“New From Libertas Bella:” Don’t Believe The Government

Check out the newest design from Libertas Bella: Don’t Believe The government.

Don't Believe The Government HoodieSomething strange has happened to the spirit of rebellion over the past few decades. The modern run-of-the-mill “rebel” no longer rebels at all. Instead, they latch to their preferred political party with all the tenacity a puppy reserves for its mother’s teat and then lobs accusations of conspiracy (or any of the dreaded -isms) at anyone who would dare speak ill of mommy.

We can’t fathom why anyone would trust their government.

We don’t know which country you’re from. Let’s assume it’s the U.S., land of the $1.50 hot dog and soda combo, where the politicians lie with such blasé regularity that their press conferences aren’t even worth watching anymore.Don't Believe The Government Sweatshirt

Which part of the American experience compels people to buy anything these rats say? Haven’t the Vietnam War, the Afghanistan War, and the lockdowns taught them anything?

Perhaps not. Historic precedent isn’t worth a hill of beans when very few people know their history. Sure, America may have stowed its own citizens in concentration camps and dropped bombs on them and sent them off to die in jungles before, but what is “before” to anyone who’s only dimly aware of what happened yesterday?

Don't Believe The Government T-ShirtIt is okay to trust the government on occasion. When your postman tells you it’s $3.50 to ship cookies to Ozark, you can assume he’s on the straight and narrow. But for anything larger than that – like, for example, when a career politician insists that the only way to stop the looming, vague and invisible threat is to make yourself poorer and less free – it’s always safe to trust him just as much as you’d trust a drunken oil tanker captain around your favorite length of Alaskan coastline.

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Author: Libertas Bella

Libertas Bella. It’s Latin for “beautiful liberty." We chose the name for a few reasons, one of them being that we cherish liberty whether it’s our own or anyone else’s. Libertas Bella has been featured on FEE.org, LewRockwell.com, Activist Post, PJ Media, and ZeroHedge.

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i forget
i forget
January 10, 2022 9:03 am

Well, “trust” takes it too far doesn’t it?

Is fear of authority*, deference to authority* really as good a thing as trust?

Is falling in line the hallmark of a “high trust society”?

Will Milgramites deliver fatal electric shocks to their victims on command because they trust those commanding them? Does the doomed Light Brigade charge because they trust?

Nah. It ain’t trust.

It’s cowardice (which includes capitulation to “peer pressure”…& the capitulation to ostracism that “peers” – gangs – engage in, too: smear the queer, all the time). It’s unprincipledness. And it’s not new. And it’s never been atypical.

*perceived authority.

Perception is comprehension. How much reality a person can comprehend (&- courage, again – admit of/to).

The further down & away from minimum threshold that comprehension is, the smaller/less the individual who is perceiving becomes (& projecting, perceive-presides over the shrinking of all other individuals – except, again, “authority figures” – too) … & the more surreality is “perceived” as reality.

To Sir(reality), With “Love.” Because love, like trust, can only be, come into comprehended being, past that minimum threshold, too. Socio-psychos do not love…but they are “loved.”

I’m a cog/ito, ergo sum… a cog In Terms Of “authority’s” machine, therefore I am.

“Authority” is “power” is corruption. And that’s a dyad. Tango Foxtrot in the Henhouse.

A few foxes is all it takes to herd millions of hens. And they both practice interspecies “love,” they both put the “best” in bestiality.

  i forget
January 10, 2022 12:53 pm

This never ending fear of death is a major factor.
Let’s say the Two Minute Egg and the Cackler somehow figure out to eliminate Covid deaths henceforth and forever more. Huzzah!!!
Now what? Will no one ever die again? That’s it? Job done, pats on the back, and all that?
Yeah, we all know that’s not how it works.
At least for us. We see the push for VR this and VR that, with the Lizard Boy King ensconced in his new fiefdom in Hawaii waving his VR wand over the zombie masses that eagerly await VR sexual assault and VR Walmart shopping.
We are now being sold Surrogates and The Matrix all rolled into one….and hoping the filet tastes just as good in VR because the soy “meat” we will be forced to eat will probably pale in comparison.
What if….The Lizard Boy King, and his court of creepy sycophants and supporters, along with the shadowy Darth Soros and Darth Clinton WANT us all to submit to eternal “life” in VR? Be anything you want! Be Xey, Xem, Xose! Be a Chestfeeder with purple hair! Perhaps the whole trans-this and trans-that has merely been dress rehearsal for the VR “real deal”?
What is “reality” even going to be defined as anymore?
And will your eternal VR “life” be worth living if you can be punished forever by your shadowy overlords?
If there is no longer any end, what will a beginning look like, and would you even care anymore? Death makes life worth living

i forget
i forget
January 10, 2022 3:37 pm

Feelin’ good’s good enough for millions of she’s & bobby mcgees & that Cypher guy in The Matrix…VRoom VRoom.

Yeah. Especially some deaths.

January 10, 2022 10:09 pm

From what I see of the future from lizard boy they can have my share of it. I will take my future straight up with no additions.

Joey Biden
Joey Biden
January 10, 2022 10:18 am

Governments: biggest purveyors of terror, starvation & death in the history of mankind.
Worst serial murderer EVER is a piker compared to ANY government, past or present, you can name.
That’s reason enough to at least be skeptical.

AL Tru
AL Tru
January 10, 2022 10:52 am

FREEDOM ain’t a t shirt or coffee mug
You can’t kill an Idea

Dangerous Variant
Dangerous Variant
January 10, 2022 1:05 pm

The “government” lol. I don’t trust any government. Only Google. Especially google analytics. Without which my e-commerce shop would have a much harder time targeting Consumers and converting passive visitors into Customers. SEO don’t lie.

Aside from that I trust nothing. Well, maybe Wikipedia. And NPR and the NYT. And other experts with proper credentials. Amazon too, mostly. They deliver the goods.

The only thing George Carlin hated more than the government was the average American wallowing in the dirt of American culture. The funniest thing about him is that he has been claimed by both the cultmarx prog left and the dissident-lite-right as one of our most important social commentators and “thinkers”.

Playing anarchy is good times until the lights go out. All the world a glass house and me with this lonely pile of bricks.

Does the shirt come in 4XL? I have some hard-ass pipe-hitting patriots I’d like to gift them to.