Supreme Court with four leftists, abolishing the filibuster rule and making Washington DC and Puerto Rico states, the coup will be complete. America as we know it will cease to exist and those not connected to the oligarchs will sink into impoverishment and slave-hood status. The oligarchs will reap the riches, while they retain control through an iron fist and sophisticated technological surveillance.

The “miraculous” Gates/Fauci Covid vaccine, which is currently being marketed by the MSM talking heads, will become mandatory to work, travel, shop, or enter sports venues. Big Pharma is already reaping billions in profits, while being shielded from liability when it goes wrong – as designed. By acquiescing to the demands of these evil totalitarians we are sentencing future generations to a digital gulag – with the threat of a real gulag for dissenters.

“In keeping silent about evil, in burying it so deep within us that no sign of it appears on the surface, we are implanting it, and it will rise up a thousand-fold in the future. When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers, we are not simply protecting their trivial old age, we are thereby ripping the foundations of justice from beneath new generations.” –  Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Julian Assange new Media Currency — Digital Gulag and the Market Crash | by Saxxon Creative | Medium

“Big Brother is home. He is installed in the item you just dragged home from the Apple store.”Julian Assange

Even though all “scientific” studies, prior to the pandemic, by the CDC, WHO, prestigious universities, the New England Journal of Medicine, and the recently published Danish mask study all concluded masks do not protect anyone from viruses, our totalitarian overlords saw the opportunity to impose their will upon the masses as a test to see how far they could go before meeting resistance.

Fauci, the Surgeon General, and the head of the CDC weren’t lying in March when they all told the public, masks didn’t protect them. They have been lying since then. The scientific proof can be easily observed by looking at a chart of cases in states with mandatory masking. The cases have skyrocketed (due to the purposely faulty PCR test) despite mask mandates and lockdowns. I guess the manufacturers of these masks are telling the truth.

Jim Cramer on Twitter: "You need to wear two masks to block others. I wear different masks for different times. But as you know i was screaming that we would have a

The masks have not been about health, they’ve been about control and conditioning the population for further restrictions of liberties and rights – in the name of safety and security. Knowing the ignorance and lack of critical thinking skills of at least half the population, those in control of the pandemic narrative are weaponizing that ignorance to invoke fear and loathing among the pliable populace.

By dehumanizing us as nothing more than germ carrying super spreaders, their plan is to drastically reduce interaction by like minded people who might resist and create suspicion and distrust among neighbors and families. And it is working beyond their wildest expectations, as a nation of Karens are on the lookout, reporting non-compliance to the authorities. Big Brother now wears a mask, along with recording every electronic communication you make and tracking your every movement. This isn’t Orwellian fiction. It is a modern-day version of Solzhenitsyn’s Gulag Archipelago.

“Always eyes watching you and the voice enveloping you. Asleep or awake, indoors or out of doors, in the bath or bed—no escape. Nothing was your own except the few cubic centimeters in your skull.” – George Orwell – 1984

NH House Democrat Caucus Asks Governor Sununu for Mandatory Face Masks in Public - Granite Grok

“A network of informants saturated the population. Secrecy and distrust permeated the people, so much so that any overt activity was perceived as a provocation. How many denunciations there were against one’s own close relatives or against friends who had fallen under the sword!” – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Our world is descending into darkness, but it is not the Dark Winter narrative being spewed by the vacuous bimbo faux journalists on the boob tube at the behest of their corporate chieftains. The ramping up of fear using fraudulent statistics, while withholding the truth regarding the minuscule danger to healthy people under the age of 70, is essential for the global elite to successfully achieve their Great Reset, where you will own nothing and be happy.

For decades they have been slowly chipping away at the foundations of our society: family, faith, personal responsibility, honesty, hard work, community standards, good will towards your fellow man, the freedom to make your own choices, and adherence to agreed upon societal rules. Today we have drag queen story hour at the library for five year olds, Epstein and his cadre of rich celebrity elites practicing pedophilia, and men pretending to be women as health experts and women athletes.  Now they are ready for the final destruction of our foundational values.

You will eat bugs and fake meat, to preserve the planet. You will be denied fossil fuels, for the planet. You will be provided just enough digital currency to survive. You will do menial jobs and be thankful to your overlords. You will dutifully take your vaccination boosters without question or face the gulag. You will gladly agree to being chipped and electronically monitored. You will only consume government messaging and will not be allowed to contemplate contrary views.

You will no longer hide behind the safety of the U.S. Constitution, as a new world order supplants that outdated scrap of parchment. They want billions of obedient automatons with the same face and thoughts, adhering to their mandates and proclamations. Once these Marxists seize power of our government, they will never relinquish it. This battle is for all the marbles. If we lose, we will be subjugated and punished. Orwell understood the mindset of totalitarians.

The 2010s: Billionaires' Decade - What Next? - Impakter

“We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now you begin to understand me.” – George Orwell – 1984

It is time to fight. Not time to heel. The enemy and their tactics have been laid bare to all who choose to acknowledge reality and realize a battle for the soul of our civilization is underway. Being trapped in a normalcy bias bubble is not a viable strategy. You can’t sit out a Fourth Turning. This Fourth Turning has followed the expected path, as the initial financial crisis has now entered the violent upheaval stage, where the future of our country hangs in the balance.

Trump’s team seems to have exhausted all legal means to reverse this travesty of an election. The Deep State is powerful and ingrained at all levels of the government bureaucracy. Hoping for the cavalry to arrive in the nick of time to save the day is naïve and dangerous wishful thinking. The future will be determined by individual acts of bravery and courage. Setting an example for others by courageously speaking the truth and standing up to those intent on enslaving us through lies, in their Great Reset dystopian future, is how this war will be won.

One word of truth outweighs the world.” – Art of Quotation

If you think we have time to fight at a future date, you are badly mistaken. As we have seen during the four-year attempted coup against a non-cooperative president and this stolen election, these Marxist globalists will resort to anything to prevail. And once they gain complete control, they will not relinquish their power. That is when retribution against Trump supporters will commence. If we do not take the fight to these evildoers now, we will burn in the camps later. Heel or fight. The time has arrived.

The Top 40: "How we burned in the camps later" We the People: From the Past to a New American Revolution

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.” –  Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

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December 14, 2020 5:07 pm

“Security operative(s)” are our problem.

Best of Luck


December 14, 2020 5:19 pm

Learn to code…

December 14, 2020 8:11 pm

Looks like I hurt some Unit 8200 feelings….LMAO

December 15, 2020 11:55 pm

Move to the Big City, network with the movers and shakers, and tactfully let them know you’ll do anything for money. Judging by the culture I see all around me, it works pretty well.

December 14, 2020 5:25 pm

the irony of it all is that Russia is probably the only country, for a white person to go where we won’t be made either slaves or fertilizer,

December 14, 2020 5:29 pm

Perhaps Warren,that said,though I could financially bail just refuse to,had a great run for most part and will fight for the countries future.

I honestly do believe things do not some how change for the better and quickly will be dead within a year and will have a lot of company,be glad to be wrong.

December 14, 2020 6:09 pm

I have that deep anxiety and feeling of dread. The next part of their plan will involve the shock and awe they always use. We aint seen nothin yet.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
December 14, 2020 9:54 pm

Call me crazy, but….
Scripturally the constitutional originalists and the Bible believing God fearers aren’t meant to and won’t win this war physically.
We are just supposed to courageously stand up for God and against our oppressors come whatever may.
After the Rapture, at the last trump, the trump of God, the real oppression will begin worldwide.
Then during the 3 1/2 year great tribulation God will do the heavy lifting of judgement against His oppressors culminating at the all conclusive battle of Armageddon with the return of Jesus the Messiah.
That’s when the true earthly rebuilding begins.
I believe Trump is a type of restrainer, not the Holy Spirit Restrainer, but a man used of God either knowingly or unknowingly to stand up to and hold back the tide of unrestrained evil just prior to or until the Rapture of the Church and removal of the Holy Spirit Restrainer or ichabod from this world with the Rapture of God’s church.

very old white guy
very old white guy
  Eyes Wide Shut
December 15, 2020 6:36 am

If you don’t stand up God will not stand with you. As far as a rapture goes, forget about it. We will all be around for the tribulation if we live that long.

  very old white guy
December 15, 2020 5:19 pm

I’m in tribulation now.

  Eyes Wide Shut
December 15, 2020 7:04 am

Agree, except “Holy Spirit” as restrainer is an interpretation, not written scripture. We know the “restrainer” is a “he” and will be removed. To me, it is entirely consistent with 2 Thess that Trump COULD BE the restrainer.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
December 15, 2020 9:25 am

Correct. The Holy Spirit as the Restrainer pre Antichrist is simply an interpretation of many but not stated implicitly.
I’m not ready to wrap my head yet around a job so large and important given to a mere mortal so I yield to Trump as a type but not necessarily the actual one.
I cannot rule the possibility out either though.
Now to address the no rapture or not pretribulation rapture folks.
There are multiple old Testament examples of a pretribulation rapture.
Noah and his family on the ark and Lot and his being removed from Sodom both prejudgement are premier.
Is it simply that God’s people are not taught properly or are the blind spots and animosity due to a possible unwillingness to believe something is far to good and undeserving to be true?
My folks the good news of Jesus, God in the flesh, as a willing substitutional sacrifice for our sin by Grace through faith is simply to good to comprehend or believe yet we do.
I think ruling out a pretribulation rapture or the Rapture at all is simply not fully grasping the fullness of God’s love for His people who have chosen to believe in Him.
Don’t sell God’s love for us so short.

  Eyes Wide Shut
December 16, 2020 9:16 am

By faith Noah, being warned by God concerning events as yet unseen, in reverent fear constructed an ark for the saving of his household. By this he condemned the world and became an heir of the righteousness that comes by faith. (Hebrews 11:7 [ESV2011])

Faith without works is dead. We should be condemning this evil world.

  Eyes Wide Shut
December 16, 2020 5:42 pm

Wake up, man. Trump has notbing to do with any Pauline prophesy in 2nd Thessolonians. He’s a crypto-jew Rothschild puppet who has been play acting to spin up the patriots to further divide and weaken the country ahead of the Globalist Bolshevik take down run out of Israel.

  Eyes Wide Shut
December 15, 2020 8:24 am

Good grief don’t forget to the your shoes

  Eyes Wide Shut
December 15, 2020 8:45 am

There is not going to be a Rapure!

Shinmen Takezo
Shinmen Takezo
  Eyes Wide Shut
December 15, 2020 11:23 am

Eyes Wide Shut

Call me crazy, but….

Scripturally the constitutional originalists and the Bible believing God fearers aren’t meant to and won’t win this war physically.

We are just supposed to courageously stand up for God and against our oppressors come whatever may. After the Rapture, at the last trump, the trump of God, the real oppression will begin worldwide.


Yeah–you are crazy… and what you wrote above is complete and utter horseshit.

These beliefs are one of the main reasons why these so-called ‘evangelist-type’ conservatives don’t get off their lazy boy loungers and do something.

If you think there is going to be some sorta’ supernatural deliverance from these problems–then in fact YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. You and millions of other Christian conservatives are caught up in the disease of ‘rapture retardism’ which paralyzes you to a default position upon your knees doing nothing.

In the days of old, patriots had a battle cry… “no king but King Jesus” and these motherfuckers actually picked up their muskets and tomahawks leftover from the French and Indian wars and went about their business.

But now–pfft! You’re all too busy sending in checks Jim Baker or the 700 Club, too busy being nice and reasonable while you pick up the trash after your ‘peaceful protests’ where you wave the American flag while pumping your fists in the air shouting ‘murica’.

Give us all a break with this bible-babble bullshit please.

  Shinmen Takezo
December 15, 2020 4:02 pm

…try decaf…

December 18, 2020 3:42 am

Put a dress on and go with the flow Bob

AK Johnny 1
AK Johnny 1
  Shinmen Takezo
December 15, 2020 11:10 pm

Agreed! Every time posts like this come up, you get these folks that start beating you with the Jesus stick.
A firm belief in the almighty is a GOOD thing! But too many folks are using it as a cloak to disguise inaction and/ or cowardice!
There comes a time….
When ALL good men must put the good Bible on the mantle, and pick up the musket to DEFEND what the good lord has provided you. Families and homes need protecting. God GAVE you the means with which to do so! Prayer will help you maintain the faith and morality needed to see you through. But prayer WILL NOT DO the heavy lifting for you!
You want the tree to come down? Then START SWINGING THE AXE!!!

  Eyes Wide Shut
December 15, 2020 1:25 pm

You got a lot of thumbs down but the truth is hard to swallow. You’re right on it. Time is short to find the LORD, repent and be saved from what’s coming. Doubters should take a peek at the book of truth, promised to be open at the end of time. It’s open and desiphered well at daniel11truth.

  Eyes Wide Shut
December 15, 2020 5:05 pm

eyes wide shut was speaking of the rapture and god and the tribulation – this is right out of the elites play-book, Revelations! but at least you paid enough attention to understand that Christians are supposed to stand and NOT fight – or is that ‘their’ doctrine as well?

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
December 17, 2020 9:41 pm

We have every God given right to protect ourselves and our families and other innocents from unjust physical attack with the reasonable amount of force necessary to stop the attack up to and including deadly force.
We have every constitutional right as U.S. citizens to use the force necessary to stop and repel all enemies of the state both foreign and domestic.

  Eyes Wide Shut
December 15, 2020 6:54 pm

I don’t think you’re crazy. But all that’s happened in the past 4 years is enough to drive a person there.

  Eyes Wide Shut
December 16, 2020 9:10 am

There is no “rapture of the church”. Thats just jesuit/freemason fairy tales designed to keep you sedated. Do you really think that all the pew sitting bench warmers are “restraining evil” and once your apostate “church” is gone, no longer giving their 10% to a freemason’s fat greedy palm and no longer singing gay songs and waving your hands in the air (like you just don’t care I might add), the antichrist is gonna unleash all hell on those “left behind” while you’re sitting in heaven watching and eating popcorn? Get a clue.

Sionnach Liath
Sionnach Liath
  Eyes Wide Shut
December 16, 2020 9:22 am

January 6th is the day the Congress votes on the electoral college submissions. January 6th is also the day of epiphany. Perhaps we should pray for a political epiphany in the rejection of the E. C. voting. Six states submitted alternative votes for Trump, enough to reduce Biden to less than 270 if accepted.

Cow Doc
Cow Doc
December 14, 2020 5:39 pm

The America in which I was raised is now gone. All of my Grandparents came from the Volga River valley of Russia, inhabitants of ethnic German colonies established by the Prussian Princess turned Czarina, Catherine the Great in the mid 18th century. By 1900 they could see the signs of the coming problems in Russia and Europe. The last great Hope was America, land of opportunity. They came as Blacksmiths, Sugar Beat farmers and merchants. Within two generations we were Educators, Doctors, Nurses, Lawyers and high ranking Law Enforcement Officers. Now the very thing my ancestors fled has followed us here and threatens to make us all proletariat serfs to the Commisars and their apparatchiks. I for one will not rollover and give away the hard earned rewards of my ancestors and the multitude of others who came here before them. I will not rollover and give away a nation built upon the dignity of man and the inherent rights of liberty given to us by God. Nope, I’m not going quietly into some good night. I’m going to Live my Life, groveling to none and if hard pressed I plan on leaving this world as a warrior, defending this way of life I was raised within and protecting those who are unable to defend themselves. The die is cast, not of my choosing but, the time for decisions and choosing sides is here and I know where I stand.

  Cow Doc
December 14, 2020 5:54 pm

This is my Alamo. I draw the line and I stand against tyranny. I don’t stand alone, there’s lots of folk like me out there. Trump is the symbol, he’s something to rally around but he’s only a man, with or without him, doesn’t matter, the lines are drawn. The Marxist/Globalists want me dead, to them I am an obstruction, a useless being except as a tax donkey or slave. Fuck them.

Cow Doc
Cow Doc
December 14, 2020 5:59 pm

Yep, honored to stand next to you.

  Cow Doc
December 14, 2020 6:02 pm

Yep, honored to stand next to you.

And me with you, Amigo.

December 14, 2020 6:16 pm

And what exactly are you going to do? They will cross whatever line drawn.

Barr just resigned? Why? His job was done – he blocked Trump at every turn. He kept the info on Biden jr secret until after the election. That is another line clearly crossed.

What are you really going to do? You need a plan. People talk about lines, but I do not see much in the way of action. This is not pointed at you. But lines without action are not lines. Lines without plans for when they are crossed are imaginary.

I personally advocate an ongoing system of civil disobedience. Done by millions, things might change.

I truly doubt violence would change anything, as any violence at the moment will be reactive, and not proactive. It would be done without any understanding of what should be implemented. The Founders had a plan. The angry mobs do not.

I wish you luck with your line. Come to think of it, we are all going to need luck. It is not going to be happy times.

Cow Doc
Cow Doc
December 14, 2020 6:39 pm

Small individual things done one by one eventually add up to an avalanche. Time to start F’ng with “the system” whenever possible.

Undiapered in VA ILuvCO2
Undiapered in VA ILuvCO2
  Cow Doc
December 14, 2020 9:36 pm

Yes, but how?

Cow Doc
Cow Doc
  Undiapered in VA ILuvCO2
December 14, 2020 9:53 pm

Start looking for things that you can F up without being noticed. Unplugging this, pouring some water in that where water doesn’t belong, some nails/screws laying where they’re not supposed to be. Let your mind wander and always be situationally aware for opportunities.

Known Associate
Known Associate
  Cow Doc
December 15, 2020 12:52 pm

Hayduke Lives!

  Cow Doc
December 15, 2020 7:25 pm

From a stick in the mud to a stick in the spokes. Lay here and take it, I don’t think so.

  Cow Doc
December 16, 2020 6:46 am

Everyone should just STOP PAYING TAXES.
They can’t throw the entire country into jail can they?

December 16, 2020 10:49 am

Already have, but you get to pay for jail from jail. Don’t worry, be happy.

December 17, 2020 4:27 pm

It helps a bit when you accept the fact that your daily work efforts are functionally equivalent to making license plates.

  Cow Doc
December 16, 2020 10:09 am

cameras are everywhere…”they” will show up at your door and dump water, and nails on you/then unplug you. Said otherwise/shut up.
And don’t be dumping any nails on the common man’s roads.
Time will tell what we can do.

Cow Doc
Cow Doc
December 16, 2020 12:08 pm

Ain’t Skyrd…they can come on down for a little Fandango

  Undiapered in VA ILuvCO2
December 16, 2020 12:24 am

Caltrops… used by the US Office of Strategic Services. The hollow spikes puncture self-sealing rubber tires. The hole in the center allows air to escape even if the other end of the tube is sealed by soft ground.

The Germans dropped “crowsfeet”. These were made from two segments of sheet metal welded together into a tetrapod with four barbed points and then painted in camouflage colours. They came in two sizes with a side length of either 3 or 2 1⁄2 inches (76 or 64 mm). They were dropped from aircraft in containers the same size as a 500 kg bomb and were dispersed by a small explosive charge. They were used to attack airfields and roads with a view to bursting tires.

December 14, 2020 7:49 pm

“And what exactly are you going to do? They will cross whatever line drawn.”

You think that revolutions are only about storming castles and tossing bombs? Guess again. Lots of ways to skin a cat and the first is to acknowledge that the government is illegitimate and a fraud, corrupt from top to bottom. Once that happens the next step is to stop following orders or getting in line. Out in my neck of the woods there is a consensus and a tacit agreement. We know who we are and we know what we need to do….time for talking is over, no fist shaking, just remember the three S’s.

Cow Doc
Cow Doc
December 14, 2020 8:26 pm

Love the three S’s, proper varmint management…a little land and a backhoe.

  Cow Doc
December 14, 2020 8:49 pm

Darling man, I daresay you and I are cut from some very similar cloth…comment image

Peter Horry
Peter Horry
December 15, 2020 7:40 pm

This evening, I just lowered Old Glory for what is probably the last time here at the farm, and raised the Stars and Bars. Lost causes, both.

Deo Vindice

  Peter Horry
December 15, 2020 10:31 pm

Peter, our symbol must now be the inverted flag. Fly your flag upside down, the universal symbol of distress. Perhaps even make the flag black and grey.

December 15, 2020 11:10 pm

I have kept this flag on my highest pole for many years now.

3’X5′ cost $6.00. last about six, seven months…buy them three at a time.


Cow Doc
Cow Doc
  Cow Doc
December 14, 2020 9:01 pm

As a rancher friend from the central Colorado Rockies also notes, if it has a radio collar make sure that gets slipped on the bottom side of a semi truck trailer headed out of state.

Depressed Aussie
Depressed Aussie
  Cow Doc
December 14, 2020 9:37 pm

Bang on Cow Doc. We need to have the mindset of PoW’s in the second world war. Outwardly compliant but inwardly sabotaging and messing up as much of their narrative and operations as we can. Best thing we can do is make people think, make them feel safe to challenge the narrative

  Cow Doc
December 15, 2020 2:16 pm

sigh… Some of us have to be more conservative. Its tougher work when you don’t have a back hoe handy.

December 14, 2020 10:04 pm

How to fight? Civil disobedience is the right step, but in the wisdom of the planners, the population you are trying to save will be the ones who will attack you; because to them, you are the terrorist the government warned them about.
Band together? It sounds good right now, but who doesn’t know the comms will be disabled 30 seconds after the mass insurrection begins. And as you try to work out some plan, know that just as today, informants will steer you into kill zones, unless you are sharp enough to pick them out.
But we will be able to defend ourselves, but instead of the country, we will be saving our families for as long as the food and weapons hold out; after that, how long until the gangs finally break through.
Sorry to be so much of a downer, but I don’t think they would have committed to the “great reset” if they were not sure of a high probability of success.
So do we just roll over and give up? No, that’s not how the human spirit works. We fight by what ever means we have before us. We shake our naked butts in their faces and flip them off where ever possible. We look for brothers in arms who have proven they will not bow the knee to Klaus what’s his name. And who knows, maybe with intelligence, bravery and a little luck, some of us may come out the other end scarred but determined to survive.
Maybe considering the horrors of the reality facing us may give some the courage to fight on, in whatever capacity that will be.
Fight as though you are already dead.

Posted by Not Sure

December 15, 2020 11:29 am

HAM radio for comms. A license doesn’t matter when all hell breaks loose. Your only concern at that point would be detection. Either get one that can be charged via USB using a USB capable solar charging pack, or set up enough solar to charge with.

December 15, 2020 4:09 pm

Irish democracy helps sometimes…

December 15, 2020 5:58 pm

What would Henry Bowman do?

December 19, 2020 2:56 pm

Anon – Henry Bowman would have some fun.. Yes, great book.

December 15, 2020 12:12 am

Llpoh is correct. There’s nothing to fight. They don’t care that there’s 80 million of us. Don’t. Care. They don’t care that we got guns. Don’t. Care. Rights don’t mean anything if you can’t enforce them. We’ve got one horse. Donald Trump. He still holds the awesome power of the Presidency for five more weeks. We are merely spectators. He either pulls this out, or he doesn’t. Pick up your pom poms, and hope for the best.

December 15, 2020 10:58 pm


Yep…he will either be Mount Rushmore material or he will be a Judas Goat?

December 16, 2020 7:34 am

No question

December 16, 2020 3:58 am

Learn to organize or if you prefer the old flag “join or die.”

Let me add this, of course they don’t fear you. They shouldn’t With the exception of the anti abortion people and a few lone wolves the Right in the US has never done, accomplished or even tried anything.

They were too busy making money to be taxed away and whining about being left alone and so the country got transformed into clown town.

May I humbly suggest that while you learn to organize you learn to have an ideology. No one of the 80% of US people in the cities will back you otherwise

, You want to replace these jack-wagons than you have to do a better job.

Its not a high bar theses days but if you want power, you lead, Its your job to run the schools locally, make sure trade is managed, run the EPA, decide what the laws will be and so on.

Its a complex, interwoven world where one cock-up in Chinese lab can ruin everything. Grow up enough to know that you or at least guys you vette and can trust have the wear the big boy pants and do the work.

You don’t get to run home to Monticello 2.0 for many years.

If when you have an ideology and are willing to learn to organize to common goals without half your team having an conniption fit as they scream your a collectivist or a Red , than you have a chance.

Otherwise you have to count on an aging hotelier and entertainer declaring martial law and I do not like those odds.

December 16, 2020 12:26 am

And remember the low cost of cameras….

December 16, 2020 11:25 pm

Shit, Shower and Shave?

December 14, 2020 7:58 pm

Why would Trump fire Barr now that it is all over? Or Esper?

Cow Doc
Cow Doc
December 14, 2020 8:57 pm

It might not be over. If the reports admin posted today regarding the forensic exams in MI are correct and prove able things may just be getting started.

  Cow Doc
December 15, 2020 9:48 am

Forensic exams won’t mean jack . The Powers that be along with the MSM will tell folks..nothing to see here .

Unless someone from Dominion comes out and says, ” How I stole the election” Biden will be seated in the White House on 1/20/2021 .

NAFT again .

Cow Doc
Cow Doc
December 15, 2020 9:53 am

Unfortunately you’re likely very correct. Can’t help to hope and dream a little.

December 15, 2020 2:21 pm

Biden won’t be inaugurated. The media is already setting the stage for his removal. He’ll either step aside so he can have his day in court to ‘clear’ his name. Fake of course. Or… he’ll have an ‘accident’, the funeral will be very nice… shiny

December 14, 2020 9:46 pm

I’m not part of this community but your comment has been on my mind for about a year. Without good appointments at DOJ and FBI, Trump was fighting without any real weapons the past 4 years. Hardball presidents need loyal, hardball enforcers and Trump acted strangely naive about this part of his team.

December 15, 2020 10:34 pm

Absolutely, Retired. It’s an Achilles heel a mile wide. Two things I thought Trump would be really, really good at, reading people, and hiring people. He couldn’t have been worse if he had tried. Now he has to make the hardest decision any President has had to make in our lifetime. Does he try to salvage the country, guns blazing, or does he tuck his tail between his legs and slink off into the nightmare that will be his post-presidency. We’re going to find out, and pretty quickly.

December 15, 2020 11:09 pm

Maybe he was a part of the plan all along. You don’t go to DC to drain the swamp without finding law enforcers. Seriously, I could have searched and found the right FBI director and AG.

December 16, 2020 12:35 am

Donoghue and Rosen are up, temps, is there still time?
I have to hand it to Trump the man looks incredibly relaxed, so much so that many, very many, assume he is done, and has accepted it.
It’s driving his enemies including my ageing mother insane.

December 16, 2020 12:43 am

The seriousness test for President Trump is ahead: will he invoke the Insurrection Act or not? If he does, then the patriots have the cover needed to jump in. If not, it will be like the Bay of Pigs for us. Yes, Trump has to weigh being arrested and executed before taking the leap, unless he’s part of the script and was never serious to begin with. Why do I act suspicious?


December 14, 2020 9:50 pm
December 15, 2020 9:05 pm

That was an insertion. I believe it was urban training, as real insertions are done in the dark. We may be ready to go soon.

very old white guy
very old white guy
December 15, 2020 6:39 am

Llpoh, I have been asked that question a number of times and I have at times told people where and what I would like to do. Over the decades it has been my experience that I always seem to be standing alone.

  very old white guy
December 15, 2020 9:07 pm

Yup…everyone around you are much younger. Their critical thinking skills have not been brought to bear.

December 15, 2020 9:37 am

Who said “Shock and Awe?”

Stalin also imposed the Soviet system of land management known as collectivization. This resulted in the seizure of all privately owned farmlands and livestock, in a country where 80 percent of the people were traditional village farmers. Among those farmers, were a class of people called Kulaks by the Communists. They were formerly wealthy farmers that had owned 24 or more acres, or had employed farm workers. Stalin believed any future insurrection would be led by the Kulaks, thus he proclaimed a policy aimed at “liquidating the Kulaks as a class.”

A propaganda campaign was started utilizing eager young Communist activists who spread out among the country folk attempting to shore up the people’s support for the Soviet regime. However, their attempts failed. Despite the propaganda, ongoing coercion and threats, the people continued to resist through acts of rebellion and outright sabotage. They burned their own homes rather than surrender them. They took back their property, tools and farm animals from the collectives, harassed and even assassinated local Soviet authorities. This ultimately put them in direct conflict with the power and authority of Joseph Stalin.

Soviet troops and secret police were rushed in to put down the rebellion. They confronted rowdy farmers by firing warning shots above their heads. In some cases, however, they fired directly at the people. Stalin’s secret police (GPU, predecessor of the KGB) also went to work waging a campaign of terror designed to break the people’s will. GPU squads systematically attacked and killed uncooperative farmers.


December 15, 2020 12:05 pm

Shock and awe indeed! It’s Shock Therapy followed from the Shock Doctrine!
Those good ol’ Chicago Boys form of economics, disaster capitalism

Great historical recap of its uses

Shinmen Takezo
Shinmen Takezo
December 15, 2020 11:31 am

Correct about Barr–these cocksuckers know every trick in the DC playbook. They know how to subvert, delay, legally lie, bend and twist ever law, rule and regulation.

Barr is a career PARASITE.

This pig intentionally ran out the clock on Trump. If Biden gets into office, nothing will come of these alleged investigations. All will wind up in the literal shredder and propaganda shredder.

  Shinmen Takezo
December 15, 2020 11:39 am

Memory holed!! Not to be confused with glory holed!

  Shinmen Takezo
December 15, 2020 7:11 pm

Barr was nothing but a huge disappointment.

December 15, 2020 11:28 pm


Supposedly…Trump took Barr (big time Bush family consigliere) in a truce with the Bush Crime Family after Poppy was boxed up and sent to his little dark corner of hell… little Georgie W (the Shrub) didn’t want to take Poppy’s place as the head of the Bush Crime family, and wanted to end the war raging with Trump…(The Bushes were really pissed at Trump for kicking Jeb’s ass up and down the street 24/7 during the primaries – but the shrub wanted out of the crosshairs).

Trump was coming after him with threats of declassifying some shit that would expose him and the whole Crime Family clan. The Shrub just wanted to paint, ride his bikey, and give breath mints to Big Mike at photo ops.

Trump promised to not expose the Shrub and all the Bush family criminals, and soon after in exchange for taking Barr the Mueller investigation collapsed…and Mueller won an academy award for not knowing Jack or Shit about the whole investigation.

Mueller was made a deal as well.

It was an Art of the get the pressure off Deal for both the Shrub & the Trumpster.

(I heard it from a couple of inside – outside wise guys on the internet).
comment image%3Fitok%3Dp3-D_liy&f=1&nofb=1

December 16, 2020 12:38 am

Plausible. The Bush Crime Family have become ghosts, silent ghosts.

December 17, 2020 12:10 am

Check this out, if you listen to the first 10 minutes you will get hooked and hopeful.


December 18, 2020 8:47 am

You cowardly creatures are beyond pathetic. God help your souls, because you need it.

Cow Doc
Cow Doc
December 14, 2020 6:28 pm

Is your Bull calf now a steer?

  Cow Doc
December 14, 2020 7:56 pm

Is your Bull calf now a steer?

The little bugger is indeed singing soprano. He gave us a merry chase but in the end…well, the horse was bigger.

  Cow Doc
December 14, 2020 7:10 pm

Me too.

December 15, 2020 7:00 pm

Can’t view the video unless you sign in. Count me out.

December 18, 2020 8:44 am

If they allow Harris to move forward like the election wasn’t stolen, I am marching on D.C. with or without anyone behind me. I didn’t die for my country the first time just to allow this shit.

December 19, 2020 1:12 pm

Just how is marching going to accomplish anything? They don’t give a whit if you march, protest, flounce around , write sternly worded letters or any other totally useless crap. Even Henry Kissinger publicly stated years ago they don’t care if you protest etc as long as you pay your taxes and do what you are told. Most everyone here knows what needs to be done. Any other alternative will be useless.

  Cow Doc
December 14, 2020 5:56 pm

Excellent Points Doc. It will be on our feet.Not our knees.

Cow Doc
Cow Doc
  Cow Doc
December 14, 2020 6:08 pm

One more point. My paternal Grandmother was a Schwab. If I ever find out I am somehow related to “Klaus the Klown” from the WEF, I’ll gladly shoot that paper hanging Son of a Bitch between the eyes for ruining our family name.

  Cow Doc
December 14, 2020 9:24 pm

Hehe…now you sound like Patton!

Cow Doc
Cow Doc
December 14, 2020 9:56 pm

That’s where I hijacked the line from…it fits.

  Cow Doc
December 14, 2020 6:23 pm

Doc lots of us out here in the middle have volga deutsch grandparents. Both sides of my maternal grandmother’s family came from Frank Russia. My grandmother grew up in a sod hut in Wisconson and ran a dairy in McCook Ne after granddad drowned in the Republican river in ’35. Hard times made strong people. Senator Norris was from McCook. A respectable leader. To see it all squandered in 50+ years is heartbreaking. My cousins went marxist during the 60’s and 70s, their ilk gave away our country with help from our parents generation who thought they were doing the right thing supporting the dems with the civil rights, afirm act’on and other great society changes onward. I live within 5 minutes of the freeway and will see the looters come down the road when things go bad. If need be I can communicate into the next county via the McCook area code and there are plenty of others one can hear practicing at the range down the road. I left CSU land for a conservative small town so this is a good place to make a stand.

Cow Doc
Cow Doc
December 14, 2020 6:36 pm

My paternal Grandfather came from Frank, paternal Grandmother from Sherbakovka, maternal Grandfather from Beideck and maternal grandmother from Norka. I’m pure Volga Deutsch…head hard like cabbage. My father is almost 90 and once he’s gone we’re looking at Nebraska as good place to move to.

Horseless Headsman
Horseless Headsman
  Cow Doc
December 14, 2020 6:53 pm

You might consider Missouri. I for one would be glad to see you.

  Cow Doc
December 14, 2020 7:11 pm

Nebraska can be felt when you enter it. Roads way better maintained but state taxes a skosh higher. Grandma’s folks were Gies and Wagner. Dad’s family was from Breslau, now it’s in Poland. Dad’s GF was in German merchant marine and jumped ship before great war in NOLA (Family lore was he was put ashore with malaria but he was just a wetback confirmed by my last German relative). He went from poor kraut to poor yank but he survived most of his 8 siblings left behind. I used to be amazed at the basement he dug out in his Lincoln home with but a shovel. That Bruce Dern Nebraska movie is a hoot if you haven’t seen it.

  Cow Doc
December 14, 2020 7:50 pm

Crawford looked real nice in our recon for greener pastures.
My Paternal grandmother was from same and her first name, of course, Catherine.
Lets do lunch again at the place.

Cow Doc
Cow Doc
December 14, 2020 8:01 pm

I’m good any day this week with the exception of Thursday. Noon again?

  Cow Doc
December 14, 2020 8:07 pm

Weds looks nicest?

Cow Doc
Cow Doc
December 14, 2020 8:28 pm

See you Wednesday at noon.

December 15, 2020 1:57 pm

You might look at Ardmore SD, right across the border from Crawford. Benefits of SD, but next to Crawford, a substantial size town. Wouldn’t be surprised if you,uns couldn’t buy most of the 3 sq blocks of Ardmore, next to the ponds for cheap. Neb. is the most unfriendly to ag states I have seen…… 2cents

December 15, 2020 3:49 pm

We liked that whole strech Crawford north, south to Scottsbluff, not so much.

  Cow Doc
December 14, 2020 9:18 pm

Well said, Cow Doc.
The sheep and the wolves are many — time for us sheepdogs to gather.

Known Associate
Known Associate
  Cow Doc
December 15, 2020 12:50 pm

To die well is to have lived well…

  Cow Doc
December 15, 2020 8:02 pm


Can’t remember seeing 105 upvotes before and I’ve been on TBP for over 12 years now.

You said…

“Within two generations we were Educators, Doctors, Nurses, Lawyers and high ranking Law Enforcement Officers. Now the very thing my ancestors fled has followed us here and threatens to make us all proletariat serfs to the Commisars and their apparatchiks.”

I would ask if educators, Dr.s (health industry as a whole), Lawyers and “High” level law enforcement have contributed to our downfall? What say you? Me, I say yes.

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
December 15, 2020 10:55 pm

I can’t either, but I remember the 100+ downvotes that SAO acquired! I think BBGun and Iravani did, too.

Cow Doc
Cow Doc
December 16, 2020 12:12 pm

I agree with you that some have, especially in the last 10-20 years. However, I can vouch for those from my family that I speak for, with a couple of exceptions, that we are not part of the problem. My point was that we were able to go from uneducated peasants to the upper strata of the social and financial ladder based on nothing but grit and hard work. My paternal Great Grandfather never attended school but was self taught and before coming to America he could speak German, Russian, English, French and Spanish. Granted not fluently in French and Spanish but enough to understand a conversation. He devoured books whenever he got his hands on them. In Colorado he at one point in time had 2 Blacksmith shops one in Greeley and one in Brighton and farmers came from miles around to have him repair implements. That’s the kind of stock I hail from. We were taught young to always better ourselves and our family.

  Cow Doc
December 16, 2020 12:42 pm


I love success stories, I really do. I’m amazed how some families churn out success story after success story. The point I want to make is this…I believe a very compelling argument could be made that intellectualism has done more harm than almost anything else. I still think G.R.E.E.D. has been the most destructive though.

Cow Doc
Cow Doc
December 16, 2020 1:04 pm

GNL you make good points. I totally agree that the love of money is the most destructive. The Good Lord doesn’t mention that in the Bible numerous times for nothing. I think that tying that with the general loss of religion in our daily lives has been what has led us over the precipice. I’m not big on organized religion but I do consider my self a Christian and have a strong belief in God. I tired of the SJW, woke theology being shoved down my throat at a Church my family attended 15 years ago and said I’m done with “Church”. However, I think my families strong religious beliefs has kept us on the right path. John Adams said it best, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” As a country that’s where I think we’ve gone wrong. In a way intellectualism can be tied in with the loss of religion as well, way more than a few highly educated people I know are atheists, go figure. The best thing I think young folks can do right now is go to trade school. That’s the kind of education that can literally be put to work.

  Cow Doc
December 16, 2020 2:03 am

Cow Doc. We might share our ancestors. Mine are German from Russia as well. Sturdy stock!

  Cow Doc
December 17, 2020 12:43 pm

Would you elaborate why

they could see the signs of the coming problems

is not in play now,
plus maybe start to consider moving back to the Volga River valley, or somewhere else in Russia?

Seriously meant question.

Cow Doc
Cow Doc
December 18, 2020 8:24 am


  Cow Doc
December 18, 2020 8:26 am

Excellent reason to leave the USSA, yes

Cow Doc
Cow Doc
December 18, 2020 8:57 am

Agreed…if Jomala is seated in the executive position. I plan on fighting back first. I’ve seen pics, from now, of where my Grandparents came from and I don’t plan on going back there.

  Cow Doc
December 18, 2020 11:48 am

I’m learning Russian now.
We’ll see

Sue Robinson
Sue Robinson
  Cow Doc
December 17, 2020 1:08 pm

I’m with you Cow Doc. We are not alone.

  Cow Doc
December 18, 2020 8:49 pm

I am very, very happy that we can all disagree.

December 14, 2020 5:41 pm

The message is received, loud and clear;
it is US (we the people) vs Them (those who feed on US).

If you had any thoughts that might separate or make a distinction between various grouping of (Them), just realize that two of the E.C. delegates in NY are none other than Billary and Hitlerary Clinton, two reptilian representatives of the galactic federation of planetary usurpers, and part of the cabal responsible for the deaths of millions.

These two represent all that is wrong with the political leadership of America.

They have grifted from Arkansas to DC, to NY, and the world is worse off as a result. I can only hope that a meteor lands onto there dwelling, while both are inside, and the aliens cancel their membership, and removes their flesh suits, so they can no longer walk among us, passing as humans.

December 15, 2020 9:18 pm

I would prefer to see them publicly hanged with a hemp rope, and a short drop.

December 14, 2020 5:55 pm

He had it right all along: Give me liberty or give me death.

There are no other alternatives.

December 14, 2020 6:21 pm

Washington crosses the Delaware … (**####th)

Probably the last chance

December 14, 2020 6:07 pm

We will burn in the camps later.

The reality is, if you or i did anything tonite we would spend the rest of our days fighting for our lives or jailed. There will not be a single shot fired over this travesty tonite or ever. Bidens victory was sealed today. Now or never, right?
So never, it is.
Its not ok.
But thats the way it is.

Cow Doc
Cow Doc
December 14, 2020 6:27 pm

If they take my guns the barrel will be hot and the magazine empty and my hands cold and dead. Before that well ya know cogs break, wires ground out, and shit breaks often.

  Cow Doc
December 14, 2020 7:25 pm

After 9/11 CU put spikes up on the powerhouse thick flagstone wall to deter terrists from breakin in. One operator pointed out that the main gas line for the turbines was outside the wall and kept in the open position with a chain and padlock. Management had entire wall torn down on all sides and a hurricane fence put up to enclose valve. There, that’s how people with P.E. after their name think. I know what it takes to go black and it isn’t much. Recall that cowboy on the Yellowstone series named Jimmy? That’s all it would take, people like him, not too bright, but with purpose to bring entire country to a standstill.

December 15, 2020 7:54 pm

I knew that 9/11 was an inside job afterwards when the Fedgov did nothing to protect the chemical plants. Several brave souls proved how easy it was to cross the perimeter of several plants to reach some very sensitive vessels. Some C4 or a stick of TNT or two and ker-wowie! And there goes the West side of Charleston WVA.

December 14, 2020 7:32 pm

These are wise words, from apple.

We have a chance now, to use the tools provided for us by our forefathers.
The same tools that this latest round of placeholders will attempt to dull or even outlaw.

If you think about the issues facing the country, and use the human body as a model:

Our immune system is under attack, so how do we respond to this, and most importantly, realize that we can’t kill the patient, to fix the problem.

Our immune system used to have of a feature called “the free press”, that would alert us to the evil machinations of government, consider the 60’s and the press and their involvement in the issues of that time. Government always has the potential for evil, it is just an organization staffed with humans, who are not perfect. The press (MSM) was supposed to represent our better nature, our best ideals, and allow for a check against the unlimited powers of .gov and also provide an alternative voice.

Unfortunately, the corruption of the MSM, under the persuasion of capitalism, has resulted in a small cabal of owner who seek to destroy the fabric of this country, by undermining the Constitution. There no longer is a voice to speak out against the .gov, all allowed voices speak in support, or are canceled.

The MSM is behind all of the wrong thinking that has us where we are today.

The CDC has reported that 2020 deaths are no different than previous years, a clear indication that there is no pandemic. If masks worked, there would be no story line of “a 2nd wave” nor would there only be outbreaks primarily in states controlled by the democratic party.

We are at war, the enemy has been dormant, inside the gates for the last 50-70 years, and is about to destroy what remains of this country, (enshrined in the Constitution). This document, and all the principles it represents, provides the tools to remedy the current situation.
I believe it is supported by vast majority of the people.

The only issue is where and when will the people be able to re-take their democracy, from the oligarchy that is threatening it’s very existence?

we are not fighting against each other, we are fighting against a boardroom of people who can only provide quick remedies paid for with freshly printed $$$.

December 15, 2020 1:15 pm

“The MSM is behind all of the wrong thinking that has us where we are today.”

Nah, just about a half. The other half is edumacation.

December 15, 2020 6:33 pm

“This document, and all the principles it represents, provides the tools to remedy the current situation.”

How can a document that authorizes the worship of [ obedience to ] other g-o-d-s [ rulemakers ] save us from being chastised by the Creator until we repent [ change our mind ] ?

The reason these things are happening is to get us to return to Him. Fighting against His employees [ though wicked ] is like when your old man was going to use a belt on your ass [ a whooping you deserved ] and you put your hand back there [ trying to grab the belt ] and resisting your punishment.

It won’t end well.

December 14, 2020 8:05 pm

You’ve watched too many Hollywood movies and you don’t know country folk. You don’t fire shots, you don’t call attention to yourself you go……….
comment image

December 15, 2020 9:17 am

Great Go-rilla. 🙂

December 14, 2020 6:28 pm

This a bastardized quote from who I can’t remember.

“The only thing worse than the tyrant is those who abide by his edicts”.

December 14, 2020 6:34 pm

Hard People- Hard Principles-Hard Assets
Stack them broad and deep- You are going to need them!

December 14, 2020 7:07 pm

“You will eat bugs and fake meat, to preserve the planet. You will be denied fossil fuels, for the planet. You will be provided just enough digital currency to survive. You will do menial jobs and be thankful to your overlords. You will dutifully take your vaccination boosters without question or face the gulag. You will gladly agree to being chipped and electronically monitored. You will only consume government messaging and will not be allowed to contemplate contrary views.”

In short, you will be Chinks.

Auntie Kriest
Auntie Kriest
December 14, 2020 7:17 pm

Auntie has heard that success has something to do with gorillas? Ah, yes:

Jane Goodall is one of Auntie’s heros.

Taras 77
Taras 77
December 14, 2020 7:32 pm

Prob already noted but the cretin gates in appearance on cnn says lock down necessary for another six months and back to normal not until mid 2022.

rhs jr
rhs jr
  Taras 77
December 15, 2020 6:07 am

He and Melinda will end up like Benito and his whore.

A Dolphin Hiding
A Dolphin Hiding
  rhs jr
December 15, 2020 11:04 am

Gonna shine a light on ’em so to speak?

  rhs jr
December 15, 2020 1:17 pm

From your lips to God’s (or Satan’s — I don’t much care who gets credit) ears.

December 14, 2020 7:39 pm

Got word today at work (blue state govt.) that “heads will roll” if someone gets sick during the time I am not wearing my mask on the job. The threat to me is gulag reassignment or a loss of pension; this is just one way state workers are compromised. In due time we as state employees realize that us being compromised in any way that emerges under total tyranny is important to whomever runs things.

We play the game to stay out of trouble. The game produces an image of compliance. The image of compliance promotes fear of something real. This is contagious and another tool of compliance.

It’s all or nothing as the powers that be realize they can’t withdraw from the virus game. Too many people’s livelihoods have been destroyed.

“Because the regime is captive to its own lies, it must falsify everything. It falsifies the past. It falsifies the present, and it falsifies the future. It falsifies statistics … It pretends to fear nothing. It pretends to pretend nothing.”
-Vaclav Havel

Foot in the Forest
Foot in the Forest
December 14, 2020 7:40 pm

Vote under rule 308.

December 14, 2020 7:42 pm

Time to fight, indeed.

I still believe there are more plot twists and turns ahead.

Here is an interesting interview by Sydney Powell posted just hours ago:


By the Way
By the Way
December 14, 2020 7:49 pm

more information, documentation and ways to fight back at S.P.’s website


December 14, 2020 11:31 pm

Great vid

Cow Doc
Cow Doc
December 14, 2020 10:02 pm

Nuke Detroit and Dearborn, they’re both lost and need rebuilt anyway.

  Cow Doc
December 15, 2020 9:18 am

I love shooting these. Thanks.

Cow Doc
Cow Doc
December 15, 2020 9:57 am

You’re a newbie…you’ll learn about this poster soon enough if you pay attention. It is however a great little varmint cartridge.

December 14, 2020 9:06 pm

Interesting how in times of such excessive wealth it is never enough to satiate those who lust after totalitarian power. The Washington crowd demands to control everyone else and like last centuries progressive purges they will keep going until stopped.

Undiapered in VA ILuvCO2
Undiapered in VA ILuvCO2
December 14, 2020 9:54 pm

Live and let live. If folks want to have buttsex, so be it. It’s disgusting and gross and horrifies me, but shit man, live and let live?

  Undiapered in VA ILuvCO2
December 14, 2020 11:04 pm

Ol’ 22 is a closet homo…

  Undiapered in VA ILuvCO2
December 15, 2020 6:34 am

The homosexual mafia serves the gatekeepers and enforcers of BOTH political parties, and the upper levels of the legal, military and national security establishments.
comment image

Everyone must bow to them, and they want you de-personed or dead, so live and let live is not an option.
comment image

Cow Doc
Cow Doc
December 14, 2020 10:36 pm

I couldn’t help myself…had to be posted for Winnie 😂😂🤣🤣

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
  Cow Doc
December 15, 2020 11:01 pm

OMFG, the tears rolling down my face man!!! Emailed!

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
  Cow Doc
December 15, 2020 11:02 pm

You caught your doc with both rubber gloved hands on your shoulders, didn’t you?

  Cow Doc
December 15, 2020 11:30 pm

This video reminds me of a story from my youth.

I was about 12, or so. Anyways me, my brothers and my sister were left home alone in house. Our Mom was somewhere around or maybe she was out for groceries.. not that it matters. We were being baby sat by a fellow named Smokey. So Smokey lets us know that someone is making their way up to step and door. Once warned we all look out the window and see two Mormans in nice suits with black bikes similar to ones in video.

Now Smokey, well he was a Boxer…. and a real bad ass. And he lived and breathed that name. My Mom and Dad trusted him with us when they weren’t around. So going to door when the Missionaries knocked wasn’t a worry for me. I knew Smokey had my 6.

The door opens and the Mormans start their spiel..

It wasn’t long before I tried to explain that I wasn’t interested in what they had to say. So it was that even then I had tired of the all Prophets in my life.

I quickly stumbled for words.
Treading on Smokey’s last nerve.

The situation wasn’t helped by the fact that Smokey wasn’t particularly fond of strangers showing up when my Parents weren’t home. Patience tried, Smokey then ended the conversation, rushing the door in a dash towards the two men in the fancy suits. Running for their lives, the Mormons made a beeline for the road with their bikes.

Smokey in hot pursuit.

The four of us watched it play out. Smokey chased them about 1/4 mile down the road to where it turns from view. Their pant legs not faring well we all did have a good laugh.

We made sure to pat Smokey when he returned.

December 16, 2020 11:38 am

I would always ask the “elders”, ” How are the wife and kids? ” Then we would have a discussion about adding to or taking away from that which is written.

“Therefore, an elder must be blameless, the husband of one wife, stable, sensible, respectable, hospitable to strangers, and teachable. He must not drink excessively or be a violent person, but instead be gentle. He must not be argumentative or love money. He must manage his own family well and have children who are submissive and respectful in every way. “

Two if by sea. Three if Made in China.
Two if by sea. Three if Made in China.
December 14, 2020 10:40 pm

Fine closing Admin.
The other side of the coin won’t see it coming while snuggled in the long ongoing bizarro new world. Level heads and prayers of thanks to all.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
December 15, 2020 12:43 am

One sentence.

Ephesians 3:14-19 KJB… “For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man; That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.”

Okay, one more sentence…

Colossians 1:9-17 KJB… “For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God; Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness; Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light: Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son: In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins: Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.”

Come what may, I have a glorious hope that needs to be shared! Read these above words very deliberately. The magnificence of what’s being offered freely to any and all is nearly incomprehensible. There is still time to avail yourselves of it. Paul will tell you all about it beginning in Romans. It is eternal salvation from this evil world. Focus on chapters 3-8 till it’s clear what’s at stake.

May the grace and peace of God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ reach each of you before it’s everlasting too late.

Yours, for HIS glory;

Cow Doc
Cow Doc
  grace country pastor
December 15, 2020 9:43 am

“For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.”

1 Timothy 2:3-4

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  Cow Doc
December 15, 2020 10:27 am

That’s right Doc, two things going on in that verse! Get saved and then learn truth! Amen!!!

Armed Resistance
Armed Resistance
December 15, 2020 12:52 am

Another great TBP article. The path is clear and the answers are so simple in nature. Do not consent. Do not comply. Leave the system and starve the machine of any recognition that it is legitimate. Make certain that you get with local officials so that they know the position of your group: anybody who follows unjust and unlawful (not illegal, these are different terms) and dares to violate the natural laws of man will be dealt with for crimes against humanity. Be peaceful but strike hard when acting in self defense. Make it be known that mandatory vaccines will never be accepted. Gun control will never be acceptable. And then pray that wisdom and common sense prevail. Anybody who threatens force or attempts to use force should be met with force. Be strong and may God be with you all!

December 15, 2020 6:13 am

Three questions:

What are YOU going to do?

Emigrate to where?

Still daily driving into Philly?

December 15, 2020 8:11 am

Admin – If you want to defend your homestead in an urban environ, might I suggest adding a 20 gauge to whatever collection you now have. Very handy, manageable, intimidating, requires not a lot of skill or strength to use effectively, can be handled by a woman, and won’t shoot through ten houses in case it ever gets shot indoors. If a person is not well trained with a pistol, and often even then, they can be very ineffective.

rhs jr
rhs jr
December 15, 2020 11:56 am

I think it’s great with 00 buckshot inside 100 feet but you need a semi-auto rifle greater than 9mm for problems over 100 feet; you can afford one and probably can’t afford not to have a rifle.

  rhs jr
December 15, 2020 2:35 pm

What do you mean “bigger”? You do not know nor ever need a semiauto over .35 calibre, which is 9mm. Maybe you mean something else. A .223 is just fine in semi. I you want to reach out, a .270, 308, 30-06 will do well.

  rhs jr
December 15, 2020 9:49 pm

Buckshot is very lethal out to 40 meters. With the right choke it will do serious damage out to 60 meters.
Slugs with the rifled barrel, and good sights will reach out over 100 meters with lethal impact.
Shotguns are good to have, but everyone really should have a battle rifle. It is best if one has the opportunity to find a target 200 meters out. That is one you won’t need a shotgun for later.

December 15, 2020 12:56 pm

For Sure

December 15, 2020 2:22 pm

Will it do?

Try picking up a rifle from here
Pros:They are cheap, reliable with a great warranty.
Cons: they’re ugly and difficult to disassemble and reassemble.
They’ll get the job done though. Numerous YouTube videos give them plenty of praise.

December 15, 2020 10:01 pm

You are right. I have a High-Point carbine chambered for each of my handgun calibers.
But these carbines are not a true battle rifle that will accurately touch someone 300+ meters out. It is great for shooting out to maybe 150 yards.
These carbines shooting any handgun calibers do, however; extend the range of a handgun caliber. I have lucked out shooting my .45 acp 911 pistol and hit a metallic target, but that is not what the pistol was designed to do. With a high-point carbine shooting the same caliber I get pretty consistent hits out to about 100 meters, using a red-dot sight.
Swab the barrel, after a day of practice, with cleaning patches. Don’t attempt to disassemble the weapon, just spray it out well with WD-40, or Rem-oil, if you are one that can afford such stuff.
If it ever gums up so bad it won’t shoot, just send it back to High-Point, and they will send you a new one.

December 16, 2020 8:21 am

But these carbines are not a true battle rifle that will accurately touch someone 300+ meters out. It is great for shooting out to maybe 150 yards.

True but if the general consensus that we’re headed for war holds true then the hi point will give one enough of an advantage to possibly upgrade after a battle.
The spoils of war.

December 15, 2020 2:23 pm

Just what I had in mind. I might not use the 00 inside the house, as it can go through walls. Maybe something a bit smaller, for inside. Crowd control, 00 is the ticket.

Cow Doc
Cow Doc
December 15, 2020 2:57 pm

#4 or #6 bird shot inside the house won’t penetrate walls and hit unintended/bystanders. At the short distances of indoor combat it will more than do the job. Outdoors 4 or 00 buck is the best, even better but extremely expensive is “Dead Coyote” non toxic T shot.

December 17, 2020 12:46 am

I recommend a 20 gauge with a ‘pistol grip’ for a petite woman, especially if she is gun inexperienced.

My wife is not an experienced shooter, doesn’t like to shoot, but shoots well and comfortable (I make her a couple three times a year) and with the extra control a pistol grip gives a 20 gauge shotgun she does extremely well, and she is always amazed at the damage to the target.

I always have her shoot at targets with pictures of real armed, threatening bad guys with faces. That is critical to get people trained to actually pull the trigger and shoot at real people when the time comes.


My wife and I have a code word, her middle name, if ever faced with this situation below. I will scream it out in panic like I’m getting ready to hand over or drop my gun…then she is to instantly jerk down or flip forward…because I’m taking the shot…I’M NOT HANDING OVER MY GUN.

From 15 to 20 feet away with a Sig 365 I have about a 98% success rate. When ever I practice on one of these targets and I hit only the bad guy I show her the target every time. If I hit her it is immediatly shredded. (Don’t want to worry my sweet thang).

rhs jr
rhs jr
December 15, 2020 6:23 am

Hold your powder just a wee longer; Trump might actually do something in a couple weeks like declare Martial Law and arrest a cattle truck load of Deep State Traitors in government, the MSM, Social Media, finance, two would be commie Chief Executives and 7 Black Robed POS Judas Goats; then send some to Cuba and the rest to Hell. If he doesn’t, put your powder to good use.

  rhs jr
December 15, 2020 8:12 am

Rhs – 1) I doubt he will do that, and 2) not sure who would follow such orders even if he did. Pretty sure that boat has sunk without ever sailing.

December 15, 2020 9:24 am

Agree. If Trump lacks anything most it’s personal courage.

  rhs jr
December 15, 2020 9:25 am

Barr is gone and the Supreme court took a recess.

It’s OVER.

December 15, 2020 10:07 am


  rhs jr
December 15, 2020 10:07 am

Not Marshal Law, Insurrection Act.

December 15, 2020 8:37 pm

martial law.

December 16, 2020 12:42 am


  rhs jr
December 15, 2020 11:03 am

Rhs and others,

Conservatives who demand martial law and those who still can’t see that the system is broken and has been corrupted for generations, who think they can make America Great from within the swamp are naive at best and dangerous, willing to give up liberty for some “security” , deserve neither.

Let me draw your attention to one of the Founding Documents of this once fledgling nation:

“That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. “

rhs jr
rhs jr
December 15, 2020 12:12 pm

Timing is very important, hasn’t your wife told you a million times to hold your shot until it’s the right time, and the right time will come; that time is soon but not yet. Go back and read about John Brown; but don’t be to late like John Wilkes Booth either . If the Right starts shooting now, the Right will be wrong; we would be falling into a Hannibal Trap set by TPTSNB. If Trump doesn’t take some significant action before 20Jan2021, then let the Shock and Awe begin on a National Scale; TPTSNB couldn’t change a tire much less lead an Urban Army.

  rhs jr
December 15, 2020 12:21 pm

Going back to review your previous comment I am struck with an eery sense that you have been drinking outta the Qtard juice bowl a wee bit too much, still waiting for all those arrests of the swamp critters and satanic pedophiles who supposedly only inhabit one party side of the same party coin, those evil demoncrat liberals and not the equally criminal republicants.

C’mon man! Wake up and smell the bullshit !
comment image

rhs jr
rhs jr
December 15, 2020 2:54 pm

Nope, I’ve written here several times how the NYC RINOs (who wallow in Reconstruction II and I hate) control my little rural county and keep us Patriots locked out of official decisions (and silence us at meetings by rules of order). Besides, I knew David Duke’s daughter and talked to him, John Troutman of the Montana Militia, Donn de Grand Pre, Harold Brown, Theodore Pike, Hq SAC Intelligence Officers, and many others in this fight since about 1980 and know a lot more than you think.

  rhs jr
December 15, 2020 3:05 pm

I gave you a thumbs up for your response, but I still fail to see how hitching your wagon to the Trump train is going to fix the systemic rot that has accumulated over the generations with judicial interpretations of the Constitution and the Admiralty LAW which really runs the show worldwide already.

rhs jr
rhs jr
December 15, 2020 5:18 pm

I do agree with you but only advise waiting just a few more weeks to see if Trump finally invokes the Insurrection Act on the Traitors, not us. If he actually took some action against the Swamp and Controlled Media, I’d be shocked but extremely glad. He must do it or TPTSNB will crucify him one day. He will be a great POTUS or a failure depending on what he does in the next month. As for the greater problem, we need to flush both NWO Globalist Parties (and the Federal Reserve System) and support a truly Conservative party, and I’d say Under God. Hope we both live that long and free.

Zulu Foxtrot Golf
Zulu Foxtrot Golf
  rhs jr
December 16, 2020 8:22 am

Wish on one hand and shit on the other. See which one fills first. Quit waiting for a savior and save yourself. Trump has exactly 2 weeks to get his balls to drop and I expect he wont do fuck all. I certainly do want to be proven wrong though.

December 15, 2020 6:44 am

Amazing article, summed up a myraid of things succinctly. Will share this with others, although some I know are still asleep willfully so…they enjoy the matrix too much, even though the ripples will be felt by all eventually.

December 15, 2020 8:31 am

We’re the guinea pigs now.. and have been for a while. Here’s an eyeopener from some decades ago…

“We slow the progress of science today for all sorts of ethical reasons. Bio-medicine could advance much faster if we abolished our rules on human experimentation in clinical trials, as Nazi researchers did.”
~ Paul Nitze (1907-2004)

Paul Henry Nitze was an American politician who served as United States Deputy Secretary of Defense, U.S. Secretary of the Navy, and Director of Policy Planning for the U.S. State Department.

Matt Bracken
Matt Bracken
December 15, 2020 8:37 am

Truly magnificent essay, I’ve shared it as widely as possible.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  Matt Bracken
December 15, 2020 11:43 am

Not sure if this has been updated. I’m surprised it’s still on the interwebz. One link was to the old WRSA and was blocked.

When The Music Stops – How America’s Cities May Explode In Violence
September 4, 2012 | Matt Bracken

The neighborhood defense teams will evolve into proactive suburban armed vigilante groups (SAVs) out of a desire to preemptively take the violence to their perceived enemies, instead of passively waiting for the next home invasion or carjacking. The SAV teams will consist of the more aggressive and gung-ho members of the self-defense forces, who met and compared notes. Often they will be young men with recent combat experience in the armed forces, who will apply their military training to the new situation. Major intersections and highway interchanges where ambush riots have previously occurred will be among the SAV targets. The SAV reaction times will be measured in minutes, compared to the hours required by major police department SWAT teams and riot squads…

The operation I will describe (and it’s only one of dozens that will be tried) uses two ordinary pickup trucks and eight fighters. Two riflemen are lying prone in the back of each truck, facing rearward, with removable canvas covers concealing their presence. Their semi-automatic, scoped rifles are supported at their front ends on bipods for very accurate shooting. A row of protective sandbags a foot high is between them and the raised tailgate.


December 15, 2020 9:23 am

Flight is no longer an option.
comment image

El Coyote's Centurian Forever
El Coyote's Centurian Forever
December 15, 2020 9:46 am

Last one, I promise.

But, he’s gotta be grinning.

David Pellham
David Pellham
December 15, 2020 9:59 am

Dear Mr. Pres. Let us face it you have a bunch of snakes in your cabinet the HONORABLE. Donald J Trump legitimate and lawful president of the United States!

Dear Pres. Trump please stand up and take control of our out-of-control government! so-called Republican in name only why I know declaring martial law has its problems I rather see martial law under a legitimate president than have to deal with the traders succeeding in overthrowing the American people by removing are duly elected president! Unfortunately, a Civil War might be an inevitable and beyond your ability to stop I will be praying for you that God will help you supernaturally have understanding and wisdom!

ALL of these Seditious Deep State Criminals CIA controlled media (DOJ) The Department of Injustice AND THE (FBI) Foreign BS Intelligence AND THE (CIA) Criminal Intelligent Apparatus are guilty of High crimes and misdemeanors traitors Of the United States The charge of high crimes and misdemeanors covers allegations of misconduct peculiar to officials, such as perjury of oath, abuse of authority, bribery, intimidation, misuse of assets, failure to supervise, dereliction of duty, conduct unbecoming, and refusal to obey a lawful order.

This is the issue: Do we believe in our capacity for self-government, or do we abandon the American Revolution and acknowledge that a few intellectual elites in a far distant capital can plan our lives for us better then we can ourselves? We are not ignorant citizen incapable of determining what is best for ourselves. Nor are we blind to the flagrant misuse by, and inappropriate conduct of our elected public leaders.

All leaders must be held completely accountable for their actions that break the laws which we have established by our legislators and mandated by the will of the people. The moral and ethical corruption must not be allowed to continue and unchallenged and it must be punished to the fullest extent of our laws so that the world will see that the government of the United States is still responsible and answerable to, We the people!

As well as having our free speech and opinions shadow band by the likes of Facebook, Yahoo, YouTube, Google, Twitter, LinkedIn, and so on they prejudicially shadow ban your comments on YouTube, even though you can see your comments nobody else can these companies need to be done away with as we did with the big bell companies several years ago these social sites have become the new public square but unfortunately they decide who and what you should be reading and hearing and that is a great travesty and must be stopped!


  David Pellham
December 15, 2020 11:22 am


See my comment to Rhs above. You mention the American Revolution, yet forget the promise and statements found in the Declaration of Independence.

December 15, 2020 1:26 pm

Finally, someone else with his head on straight. Thanks, Plato

Adler Pfingsten
Adler Pfingsten
December 15, 2020 10:35 am

The black subculture has been given a cloak of invisibility, “racist!”, that has resulted in 5% of the population, black males between 15-45, committing 55% of the crime yet they are “victims”…and when one looks to the counting rooms during the election just ask who is “adjudicating” the astronomical number of rejected ballots created by Dominion? A comatose population is not quite accurate; Americans are suffering from toxin immobility after years of being injected daily with PCP, Popular Culture Psychosis, which even now is preparing people for “some animals are more equal than others”.

Simply take note of the overwhelming number of commercials that feature middle and upper middle class blacks, especially the number of overweight black women in accord with the Oprah Winfrey Strategy…presaging the elevation of Kamala Harris to the presidency. Why do you think the Hunter Biden pay to play Obama knew about has been kept under wraps? When the time comes Obama will say to Biden it’s time to step down because, after all, “That’s a nice little racket you’ve got going there. Hate to see something happen to it”.

Time to organize, knowing tyrants create animals for a reason; commonsensecession.org / judeochristiannation.org / onefaith-onevoice.org / africanexodus.org

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
December 15, 2020 11:39 am

How come all four oligarchs in that picture are Latvian?

December 15, 2020 11:47 am

I know the Boomers on here probably won’t listen to this rap video, but hopefully some of the Gen Xers and anyone else will.

KRS-One is an old school rapper, been around the block, I watched an interview with him years back when Obama was first elected and he didn’t pull any punches! Called Obama a “house nigga” and said that he and others saw what the oligarchs did and they weren’t falling for it,

Don’t Fall for it by KRS-One..

KRS-ONE stands for: Knowledge Reigning Supreme Over Nearly Everyone

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
December 15, 2020 11:48 am

If people won’t cooperate to coordinate civil disobedience in droves, they won’t cooperate to defend freedom violently either. Yesterday the sky was crisscrossed all afternoon with trails. I’m wondering if there is some type of chemical agent that makes people docile in it. I always end up with worse brain fog than ever on those days.

  Mary Christine
December 15, 2020 1:30 pm

“Yesterday the sky was crisscrossed all afternoon with trails.”

Been in a new state about 8 or 9 months, saw nothing all year until this past few weeks. Now skies are streaked, not daily, but multiple days per week. It’s odd, I wish I knew what and why.

December 15, 2020 11:09 pm

You can bet your last dollar that it is not for the welfare of humanity.

  Mary Christine
December 15, 2020 11:12 pm

The docility drug they routinely use on us is Fluoride.

rhs jr
rhs jr
  Mary Christine
December 16, 2020 7:43 pm

I’m southeast of Tallahassee and the sky was a spider web of chew-trails; they must be intensifying the coming storm. They are cooling Earth and that ain’t good.

Lachesis Atropis
Lachesis Atropis
December 15, 2020 11:51 am

The democrats really do not need to do anything more, they’ve proven they have control over the courts, FBI, DOJ, in fact much of the US Gov and many state governments. The coup was almost complete in Obama’s 2nd term. Anything they do after this is overkill. Everyone has been paying attention to the election fraud, right? No one is willing to say or recognize the reality of the situation. If President Trump does not act soon, at a minimum invoke the “Insurrection Act” hopefully on December 18, 2020 per his 2018 executive order, the more violence and bloodshed will result. Or simply declare Martial Law, and do things the right way.

I will honor my oath to the US Constitution as a military officer. Without question.

December 15, 2020 12:31 pm

Pray to GOD & then Execute ALL Communist Agents & Traitors to the Constitution followed by Nuclear Extermination of the Ching Chong Chicom No Soul, Yellow Skin, Slant Eyed, Snake Head, Demons.

rhs jr
rhs jr
December 16, 2020 7:47 pm

The Chinese people are a lot like us and few deserve to fry; try to fry the CCP who are like our Elite ( and clean our own house at the same time).

Russian bot from Norway
Russian bot from Norway
December 15, 2020 2:22 pm

The malthusian fascists in WEF and the davos crowd is not marxist btw.
How can a billionaire club be marxist?
They might use the name as a cover and in the propaganda but they are not in any way shape or form marxist, the burn loot murder “leaders” might believe they are marxsists but that is bc they are uneducated.
Use language properly, not the way our enemies want you too.

  Russian bot from Norway
December 15, 2020 2:58 pm

Russian bot from Norway

These Davos types believe they are doing God’s work, only question is which God. They live by the mantra, Do as we say, not as we do!

Maurice Strong explains his and their own beliefs when he was quoted as saying:comment image

December 15, 2020 2:38 pm

This time the thieves have picked the wrong nut…

Cow Doc
Cow Doc
December 15, 2020 3:04 pm

Me thinks the thieves deserve to lose their nuts!

December 15, 2020 2:54 pm

I pulled this from my Facebook feed from March 8. This was right around the time the authorities were getting us ready for the lockdown. This is what I had to say at that time and what I thought might happen. Luckily, I was wrong about a few things.

We have a just-in-time delivery system in place that brings you whatever you desire and usually within a day. It is a Wonder of Capitalism. Grocery stores, hardware stores and restaurants have no need to store anything anymore as everything they wish to sell appears right when the buyer is ready to buy. But, in order for that system to work our transportation hubs must be humming along at near 100% efficiency. Change the margins too much in either direction and you begin to pay a heavy price for basic necessities or things just disappear altogether.

I bring this up because I suspect that the authorities are about to shut down our transportation hubs and arteries in order to stop the spread of the virus though shutting our transportation hubs down will do more harm and cause widespread panic. This isn’t China or Italy, btw, as we have 400 million privately owned firearms. Some people may not want to go to the quarantine camps that are now being built. Those people on that cruise ship are going whether they like it or not.

Think about this – each time an infected person is found at some business or school, that business or school is then closed. Universities have closed, South by Southwest cancelled, tours cancelled, schools have closed, businesses have closed and we’ve had our first airline go out of business because of so much cancelled travel. This doesn’t have to continue long before everything gets shut down and then what? What are you going to do then? Have you given it any thought?

We’d better go the route of “We have nothing to fear but fear itself” and not shut everything down even if means that we help the spread of the virus. What our government is about to do, in my opinion, will make the virus look like The Good Old Days. This virus does not like the elderly and the sick and there is a good chance that our Just-in-time hospital beds will run out but having everyone stay home will cause a panic and collapse our economy.

Has anyone asked these privately owned banks whether or not we still owe ’em all that money at the end of the month even though we didn’t work? How about those taxes the city wants? Are we forgiven that?

I’d rather take my chances with the virus than with the banks and the government.

December 15, 2020 3:21 pm

Found this on floor.. might as well throw it in pot..
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December 15, 2020 3:45 pm

Neither, just ENFARCE the law. Then the hangings will come easy.

December 15, 2020 6:41 pm

And wouldn’t you know, the AMA just decided that HCQ is again okay for doctors to prescribe. But the ban against it wasn’t political, now, was it?

American Medical Association Rescinds Previous Statement Against Prescription of Hydroxychloroquine to COVID-19 Patients. (Updated)

December 15, 2020 11:05 pm

The best proven prophylactic for covid-19 is Ivermectin. Big Pharma has not put the pressure on the AMA to squash it, yet. They also have not pressured the Retail Pharmaceutical Industry to ban the sale of it, at this point.

Good Cop Bad Cop
Good Cop Bad Cop
December 15, 2020 7:30 pm

I saw them out today – on the street in plain view – taking photographs and making notes, 5 of them, all mid to late 20 somethings, all wearing black, fit looking, and carrying openly.

I knew what they were doing, but I slowly approached them politely asked them anyway – “now Biden is official are you getting ready to deal with those Trumpers?”, I asked in my best whinny voice.

They informed me they have been ready for weeks, they were just doing some final “recce work”, apprarently as Google Earth satellite images on this area were a few years out of date and they needed to ensure everything was accurate on “The Map”.

I asked if they were talking about “The Map listing every Trump voter and supporter?”

Yes they said.

They went on to say that once Biden enters the White House and takes office he has promised (according to them) that every “TrumpTard” (their term) will be punished for the damage they have done to the nation and to democracy.

I played with them a little and said “are you going to give out a few slaps and tell them to be good?”,

Heck no, they said, they are going to be dealt with the old fashioned way. These people are fanatics and cant be reasoned with, they said.

I said, “well, you will have do what feels right, but I dont think Trump is planning of going easy”.

They said “Trump is going to leave the White House even if we have to drag him out, crying like a baby or cold like a lump of meat. Either way he is out and Biden is in”

I bid them “good luck with that” and walked away. I watched them for a while, making notes and taking a few more photos, before they got back into thier patrol cars and drove away.

Yes, they were cops.

It is likely that the full weight of the State – Politics, Law, and the Police are going to be used against those who supported Trump the last 4 years – and Antifa and other gangs allowed to do what they may whilst cops such as those I spoke to watch or even enable (and provide names and addresses) of problem people.

Dark days ahead – prepare accordingly, the enemy is eveywhere.

  Good Cop Bad Cop
December 15, 2020 10:57 pm

Nationwide, I believe most police officers are on the conservative side. The big blue cities may have commie cops, but as a general rule they think like you do.

December 16, 2020 6:43 am

Maybe “most” LEO’s sympathize with the right, but their paychecks and pensions are dependent on the left and they WILL do their master’s bidding. The most we can expect is they’ll hound and persecute us efficiently, ruthlessly, and vigorously and THEN feel some small pangs of regret.
Nothing more.

  Good Cop Bad Cop
December 19, 2020 1:31 pm

If you are going to try making up a story, at least make it believable. There is no way in hell they would have interacted with you that way.

vlad alexander
vlad alexander
December 15, 2020 7:58 pm

one of your best articles ever…..among so many excellent posts. It is heartbreaking to admit that very few will be showing up to the battle. Fat, lazy, fearful, denying, ….spineless.. they waddle around to the ice box for something to stuff in thier mouths as their numbered days slip quickly by and bring to thier door enslavement want and terror.

  vlad alexander
December 15, 2020 10:54 pm

Only 3% of the Colonials fought the British during the Revolutionary War. If only 3% of conservatives went into battle, that would be millions today.

December 16, 2020 10:28 am

The Tories, loyalists, and anti-3% snitches today would number over 100 million today.

The 3% have no chance today.

December 15, 2020 8:09 pm

WHATS THE BEST WAY TO STAY ALIVE IN THE COMING DEMONIC GOVERNMENT CONTROLED BY OBAMA,the son of perdition,PLAN to be on your knees and kissing everyones ass, like everyone you know is doing,BUT there is a fly in the ointment,once they realize what a worthless piece of shit you are,THEY’LL KILL YOU anyway…THE POLICE GANGS are your slave masters right now,and unless your just blind stupid you already figured that out,SO now you need to look around and see who else are enemies,ALL government employees are in on your slavery,the medicial people,the military people,and ALL large corporations,theres hundreds of small security companies who are in on it too,LOOK who they work for,FREEDOM HAS MILLIONS OF ENEMIES IN AMERICA,sort out the ones you can get,and don’t worry about the ones you can’t,some one is already is watching them,REMEMBER,THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN MAKE IT, IS BY AMBUSHING THESE DEVILS,any other way and you’ll lose,REALIZE THEY WANT SLAVES,if that ain’t you,YOUR their enemy,and they will be coming,set up alarms if you don’t have dogs,REMEMBER,these devils can be used to feed your dogs,So their not completely useless,DOG FOOD,we’ll be feeding our dogs that way.if you can’t take them prisoner,CUT pieces off them to take with you,your dogs will thank you…GOOD LUCK AND STAY GLUED TO THE LORD,he’ll help you if you let him,SO Call on him everyday so he knows who you are…

December 15, 2020 10:50 pm

There will be millions of “militias of one”.

If each were successful just once, that make a few million commies down and out.

That is mainly how the Viet-Cong operated during the Vietnam war. The barber that cut your hair during the day, just might be the one to cut your throat during the night.

Dedicated guerrilla forces are very difficult to beat.

December 15, 2020 8:30 pm

“Newsom, Cuomo, Whitmer, Murphy, and Wolf have shutdown small businesses without any science to back up their dictatorial actions, while allowing Wal-Mart, Costco, Lowes, and other favored companies to remain open.”

It occurs to me the businesses allowed to remain open are ALL purveyors of CHINA goods, nearly exclusively. In fact one could speculate that CHINA will be the biggest beneficiary of COVID19 in terms of market capture on all of Earth.
Weird, right?
Would CHINA be able to effect this market “take over” without the support of those instigating “Lock Downs”?
What if there was a demonstrable connection between cash from CHINA and lockdowns?

Here is one of my suggestions for what to do:
Stop buying anything made in CHINA right now.

December 16, 2020 12:41 pm

I rejoice when I find a thrift store item carrying a tag, “made
in USA.” Almost everything now carries a “made in China”
stamp or tag.

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
December 16, 2020 6:13 pm

Even jackhammers. No shit, on the side of the box: “For industial use. Meet all your requirement.”

December 15, 2020 8:49 pm

We moved to the highlands of Chiriqui, Panama in the early 00s. Absolutely no regrets.
Though it’s not for everyone. If you’re a shopper, or have chronic health problems, or choose to live in the countryside, but can’t live without 150Mbps Internet, may it’s not for you.
But, when you balance out the lower taxes, lower cost of living, the much greater freedom, against some of the inconveniences you get not living in a completely up-to-date economy, we figure the net gain in lifestyle is hugely positive.
We live in the country, on a ridge. Each day we walk the dogs and lookout over a large valley to the mountains beyond to a place we call “Gratitude Point,” and give thanks.

Two if by sea. Three if Made in China.
Two if by sea. Three if Made in China.
December 15, 2020 9:01 pm
  Two if by sea. Three if Made in China.
December 16, 2020 1:16 pm

@ Two,
Thank you so much for the link, excellent beakdown
(oh my) and I had to sign onto CHS Patreon.

December 15, 2020 10:02 pm

Are You Really The “Good Guys”?

December 15, 2020 11:11 pm

Great video. Larken Rose’s book “The Most Dangerous Superstition” is a great book.

December 15, 2020 10:03 pm

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