Guest Post by Not Sure

Americans talk the talk of our grandparents but do not walk the walk of their generation. We have been conditioned to speak our opinion on social media, but are not required to defend our position, as this is not the George Bush way of doing things. Be silent in the face of Libtards and be content in knowing we are right and they are wrong. Unfortunately, while we rest in our complacency, the screaming in your face opposition is steadily advancing their cause.

This lack of action of the patriots is further enabled by the conservative media, who gave voice to hot air Americans against the communists taking down of America. When the public opinion is loud enough, the government responds with promises of a legislative hearing to punish the evil doers; only to see them laugh in the face of their accusers, because the accusers knew this was a farce and nothing would come of it; the government is in their pocket.

Witness the antics of Hillary, when she was asked about her empty hard drive, as in “you mean like wipe it with a cloth?”, or how about the Strozyk smile when asked about the weaponizing of the FBI and finally, the creepiness of Biden who to this day, still flirts with little 8 year olds.

Americans are at a crossroads, they can see the game for what it is, acknowledge their mistake and grow a spine, or they can continue to vent on social media, thinking they have solved the problem by yelling at the computer. I am by no means a diehard survivalist/ prepper, I’m still acquiring and learning what I can, but know from conversations of many around me the excuses abound: I’ll sight my rifle in during the fall when the kids are in school.

Or, I’ll be ready when they come knocking on my door. Do you not realize if you allow them access to your property to this degree, you are already surrounded and all they have to do is wait for you to starve, or if they are busy, burn your house down and shoot any who try to escape?

This of course is obvious to the communists, who will not stop an enemy if they are already defeating themselves, as can be seen since at least 2012 in their rubbing their control in the face of American citizens.

What to do? There are others out there who haven’t been silenced yet, who can offer libraries of information on how to prepare. I am only one who has seen the hopelessness of turning to the Limbaugh’s and the Hannitys of the conservative entertainment industry, thinking that I’m doing something by agreeing with the computer screen. It’s time to grow a set and plan for a practical outcome that begins in our neighborhoods and continues throughout the country.

Are you in?

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August 10, 2021 12:30 pm
August 10, 2021 12:47 pm

Bravo, Gov. Cuomo!! That’s an excellent step in your Two Steps To Redemption. Step two?

Kill yourself.

August 10, 2021 12:54 pm

My new neighbor from Elmont, NY said Hillary’s been wanting Gov. Cuomo’s job and if there is any way for her to get it, then she will get it. It will be interesting to see who finishes the term as I do not know my new neighbor well enough to determine if he is joking or serious.

August 10, 2021 5:08 pm

Cuomo was in the way of some more powerful demon, so he had to go…

August 10, 2021 12:34 pm

And, YES, I’m in!

August 10, 2021 12:43 pm

I have a hefty two week supply of food. I have a couple hundred face masks I can use as a water filter. I have a sign in the front yard “Kneegrow looters not welcome here!” IOW, I am locked, loaded, and ready for anything.

Michael J Clare
Michael J Clare
August 10, 2021 12:49 pm

There are a great many of us who are prepared. We have made our decision, but may be guilty of awaiting a serious catalyst.

You make many good points, but all is not lost. We must remember that asking people to step forward in a conflagration like this will be, means they give up all of the life they currently have. They know they will be hunted, their families abused and their good name dragged through the dirt. This is no small price for the individual, hence the reluctance. Many of us have seen war, it is not something to be wished for or taken up lightly…

August 10, 2021 1:24 pm

Forced to become a band of border line psychotics , waiting for that trigger sign forcing us all to just say FUCK IT !
People still believe they have some control and positions and possessions they are not willing to lose or hastily give up .
Many still want to believe its fixable , ITS NOT !
We have been sold out as Americans at a price so minuscule if our republic survives it will take divine intervention .
I fear God may sit this one out and be a spectator . I certainly do not wish to disappoint him as I have in my past !

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
August 10, 2021 1:34 pm

I’m in 100%.

anon I
anon I
August 10, 2021 1:56 pm

It’s time to generate some hate mail.

This is what we should have been doing in 2015/16. We were one frayed nerve from open rebellion that we could have pulled off. Not without a price mind you. A very high price but that bill will be paid regardless.

Preventing that and keeping us sedated long enough to cement “Their” control was Trumps sole mission and he performed it flawlessly. Trying a rebellion now would be like blowing snot into a strong headwind.

Hardly a reader here who doesn’t believe 911 was master fraud pulled off under our noses with all the actors playing parts perfectly. Try to convince those same readers Trump was Tower #7..

We have entered the dreaded 7 year tribulation period. The best thing you can do is build your faith and don’t take the DNA changing vaxx’s. Prepp as best you can in place and pray like your life depended on it because it does.

Archeaopteryx Phoenix
Archeaopteryx Phoenix
  anon I
August 10, 2021 2:30 pm

Agreed. Trump was the showman, adroitly playing the Whites for the easily deceived Rubes that they can be – that’s the downside of a high-trust, altruistic nature.

We were a stone’s throw from totalenkrieg again, but International jewry gave us our leader this time, and we fell hook, line, and sinker.

Qanon was the mop-up operation, the pied piper to lead all the independent minds determined to find the Truth down the false rabbit holes that Israeli Military Intelligence hand dug with the aid of Artificial Intelligence, the algorithms from Faceberg, the data mining on the web, and total control of the media.

Additionally, Lolbertardianism had already removed the high-IQ Whites who needed to fill the void after Christianity was gelded and mocked into oblivion.

Who was left, then? The middling IQ Maga-tards who believed in Muh Judeo-Christianity, Muh Patriotism (not nationalism or White Cohesion – that’s Nazi ideology doncha-know), and the 2A devout – as long as they could be taken off the board, the game was over.

And so it was lost.

For a second time, 1945 being the first.

And how many on this blog realize that Muh Greatest Generation is a nursery tale, designed to keep the goyim sedate and happy, thinking that they had “won”(sic) a big victory, even if generations ago.

And no one notices or is willing to comment on the fact that jewry runs the show – all the advertising, the government, the media, social media, the entire Western Central Banking system, and no one is brave enough to stand up and point out that Libertarianism was a giant Trojan Horse, designed to cuckold the Western male as Totalitarian Libertarianism was rolled out, completely under the control of the Globalist/Communist/jewish oligarchs.

They figured out that killing all Gentiles through another Holodomor was too noticeable, so they went for a method where, using their (((Bernaysian))) techniques, they could just get the goyim to line up willingly for a kill shot. So clean. So neat. And no Ketadyn Forest massacre to dig up and have historians discover the Truth.

Anyway, enjoy hating the Nazis. Hope it was worth the loss of your entire civilization.

Hey, Muh Greatest Generation, amiright?

Gotta love those deluded fools.

  Archeaopteryx Phoenix
August 10, 2021 3:29 pm

Well said. Again.

Ben Lurken
Ben Lurken
August 10, 2021 5:10 pm

Yes. And again and again.

  Archeaopteryx Phoenix
August 10, 2021 3:59 pm

a/k/a “It’s everyone’s fault but mine!”

Don’t hold back, tell us how you really feel!!1!

anon I
anon I
  Archeaopteryx Phoenix
August 10, 2021 4:18 pm

A most excellent followup. Looking at the string of events since Nov. 63 it’s easy to see a pattern of the left implementing policies the right could never pull of and then the switcheroo to the Faux-Right implementing policies the left would be crucified over.

Johnson(the first Jewish President) gave us guns-N-butter and the great society(Code for extreme hedonism and degeneracy) but it was Tricky Dickie who gave us the enforcement arms of government. EPA anyone? A Dem could never have given us Fiat to the moon by taking us out of Breton Woods.

Likewise it was LBJ and the Republican controlled CIA who gave us the heroin scourge while we were watching the war and war protests on TV. But it was Rayguns the former Dem warhawk who gave us the Cocaine/Crack scourge. Once again under the supervision of Bush’s CIA.
Then it was Billary’s turn with the blessings of Newt and Dole who gave us unlimited housing vouchers through section 8 by ending welfare as we know it and shoving the deficits well into the next millenium.

And who could forget the Faux-Conservative who pulled off 911 and put the CIA/FBI and the full Nanny State in our living rooms and finished crippling our kids with the no child gets ahead act. He also gave us Heroin Scourge #2 with the takeover of Afghanistan.

The rest is recent memory stuff we are still feeling and shouldn’t need reciting.

  anon I
August 10, 2021 4:46 pm

You forgot about teddy & frankie: roosevelt = ((rosenfeld))

anon I
anon I
August 10, 2021 7:50 pm

Yes you’re right. It was a willful omission as I was Trolling Llpoh with the LBJ thing. The last time that was brought up he needed a hernia truss afterward.
Although he qualified as a Jew as the Ashkenazi hybrids must pervert everything God does with a counterfeit. In this case it’s matrilineal inherritance instead of paternal.

  anon I
August 11, 2021 7:48 am

No worries, as long as you’re trolling Llpoh. I like some of his posts — but he’s super sensitive about others calling out the little hat brigade, as if there’s no evidence of perfidy. You want to talk about systemic racism? That’s their big projection…


  anon I
August 10, 2021 8:07 pm

Wow, didn’t know that…kinda explains the Texas drawl and conducting affairs of state while on the can.

Wilbur Ross
Wilbur Ross
August 10, 2021 8:57 pm

It appeared as a reprint about two years ago. Originally written at the very Jewish “Five Towns Jewish Times”, I can’t get it to come up now. Don’t recall the writer either. I think the title was LBJ our first Jewish President? Went into some detail of his love for his maternal grandmother who was Jewish and therefore his mother and by extension LBJ himself. They went on to name the many things he did for Israel and American Jewry.

anon I
anon I
  Wilbur Ross
August 10, 2021 9:15 pm

You had the title wrong.

Additional Note

Lyndon Johnson’s maternal ancestors, the Huffmans, apparently migrated to Frederick, Maryland from Germany sometime in the mid-eighteenth century. Later they moved to Bourbon, Kentucky and eventually settled in Texas in the mid-to-late nineteenth century.

According to Jewish law, if a person’s mother is Jewish, then that person is automatically Jewish, regardless of the father’s ethnicity or religion. The facts indicate that both of Lyndon Johnson’s great-grandparents, on the maternal side, were Jewish.

These were the grandparents of Lyndon’s mother, Rebecca Baines. Their names were John S. Huffman and Mary Elizabeth Perrin. John Huffman’s mother was Suzanne Ament, a common Jewish name. Perrin is also a common Jewish name.

Huffman and Perrin had a daughter, Ruth Ament Huffman, who married Joseph Baines and together they had a daughter, Rebekah Baines, Lyndon Johnson’s mother. The line of Jewish mothers can be traced back three generations in Lyndon Johnson’s family tree. There is little doubt that he was Jewish.

* * *

Source: 5 Towns Jewish Times

Jewish Site Claims LBJ Was a Jew

  Archeaopteryx Phoenix
August 10, 2021 7:39 pm

The Phoenix knocks it out of the park again. Excellent!

  Archeaopteryx Phoenix
August 10, 2021 8:12 pm

Statistically significant decrease in white support for Trump in 2020.

  Archeaopteryx Phoenix
August 11, 2021 6:09 am

I agree with all of it, but +1 for “Lolbertardian”.

  anon I
August 10, 2021 6:22 pm

ZIONISM. (btw. Hitler was a communist and a zionist.)
comment image

August 10, 2021 7:25 pm

Have you read Mein Kampf?

August 10, 2021 7:58 pm

Mein Kampf was Not written by Hitler.

August 10, 2021 8:05 pm

Hyman Roosevelt, ummm Rosenfeld was the ghost writer.

anon I
anon I
August 10, 2021 8:47 pm

By not written do you mean he had someone write it for him? That’s not uncommon.

August 10, 2021 7:46 pm

Yes the NDSAP did run on a Communist-like plank in their initial foray into elective politics but it was a bust, and like good pols…tack and jibe.

August 10, 2021 10:52 pm

So we have a new out of nowhere Jewish writer claiming to want to save Jews from the next holocaust.

Dr. Steven Jacobs writes about him thus:

One man who has been trying for the past year to become known as an expert on the Armenian genocide is Chris Bjerkness. Bjerkness claims that he’s a good Jew who opposes Zionism, but as I’ve mentioned in some of my documents and audio files, the evidence suggests that he is actually a bad Jew who is secretly supporting some faction within the Zionist movement.

He provides a lot of information about the Armenian genocide, but he may be doing so only to lure us over to his side and away from other, honest researchers. He may also be mixing in a little deception with his information.

He wrote a book about that genocide, and it’s available for free at his website, [www.] His audio interviews about this genocide are also available for free at his site.[vii]

There’s nothing wrong with looking at his information, but you should not trust him….

Bjerkness also provides a lot of evidence that Einstein was a plagiarist, but this may also be bait to lure us over to his site and away from other people who were making this accusation years earlier….

If you think you can trust him, Bjerkness, ask yourself why he has such a fascination with this Armenian genocide. Why is he struggling so hard to expose this genocide? Why is he writing such extensive books, doing so many interviews, and even traveling at his own expense from his home in Chicago to Glendale, California to give a speech about the genocide to a group of Armenians?[viii]

He’s spending a lot of his time and money to educate the Armenian people. He appears to be, as he says, a good Jew who wants to expose the bad Jews. But what are the chances that this is really what’s happening? If he really wanted to expose the bad Jews, why doesn’t he also expose the Holocaust, the Apollo moon landing [which Hufschmid claims is a hoax.—SLJ], the world wars, and everything else?

Why has he selected only a couple of Zionist crimes to expose? And why does he imply that the Holocaust really happened as the official Zionist movement claims?

You might respond that he has simply not had the time to look into the Apollo moon landing, or the Holocaust, and that he may find the time to deal with those issues later….

Bjerkness claims to be a highly educated intelligent person with the ability to analyze Einstein’s theories and show us that Einstein plagiarized those theories. However, if he’s that intelligent and educated, he should take about 20 seconds to figure out that the Apollo moon landing was a hoax, and maybe two minutes to figure out that the Holocaust is a hoax….

Furthermore, Bjerkness admits to be at least partly Jewish, and if you have read the book The Jewish Mystique[ix], or read such magazine articles with titles [such] as “Are Jews Smarter?”, then you know that Jews are smarter than the rest of us. Therefore, a Jew with a college degree should need only 20 seconds to figure out the Apollo moon hoax.

So why is Bjerkness having so much trouble figuring out the Apollo moon hoax and the HoloHoax if he has both a college degree and the superior Jewish intellect?

The only conclusion is that he’s deliberately lying to cover up those Zionist crimes. He’s a fraud.

Since he protects some Zionist crimes, why should you trust him to expose any Zionist crimes? I suspect that he is exposing Einstein and the Armenian genocide only to lure you over to his site and put himself into the position of “Einstein expert” and “Armenian genocide expert.” If you fall for this trick, you will gather around a Jew who will tell you what to think about Jewish crimes. Can you see this trick?”

Excerpt from,

Jacobs: The Outrageous Claim of Christopher Jon Bjerkness: The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians

You still haven’t clarified your claim to anon I that Hitler didn’t write Mein Kampf.

August 10, 2021 3:06 pm

Be the gray man-live simply and sanely in an “effed ” world.
God, family, friends.

Norman Franklin
Norman Franklin
August 10, 2021 4:14 pm

I’m all in. Have been for some time. I did appreciate the extra time to prep and took great advantage of it. The thing for me is I’m not ready to go Brandon Tarrant.

I have often tried to think out side the box and come up with ways to fight back, I have come up with many, but if I told you I’d have to kill you. It seems at the end of the day the only thing these people fear is death, that and power exercised from a barrel of a gun being used against them. So far they have been lucky. we have shown great restraint. Maybe we are all just great big pussies, who knows.

One thing I am considering is giving up my anonymity and trying to find other TBPers in AZ to hang out with in meat space. Maybe have a drink at the tavern, talk about music, movies, hunting and other common cultural interests. Like YoJI points out in this thread we are disadvantaged by the high trust, high functioning altruistic nature of our culture.

So that is one of our biggest problems. That and the cog dis we suffer with. While not as bad as the cog dis on the left it still weakens us bigly. Like anyone still believing trump is coming back or should come back in 2024. Let me say it loud for all those with wax still in your ears. TRUMP SOLD US DOWN THE RIVER. and for those who are actually hearing impaired I’ll repeat the top story of every day. NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE YOU, and voting no longer matters.

Make your peace with your Creator and work on eliminating your fear. That way you will only die once. Not thousands of times like degenerate bugmen that bleat on about doing something, anything, yet do nothing. I used to think someone should do something then I looked in the mirror and realized that someone was me. Its not so much I’m a coward as this shit-show is still a pebble in my shoe. My life is as good as ever. All the drama on tee tee and in the imperial crapitol doesn’t affect me. Until they show up at my door or any of my properties and try to jab me they won’t feel my wrath. It is building. but I have so much beauty surrounding me I feel I should enjoy that divine gift as long as possible.

Not Sure, I like this side of your writing, you should do more of it. Don’t get me wrong I enjoy your free form stream of conscience musings when my brain is working well. I often try to figure out the fuel required to travel at that speed. Maybe you could give us all some hints.

another Doug
another Doug
  Norman Franklin
August 10, 2021 10:49 pm

We have a need for some organization to happen. There are barriers because the enemy is so scattered and invisible. Where do we begin ?? I’m Just a dumb redneck with an education and nowhere do I see any opposition being organized. Except maybe objecting to the VAXX.

August 10, 2021 5:07 pm

I’m in, and I talk to every person I know about the danger and uselessness of the jab, including waitresses and store employees, and especially the danger of giving it to children…They mostly agree totally…

August 10, 2021 8:39 pm

Tell them they’re stuck in the 90’s. Old people now like to think they’re hip, but all they think about is ‘health’, not being ‘fat’ and being in shape. Most are not, but who cares in a grandparent?
I know cuz I are one, almost.

August 11, 2021 2:11 am

Here is the deal. Americans, nay, all “advanced people”, have lost all understanding of how bad it can get. They simply do not really believe that tyranny can set in, and that their governments can commit mass murder against their own citizens, can deprive all freedoms, etc. They simply do not believe it can happen, even while it is happening before their very eyes. But their eyes are not in direct link with their brains – there is a disconnect.

The shit that they are seeing simply is not real, right? No way it can happen here – it is land of the free, after all. Just remember that the land of the free has been raining death world wide for decades. And it should come as no surprise when the eyes of such a govt turns to its own people. But it will come as such a surprise, to a great many. And it will quite likely be too late by then.

And of course there is this truth – the majority of people want exactly what is happening. Make no mistake about it. A great many people want this all to happen.

August 11, 2021 6:13 am

It already happened. The USA is one of the most tyrannical countries on the planet and in human history. Not a day goes by that some crime against humanity isn’t committed by the USA government.

August 11, 2021 6:39 am

Your comment is exactly the TRUTH..
The USA is the great Satan, Iran has that part right.

August 11, 2021 7:58 am

Don’t forget the little Satan, Iran coined that term too

August 11, 2021 8:08 am

Those Persians have been coming up with funny descriptive names a very long time.
They are actually more clever than john leibowitz .

August 11, 2021 8:19 am

The Davos crowd and the big bankers have already met. They have determined you will live a life with far less.
They have decided only businesses meeting stringent markers of environmental, social and governance scores will recieve the lifeblood of loans.
They have already made belief in climate change a pillar and cornerstone of business. The carbon offset trade is worth $trillions and trillions. Ultimately the BIS now owns all the resources on Earth.
They unanimously decided you little proles will live a life of less, far less.
And you will be taxed to death to pay for it all.