In Part One of this article I described the fraudulent world we live in, and postulated we are moving from Huxley’s “soft” dystopia towards Orwell’s boot on the face “hard” dystopia. This pandemic of fear initiated by the Davos crowd over the last two years is following the path I have laid out.

WHO team visits Wuhan virus lab at center of speculation - World News

“Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.” George Orwell

All the examples of truth suppression and silence regarding the truth pale in comparison to the massive conspiracy of silence related to this build back better pandemic scheme. From the outset, when ZeroHedge and a few other alternative media outlets postulated the virus had escaped from the Wuhan bio-weapon lab, a conspiracy of silence was initiated to cover-up the facts. Twitter crushed anyone who put forth this possibility and suspended ZeroHedge from posting for months.

Why the cover-up to protect the communist party of China? As usual, it’s about the money. These media companies, universities, politicians, mega-corporations, Biden and Fauci are all bought off by China. The lies and misinformation continue to this day, as China’s control of major players within our government, media, academia, and corporate America is deep and broad based.

The silence and suppression of the lab leak theory was necessary so Biden and his globalist backers, along with their media propaganda outlets and social media tyrants, could blame Trump for allowing the virus to spread across the U.S. Their impeachment farce, to take the focus off Biden’s traitorous actions in the Ukraine, had dissipated under an avalanche of lies and misinformation, just like Russiagate.

Mass murderer Fauci, the chief funder of weaponizing the China flu, and his cohort of Chinese funded “experts” lured Trump into signing his own death warrant by shutting down the country over a flu, less lethal to those under 50 than the annual flu. After achieving the goal of striking fear into the masses, the lies, falsities, miss-truths and silencing of truth tellers has taken on a new dimension never imagined by Orwell, Huxley or Bernays.

Dehumanized" Mask by AJ500 | Redbubble

Dehumanizing the populace through mandatory masking, even though Fauci scoffed at the need for masks in March 2020, CDC studies showed masks don’t stop viruses, numerous scientific studies proved masks don’t work, and the cases rose exponentially in January 2021 in all areas with mandatory masking requirements, was the goal of the globalists. The media publicity campaign to promote masks and lockdowns was pure propaganda, based on zero facts and no data.

The PCR test was engineered to produce cases that did not exist, because fear was necessary to allow mail-in ballots for the election, and to destroy the economy before the election. Any doctor or scientist questioning the validity of the PCR test was cancelled and censored. There is complete silence in the media about the FDA pulling its EUA for the PCR test as of December 31, because it can’t distinguish between covid, the flu, or common cold.

Coronavirus: surprisingly big problems caused by small errors in testing

The most blatant cover-up and silence about the truth is regarding these experimental gene therapies, framed as vaccines, and designed to enrich Big Pharma, corporate hospital chains, the media pushing the disinformation, government lackeys like Fauci and his pals who will be rewarded handsomely for their acquiescence, doctors paid off to keep silent, and scientists getting big fat grants from Big Pharma.

This might be the most despicable, evil undertaking in the history of our country. And it is still in its infancy. Even though there have been 63 scientific studies proving invermectin, a safe and cheap drug prescribed to human beings for decades whose inventor received a Noble Prize in medicine, drastically reduced the symptoms of covid and essentially ended the pandemic in India, it has been scorned, ridiculed, and suppressed by the media, Fauci, Walensky and Big Pharma.

Ivermectin for COVID-19: real-time analysis of all 123 studies

If they admitted that it works, their EUA for the jabs would be invalidated, and the tens of billions in profits would dry up and not be able to be spread around to the co-conspirators. Money talks and the deaths of hundreds of thousands around the world is a small price to pay for increasing the wealth of the oligarchs and their hatchet men. Twitter & Facebook declare any positive factual information about ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine to be misleading and false.

They have banned dozens of doctors and journalists from presenting alternative views from the approved globalist narrative. Alex Berenson, Naomi Wolff, Ron Paul, Front Line Doctors (FLCCC), NY Post, and dozens of other truth telling people and organizations have been de-platformed and denied their First Amendment rights because mega-media corporations say they have a monopoly on the truth.

Joe Rogan Destroys CNN's Doctor Sanjay Gupta O

Joe Rogan recovered from covid in a few days using ivermectin and a couple other Front Line Doctor recommended treatments. CNN and the rest of the compliant left-wing media ridiculed him for taking horse de-wormer. One problem for them. Rogan has a bigger and more listened to platform than these dying legacy media echo chambers. He destroyed shill faux doctor Sanjay Gupta and fake news CNN and proved they are nothing but lying mouthpieces for the corrupt authoritarian establishment.

Fauci, Big Pharma, and the media lied about the efficacy of these “vaccines”, which aren’t even vaccines. The lies about them being almost 100% effective in keeping you from contracting covid were perpetuated by Fauci, Biden and Big Pharma in early 2021. No questioning of the trial data was allowed. We now know their Big Lie has been utilized to demand compliance, institute vaccine passports, and force companies to mandate vaccines. And now they are coming for your children, even though children have virtually 0% risk of dying from covid. They have doubled down on forcing these jabs upon those who refuse to participate in this dangerous experiment.

How Dr Robert Malone invented Antivaxxery – For Better Science

The truth is these vaccines do no work as advertised. They do not protect you from catching the virus, spreading the virus, being hospitalized by the virus, or dying from the virus. Its efficacy is so poor, they are demanding you get a booster after six months. The booster’s efficacy will wear off even sooner. An eternity of booster shots are just what Big Pharma and the Fauci worshipers want.

Real vaccines eradicate disease (smallpox, polio). This vaccine creates variants, injures people, kills people within weeks, and appears to be creating a long-term ADE (anti-body dependent enhancement) problem for the millions who have put their trust in a Big Pharma experiment, where they face no liability for any death and injuries they cause. Data is emerging in Germany & the UK showing the overall mortality rate, not due to covid, rising rapidly. You won’t hear that on any media outlet, but the facts cannot be denied.

As Biden and his fear mongering leeches continue their all-out assault on our liberties, freedoms, right to make a living, and right to choose what medicines we put in our bodies, their time is running out. Half the country is chanting “Let’s Go Brandon” as this Potemkin Pandemic fizzles out, no matter how hard the fake news media, Raggedy Ann Psaki, Dementia Joe, and Flip Flop Fauci, attempt to keep the fear and loathing at an elevated level. Real journalists and real medical “experts” would be congratulating the American public for the tremendous success in the 52% decline in cases over the last month, and the 25% reduction in deaths. But facts don’t align with their narrative, so the plunge in cases is never mentioned.

In August, the attack dog media were overjoyed by the rise in cases in Florida. DeathSantis was trending on Twitter and stories of imminent disaster were widespread because DeSantis made vaccine mandates and masking mandates illegal, while telling Biden to shove his totalitarian measures. It’s funny that there is complete silence about the 91% plunge in cases over the last two months and 62% crash in deaths in the last month. With a population over 21 million, Florida has one of the lowest rates of covid per million people in the nation, with no authoritarian measures or mandates, and a vaccine rate in the middle of the pack. Floridians are living their lives like normal.

As the shrill cries for everyone to be vaccinated continue from the “experts”, a strange occurrence seems to be happening. Let’s examine the facts, without bias or spin. Vermont is the most vaxxed state in the country, with 70.4% of their population fully vaxxed. How could their cases be at an all-time high, exceeding the winter peak, and still rising? Inquiring minds would want to know whether this means the vaccines don’t work or are they actually the cause of the new cases. Don’t expect an investigative report from 60 Minutes, Jim Acosta, or Rachel Maddow. They are too invested in the narrative and highly compensated to report what they are told to report.

Now to the other side of the ledger. West Virginia is the least vaxxed state in the country, with only 40.8% of their population vaxxed. The liberal elite MSNBC junkies scorn and ridicule these uneducated “hillbillies” and their vaccine “hesitancy”. How could their cases fall by 45% over the last month with such a low vaxx rate? It’s almost as if the vaccines have absolutely no impact on the level of cases or deaths. The national rise in cases that started in August, peaked in September, and will dwindle to virtually nothing in November, happened when the majority of adults were already vaxxed.

Since the beginning of this plandemic, cases have been purposely overstated by a factor of at least five; deaths attributed to covid have been overstated by a factor of at least ten, as only 6% of deaths can be attributed solely to covid; vaccine effectiveness is less than 50% and only lasts a few months; the adverse reactions and deaths from the vaccine appearing in the VAERS database is understated by at least a factor of ten as the medical industry desperately covers up the damage being inflicted on humanity.

Natural immunity from having the virus is at least ten times stronger and long lasting than these vaccines, but the paid-off medical “experts” purposely ignore these facts. The question is why the lies? For what purpose are the lives of millions being purposely destroyed? What is the true agenda? I think Huxley and Orwell capture the gist of the situation in their own brilliant assessments of mankind.

“A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude.”  – Aldous Huxley

The Epidemic of Mobile Addiction: Signs, Symptoms, and Stats | by Justin Baker | | Medium Vaccine Mandate Madness - WSJ

“All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed, they must rely exclusively on force.”George Orwell

There are millions of Americans loving their servitude, voluntarily masking, begging for their booster, unquestioningly believing everything Fauci utters, demanding vaccine mandates and passports, and never entertaining the possibility they have been lied to and led to slaughter by their government leaders. These people are weak minded, easily manipulated, and will never question their totalitarian masters.

But, there is a segment of the population, of probably less than 20%, who are capable of seeing through this entire fraudulent episode and choosing to resist the tyranny subverting our country. There are still real journalists (Berenson, Greenwald), non-compromised  doctors (Robert Malone, Pierre Kory, Peter McCoullough), and alternative media websites who day in and day out fight to expose the fraud, lies, and deception engulfing our world.

Now that this fraudulent hijacking of our civilization has been exposed by the few remaining truth tellers, the totalitarian globalists are enacting their agenda exclusively through force. The vaccine mandates and passports are designed to coerce the resistant into falling into line, or their jobs, income and livelihood will be destroyed. Biden and his handlers have no issue with overriding the Constitution with dictatorial proclamations designed to intimidate companies and citizens into submission.

Defiance and protests are met with clubs, pepper spray, rubber bullets, and imprisonment. When the Attorney General considers parents voicing their displeasure at school board meetings as domestic terrorism, while judging ANTIFA and BLM burning cities and killing cops as peaceful protests, you know there is a much more diabolical aspect to this farce.

The Great Reset” Conspiracy Flourishes Amid Continued Pandemic | Anti-Defamation League

At first this Build Back Better Great Reset agenda seemed far fetched and seemed like a conspiracy theory. But, as we know, virtually every conspiracy theory over the last decade has proven to be true. It is now undeniable to anyone with critical thinking skills, which eliminates every CNN, MSNBC, NPR, Washington Post, NY Times acolyte, this globalist agenda is real and in danger of succeeding. The brazen disregard for all societal and cultural norms, the rule of law, borders, individual rights, and the Constitution, are proof this is an ongoing coup designed to tear down the foundations of our society, so a new world order based on communistic principles can be installed.

How else can you explain the purposeful opening of our southern border to third world vagrants; the purposeful destruction of our domestic energy industry; the forced firings of tens of thousands in the medical industry, transportation industry, military, law enforcement, and other vital industries due to vaccine mandates for a vaccine that doesn’t work; the destruction of the job market through welfare incentives to not work; subversion of the military through wokeness and purging of anyone who voted for Trump; purposely generated massive inflation through Federal Reserve money creation; bankrupting the nation with $3.5 trillion social engineering green new deal bills; and wreaking havoc on global supply chains with inane policies and restrictions.

These men seek power for its own sake. They want complete control over the world and a reduced population of slaves. As individuals who understand the truth of what’s going on, we can often feel alone and abandoned. This is part of their plan. They want us to abandon hope. They want to separate us from others of like mind. They know we outnumber them, so they crack the whip in order to make us bow down to their demands. But once one stands up, others will follow, and then the tide will turn.

It Only Takes One To Stand Up

The time is now to make our stand. I sense a turning of the tide, but these demonic forces will not stand down or surrender. They must be defeated and made to pay the price for their traitorous deeds. For now, passive resistance against vaccine mandates by refusing to get the jab, banding with key co-workers to sabotage corporate efforts to bully employees into taking the jab, boycotting all businesses requiring vaccination, starving the beast by consuming less, and creating an alternative pure blood universe where those relying on their immune systems join together and support each other.

A Covid Vaccine Crossroads - WSJ

Raise your own food, if possible. If not, make friends with local farmers. Form coalitions with like minded people. Barter and cut the government out of the transaction. The creation of on-line job sites only catering to employers who do not require the vaxx will flourish. Doctors and nurses who have been fired for refusing to bow down to Big Pharma need to form their own practices, appealing to un-vaxxed patients. None of this will be easy, but adherence to the truth and steadfastness in our opposition to these Potemkin fascist overlords is vital to our ultimate triumph over evil.

The truth matters. The truth is not subject to opinions. Truth is based on facts. If we forsake facts, we forsake freedom. Just because a large swath of the populace, through the manipulation of their minds by the totalitarian propagandists, have abandoned truth, doesn’t mean we have to accept their perverted inversion of the truth. When you abandon the truth, you submit yourself to the forces of tyranny, where facts are meaningless and collective trust is lost. Any malevolent act can be rationalized, because the truth no longer exists as a guidepost for society. The truth cannot be bought. The future of our country and the world hangs in the balance. It can go terribly wrong or we can cling to the truth and make our last stand against the dark forces attempting to destroy us.

“Being in a minority, even in a minority of one, did not make you mad. There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad.”George Orwell

“You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you mad.” Aldous Huxley

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Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
October 18, 2021 6:06 pm

Build Back Better destroyed Haiti. It was the slogan the Clinton Foundation used as they plundered the country. It’s a huge fraud to steal trillions from us and destroy our economy at the same time.

ursel doran
ursel doran
  Stephanie Shepard
October 18, 2021 6:37 pm

I find it to be amusing to think that the Clinton’s, Chelsi for certain, had any of the required time, energy, knowledge, experience, wisdom and skill sets to run a several hundred million slush fund. With their media exposure they made the perfect goody two shoes put up front for public consumption.

Throw a little chump change to Haiti to keep the illusion going that they were really a charitable entity, photo ops for sure.

Therefore it must be asked who and why was driving the bus there?

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
  ursel doran
October 18, 2021 6:45 pm

You’re underestimating these people. Bill Clinton studied white collar crime and taught law at the University of Arkansas. He’s not stupid.

Random Factor
Random Factor
  Stephanie Shepard
October 19, 2021 8:46 am

And a Rhodes Scholar. That is the Globalist training school if there ever was one.

  Random Factor
October 19, 2021 11:00 am

FWIW? There really is a Globalist training school and you would probably not be surprised to learn you are not eligible nor are your children.

I discovered this Young Global Leaders “club” when I read that a few of Biden’s staff members were former Young Global Leaders. Klaus Schaub hand picks them, I bet.

October 19, 2021 6:26 pm

Universities are always recruiting. It makes professors feel important to provide social gatekeeping for ticket takers.

October 20, 2021 7:04 am

Bolshevik tool Dwight D. Eisenhower was made a College Dean before he was inserted in to the Oval Office. Carroll Quigley said he had zero qualifications for the job and labeled his presidency an empty suit.

  Random Factor
October 19, 2021 6:25 pm

He had a shout out to some mover and shaker of the globalist that nobody but insiders would have known about, during his first inaugural address. I can’t remember the name. It was a dead give away that Bill Clinton was serving some dark masters.

Long Time Lurker
Long Time Lurker
October 19, 2021 8:12 pm
  Long Time Lurker
October 20, 2021 7:11 am

Bill Clinton blowing more smoke out of his Bolshevik controlled ass.
Quigley , by 1976, had decided that the West couldn’t be saved.

Long Time Lurker
Long Time Lurker
October 19, 2021 8:21 pm

This is all part of the plan the Quigley wrote about in 1965

“”…[T]he powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. this system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations….”


“It must not be felt that these heads of the world’s chief central banks were themselves substantive powers in world finance. They were not. Rather, they were the technicians and agents of the dominant investment bankers of their own countries, who had raised them up and were perfectly capable of throwing them down. The substantive financial powers of the world were in the hands of these investment bankers (also called ‘international’ or ‘merchant’ bankers) who remained largely behind the scenes in their own unincorporated private banks. These formed a system of international cooperation and national dominance which was more private, more powerful, and more secret than that of their agents in the central banks. this dominance of investment bankers was based on their control over the flows of credit and investment funds in their own countries and throughout the world. They could dominate the financial and industrial systems of their own countries by their influence over the flow of current funds though bank loans, the discount rate, and the re-discounting of commercial debts; they could dominate governments by their own control over current government loans and the play of the international exchanges. Almost all of this power was exercised by the personal influence and prestige of men who had demonstrated their ability in the past to bring off successful financial coupes, to keep their word, to remain cool in a crisis, and to share their winning opportunities with their associates.”

The Introduction, By Michael L. Chadwick, of the copy of Tragedy and Hope that I have as PDF…

“The chief architects of this new World Empire are planning another war—World War III—to eliminate any vestiges of political, economic or religious freedom from the face of the earth. They will then completely control the earth. and its natural resources. The people will be completely enslaved just as the people were in the ancient Roman Empire. While the above may sound like fiction, I can assure you that it is true. I wish it was fiction, but it is not, it is reality.”

if anybody wants it, download here.

  Long Time Lurker
October 20, 2021 7:29 am

Central banking . Another thing we can thank the rotten-toothed Rothschilds’ British bitches for.

  Long Time Lurker
October 20, 2021 11:42 am
October 21, 2021 8:25 am

Thanks for that link. has been taken over by Bolsheviks and are currently deleting any book that may disparage or even mention the tribe in a bad light, including medieval history. I’ve seen quite a few titles disappear.

  Random Factor
October 20, 2021 11:29 pm

Don’t forget that Slick was a draft dodger and perpetual liar-even to respected mentors like Senator William Fullbright. But really, would anyone expect less from the son of the owner of a well known Hot Springs whorehouse?

  Random Factor
October 21, 2021 7:13 am


  Stephanie Shepard
October 20, 2021 7:01 am

Unstructured means he was a undisciplined, compromised coke-head who was groomed by Deep State , just like Obama, for am asset in the White House. First comes meritless college teaching job; second comes elected office and then voila’ , on to the Oval Office. It definitely rhymes.

POTUS isn’t an elected office. Warp Speed, bruh.

  ursel doran
October 23, 2021 2:14 pm

You’re a fucking idiot. There’s no media exposure! It’s a complete black out, you fucking daft ostrich.

  Stephanie Shepard
October 19, 2021 10:52 am

I believe that is also around the time they discovered how very profitable trafficking children could be.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
October 19, 2021 11:13 am

Hillary was trafficking children when Bill Clinton was Governor of Arkansas. Haiti was an expansion not the beginning. Drugs weren’t the only thing being trafficked out of the Mena airstrip.

People who are politically inconvenient for Bill Clinton have been going missing for a long time.

  Stephanie Shepard
October 19, 2021 11:22 am

True. I was raised in the Missouri Bootheel.

Note from Nevada
Note from Nevada
October 18, 2021 6:20 pm

Absolute agreement that there is much, much more to the current situation. I find it unconscionable that we are injecting our next generation of ‘child bearers’ with this experimental substance. No one knows the long term effect on their reproductive systems. In my opinion, this borders on madness.

  Note from Nevada
October 18, 2021 6:54 pm

Many to most will be sterile.

October 19, 2021 9:30 am

I cant help but think that’s the plan.

  Note from Nevada
October 18, 2021 7:24 pm

It’s child abuse, plain and simple… Chip

World War Zeke
World War Zeke
October 19, 2021 1:24 am

It is forgivable that you understate, but it IS crimes against humanity.

Muscledawg (not to be known as Delusionaldawg)😉
Muscledawg (not to be known as Delusionaldawg)😉
  World War Zeke
October 19, 2021 6:35 am

it IS crimes against humanity

Somehow this phrase just doesn’t have the emotional impact that it should anymore.

  Note from Nevada
October 18, 2021 7:44 pm

Like a Haitian from Brazil, we’ve crossed the border.

  Note from Nevada
October 19, 2021 1:28 am

This is well passed the border of madness. Just accept that, because it is true.

October 19, 2021 4:37 am

‘past’, yes.

“We’re now so far beyond ridiculous, you can’t even get a bus back to ridiculous.”

  Note from Nevada
October 19, 2021 10:19 am

Borders? Waaaaaaaay over that line and into forced/coerced genocide.

  Note from Nevada
October 19, 2021 5:44 pm
Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
October 18, 2021 6:57 pm

“I would rather stand alone in the light of truth than in a crowd filled with error.” – Adrian Rogers

Well written, Admin, as always. Most important qualifier in the article: “For now..”

World War Zeke
World War Zeke
  Svarga Loka
October 19, 2021 1:27 am

Welcome back if only temporary, your good character here is the high point of my day 🙂

October 18, 2021 7:05 pm

Mass murderer Fauci, the chief funder of weaponizing the China flu,

Nope. Not the chief funder. That would be DOD (a.k.a. you & me).

October 18, 2021 11:51 pm

The one thing everyone is overlooking is that it isn’t just Fauci, but the US gov’t was behind this research since the 1990’s. Yes, China was the fall guy with their Wuhan lab, but it was moved there in 2015 from the US. Anyone else think there was a reason to make it look like China was trying to kill the world? Why is every single author overlooking the US connection?
There are many more efficient germs to use for mass genocide of the world’s populations, and this isn’t one of them. I smell a rat and it isn’t Chinese.

Anon I
Anon I
October 19, 2021 12:23 am
  Anon I
October 19, 2021 12:25 am
October 19, 2021 1:58 am

Good point. The globalists creating this monster virus and fake vaccine did all the prep work here with US taxpayer money.
Look at the NIH doc that declared itself above the Bioweapons Act blocking the creation of these monster viruses and called it a mere “pause in funding” of these evil bioweapons that they label ‘gain-of-function'(lipstick-on-a-pig always works in politics). Like calling murder, “sleep enhancement”
-Notice too that the much more deadly MERS portion of this chimera virus Fauci funded below has yet to be added as a”variant”, only the SARS and common coronavirus combo has been released.
-Look at how casually the NIH funding authorization embraces creating viruses that cause “uncontrolled” spread and death:

Notice Announcing the Removal of the Funding Pause for Gain-of-Function Research Projects
Notice Number: NOT-OD-17-071
Key Dates
Release Date: December 19, 2017
Related Announcements
Issued by
National Institutes of Health (NIH)

On October 17, 2014, the U.S. Government announced that it would be instituting a funding pause on gain-of-function research projects that could be reasonably anticipated to confer attributes to influenza, MERS, or SARS viruses such that the resulting virus has enhanced pathogenicity and/or transmissibility (via the respiratory route) in mammals. …….

Completion of the deliberative process resulted in the Department of Health and Human Services issuing the HHS P3CO Framework on December 19, 2017. ….

The HHS P3CO Framework is intended to guide agency funding decisions on proposed research that is reasonably anticipated to create, transfer, or use enhanced potential pandemic pathogens (PPPs). A PPP is any pathogen that satisfies both of the following:
It is likely highly transmissible and likely capable of wide and uncontrollable spread in human populations; and
It is likely highly virulent and likely to cause significant morbidity and/or mortality in humans.
An enhanced PPP is defined as a PPP resulting from the enhancement of the transmissibility and/or virulence of a pathogen. ……
NIH will continue to accept applications for research projects including studies that are reasonably anticipated to create, transfer or use enhanced PPPs.

October 19, 2021 2:01 am

Leave a space in my name and it becomes ‘anonymous’

October 19, 2021 10:04 am

Bottom line. Rich and powerful top echelon 1% elite globalist psychopath sociopath satanic J Mafia and their shabbos non-J gentiles working for them within the NWO, UN, WHO, CDC, FDA, World Economic Forum, Big Pharma, Big Tech, global medical establishment, international central banking, Federal Reserve, BlackRock and Vanguard multinational investment management corporations, military intelligence agencies, Israel, China, Russia, USA, Biden’s Administration, global mainstream media news outlets, Hollywood and entertainment industry, academia, professional sports ownership, et al – are the ones leading the way at the very forefront of the development and promotion of these spike protein, graphene oxide, and PEG (polyethylene glycol) death injections that unfortunately will eventually injure and kill many of our family members and friends.

Judaism (aka Bolshevik Marxist Communism) is the problem plain and simple. If you are not aware, the J Rabbis, religious leaders, religious texts/doctrines in their Talmud/Torah/Zohar/Kabbalah, political leaders, and well respected authors throughout history – have gone on written and verbal public record boasting this fact that Judaism represents Marxist Communism which is Bolshevism. This World Jewry led Bolshevik Marxist Communist Eugenics human depopulation / control dictatorship agenda represents the true legitimate “existential threat” posed to all civilizations and humanity.

October 19, 2021 10:38 am

Well summarized DJ. These Cainite/Nephalim hybrids have been on a God hating mission since well before the garden.

October 19, 2021 9:07 pm

One may recall that around 1998 or so a certain middle eastern country sought to develop a bio-weapon which would exclusively target other genetic groups.

October 20, 2021 8:43 am

The Vaxx is the bioweapon. Dead, damaged, or sterile within 3 or 4 years. Heavy mask use will also lead to blood clot and cancer damage over the next few years according to german neurologists.

Viruses are not pathogenic according to Dr Stefan Lanka german virologist. All previous pandemics can be explained by mass malnutrition and poisoning.

Anon I
Anon I
October 18, 2021 7:07 pm

You mentioned doctors going private. That could usher in a return to the five dollar doctor visit. Ridding the world of mountains of mindnumbing rules and regulation and insurance companies adding two more layers would free doctors to be doctors again.

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
  Anon I
October 18, 2021 7:30 pm

It is starting. In Canada, they are opening wellness centers, cash only, who do not discriminate based on vaccine status (in employees or patients), treat any illness with a focus on prevention, nutritional supplementation, fitness, etc. with the goal of actually getting people healthier. Also treating Covid with the meds that may not be named. It will remain to be seen if they get shut down given the criminal enterprises that the wellness centers are.

  Svarga Loka
October 18, 2021 11:10 pm

If they remain ‘marginal’ they are probably safe enough.
If they become successful and start becoming popular…..

  Anon I
October 18, 2021 7:56 pm

The AMA will never allow it.

Anon I
Anon I
October 18, 2021 8:01 pm

Right. They will be coopted or bludgeoned but it won’t be televised. But it’s a nice fantasy I engage in now and then.

October 19, 2021 6:47 am

The AMA is fixated on gender, meaning there are more than two and birth certificates should not pre-choose for a newborn until they are indoctrinated enough to make the “right” choice. Operating under the radar may work for private medical facilities. If a Dr I see hangs his AMA certificate as bragging rights I’ll be looking for a different Dr.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
October 19, 2021 9:08 am

The AMA can’t stop people from helping people.

  grace country pastor
October 19, 2021 2:32 pm

No, but the cops will kick your head in for trying.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
October 20, 2021 1:27 pm

We can kick back.

  Anon I
October 18, 2021 8:05 pm

when i was a child, $5 was if the doc came to the house. If you went to the office, it was $3 and he did everything. One nurse. Blood draw, broken bones, gyn help, Emergencies, all of it.

October 18, 2021 8:41 pm

Right. Nobody heard of a flibotomist. Nurses and candy stripers did everything with one take charge head nurse in our local hospital.

October 18, 2021 11:31 pm

Back in the real Old Days (1950s), it took exactly two people to run a 400-bed hospital: a take-charge RN, and a penny-pinching nun.

Medical staff activities, including all committees, performance review and disciplinary activities, and were an unpaid obligation incurred by any doctor who wanted with hospital privileges.

It was a bit before my time, but I believe such things as an uncomplicated childbirth might cost a couple of hundred bucks, maximum, including three overnight stays.

October 19, 2021 12:03 am

The entire bill for my oldest child’s birth in a NEW hospital, private room for two and a half days $268. That was 1970.

October 19, 2021 11:34 am

by the end of the 70s that had inflated significantly.. the cash bill for a birth in a city in the northeast (not NYC) around the end of the 70s , bare minimum, stayed one day and then was booted out, was $1000.

Doc Adams
Doc Adams
October 20, 2021 11:46 pm

The era of “Managed Care”-instituted by the Insurance Mafia-started around 1974 or so; that is when inexpensive/direct pay office visits went out the window.

October 19, 2021 1:16 pm

I had open heart surgery at age 5 in 1969 and was in childrens hospital of pitsburg. 17 day stay ICU for 7 days. Bill was $4900.00

October 19, 2021 10:46 am

I lived in Central Jersey in the early 50’s and our small town Irish doctor charged 5 buck. I’m sure 2 bucks was enough in other less affluent areas but the general idea is being conveyed.
This bloated Rockefeller abberation called healthcare is designed to impoverish and kill us, not heal us.

October 19, 2021 12:11 pm

1966 – My mom had a tough time giving birth to me so she got 3 overnight stays in a private room. Total cost $210

Red River D
Red River D
October 19, 2021 4:01 pm

You can add three zeros to that today. And think of all the vaccines you ducked by being born in ’66 instead of now.

You’ve done well for yourself!

October 19, 2021 1:28 am


October 19, 2021 11:04 pm

My entire medical treatment/history from birth to about 12 years old was written in pencil on 3X5 cards in a small file box with other patients’ by my dr. and his one nurse.

October 20, 2021 11:51 pm

No spring chicken here: I remember well my doctor’s name over 70 years ago: Dr. Stockwell. He cared for the entire family and even made one of the last house calls of the era in our town when I had what was thought to be appendicitis in 1962.

  Anon I
October 19, 2021 2:24 am

You’re dreaming. Couple of my best buddies are doctors, guaranteed they are not lifting a finger for five bucks.

October 19, 2021 10:48 am

He said it could usher in the era or 5 dollar visits. He didn’t say it was here yet.

October 19, 2021 12:49 pm

Star- One of my long time friends is a trauma/ER doc., many years ago he was irate that he had made less than 300k and said he was prostituting himself. Five bucks in todays money won’t pay for his sissy coffee at Starfucks.

October 20, 2021 11:53 pm

Much less one of his monogrammed Titleists.

October 19, 2021 11:07 pm

When the bottom drops out of the current system they might.

  Anon I
October 19, 2021 10:33 am

There are so called concierge doctors. We just heard of one here that you pay a $100 monthly fee. I’m not sure of what it all entails but we’re going to check it/him out- unfortunately about 50 miles away which isn’t horrible except in the winter. We don’t have insurance, and just moved here, etc.
We’re healthy but husband had previous serious health stuff, plus total distrust of urgent cares, etc.

  Anon I
October 19, 2021 10:59 pm

There are private membership associations that can legally bypass many if not most public/government rules, laws and regulations.

October 18, 2021 7:11 pm

“None of this will be easy….Raise your own food, if possible. If not, make friends with local farmers. Form coalitions with like minded people. Barter and cut the government out of the transaction. The creation of on-line job sites only catering to employers who do not require the vaxx will flourish. Doctors and nurses who have been fired for refusing to bow down to Big Pharma need to form their own practices, appealing to un-vaxxed patients”

And for the love of god stop shopping at walmart, costco, homodepot, lowes, best buy, target and all the rest.

Localization vs globalization

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
October 18, 2021 10:45 pm

Where will I get a $50 air compressor like the one I almost burned down my warehouse with if we do that? 😬

Shade Tree
Shade Tree
  Harrington Richardson
October 20, 2021 11:59 pm

Story time (a real story, to boot): Was working on a crappy HD pancake type air compressor for a young relative. The compressor itself was made in Italy, then shipped to China for configuration (power cord, labels, manual, etc.) then shipped to HD’s warehouse in the US. Worked for less than a year-total piece of crap that would cost more to repair than to buy another one.

October 18, 2021 7:18 pm

Part one and two of this offering have both tried to sterilize Trump for any part in the genocide known as the “pandemic”. Forgetting to mention that Trump has in recent weeks tried to sell the clot shot to the citizens in the deep south. I can give him no pass in this abomination against humanity.

I agree with the later points of your article to consume less, but that is actually the same hope of TPTB/FED to hold hyper at bay. Holding firm and keeping .GOV out of transactions would be most desirable. I doubt any other serial bloggers are willing to push the lifestyle of non-gov/ non-big brother .
Me thinks the owners would be thrilled that we start learning to live a minimalist life while the culling continues… can we even begin to win this without serious thought and a concrete plan?

October 18, 2021 8:15 pm

The trump drones will be circling overhead any minute now for implicating him. Don’t expect serious discussion and thought to happen if it includes implicating he who’s name can’t be uttered in any non approved fashion.

October 18, 2021 11:54 pm

Truth hurts Anon…….

October 19, 2021 8:08 am

Move on, you clown.

October 19, 2021 12:43 pm

PB- HOW do YOU justify Trump pushing the shit shot? Are you a complete f’ing moron? You are less than an imbecile.

Don’t you move on PB, move up to a higher level of human .

October 19, 2021 12:03 am

He’s no friend of mine pushing the jab, and he isn’t that stupid to still be misinformed after 18 months, he’s part of the problem.
And screw the proles, they’ll always be mindless groupies who will self eliminate themselves. Not smart enough to rub 2 brain cells together on their own, they need to cling together looking for that third brain cell.

October 19, 2021 4:45 am

That’s how critique should be! Straight to the point, like your first paragraph.

Not demanding -even just by implication- perfection from anyone.

October 19, 2021 7:44 am

John Galt them

October 18, 2021 7:22 pm

These two sublime assessments of our “Potemkin World” somewhat align, as well, with my past articles here regarding Reality versus Reality TV.

The delusion has also been referenced here before (and elsewhere) as “The Matrix” and in an article I read last night on Lew Rockwell, entitled “The Banners of the King of Hell Advance”, the illusion was considered in terms of “Simulation and Simulacra” as follows:

I began by noting the election of the actor Ronald Reagan in 1980. Then the quote from the CIA Director Casey: “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

Then came the CIA actor George H. W. Bush, the two-faced Bill Clinton, George W. Bush the son of the CIA man, Obama, Trump, and Biden. Rather shady characters all, depending usually on your political affiliations. Suppose, however, that these seven men are an acting troupe in the same play, which is a highly sophisticated simulacrum that plays in loops, and that the object of its architects is to keep the audience engaged in the show and rooting for their favorite character.

All of it calls to mind the following quotes as well:

The outstanding negative quality of the totalitarian elite is that it never stops to think about the world as it really is and never compares the lies with reality.

…Factuality itself depends for its continued existence upon the existence of the nontotalitarian world.

Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism

Therefore, perhaps the fundamental binaries could be distilled down to these: True or false; illusion or Reality; fake or genuine.

Or, even, as stated in my last article posted here:

1.) To thine own self be true


0.) What does it profit to gain the whole world but lose your soul?

And, once again, what follows may be the most important consideration of all: Who decides?

Fantastic articles, Jim. Thank you for all you do.

October 19, 2021 12:21 am

It’s all scripted politics, hence the term ‘political theatre’.
And the masses love their soap operas, never realizing the producer is the Uniparty network.

October 19, 2021 12:30 am

It’s all scripted politics, hence the term ‘political theatre’.
And the masses love their soap operas, never realizing the producer is the Uniparty network.

World War Zeke
World War Zeke
October 19, 2021 1:29 am

Maybe we all can unravel the NWO script as they have a contingency plan for our every mass reaction. This would be useful, we must get a half-step ahead of their murder machine to shut it off.

  World War Zeke
October 19, 2021 8:17 am


I know this theory has been posited before, but what if “1984” and “Brave New World” were instruction manuals scripted by early 20th century, forward thinking intellectuals?

Red Orkid
Red Orkid
October 19, 2021 11:13 am

What if?… No one here* should need citation to convince the obvious. *No SJWs here, right?

October 19, 2021 7:28 pm

I understand that Orwell was a socialist, at least at some point in his life. But I always took his distaste for totalitarian tyranny to be genuine.

Huxley I am less sure of. He described my nightmare; but I could never quite tell if it was his nightmare, or his wet dream.

October 19, 2021 8:19 pm

Orwell fought on the side of the Communists in the Spanish Civil War.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
October 20, 2021 6:57 am

Read his collected essays, journalism and letters to see how he felt about that.

People change, people who think change for the better.

If it weren’t for Orwell we wouldn’t have the opportunity to understand what’s happening the way we do now.

  World War Zeke
October 19, 2021 11:35 am

i’m not so sure they have a contingency plan ready to actually be rolled out for so many outcomes at this point. it looks like they are all-in on this plan.

October 20, 2021 1:29 pm

My wife is always quick to point out that the likelihood that the cabal is far less omnipotent than they want you to believe, that a vast part of their power is the perception of how vast their power is. The bigger and scarier and more perfect in their planning they can seem the more likely are people to become despondent and defeated before they ever face a real enemy. That and of course the question of who is playing who off against whom and for what? How many different factions are fighting it out quietly and are their way we can observe, influence or interfere with said quiet fights for dominance? I think a hot war with another major power is the most probable contingency or enough domestic unrest to bring in the blue helmet peacekeepers.

October 18, 2021 7:26 pm

Part 2 did not disappoint Jim! Is there a part 3? … Chip

October 18, 2021 7:52 pm

Why waltz when you can rock and roll

October 18, 2021 7:59 pm

Right after that you hit the ground yelling “INCOMING”. Fantasy is fun for a Walter Mitty moment.

October 19, 2021 11:20 pm

We could cause them to yell incoming a few times, too…of course, as Puppetboy said, they have F16s and nuclear weapons..

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
October 18, 2021 8:34 pm

So much for ammo conservation

October 18, 2021 9:22 pm

The M-60 is a deadly weapon past the occasional link in the feed tray, a burnt out barrel (if you fire it without discipline never pouring a canteen over it or pissing on it if out of water when needed) or don’t remember to tighten the gas cylinder plug every 500 rounds or so.

Always…always keep the gas cylinder plug wrench handy dandy…right front pocket.

Admin, you know how to walk in your three to five sentence word bursts…to be able to see where your rounds are hitting…then pour on the sustained fire once on target.

You are a master wordsmith 0331.

This is the highest compliment I could give you.

October 19, 2021 12:34 am

0351/0321/2111 and 1811 here, burned out more than a few M-60 bbl’s in my time (VN era)

October 19, 2021 3:03 am

I had to hump that 25 miles for a MEU-SOC qual before I ever even got to fire it. The extra weight with the 240 was welcome, because the 240 actually works.

Todd Packer's Mentor
Todd Packer's Mentor
October 19, 2021 7:14 am

LOL. I also love that scene in Predator when all of the guys unload everything they’ve got into the forest.

October 19, 2021 7:44 am


Joe Blow have hemp rope, will travel...
Joe Blow have hemp rope, will travel...
October 19, 2021 10:08 am

Hopefully with better aim…

Red River D
Red River D
October 19, 2021 5:21 pm


Just tried to fire off my first donation, but PayPal will not acknowledge your existence, no matter how I input your info or by what method I wish to contribute. I’m sure this comes as a great surprise to you, that “they” are throwing speed bumps in front of your door.

Please advise!!!

Red River D
Red River D
  Red River D
October 20, 2021 10:22 am

Never mind.

Today it worked just fine.

October 18, 2021 8:02 pm

Dothead Gupta the next day said that he was afraid Rogan was going to jump across the table and beat him up. So, Mr Dothead didn’t really mean what he said. What a lying fuck.

Regarding the J&J Shit Shot, the NY
Post today reported that the FDA will recommend a booster after two months!! How’s THAT for efficacy?

October 18, 2021 8:14 pm

this is an ongoing coup… These men seek power

Sorry, but this is not a coup, and these men do not seek power. Rather, these man already have all the power they need and they have been having it for quite a few decades. People are just pissed that the illusion of “muh democracy” is being removed and is replaced with something else. Too bad.

Well, the good thing is that there is no longer any need to bother with voting.

October 18, 2021 8:24 pm

We didn’t have power from day one. Be that as it may, I’ll take “muh free Republic” over Commieland BS any day. It’s all cerebral and perception, so I’ll have it my way like at the Burger Kang.

VOTING is, was and will always be a Potemkin dog and pony show.

October 19, 2021 12:42 am

Folks don’t want to believe they’ve been lied to since birth, so they turn into poo flinging monkeys whenever the truth is presented to them. It’s easier than reprogramming the default system.
Travel the world awhile and then come back and you realize we’re the most brainwashed nation on earth. God Bless Amerika.

October 19, 2021 3:05 am

Pretty much this. Considering everything Americans believe is now lies, it can get lonely.

World War Zeke
World War Zeke
October 19, 2021 1:37 am

If voting becomes the simple task of just sending back mail, heck, then very easy to make the Dominionist work harder to cheat. The diminishing credibility of more votes than voters after every audit. Sloppily flipped votes on multiple camera angles. Make them sweat, catch them at the city dump with a truck load of mail. Have fun with it. Stop the steal and making some gofer squeal (confess). Plenty of legal, peaceful options available to uppity proles.

October 19, 2021 4:50 am

Small addition:
These men mostly seek to preserve their position. Because deep down they know they would never gotten there [nor stay there] in fair competition.
So the easiest way to do so for them, is to never allow fair competition.

October 19, 2021 11:39 am

mm, you are thinking abotu this as if there’s a rational goal of ‘gain power’.
thats not what these people are like. theyre straight up psychopaths. No matter how much power they have, what gets their juices flowing is _getting more power_. There is no point where they have enough. it’s always more, always pushing, always reassuring themselves that they are in fact dominating others. Even just seeing other obey them is not enough, they need to keep pushing to know that theyre really _forcing_ others to submit.
yes it is fucked up. but understanding what motivates ones enemy is important. this is a big part of it.

October 19, 2021 1:11 pm

You make the reverse mistake, that a psychopath cannot have rational goals.
If they say “I don’t want to die” that’s highly rational.
If they think “I never want to be poor [=less than a 20-times millionaire] nor powerless” that not irrational either. The extremist stance on those is what marks them as psychopaths.

Also I have some thoughts on psychopaths too…

October 19, 2021 11:24 pm

There’s a difference between need and want with these men. O.

October 18, 2021 8:23 pm

Pete Buttgig won’t be able to clear the ship traffic on the West Coast until he first stops the shit traffic clogging up his ass left by his Faggot husband.

That there is the best economics post I ever made.

Peter Puller
Peter Puller
October 18, 2021 10:52 pm

They say Petey’s really good at guiding submarines full of seamen into the analma canal

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
October 18, 2021 11:00 pm

How do we know which husband is the wife husband who takes it up the old keister? Do they take turns? Gets more confusing all the time. Like Ludlow says, it’s a late Roman kind of thing.

  Harrington Richardson
October 19, 2021 2:44 am

A friend who divorced his wife and took up a gay lifestyle answered this: it’s a power thing – 1 guy rolls over, the other most definitely does not.

October 22, 2021 11:34 pm

TMI (Me plugging my ears) lalalalal

Captain Trout
Captain Trout
October 18, 2021 9:45 pm

You totally encapsulated it all & deserve a nice donation, thank you!

October 18, 2021 9:57 pm

“as this Potemkin Pandemic fizzles out, no matter how hard the fake news media, Raggedy Ann Psaki, Dementia Joe, and Flip Flop Fauci, attempt to keep the fear and loathing at an elevated level.”

Their shit is in the wind..As a child, I fought bigger catfish on a cane pole that put up a better fight..Fucking Potemkin fish…and fuck Chuckie’s sister..

Horseless Headsman
Horseless Headsman
October 18, 2021 10:43 pm

I admire your ability to find reason for optimism in these times. I can occasionally entertain the idea that it is possible to pull this out of the fire, but it doesn’t last.
I expect there will be some sort of ‘event’ before Christmas because the steam has escaped from their drive to further the vaxing program. I favor an internet/power grid theme, but a second viral release is also a possibility.
What is not a possibility is that they will back off and say “mea culpa”. They cannot do that and survive.

Jimmy torpedo
Jimmy torpedo
  Horseless Headsman
October 20, 2021 8:55 pm

Alien attack. Not hard to fake. Lots of imbeciles will buy it.
Total lockdown and we will fight uranus forever.
We have alwys been at war with Uranus.

Rob Clark
Rob Clark
October 18, 2021 11:57 pm

Jim, the fraud goes much deeper. You can’t catch a virus from anyone. A virus is merely cellular debris. It is a symptom of disease, not the cause.

  Rob Clark
October 19, 2021 3:08 am

That will be news to all of the biotech companies using viruses for the last 30 years.

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
October 19, 2021 8:58 am

There could be phages that transfer genetic material. But the question is, do they cause diseases? Or is this not all a closed system with players of all sizes that each fulfill important roles. It might even be intelligently designed… (Gasp)

  Rob Clark
October 19, 2021 4:52 am

Well hello there, Mr. Disinformation Agent!

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  Rob Clark
October 19, 2021 8:36 am

I am in agreement with you on this. The longer I live around animals and see the difference between good health and practices and the kinds of operations that try to ride the fine line between maximizing output and treating pathologies the more obvious it all becomes.

I’m looking at germ theory now the same way I first started looking at the Moon landing.

The story simply doesn’t hold water.

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
  Rob Clark
October 19, 2021 8:56 am

Read: Good-by germ theory, ending a century of medical fraud. By William Trebing.

  Rob Clark
October 20, 2021 3:27 pm

This will be the next reveal for a lot of people. When people talk about virus particles they are referencing a computer construct. All viruses are constructed this way by assembling a bunch of parts from a library. No one has ever properly isolated, or purified a virus. It’s all a scam to scare people.

When people talk about lab-created chimera bioweapons… where is it? What’s is made of? What are you splicing with what? How do you add gain of function to something that only exists on a computer program? Prove that something you “release” spreads from person to person. It’s never been done.

Slow acting poisons are real though. Easy to add to jabs and other things in our environment to make it look like there’s a pandemic. Then more meds are sold making people even more sick.

October 19, 2021 1:36 am

The evil totalitarian deep state that runs the CNN-FOX-NBC etc. ministry of propaganda and the corrupt agencies and courts is NOT “communistic” as the author fantasizes.
That is exactly wrong. It is pure Fascism exactly as defined by Mussolini “the merger of government and corporate” power. Cartel corporate power in a joint venture with the state to screw everyone else.
That is the exact system we have now. The ‘hate-America-hate whites-and-hate males unless they hate their maleness’ commies like AOC are useful as arsonists destroying american culture for the Schwab/EU/Pelosi-Biden-Romney-McMullen-McConnell-Cheney-CIA-DHS/Google-FB-Amazon Nazi alliance.
But, like Hitler, they see the commies as rivals to be dealt with in due time. It is the global corporate monoploy puppets like Pelosi and Biden who are at war with the AOC commies over what to slice out of the the mega-trillion dollar boondoggles to get them passed at crunch time.
If this system was ‘communistic’, Google, Apple, FB elites would be in government uniform, JPM satanists like Jaime Dimon would wear US Treasury hats. But they don’t.
CEOs of cartels who merged with Hitler’s regime (IG Farben/Bayer’, Porshce, VW, Krupp etc) did not wear government uniforms. Stalin’s cartels did.
Hitler focused on brainwashing the middle and upper class to support fascism. In the same manner, the FED brainwashes America’s stock market-obsessed upper-middle class to worship the FED as God and ignore the death of the lower 80-percenters (who don’t have stocks portfolios or can’t live off of them) as well as the slow death of the broader economy and society. Stalin focused on brainwashing the lower class to worship government as God and ignore the death of society and the economy.

Both systems are totalitarian and evil but they have completely different marketing and organizational plans. And they both hate each other because totalitarians by definition don’t settle for half, they demand it all. They always end up fighting over who gets control of the whole pie.
The enemy force owning America today is pure 4th Reich Hitler. Know your enemy.

October 19, 2021 4:57 am

A few too many mental shortcuts, for me to take your text serious.

>If this system was ‘communistic’, Google, Apple, FB elites would be in government uniform

Oh, and that the system might know that and decided to avoid such (2nd derivative thinking), that’s impossible?

October 19, 2021 6:37 pm

Crash- Are you saying deez iz Nazis?? One could believe that since they set the final, final solution in motion with the shit shots and other nifty genocide techniques.

One thing I learned early on, this evil works very efficiently in any “ism”. Communism, Fascism, Capitalism, all the same to them when they are shaking down the population.

October 20, 2021 11:11 am

What about Humanism, in that list of -isms?

Entirely serious question.

Jimmy Torpedo
Jimmy Torpedo
October 20, 2021 9:23 pm

Arguing about what ism currently controls us is just another way to sideline you into a fruitless discussion.
Sociopathic control freak bastards who want you dead and all the goods..i call them Ba’alites because that is about how long it has been going on.

They dont even know what they are. Why should we care

Wilbur Ross
Wilbur Ross
October 19, 2021 11:00 am

Sorry crash, they haven’t got a Fascist bone in their body. Presently “They” are content with ushering in Communist Kabbalism but that curtain will be rolled back to reveal a cruel Babylonian Satanic Feudalism.

  Wilbur Ross
October 19, 2021 6:28 pm

More dis-info from one of the Bolshevik (((small hat))) crowd.
It’s funny when you read the names of the leading authors of mainstream dis-info these past 100 + years, there’s always the same connection to the Chosenites.
Or maybe just a Freudian slip of mine.

October 19, 2021 11:34 pm

In this case, you could call fascism the operating system for communism.

October 19, 2021 1:41 am

The truth. The whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Thank you Jim!

October 19, 2021 2:45 am

I’ve been blessed to ride this out in the Free State of Florida. Probably the free-est place in western civilization. Ron DeSantis has been solid as a rock. This is going to turn out okay. It might be messy, but a coalition of women and sissies is about to run up against the warrior class they are attempting to oppress. It’ll never work. That said, there’s a disturbance in the force even around here. We ate lunch in a restaurant today that is normally busy, and we were the only table in the restaurant. A 28 year old Hollywood cop was shot and killed over by Emerald Hills Country Club less than a mile from here last night. By a car burglar. Been a pair of bald eagles hanging around the farm the last couple of weeks. We are a very urban county, there’s only three known pairs in the entire County. I hope they don’t eat any of my farm cats. They are big fuckers. They look down at you like they’re mad. Great article, Jim. You’re not mincing any words. Naming names and pointing fingers. That’s the way to do it for sure. Something’s about to break. I can feel it. I think we can all feel it.

October 19, 2021 7:19 am

”Something’s about to break. I can feel it. I think we can all feel it.”
If one can not feel it they are really out of touch.

Photos of Bald Eagles do not give them the credit they deserve. Have only ever seen one out in the wild and when they turn and give you a look its downright scary.

October 19, 2021 11:42 pm

That’s just because of the way there heads/faces are formed. They are, after all, just big strong birds.

October 19, 2021 4:30 am

oops, wrong video, ignore

Todd Packer's Mentor
Todd Packer's Mentor
October 19, 2021 7:08 am

Magnificent work, Mr. Quinn.
I think this is your best article yet, and that is saying something.
Thank you for creating pieces like this that, for all intents and purposes, state pretty much to a T what I would write myself.

October 19, 2021 8:05 am

Sounds like the Chinese are again getting credit for someone else’s work. Must be all those Chinese running the big global banks, pharma companies, all the alphabet UN agencies, the media corps. Could have sworn it was someone else just going on all the names.

Old School Counselor
Old School Counselor
October 19, 2021 8:10 am

This is brilliant stuff.

Rise Up
Rise Up
October 19, 2021 9:02 am

Jim Quinn is the Thomas Paine of our time.

October 19, 2021 9:37 am

Great article, it’s a shame it isn’t seen by more people.

Red River D
Red River D
October 19, 2021 4:19 pm

Zero Hedge posted part one and linked to TBP. That’s about as high-profile as any “unsanctioned” material will get in this world.

  Red River D
October 19, 2021 11:44 pm

I found out about TBP from a link displayed on another high profile sight awhile back.

October 19, 2021 9:52 am

We need to stop dancing around the lie of the “lab leak theory”. This low lethality bioweapon was engineered, partially with US tax dollars and at the behest of emperor Fauxci, and deliberately released. China immediately closed traffic to the rest of the country, but continued international flights to spread the “deadly contagion” as quickly and widely as possible. This most massive of all scams was planned years in advance to have exactly the impact we are seeing. “Covid” PCR tests were sold around the world in 2017. The draconian “mitigation measures” had the expressed goals of crashing the world’s economy, devastating the medical community, and stoking fear in the populace. This would allow the government(s) to assume complete control, with the continued illusion of private ownership (the real definition of fascism). The next step would be to centralize the “fight against the pandemic” in the hands of Klaus Schwab, the WEF, the Bilderbergs, the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, the Davos group, i.e. the globalists. Drastically reduce the world’s population through infertility and a progressive death toll from the jab, and you quickly have a utopian paradise, with abundant wealth, resources, and power for the elites ruling the globe from their modern Mt. Olympus.

October 19, 2021 1:57 pm

this is cover for the global economic crash that many of us have known is baked in the cake for many years. fear is the tool. i am not afraid.

the chinese own way more in the US than most would dare admit, and aim to pick up the pieces for pennies on the dollar. i am not selling.

the elites and chinese all think they can outsmart one another and be the last one standing. when elephants fight, the grass suffers. i am not the grass.

when this reaches resolution, they think they will own it all and we will submit. i will not submit or forget.

October 19, 2021 9:28 pm

PCR is NOT a test.

It is a manufacturing process.

The originator, Kary Mullis was quite clear and emphatic on this point.

Pity he died suddenly in August 2019 just before this “disease” appeared, and prior to Event 201.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
October 19, 2021 9:57 am

The truth, the truth, the truth. The truth is most people, even most here, can’t handle the truth. The truth is humanity has a very big problem it CANNOT fix. No matter what we do here on earth, no matter how we “band, like-minded together (and we should); we still are not going to stop what’s coming. What’s coming is the final solution to mans sin problem; the physical eradication of it by God. You don’t want to be around when that happens. This train is massive and moving quickly towards a busted bridge over a very tall cliff. The most critical thing we can do is coax people off the train, cause we shouldn’t try to stop it even if we could. It needs to crash and burn.

What most refuse to see (are blinded to) is that there is a glorious day coming for those who trust Christ. Trust Christ with what? Trust that He died one time to pay the price each and every one of us owes a Righteous Creator. He died in our stead. Gods righteousness would fail if He allowed this shit show to continue indefinitely. Therefore, He won’t. Get off the train! Exit by trusting in the fact that God paid for your exit. Just step off in faith. Don’t ever look back. Step off and encourage others to step off as well.

Romans 5:8 KJB… “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”

Ephesians 1:13 KJB… “In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,”

Step off and be forever sealed. There is no need to fear, Gods word is TRUTH.

1 Thessalonians 5:9-11 KJB… “For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him. Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do.”

The saved man does not have a destination with future train wrecks. The saved man will experience glory above his wildest imaginings before the wreck occurs. Again, there’s a really bad day coming for a world that richly deserves a bad day. There’s a glorious day coming for those who trust in Christ’s atoning blood as payment for all sin debt accumulated upon his account. Christ paid it all and left no debt unsatisfied.

I offer these words as comfort and encouragement. I know them to be true because the only truth to be found in this world is contained in a book. A book not written by men. A book most people hate. I wonder why that is???

Looking for worldly truth, worldly hope? Study Paul’s letter to the Roman believers. It spans human history from Genesis to Revelation; and points out exactly what God has done for those that would simply take Him at His word.

Chart Lesson: Romans Chart

  grace country pastor
October 19, 2021 10:49 am

“The truth, the truth, the truth. The truth is most people, even most here, can’t handle the truth.”

The truth, the truth, the truth. ONLY I KNOW IT!! The truth is most people, even most here, can’t handle the truth. BUT I CAN HANDLE THE TRUTH, SO LISTEN TO ME!!

Fixed it for you, Freed Radical.

We need Jesus? Wow, never heard that from you before. Helluva revelation.

Wouldn’t it just be easier to copy and paste “The Four Spiritual Laws”? You could paste them every morning. And then every evening, around 9PM, you can have an Altar Call.

The Music Mafia could post “Trust In Jesus”, “Bringing In The Sheaves’, and other great gospel songs. And if someone accepts Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior we can all eat a Krispy Kreme donut as we welcome the sinner into our exclusive club. Let’s bring FUN to the Platform!

Please give this suggestion serious consideration.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
October 19, 2021 11:18 am

“And if someone accepts Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior we can all eat a Krispy Kreme donut as we welcome the sinner into our exclusive club.“

“Our” exclusive club? Stucky, you ain’t a part of what I’m talking about. That’s sad. That’s also why I talk about it.

This is the least exclusive club on earth. It costs the user nothing to join and asks the user nothing in return, except perhaps a “thank you” as it cost our Creator a great deal.

He had to humiliate Himself enough to become us; that He could allow us to murder Him, so He could then offer us salvation from ourselves.

How could one as cold, dead and heartless as you understand such a thing? I don’t know, but there it is. Piss all over it if you like but even you can join.

One thing I will tell you right now: you will remember me for all eternity. You will remember me in one of two ways. I will either be the guy you should have listened to; the one you forever regret you didn’t and wish you had, or the guy you did listen to and will someday rejoice with. I will live glorified in both situations.

Can you handle that truth? Cause there it is.

Wilbur Ross
Wilbur Ross
  grace country pastor
October 19, 2021 12:06 pm

Here we go again with our free discipleship and other heresies in you handbook on how to go to hell site. Chart Lesson: Romans Chart

If you keep forcing me to agree with Stucky TBP will award you a Nobel Peace Prize. Probably in the form of a carton of Kunkin DoNuts, the AntiChrist of the donut realm.

  Wilbur Ross
October 19, 2021 7:56 pm

Lost and angry. Dangerous position to be in. Repent and believe the gospel of Christ.

  grace country pastor
October 19, 2021 1:06 pm

I’m not in the club? So, now you’re God?

This is why I’m forced to call you an Arrogant Fuktard.

Remember YOU for eternity??? The only time you cross my mind is when you post your bible blather, and when I take a shit. There are no toilets in heaven.

This is why I’m forced to call you an Arrogant Egotistical Fuktard. You think you’re the only person who ever told me about Jesus??? I’ve heard it from people a thousand times more genuine and real. People who LIVED Christianity, not mere empty babbling cymbals like yourself.

Oh, btw Mr. Judgetard, I made that altar call a long time ago, and it was real as real can be. Once saved, always saved, you fake pastor. If you make it to heaven I’m gonna hound you like stink on shit.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
October 19, 2021 2:23 pm

Eternity is a long time. I know where I’ll be and I’m grateful for it. The way you speak of the grace God offers you oughta scare the you know what outta you. Perhaps that’s it… cold, dead, scared is what you are. Afraid to look at the truth of what you are. Gotta maintain that “big-dog” ego. Keep it up Stucky, we’ll see where it lands you. Alter calls don’t save anyone tough guy.

October 19, 2021 7:58 pm

Since heaven is like going to a good fundamental church 365 days a year and no one will cursing like a drunk sailor l’m sure you will like that.

October 20, 2021 12:11 am

You better reel it back in there, Junior, you have no idea what’s going on. B Cauler

October 20, 2021 9:08 am

Blow me. Reel your dick out of your mouth first.

  grace country pastor
October 19, 2021 7:53 pm


Jimmy Torpedo
Jimmy Torpedo
  grace country pastor
October 20, 2021 9:41 pm

Jesus was put up on a cross for.12 hours in the private garden of Pontius Pilate to appease the Pharisees. They took him down..he said howdy to his buddies and went to France to start the Merovingian Dyanasty with his hooker friend Mary. He didn’t save anybody except himself. Try reading some history GCP instead of just the bible. Mostly written by “Q” as they call him in scholarly circles.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  Jimmy Torpedo
October 21, 2021 5:30 pm

The truly insane.

  Jimmy Torpedo
October 22, 2021 7:00 am

You’re a reverse sophist?

October 19, 2021 7:52 pm

Keep blaspheming. You will find out he is a minister of truth but the devil has blinded you to that truth. Romans 1:22 Thinking themselves to be wise, they became fools…

October 20, 2021 12:01 am

OR…you could, just for once, try to understand that some might have something you don’t comprehend yet, Stucky. I can’t recall ever seeing a Pavlov’s dog salivate so quickly and mindlessly as you do at the mention of Christ. Bob Cauler.

Lee Harvey Griswald
Lee Harvey Griswald
  grace country pastor
October 19, 2021 12:46 pm
  grace country pastor
October 19, 2021 1:13 pm

The truth is most people, even most here, can’t handle the truth.

I’m trying to point that out from time to time.

  grace country pastor
October 19, 2021 11:52 pm

“A book not written by men.I wonder why that is???” John 3:19.(though I’m sure your question was rhetorical, gcp.)

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
October 20, 2021 1:46 pm

Hits nail on head!

October 19, 2021 11:17 am

Report: ‘Caravana Madre’ With 95,000 Migrants to March Through Mexico to US Starting This Saturday

The Orangutan
The Orangutan
October 19, 2021 5:23 pm

“Caravana Madre”? More like Caravana Merde. Or maybe Caravana Muerte.

October 19, 2021 11:18 am

Over the years, I have managed to suppress my rambling prose long enough to let my initial thoughts and reactions sort themselves out to be sifted, sorted and assessed.

I’ve just finished a re-read of Leon Trotsky by Irving Howe (or Irwine), a short treatment of Trotsky’s life which includes discussion of both his relationship with Lenin, Marxism versus Bolshevism and why the Party can allow no dissent after it assumes power.

I’ve never seen this movie and did not even realize it existed until just this morning.

I think I will have to find it and buy it or rent it.

Revolution on the screen
The Battleship Potemkin
Sergei Eisenstein
55th Berlin Film Festival
Reviewed by Aron Amm

ONE HIGHLIGHT of this year’s Berlin Film Festival was the re-screening of Sergei Eisenstein’s The Battleship Potemkin. For the first time since its world premiere in 1925, the film was shown in a largely restored original version. A double anniversary: The Battleship Potemkin was filmed 80 years ago to mark the 20th anniversary of the Russian revolution of 1905.

After the premiere in Moscow, the left-wing distributor Prometheus bought the rights to the film in Germany. The Berlin premiere in 1926 was a sensational success. From there, The Battleship Potemkin began its triumphant progress around the world. However, only a censored version of the film reached German cinemas. German sailors were not to be given any wrong ideas. The film was further cut as it continued to be received with increasing enthusiasm in the Weimar republic.

Later, sections of the film also fell victim to Joseph Stalin’s editing. Despite all this, the shortened and altered version of Eisenstein’s work became a milestone in the history of cinema, still unsurpassed as a representation of a revolutionary movement.

The film is divided into five acts, each corresponding to the length of one roll of film:

1. Men and maggots: On the battleship, lying off Odessa, the crew refuse to eat meat which is infested by maggots. The sailors ask: “All Russia is rising – do we want to be the last to do so?”

2. Drama on the quarterdeck: An execution squad is ordered to shoot anyone who still refuses to eat the food. At the last minute, they refuse the order to shoot. The mutiny begins.

3. An appeal from the dead: Vakulinchuk, the first to rebel, had been killed and his body lies in state in the harbour: “All for a spoonful of soup”. He becomes the focal point of an unending procession.

4. The Odessa steps: Cossacks clear the steps of the harbour, one step at a time, from top to bottom. Soldiers shoot into the panic-stricken crowd – until the shot from one of the Potemkin’s cannons puts an end to the bloodshed.

5. Meeting the squadron: Everything is prepared for battle as the crews of other ships prepare to go into action against the battleship in a climactic finale.

Originally, Eisenstein wanted to make a cycle of six films entitled, The Year 1905. The battleship episode was only intended to consist of 44 of the 820 frames. However, during the filming Eisenstein decided to concentrate the whole historical importance of the revolution into the example of one event.

Ben Lurken
Ben Lurken
October 19, 2021 4:47 pm

When I first got here, about 7 years ago, I liked your ramblings. Even a little later when they became really long I kinda still found them interesting. I just wasn’t a fan of some people on here ganging up on a guy who never backed down getting him expelled.

October 20, 2021 11:14 am

Never watched it.
I thought I had learned it was entirely a work of propaganda from the beginning.

Thanks for giving me a possible other viewpoint. Some day I’ll research some more and maybe even watch it.

October 19, 2021 11:32 am

“The truth is these vaccines do not work as advertised. ”

And yet the normies, msm and everyone else give those that pushed this shyatt on everyone a free pass and allow an ever changing goal post in regards to what the vaccine was, is or will be… smmfh at these people

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
October 19, 2021 12:45 pm

Two great articles. Thanks a lot, Jim.

October 19, 2021 2:43 pm

The current vax mandates are not about having people get the vax it is about identifying those who will not get it. Next will be passports, isolation, more restrictions. Then there will be forced vaccination and/or FEMA camps. The catalyst will be an increase, and I mean noticeable increase in deaths which will be blamed on the unvaxed. This has all been foreshadowed by our current “overlords” Fauci and Gates have both talked about how the next “pandemic” will be much worse. So they already have it planned. Remember Hillary talking about the re-education camps. Oh wait the FEMA camps are a conspiracy theory. The identification of people who will not submit is step one. They also know there will be resistance so they will utilize various methods to suppress/control dissent. The way Jan. 6 Capital participants are being treated is a warning by the overlords as to what to expect if you do not follow the mandates. The overlords have this all planned and have thought of many contingencies. It would take massive uprisings to stop what is coming and I am sure the overlords have war gamed for that as well. Since they do not care if we live or die and reduced population is one of their goals(Georgia Guidstones) there may be mass casualties for any major uprisings. There will be blood. Again I could be wrong, I pray everyday that I am.

Red River D
Red River D
October 19, 2021 4:56 pm

“…There will be blood…”

Yup. 8 billion quarts of it, according to Revelation chapter 6.

October 19, 2021 8:00 pm

I don’t think you’re wrong. I wish you were.

October 19, 2021 4:40 pm

I’m SHOCKED Faucteeth and CEOs of Moderna, J&J, etc., are NOT arrested and even hanged for the enormous TRILLIONS lost by this phony, false, and unnecessary vaccine mandate.

That would be a start and work ourselves down to Congogressmen and the current senile white *egro in office.

Bee Gentry
Bee Gentry
October 19, 2021 5:25 pm

Both parts of this article are brilliant — in content and persuasive style. I’m saving them locally and intend to share them widely as JQ’s manifesto of what I believe. Their truth is horrifying but at least it’s out there now.

October 19, 2021 6:23 pm

I think it is a complete mistake to think these people conform to any ideology like communism. They are completely amoral.

October 20, 2021 2:26 am

It is too late.

October 20, 2021 3:09 am

There are 2 things that people should know, but probably haven’t put together.

1. Those behind the government are past masters at influencing crowds.

Billions upon billions of dollars have been spent researching how to influence crowds, both for marketing and government abuse. Bernays, Lippmann, Ivy Lee. There is also the Tavistock Institute, and the MKUltra program, whose goal (based on the incomplete documents found) was about controlling peoples’ minds through various means including drugs and repetitive loud noises.

The UK even ran a pandemic field exercise in 2016 that included how to manage public reactions:
“Exercise Cygnus was centred around assumptions of public responses that have yet to be validated. Expectations of how the public will react was postulated based on the magnitude of “swan flu”.

2. The effort to get people to get vaxxed is amateurish, which is being generous.

Influencing crowds should be a slam dunk for the elites. So why have they made it so obvious? If this was a scam just to get people to take the virus, why is their script so horrible? Like Fauci saying “X is true!” then “Y is true!” then “Z is true!” Fauci isn’t a shot-caller, he is the hired help reading from a script. Why do they state so many obvious lies, while telling the truth about half or less of their staff being vaxxed. It is so obvious, only an easily controlled person would fall for it… which is exactly the point.

What has happened is that those in control have created a badly carved pagan idol, and put it up to see who bows down to it. This will separate the population into 2 groups, those who are easily controlled and those who resist. To put it another way, those the elites want to save and those they want done away with. The few who die of the vax would be considered acceptable losses.

The question remains, how are they going to accomplish this winnowing of the resisters? An extremely deadly bug that the last covid update just happens to protect against? Wouldn’t want to waste all that research into “gain of function” viruses… Something else?

Remember, they don’t want the resisters to take the vax, as they would have had a much better script. They want the resisters gone.

The way to test this theory is how badly the gov continues to be at getting people vaxxed. If they fail at enforcing a mandate (which is Constitutional-ish), I will consider my theory as close to proven as it can be.

Tom Walsh
Tom Walsh
October 20, 2021 4:26 am for details of the Biology\Scam

October 20, 2021 5:09 am

Professor Mattias Desmet on EweTueb “How can so many still buy into the narrative” The psychological manipulation of the herd is “nudging” the least intelligent to their demise, the rest of us will be forced to fight.

NO “smart” phone, NO tracking device, NO Qr code, NO virus.
Kill the beast now and while you are at it destroy that damn Teeeeeee Veeeeeee too.

If you have an evil “smart” phone nesting like a viper in your pocket or tightly grasped in your simian fist as if it were some kind of extirpated still pulsating body appendage or brain abortion as the case may be, then you are part of the problem and will never contribute anything of worth to stop the real zombie virus that is leading the herd of mutton over the cliff, at least not until you smash your personalized tracking demon to bits. Slouching naked apes thumb jabbing their hand held thingies and drooling over their idiot gizmos are no longer fully human, rather mindless mutton-headed interfaces with nobody home, or seldom available as they spend their pathetic half-lives peering down the black hole of their tacky, third rate NWO Chinese junk shop virtual “reality”. It’s like listening to East Germans, that were surveilled by STASI psychopaths 24/7 before the Wall was moved, explaining how free they became (at least until 2 years back) even as they exhibit the same nauseating “smart” phone ticks and prosthetic brain addictions as their thoroughly brainwashed cousins in the West while they themselves, without question, pay through the nose for this constant monitoring of their lives and interference from goons and “nudging” by the psychopaths that own the so-called “social media platforms” of Fecesbook, Twatter, EweTueb, Goggle and ilk…”safe” spaces where the sheeple bleat.

Though the STASI orphans should have known better, they too have already been consumed whole by trans humanist Mickey Mouse BS so the logical next step for the reptilians in charge is to pump their graphene oxide and nano dirt directly to their ovine brains and put them under complete remote control where monkey man never again has to miss a Twatter outburst or a Goggle command or Fecesbook “breaking news” fart or whatever crap they get from their blinking, prosthetic, vital organ when they deep dive into their amoled glass swamp. By all means you four-legged critters of the herd do download the “essential updates” in your monthly covaids “booster” death vaxx squirt to become a truly fulfilled silicon meat puppet like the rest of the protoplasm squirming around you. Your viper in residence and its Qr coded commands (straight from the hell that you couldn’t wait to jump into) will indeed award you with the appropriate Chicom slash NWO credits for being an obedient and soulless slave of the hell on Earth they are now erecting for the dying herd as the last stage of this dystopian farce plays out.

Otherwise kill your diabolic “smart” phone or shut up already. If you can’t do something that simple yourself, as one who claims to “get it”, then why should you expect the herd not to willfully poison itself considering they are no longer in control of anything in their miserable existences other than shoving stuff in their facial orifice or squeezing shit out their sphincter end as the case may be, in between perusing their “smart” phone smut and kitty litter videos, as they proudly and dutifully exhibit their covaids death squirt status Qr code to every jackbooted robopig thug that demands compliance as they go about their shameful and soon to be terminated lives…all in the prurient interest of course of the demons that unleashed this genocide and “watched over by machines of love and grace”. When the 5G towers and soon the 6G towers light up in the coming Dark Winter then the real electronic gulag will become apparent to even the most challenged leg of mutton out there in the pathetic human herd.

Never let any psychopath in your pocket or your life that is obviously “smarter” than you.

“Smart” phone macht dumb
But PfiZer macht frei …. permanently

Same as it ever waZ

October 20, 2021 11:22 am

>It’s like listening to East Germans […] before the Wall was moved

Nice, actually freaking awesome! I have to memorize that one.

October 26, 2021 11:14 am

The only thing which I will challenge might , is that you state the Chinese are behind it, what about the so called’ wise men of Zion’ bigger chance they are behind it. Trying to stay in power desperately as China is growing and growing and might eat the west, which means the end of their 150/200 year reign?

October 20, 2021 6:54 am

Once people understand that government will murder it’s owns citizens to further its agenda, usually war, they’ll be more attuned to recognizing false flags and media propaganda . Knowledge is power and it will take a lot of people power, organization and like-minded community to survive government’s latest genocidal agenda of jabbing every American with the clot shot.

The more your read.. keeping in mind that the US military high command were complicit in not only attacking one of our own, as an false excuse for war , but actively engaged in coving up the crime. These people can never be trusted. It’s safe to always assume they’re lying, because they always are.

American Pravda: Remembering the Liberty
President Lyndon Johnson and World War III?

We must always keep in mind that only a miracle kept the Liberty afloat, and if it had been sunk without survivors as expected, almost no one in American media or government would have dared accuse Israel of such an irrational act. Instead, as Stephen Green had first suggested in 1984, Egyptian forces would very likely have been blamed, producing powerful demands for immediate American retaliation, but probably on a vastly greater scale than the fictional Tonkin Gulf attack, which had inflicted no injuries.

Indeed, Hounam’s detailed investigation discovered strong evidence that a powerful American “retaliatory” strike against Egypt had already been put into motion from almost the moment that the Liberty was first attacked. Paul Nes then served as charge d’Affaires at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, and in a taped interview he recalled receiving an urgent flash message alerting him that the Liberty had been attacked, presumably by Egyptian planes, and that bombers from an American carrier were already on their way to strike Cairo in retaliation. With an American-Egyptian war about to break out, Nes and his subordinates immediately began destroying all their important documents. But not long afterward, another flash message arrived, identifying the attackers as Israeli and saying that the air strike had been called off. According to some accounts, the American warplanes were just minutes from Egypt’s capital city when they were recalled.

October 20, 2021 4:34 pm

Jim, great article, but the two things you got wrong: 1. Covid is real 2. Covid is transmittable, it is neither.
Covid is a concocted hoax by the owners of the world’s central banks to impose worldwide communism where they will own everything and everyone else will be a serf on the plantation. If Covid were transmittable, it wouldn’t be called Germ Theory, it would be called the Law of Germs.

October 22, 2021 8:25 am


Mary Christine
Mary Christine
October 22, 2021 8:36 am

Darn, you beat me.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
October 22, 2021 10:18 am

Btw, you might like to know about Missourians for Health Freedom. We are 2 yrs behind KS. They had a rally last month, had Del Bigtree there, Dr Fleming, Dr Lee Merritt and others not so well known plus local speakers. As a board member I learn things that aren’t announced offically. FLCCC is opening a clinic and we hope to have more than one. There are regional groups so you can get info about your region if you contact them. There are similar organizations in nearly every state.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
October 22, 2021 8:28 am


October 22, 2021 8:36 am


October 23, 2021 6:35 pm

Energy shortages created to appease climate alarmists are likely to produce the anarchy they desire, and the mandates aimed at preventing destruction of the earth by carbon dioxide and fictitious human driven climate change will be far worse.

Probably most TBP readers also check in on, If you don’t, you should.