Crazy Train

by the subway philosopher™

Despite the epidemic-that-couldn’t dominating news cycles, other pressing issues ought to occupy a larger share of public awareness. Courts in the USA appear to be supporting the Second Amendment, to the delirious cheers of the guns’n’ammo crowd. Yet there remains an ever-present effort to apply more onerous regulatory requirements adjunct to the rights of Americans possessing firearms and similar items of ill-repute. Such abridgement of rights directly contradicts the clearly-stated mandates of the U.S. Constitution,  but the Biden administration has signaled its determination to escalate such abridgements by increasing the financial and other burdens on gun owners. All this is a prelude to the long-term goal; inevitably, and perhaps sooner rather than later, is going to disarm Americans.

          Has any citizenry in history successfully resisted disarmament by its own government?

It goes without saying: you will almost certainly give your weapons up, never mind any tough-talking armchair rebel bullshit.  Why? Technological progress coupled with the pendulums of history leaves no other options, and if citizens in fact do decide to fight, the history books will record a new world record (number of people slaughtered by their own government) as a result. will never give up its  own weapons, particularly the weapons aimed at citizens, and those weapons were always intended to be used. Plus, their budget is unlimited. Yours? Not so much.

Proud 2A fanbois and sofa shooters declaim with genuine sincerity “They’ll have to pry my guns from my cold dead hands,” but thus demonstrate either a lack of appreciation for the intelligence and mechanisms by which the bureaucratic deep state imposes its will, or a stark, honest realization that said guns will indeed be prised from cold dead hands, most likely without ever having actually been fired.

, often stupid, corrupt and incompetent, excels at mass murder. Check the records for yourself.

Government may be stupid and incompetent, but it has historically and periodically over-achieved at one thing  – supervising the demise of human beings in vast numbers. And the term intelligence, as used above, does not refer to mental or intellectual acuity but rather to information, as in the intelligence community (spooks, networks, assassins, the CIA, fusion centers, bureaucracies of every stripe, and assorted other dark entities and individuals). Did you really think that applying for a gun permit was only about demonstrating fitness to possess a firearm?

We live anew at the intersection of an unholy alliance, one which the world has seen before with horrific results. In the current incarnation, the tech revolution has birthed management, surveillance and connectivity systems far beyond anything previously imagined, combined with vast databases which store every bit and byte of information conceivable. The next death toll will reflect these advances. Progress! Government is participatory, enthusiastic, and wholly responsible – tech monopoly corporations are the Sons of (Uncle) Sam, after all.

          It’s the new mother nature techno-fascism taking over.

Once again corporate wealth has allied with bureaucracy’s monopoly on violence. It’s the new techno-fascism, taking over again. The visible, outward manifestations of that power have changed ( and increased dramatically), but the fundamental alliance is the same as it ever was. Ideology, the great bugbear of history, is essentially irrelevant. Republican, democrat, socialism, communism, nazi, monarchy, feminism and all other political perspectives require only an alignment of purpose among the duality at the top: namely those who make the rules and those with a chokehold on the world’s means of production and wealth, which in the current zeitgeist equates to modern tech monopolies.

As Solzhenitsyn reminds us, people in his era legitimately had the opportunity to ensure that any AGW (armed government worker) feared for his life when he went about his evil business. In those times it was possible, technically at least,  for a relatively small number of people to have changed the course of events through modest, local, albeit violent means. Unfortunately, history records that people did not rise to the occasion, perhaps out of fear, perhaps out of common decency, or perhaps out of normalcy bias, meaning they couldn’t quite believe what was happening to them. Such opportunity will not be available in future.

          A polite email will be enough.

The current techno-fascist nightmare ensures that virtually every single law-abiding person who owns a weapon is recorded in a database or many, information easily available to those with access. For rugged individualists fantasizing about a personal Alamo, ask yourself a question: is really going to send sheriffs/police/guardsmen/military et al to physically seize the weapons of every American? Not bloody likely.

What’s more likely, in fact probable, is that a not-so-friendly bureaucrat will send you a polite email or letter of confiscation requesting that you transport your weapons to a location of their choice and surrender them, voluntarily. Should you decline, you will find yourself on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s list of ‘extremists’ and living under government ‘no-fly’ rules. Twitter, Facebook, Chrome, Youtube and others will ban or block you. Virtually all of your social media access will be suspended, in the interests of public safety of course. Financial penalties will apply.

          You may be required to wear special insignia, such as a red hat or star.

Should you continue to decline, your bank account will suffer automatic withdrawal of accrued penalties. Should you continue to continue to decline, your employer will be notified, your passport and driving privileges revoked, your credit cards, debit cards and health insurance canceled, your tax returns audited. The automatic fines will escalate, automatically. Hearings before a local tribunal will be scheduled. Utility services to your home will be interrupted. You may be required to wear special insignia, such as a red hat or star. Rail transport will be provided for your trip to debtor’s prison or re-education camp, at your expense.

No sheriffs, police, or state operatives will ever be in your rifle sights. No window of opportunity for rebellious refusal will be granted. There will be no Waco, Ruby Ridge, or even Bundy Ranch clusterfucks.  You will comply. You will give up your guns, and you will get on that train. Without a fight. Because if you don’t…

All aboard!

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December 24, 2021 9:19 am

Dood has been in the subway too long IMHO.

Brian Reilly
Brian Reilly
December 24, 2021 9:31 am

The window to get started bustin’caps on ALL cops, other LEO, politicians of all stripes, and all their family is closing rapidly here in the US. And that will be that.

December 24, 2021 9:34 am

If the author lives in any city with a subway, I understand how he may feel that way. He is hopeless. He sees no way out. He hasn’t tasted the freedom of wide-open spaces.
Many, many people can get along without all the things that author lists that you will lose.
There is a parallel economy that is used to circumvent credit cards and bank accounts.
A drivers license? Haven’t had one in many years.
My social credit score? Heck is that, anyway?

Last time I checked, the American military just got bounced after 20 years by a bunch of goat herders and they took our weapons of war, too. Viet Nam? How did that work out?
Things might get spicy for a while, but survival in humans is a very strong instinct.

Hey, SubPhil, get out more.

December 24, 2021 10:41 am

Social credit score is a carrot and a stick.

Red River D
Red River D
December 24, 2021 1:44 pm

Where does the carrot go?

Steve Z.
Steve Z.
December 24, 2021 6:03 pm

Familiarize yourself with Pareto’s Principle.
80% may submit but there is a stubborn undeterred 20%.

December 24, 2021 12:24 pm

They didn’t TAKE our weapons of war, our sell-out overlords left it behind for them.
Vietnam wasn’t meant to be won, psychopaths think differently than you and I do. Game pieces are expendable.

Brian Reilly
Brian Reilly
December 25, 2021 10:17 am

a9, Our hapless military were being used as pawns the entire time, mostly to wear out the honest white boys left in the ranks. ROE that made no sense, and all designed to last, not win. Add to the fact that nobody anywhere gives a fuck about Afghanistan or the 70 iq goatfucks that live there, and there you have it.

It won’t be like that when the 10th Mountain gets turned out in the USThose boys will have freedom to fire and coverage much more favorable than they had in the sandbox. And if you think that chemical weapons (think nerve gas or weaponized viri) aren’t already being planned for places that don’t kowtow , you haven’t been paying attention.

Theses boys are playing for keeps, and we still think that seccession (or a variant thereof) is an option. If you ain’t ready to go bushwhacking, you ain’t ready at all. It will be a target rich environment full of jokesters. Are you willing?

Merry Christmas

  Brian Reilly
December 25, 2021 2:02 pm

Well, Brian, soon the 10th Mountain will be platooned by a bunch of woke transgenders and women. I am sure you read the op-ed by the 3 generals declaring that the military needs to purge all the hard guys before 2024. And once the US military is that weakened state, the gov will bring in UN troops to pacify the general public. My guess is Chinese “UN” troops. I have a bunch of ex military buds and they say they will uphold the Constitution. A bunch of Karen’s and pronoun kids along side blue egg helmed foreigners won’t get far into the heartland. At that point, the gov will EMP it’s own people, not the coasts, and then things get real hard, real fast.
I love my country and hate the gov.
Merry Christmas to you, brother

December 25, 2021 4:21 pm

Recycled statement. Better dead than red.

  Brian Reilly
December 25, 2021 4:19 pm

About 75 miles from my place was a VX nerve gas storage area. It is gone now. It was to have been destroyed on site but locals stopped that. It quite likely is currently stored somewhere in the country. The evil in our government knows no limits.

  Brian Reilly
December 26, 2021 12:48 pm

I know a former 10th Mtn troop that has an armory in his house. Many more will be pointing their guns against the active duty and NG. All is not lost.

December 26, 2021 9:57 pm

Withdrawal of consent is the first step.

Where it goes from there… we’ll just have to see.

December 24, 2021 9:50 am

Tend to agree with the statement that the gooberment is most competent at killing people. Hence the Corona Coof. Nobody is doing shit about the goob letting loose a bioweapon and most are getting the shit shot. Saying what you will and wont do on a public forum gets you nowhere. The only hope is red states prevent the feds having jurisdiction within their borders.

December 24, 2021 10:40 am

I think a lot of people realize once the guns are surrendered they’re TOAST so that is going to be the hill to die on and the kick off of Civil War 2.0 since they’re going to die anyways, and probably a much worse way.

Behind Enemy Lines
Behind Enemy Lines
December 24, 2021 2:51 pm

You guys need to ease up on the author; everything he said makes perfect sense. They will take guns the same way they are imposing the Vax – slowly eroding your freedom’s, bringing to bear every legal and financial tool they have, and turning your own friends/family against you.

I know it’s hard to imagine, but who could have imagined 2 years ago that people would be arrested for “eating without papers,” or put into solitary for months for walking into a public building thru an open door?

  Behind Enemy Lines
December 24, 2021 9:25 pm

They can only do that to you if you put yourself in a position for them to do so.

December 26, 2021 10:13 pm

IMHO, directing any sort of ‘protest’ or activism toward the Federal Government is wasted energy, and probably playing into the feds’ hands in one way or another.

Demonstations/protests at the state or local level may be fine, depending on the locality. FWIW Washington state had an active local firearms lobby for many decades, and an annual day was set aside to “meet your representatives” in Olympia; over the years, this approach seems to have generated good press, and reasonable state laws.

Unfortunately Washington, like California, is one of those states where citizens’ initiatives are fairly easy to get on the ballot; the (Seattlle-based) gun-control Karens managed to implement the beginnings of (stupid) firearms-safety laws via a statewide vote, thus bypassing the legislature.

Once again, ‘democracy’ is shown to be inferior to a representative republic.

Steve Z.
Steve Z.
December 24, 2021 6:11 pm

Ascribing efficiency to a grossly ponderous and inefficient behemoth?
Tell me exactly which governmental agency works with precision and efficiency?
Remind me who will even be employed by this broke and broken govt lurking behind the greatest economic crisis in history?

December 25, 2021 1:03 am

Kinda boilerplate-y. The idiots running the govt. opened up the US-mexico border, and in Mexico, the cartels use police for target practice with impunity. Don’t say it can’t happen here. As for the military kicking your door down, they’re now being inoculated with clotshot and issued nail polish and victim chalk and being sent to multigender reorintation social-political indoctrination seminars. Our major cities are overrun by criminals and wokester social agenda fanatics. If anything, we’re closer to an institutional breakdown in govt because too many people have been chipping away at it externally while public corruption issues and supervisory and managerial failures have rotted it from within. So, lawless dystopia and dysfunction instead of police state, most likely. Quoth Stephen King(The Stand):”Things fall apart, the center cannot hold.” The bigger a system you have, the more energy and money hungry it becomes and heavier and more bloated, kind of like the Nazis back in the day with their supertanks that would gargle fuel cheerfully and sink into the roadbed.

Whether it’s anarchy or big govt. you want, be careful what you ask for, you just might get it. “We just want the gas. Just walk away. Just walk away.”-The Road Warrior

Michael J Clare
Michael J Clare
December 25, 2021 3:32 am

I grow weary of these spineless cowards writing the same piece over and over. Because he/she/it has no stomach for conflict, it assumes everyone else is the same. Go hide in your basement…it will do you no good.