Sword & Shield

Guest Post by Freed Radical

Stand firm on this passage from God’s word as we do spiritual battle to recover and rebuild our nation and world, and defeat the evil that seeks to destroy us.

Psalm 5   (NASB)

For You are not a God who takes pleasure in wickedness;
No evil dwells with You.
The boastful shall not stand before Your eyes;
You hate all who do iniquity.
You destroy those who speak falsehood;
The Lord abhors the man of bloodshed and deceit.


Lord, many of our leaders are boastful liars who deceive people unto their deaths. I pray you would crush this culture of evil we have created or allowed to be created. I pray you would raise up an army of spiritual warriors to come against this wicked leadership and the culture they have spawned. Their fruit is only death. Prompt me and speak to me, give me the words to say to wicked people when I come face to face with them. Give me the wisdom to refute their foolish ways and call them off their path to hell and into your Kingdom.

We engage in spiritual warfare by first consulting the scriptures to learn what God thinks about himself, about us, our situation, and his adversaries, and what he is doing today and is planning to do. We come into agreement with what God thinks, and his plan, and ask him to do battle on our behalf in the ways he has stated. These prayers are intended to change situations in our natural world, but they also change our hearts as we come to know the heart of God. As we pray together to defeat the forces of evil, we become a closer knit family of God, intent on accomplishing his purposes and living in Christian community. Please join in this spiritual battle by praying the scripture above, out loud, confident that God hears us and loves us, his children.

The prayer above is only a suggestion. Pray as you are led by the spirit. No need for eloquence as our Father simply loves to hear the voices of his children as we bare our hearts to him.

Take time to read this passage in context, to get the bigger picture, by clicking on the link at the beginning of the passage. The Christian life is not all about spiritual warfare, and there is always a bigger picture!

(image credit: pixabay)

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Only the strong survive
Only the strong survive
December 4, 2021 10:21 am

This prayer may be our only prayer against the tyranny
But it is a guiding light

December 4, 2021 10:54 am

Every day… Start the day with the Word and words…

December 4, 2021 12:23 pm

Thank you for this. Good stuff!!!
When I lay my head on my pillow at night to sleep I pray ” Dear Jesus, please put your Angeles around my house and protect it from any arson or burglary attempt and please put your Angeles around me and that they would protect me from the Devil and his Demons.
Also, thanks for quoting from my favorite version of the Holy Bible, The New American Standard Bible. I love the modern English and how one verse flows into the next verse. I have also heard Theologians, Bible Scholars, and Bible Researchers say that the NASB is the most accurate to the original languages and is the most literal version. In case this triggers any King James Only Fanatics, please read the book “The King James Only Controversy” by James White. You’re welcome.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
December 4, 2021 12:42 pm

“Prompt me and speak to me, give me the words to say to wicked people when I come face to face with them.”

He did!

December 4, 2021 6:25 pm

Your thoughts and prayers are in resonance with what I’ve been thinking this week.

Thank you for putting what has been on my heart into a powerful prayer. I’m glad that it includes our responsibility in allowing this to happen. The Father responds to confession and repentance.

December 5, 2021 10:22 am

I pray regularly for guidance and wisdom to express correctly the path I need to stay on to defend what I see as an all out attack on infancy and innocence . Having survived deadly encounters 3 times in my 67 years and still have reasonable health and capabilities it just seams obvious to me the lord has a plan for me