The Alien Times: Doomed Planet Found

Guest Post by Freed Radical

Exo-archaeologists today published findings about a newly discovered planet the former inhabitants called “Earth.” This planet is somewhat near our own, but has not merited study because of a lack of intelligent life, though it is covered with plant and animal species. However, on a long shot, archaeologists sent a probe to Earth and discovered a long lost civilization which was not apparent from space.

The probe and later in-person visits revealed a civilization fraught with potential and failure. An extensive network of roads and utilities covered all land mass on Earth, but the cities connected by this network were mostly in decay, paradoxically even in their heyday. Evidence suggests that the inhabitants of Earth did not die in a nuclear or environmental holocaust, but that their society, worldwide, simply rotted from the inside out and died with a whimper.

Investigators have spent many hours combing through documents found in buildings Earthlings called “libraries.” Having difficulty discerning fact from fiction, they have been making slow progress assembling the history of Earth and mapping its rise, prosperity, decay, and fall. The most interesting way to examine the cultures of Earth is not through their accomplishments, which are few in the galactic scheme of things, but rather through their monumental failures. They were on the brink of greatness many times, but at each turn embraced failure and decay.

Among the most interesting disasters was their plunge into identity confusion and conflict. Earthlings had a rather diverse genetic pool and those traits were expressed in various populations. Rather than celebrating their similarities, which unite, they celebrated their differences, which divide, calling this “diversity.” The resulting divisions and rifts grew into deep hatreds, in the name of equality. Peoples living among one another had bitter feuds, though they all bled the same (red!) blood.

Groups formed within Earth’s population which sought to divide themselves along various lines including even the color of the skin. Many times our archaeologists discovered divisions even in those groups! Yet other groups promoted these divisions and profited handsomely, gaining wealth and power.

An astonishing manifestation of this identity confusion concerned their gender. While we know of races with multiple genders, two-gender populations are the norm in our galaxy. The inhabitants of Earth, however, were not satisfied being, as they called it, male and female. They had defined an entire range, or rainbow (a colored effect of light in their atmosphere) of gender states. While only a very small fraction of their population suffered such gender confusion, the larger body went along with this error. As a result, many thousands of Earthlings annually declared themselves not to be the gender they were assigned by their genetic code, but the opposite, or something in between.

While Earth had a large cadre of scientists adept at technician-like manipulation of medical materials and molecules, they apparently never asked the question, “What’s wrong here?” regarding this gender confusion. Had they, it would have become obvious that social and environmental factors worked to blur the bounds between genders, as we have seen on numerous planets. A garden becomes overrun with weeds and turns into a fuzzy mass of plant growth, unless it is tended properly. If properly cared for, the garden’s plants are each seen to be individuals, and reach their highest potential when nurtured and cared for as such, with the rejection of weeds. Beings on many worlds respond in the same way when weedish ideas are rejected, and the gender health of a population must be tended and defended accordingly.

A denial of the truth principle, which we hold dear, is also seen to be a root of their demise. That principle, “Truth is Truth,” has guided our development time out of mind. The rejection of falsehood, and holding to what is true, regardless of how it makes us feel, has strengthened our society beyond measure. Earth, however, embraced relativism, where truth was slave to the desires and even lusts of the individual. This, as we have seen on countless planets, is a recipe for disaster.

Some Earthlings also expressed a desire for “rights.” These are privileges conveyed by the Creator, and our society holds these dear as well. However, there was little emphasis on responsibilities. In our society, each right comes with a complementary responsibility. For example, our right to privacy comes with the personal responsibility to behave with honor and virtue in our private affairs. Earth missed that concept, and their society inevitably suffered.

Another large part of Earth’s population actually denied the importance of rights, as well as responsibilities, and advocated for a mother state to take care of them. They called this “socialism.” This attitude is worse than the unbalanced drive for “rights” without responsibilities, and led to the frequent and rapid decay of socialist societies worldwide. It seems, however, that the Earthlings did not recognize the pattern of socialist failures, and kept repeating those mistakes, many times per century, world wide.

Investigators were also astonished at how the citizens of Earth confused the creation with the Creator. Earth had as many religions as it had cities, many worshiping what had been created, not connecting the dots to look beyond what was created to acknowledge a Creator. They had many wars over their creator concepts, or lack thereof, and this was a constant source of tension. Our investigators see this as a consequence of ignoring the truth principle. For even we, being advanced beyond the Earthlings by many thousands of years, still have to acknowledge truth where we find it, even if we are humbled in the process.

Earthlings expended many resources upholding and defending un-truth. Planet wide communication networks existed, apparently for the purpose of propagating un-truth and convincing people that un-truth was actually true. The population worshiped individuals who communicated these falsehoods on a daily basis, generally using a one-way communications media (they called it “television”) which allowed for no rebuttal. Citizens lived their days to a constant drone of un-truth, until, finally, the vast majority of the population believed every lie, resulting in the destruction of their world.

While the writers of Earth speculated about its end frequently in literature and entertainment, they generally attributed the future destruction to environmental irresponsibility or mass war. Little did they know that their demise would not be nearly so spectacular, but would be slowly supplied by denial of truth, denial of Creator, and denial of identity. May we take Earth as an example to abhor and avoid, as we teach our children who they are, who we are as a people, who created us, and how to uphold our responsibilities.

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Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
June 29, 2021 4:25 pm

Clever story. When truth becomes relative, we are all doomed.

very old white guy
very old white guy
  Trapped in Portlandia
June 30, 2021 9:21 am

I think we are there.

June 29, 2021 6:18 pm

Yow, that is truth telling that leaves the reader no hope.

The truth is, though, we are here to learn what to do and what not to do until we get it right however long it takes.

Rose Wilder Lane: “As water judges a man’s rightness in swimming, God judges a man’s rightness in living.”

The swimmer need resistance in order to move. Take it from there.

Auntie Kriest
Auntie Kriest
June 29, 2021 6:45 pm

Swimming is rayssiss.

(Watch for it – coming to aquatic events everywhere, bigot.)

Two if by sea. Three if from within.
Two if by sea. Three if from within.
June 29, 2021 7:39 pm

Danger Will !
Danger !

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
June 30, 2021 2:59 am

I have always complained that I was never asked whether I wanted to come down to Earth. I know that our Galactic Masters dictated that it was time for me to complete my ‘Earthwalk’ and learn the lessons of our Universe before returning to my home planet ZOB in the Orion constellation.

Our understanding of quantum physics allow us to travel anywhere instantly and of course many of us have visited Earth as a temporary experience which Earthlings call UFOs. Earth is indeed a beautiful planet at levels of vibration well below ours which of course confused Earthings no end and allows them to speculate on the works of our Creator.

In fact they have recorded many visitations to earth in a book they call the Bible – Old Testament – recording these visits in vivid detail but the true source is of course disbelieved because their poor understanding does not allow them to discern the truth. At least one author did capture the truth, with a great deal of evidence, but it was ignored as fiction and thus the truth was lost.

Now my time is coming to and end, I look forward to returning home once more and forsaking the insanity I have experienced on my Earthwalk.

June 30, 2021 7:51 am