What You Need to Know About the Transhumanist Agenda

Via Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • According to Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF), the goal of The Fourth Industrial Revolution is to change what it means to be human by merging man and machine
  • Humans are now “hackable,” in that technology now exists by which a company or government can know you better than you know yourself, and that can be very dangerous if misused
  • Professor Yuval Noah Harari predicts that algorithms will increasingly be used to make decisions that have historically been made by humans, either yourself or someone else, including whether or not you’ll be hired for a particular job, whether you’ll be granted a loan, what scholastic curriculum you will follow and even who you will marry
  • Harari warns that if we allow the establishment of a digital dictatorship, where the system, be it a corporation or a government, knows the most intimate details about each and every person, it will be impossible to dismantle it. Its control will be total and irreversible
  • If you believe that your thoughts and behavior are and always will remain under your own control, think again. We already have the technology to directly alter thoughts, emotions and behavior

According to Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF), the goal of The Fourth Industrial Revolution1 is to change what it means to be human by merging man and machine. In short, while the term “transhumanism” is not being used, that’s exactly where the global cabal intends to take us, willing or not.

In a November 2019 interview with CNN,2 history professor and bestselling author Yuval Noah Harari, a Klaus Schwab disciple, warned that “humans are now hackable animals,” meaning, the technology now exists by which a company or government can know you better than you know yourself, and that can be very dangerous if misused.

He predicted that algorithms will increasingly be used to make decisions that historically have been made by humans, either yourself or someone else, including whether or not you’ll be hired for a particular job, whether you’ll be granted a loan, what scholastic curriculum you will follow and even who you will marry.

Profound Dangers Ahead

There’s also an ever-increasing risk of being manipulated by these outside forces that you’re not even fully aware of. Looking back over the last two years, it’s rather easy to confirm that mass manipulation is taking place at a staggering scale, and that it’s phenomenally effective.

As noted by Harari in 2019,3 the available capabilities already go far beyond Orwell’s “1984” authoritarian vision, and it’s only going to become more powerful from here. He’s certain that in short order, there will be the ability to monitor your emotional state through something as simple as a wearable wristband.

You may dutifully smile and clap when listening to a speech by a government official, but they’ll know you’re angry or don’t agree with what’s being said, and could therefore take action against you based on your most personal, internal emotions rather than what you outwardly express.

Importantly, Harari warned that if we allow the establishment of this kind of digital dictatorship, where the system, be it a corporation or a government, knows the most intimate details about each and every person, it will be impossible to dismantle it. Its control will be total and irreversible. And, Harari believes we may have only a decade, at most two, to prevent this digital dictatorship from taking over.

Reengineering Life Itself

Harari also discussed the coming transhumanism at the WEF’s 2020 annual meeting in Davos (above), and in this speech, he went even further. Not only does the global elite have the technological capability to create a global digital dictatorship, but “elites may gain the power to reengineer the future of life itself.”

“For four billion years, nothing fundamental changed in the basic rules of the game of life,” he said. “All of life was subject to the laws of natural selection and the laws of organic biochemistry. But this is now about to change.

Science is replacing evolution by natural selection with evolution by intelligent design, not the intelligent design of some god in the clouds, [but] OUR intelligent design, and the design of our ‘clouds,’ the IBM cloud, the Microsoft cloud. These are the new driving forces of evolution.”

It’s hard to determine whether Harari is for or against transhumanism. He speaks of it as an inevitability, and something that can be used for tremendous good. But he also recognizes its profound dangers, and seems to believe we need to discuss how these technological capabilities can be used, and whether they should.

In the featured Davos speech, it sounds as though he’s a proponent of this human intelligent design venture, but in his 2019 interview with CNN, he also stated that “we must never underestimate the stupidity of humans.” The fact that we have the technology to design new life forms, including new kinds of humans, does not necessarily mean that we’re smart enough to design something better than what natural evolution has come up with thus far.

In his Davos speech, Harari also pointed out that science is now enabling us to create life not only in the organic realm but in the inorganic realm as well. We’re talking about “living” robots and the like. He also raises the question as to who “owns” your DNA, if it can be charted and hacked. Does it belong to you, a corporation, or the government?

‘The Days of Free Will Are Over’

Whatever Harari’s true feelings about transhumanism, he emphatically states that the idea that we have a soul and free will, those days “are over.” In other clips that have been inserted into the featured video, Harari predicts that in the future, people will be able to look back and see that the COVID pandemic was the turning point where biological surveillance took over and became norm.

The explanation for how that was able to occur is given by Schwab, who has publicly admitted (see featured video) that participants in the WEF’s Young Global Leaders program have “penetrated the cabinets” of many world governments.

In Canada, for example, about half the politicians, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, have taken Schwab’s training. Schwab is all about ushering in transhumanism and changing what it means to be human, and his minions of global leaders are sure doing everything they can to make those dreams a reality. This is a dystopian future WEF and its global allies are actively trying to implement, whether humanity at large agrees with it or not.

Changing What It Means To Be Human

Schwab dreams of a world in which humans are connected to the cloud, able to access the internet through their own brains. This, of course, also means that your brain would be accessible to people who might like to tinker with your thoughts, emotions, beliefs and behavior, be they the technocratic elite themselves or random hackers.

If you believe that your thoughts and behavior are and always will remain under your own control, think again. We already have the technology to directly alter thoughts, emotions and behavior. Some of these capabilities are described in a 2021 project report by the U.K. Ministry of Defense, created in partnership with the German Bundeswehr Office for Defense Planning.

The report, “Human Augmentation — The Dawn of a New Paradigm, a Strategic Implications Project,”4 reviews the scientific goals of the U.K. and German defense ministries, and they are precisely what the title suggests. Human augmentation is stressed as being a key area to focus on in order to win future wars:5

“Human augmentation will become increasingly relevant, partly because it can directly enhance human capability and behavior and partly because it is the binding agent between people and machines.”

Key words I’d like to draw your attention to are the affirmation that human augmentation can “directly enhance behavior.” If you can enhance behavior, that means you can change someone’s behavior. And if you can change a person’s behavior in a positive way, you can also control it to the person’s own detriment.

Theoretically, absolutely anyone, any random civilian with a brain-to-cloud connection and the needed biological augmentation (such as strength or speed) could be given wireless instructions to carry out an assassination, for example, and pull it off flawlessly, even without prior training.

Alternatively, their physical body could temporarily be taken over by a remote operator with the prerequisite skills. Proof of concept already exists, and is reviewed by Dr. Charles Morgan, professor in the department of national security at the University of New Haven, in the lecture below. Using the internet and brain implants, thoughts can be transferred from one person to another. The sender can also directly influence the physical movements of the receiver.

Project Immortality

Historically, the striving for immortality has been a faith-based venture, based in the idea that the soul is immortal while the body perishes, which is a concept I am in complete alignment with. Transhumanists more or less reverse this idea. They discard the notion of soul altogether and aim for the preservation of the perceived personality, first through radical life extension of the physical body, and later through the transfer of brain data into a replacement form.

According to Dmitry Itskov, the Russian founder of the Immortality 2045 project,6 only 2% of people are ready to accept death — a statistic that he uses to justify the search for immortality through things like artificial organs, artificial body constructs, the simulation of mental processes and, ultimately, the transferring of one’s mind into an artificial carrier.

The goals of this project include not only the creation of the cybernetic technologies needed to achieve an immortal body, but also the creation of “a new philosophical paradigm for humanity.” Schwab has talked about the same thing, using the term “social contract” rather than “philosophical paradigm.”

The Immortality 2045’s vision, published in 2011, starts with the creation of the first robotic copy of a human body that can be remotely controlled by 2020. By 2025, they want an avatar into which the human brain can be transplanted at the end of life. By 2035, they want an avatar with a synthetic brain, into which the human personality can be transferred and, by 2045, they imagine a holographic-like avatar. Itskov says:7

“The aim of the first project, known as ‘Avatar,’ is the creation of a robot copy of a human being controllable through a ‘brain-computer’ interface. When I’m asked to give the gist of this project, I tell people to recall the film ‘Surrogates,’ which depicts a world in which every person has an artificial body that he controls remotely.

The makers of that blockbuster put an accent on the negative side of such a scenario. Nonetheless, the film’s highly graphic demonstration of the idea allows one to get an immediate sense of what it is.”

Does living through an avatar sound like a life devoid of spirituality to you? Not so, Itskov says, because by ending our dependency on our physical bodies, “many things will open up spiritually.” I have my doubts about that, as most spiritual adepts will tell you that being hooked on technology tends to hinder rather than elevate spiritual pursuits, which are most easily achieved by living simply, in close contact with the natural world.

I just don’t foresee being able to elevate spiritually when any number of outside parties can access your brain and dictate what you think, feel and believe. Transhumanists like Itskov tend to focus only on the perceived benefits of synthetic life. For example, he promises that his avatars will be affordable for everyone who wants them, regardless of income bracket.

Yet the WEF has clearly announced that by 2030, nobody will own anything, and while not clearly stated, that will likely even include your own body. So, to think that your avatar would be “yours” is probably unrealistic.

Looked at through the lens of the WEF’s Fourth Industrial Revolution, it seems the plan is for the elite to literally own all of humanity, which will be refashioned to their own liking. And, if people can be hacked and controlled remotely, then we can be sure they will be. That’s particularly true for synthetic or mechanical avatars that can’t “live” or remain “conscious” without a cloud connection.

Resource to Understand the Transhuman Agenda — Blockchained

Corey Lynn is a top-notch investigative journalist who covers topics the mainstream won’t touch, including the transhumanist agenda. On her website, Corey’s Digs,8 you can find select chapters from her book, “Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports.”

Chapter 4 in the book is titled “Blockchained,” which explains what digital identity is all about. Digital ID is not just a piece of identification, with which you can prove who you are. It will collect and monitor ALL of your data, from your personal finances, education, work history, GPS location 24/7, everything you’ve ever typed on your computer, your search history, social media presence, emotional status and physical biometrics, down to your DNA.

I will only cover a minor part of that chapter here, the part on human augmentation and artificial intelligence (AI), so for more, be sure to browse through her website or, better yet, read her book, which can be purchased on her site. The digital PDF is only $9.95 and a print copy is $19.95.

Big Data, Data Sharing and AI

Make no mistake, transhumanism is the ultimate goal of the technocratic elite, and both “big data” and AI are integral components of that. Without one or both of those, the transhumanist dream is dead in the water. The goal of transhumanism is undoubtedly why there’s been so much focus on those two areas in the first place.

So, remember, data gathering, data sharing and AI are not about making your life more convenient. They’re to make you obsolete. The intention is to replace you with a synthetic copy of you that can be remotely controlled.

In 2021, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), an intergovernmental organization that consists of 38 countries that work with various working groups and policy makers, issued a report on the “State of Implementation of the OECD AI principles.” So far, 46 countries have adopted these AI principles.

The strategy is to develop centralized repositories of public datasets in each country, and then enable public-private data sharing to build a vast network where each dataset is connected with all the others.

Biosecurity Will Be Used to Justify Surveillance Tyranny

Another report, by the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (NSCAI), founded “to advance the development of artificial intelligence” and “comprehensively address the national security and defense needs of the United States,” highlights the need to combat digital disinformation and prioritizing biosecurity.

To help with that, a U.S. government-funded supercomputer is being set up at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory under the direction of the Department of Energy. This AI supercomputer can do more than 1 quintillion calculations per second.

Some of this data sharing is already taking place. As noted by Corey, NATO launched an in-house biometrics system for data sharing between nations in November 2020, and in May 2021, the U.S. military merged its biometrics-enabled watch list with the Department of Defense’s automated biometric identification system (ABIS).

“They are working on multi-modal fusion matching and improving biometric face-matching capability through AI and machine learning, and have already improved their long-range infrared cameras,” Corey writes. “Looking toward the near future, they are also focused on palm print biometrics, faces in crowds, integration to identify threats online, and non-traditional latent DNA collection.”

We Need Biometric Privacy Laws NOW

While surveillance science is moving at lightning speed, regulations and privacy laws are trailing at a snail’s pace. A federal biometric privacy bill, the National Biometric Information Privacy Act, was introduced in 2020 but didn’t go anywhere. As noted by Corey, it could be resurrected if enough people speak up.

In the U.S., a handful of states do have biometric privacy laws, Illinois’ being one of the strictest, but the vast majority have no such protections in place. As reported by Corey:

“The Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA) requires private entities to inform people in writing that their information is being collected and stored, what the purpose is, and term for collection and storage, and must secure a written release from the person.

Those same private entities are not allowed to sell, lease, trade, or profit from a person’s biometric information. A person may file suit at $1,000 for each negligent violation or $5,000 for each intentional or reckless violation, plus attorneys’ fees and costs. Actual harm is not required to establish standing.”

Clearly, we need these kinds of protections everywhere, in all states and all countries, because as it stands, the global cabal of transhumanist technocrats are building a data-sharing system that is intended to become global. The lack of legal protections against data collection, analysis and sharing is what allows this reckless expansion of surveillance. As noted by Corey:

“If it’s not crystal clear by now, globalists and eugenicists (sometimes one in the same) are running the show, and they are working very hard at achieving their ultimate desires of a controlled human race, evolution of transhumanism with a strong artificial intelligence taking the place of many humans, while they fly to Mars during their years of immortality, and observe humanity through endless surveillance systems. But their dream only becomes a reality if people allow it to.”

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March 16, 2022 7:13 am

laws are not going to be very effective in stopping this, when those enforcing those laws are the ones pushing this crap. however, the freak show pushing this crap also have no comprehension of how the real world works, of resource limits, or of the fact that this civilization is already slipping down the declining side of overshoot. When reliable grid power and communications starts getting less reliable their ‘cloud’ goes up in smoke. and good riddance! some wild purebloods need to do whatever is necessary to survive in some obscure corners (if thats what it comes to) to reestablish humanity. the people of the machine will be (are already) a lost cause.

March 16, 2022 7:56 am

Think about this transgender thing. The vast majority of people don’t believe it or even think about it until they see boy/girl swimmers, etc. At this point a few more may give it a bit of lip service but that’s all. Totally media generated, not organic

Basically it’s a conditioning exercise to get people in the mode of accepting there is no real personhood, individuals, and that a person with cat genes (augmented or something) is fine and dandy, no problem. Extrapolate from there.

This situation is so planned and diabolical to me it’s obvious Satan is behind it not to mention it’s obviously following the Bible.


March 16, 2022 7:57 am

When you merge human and demon.
comment image

The Duke of New York
The Duke of New York
March 16, 2022 8:28 am

looks like they threw a little toad DNA in there just for fun

  The Duke of New York
March 16, 2022 9:19 am

You should see pictures of him when he was young.

A lot worst looking then now, more like an alien.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
March 16, 2022 8:08 am

It is simply amazing to me how people are clearly unable to discern when someone is telling a lie, or if the speaker telling you some made up story has malintent. The instinct seems to have been bred out of vast swaths of the population.

How do you listen to the words coming out of that face and not recognize immediately a sick and demented soul trapped right beneath the surface of his skin? The pervy aura and calculated meter of his speech are like nails on a chalkboard and yet people are discussing his wild fantasies as if they were some kind of basic truth.

Mind-blowing how deluded and out of touch the population has become.

The Duke of New York
The Duke of New York
March 16, 2022 8:26 am

Humans are already being “hacked”, as clearly evidenced by the vast number that reguritate the propaganda fed to them by their ‘human-machine interface’ (also known coloquially as a cell phone) without ever stopping to analyze that data or to think critically for themselves.

Most of humanity is a lost cause already.

  The Duke of New York
March 16, 2022 12:08 pm

It helps in the instant gratification conditioning.

Also if you ask someone whose phone is permanently stuck to the hand a question they’ll almost immediately find the answer by googling it… ask them the same question 20 minutes later and they’d most likely have to google it again… no retention and easily programmable…

March 16, 2022 12:38 pm

Yeah, and the very first hit on google is taken as divine truth, no need to check for source documentation or to see if there is another view on the matter.

AK John
AK John
  The Duke of New York
March 16, 2022 3:34 pm

Shadowgate talked about this, and Ferguson was the experiment. Here is the link.

Stephen Morgan
Stephen Morgan
March 16, 2022 8:39 am

It may be time to track these monsters down and bring a swift ending to their breathing…

March 16, 2022 8:43 am

The older I get, the more I believe that the human race is a failed experiment. Our disappointment in our fellow humans can only be surmounted by, if we are honest, our disappointment in ourselves…

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
March 16, 2022 1:05 pm

Recognition of the sin condition comes before the solution can be implemented. Thus the downvotes…

  grace country pastor
March 16, 2022 3:17 pm

More religious nonsense…

March 16, 2022 4:37 pm

There’s a saying on Wall Street .. applies across life for that matter . ‘ IF YOU DON’T KNOW, YOU DON’T KNOW.’

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
March 16, 2022 9:51 pm

Truth and religion are two different things.

  grace country pastor
March 16, 2022 6:05 pm


Mary Christine
Mary Christine
March 16, 2022 9:03 am

Whitney Webb covered this guys speech at a tech meeting some time ago. He’s been preaching the “word” of control of humanity for much longer than we know.
The transgender push does factor in to this. They are trying to eliminate everything that makes us human including eliminating as many humans as they can in the process.
They want to remake the world in their twisted image.

This will end well if you are a true follower of Jesus. But the road to that end will be extremely hazardous if you manage to live through it.

  Mary Christine
March 16, 2022 9:21 am

Well, he is a fag.

That’s why “we” must change.

King James
King James
March 16, 2022 9:14 am

Revelation 18:10-13 emphasis added

Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.

And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more:

The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and all manner vessels of ivory, and all manner vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble,

And cinnamon, and odours, and ointments, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses, and chariots, and slaves, and souls of men.

  King James
March 16, 2022 6:08 pm

King James, one of my favorite passages! It brings forth the knowledge that one day God will deal with the elite scum. For the meek shall inherit the earth.

March 16, 2022 9:19 am

“We Need Biometric Privacy Laws NOW” From my experience that has got to be one of the most hilarious statements I have ever read. To little to late. Only God can help us now! And as far as me and my house, I will praise Him for victory over the enemy!

March 16, 2022 10:05 am

You are delusional. There is no god as you imagine, and no one is going to save you, because you along with everyone else lack the courage to fight for yourselves.

March 16, 2022 10:33 am

I wish I could upvote AND downvote this comment.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
March 16, 2022 1:07 pm

Oh well, I voted up your other comment.

March 16, 2022 10:50 am

Looking back over the last two years, it’s rather easy to confirm that mass manipulation is taking place at a staggering scale

Mass manipulation has been going on for as long as I can remember. They have only ramped it up recently with the advent of the internet & then social media (“Arab Spring” comes to mind). They know you better than you know yourself, especially if you don’t take steps to safeguard your privacy. (ie ad blockers, cookie shredders, etc…). And of course the devils know their time is short so they want to drag as many down to hell with them as possible. I’ll see you all burn soon.


Here’s the math….


March 16, 2022 12:00 pm

This is war that has been declared upon the great unwashed of humanity . Our choices are very simple accept and obey , be killed , Our third option Go To Ground with gorilla warfare tactics of non compliance cut the wires , throw sand in all their gear boxes .!
To think we will not be forced to go HOT to regain our rights and freedoms is sadly a foolish notion . Peaceful protest and petitioning government to legitimately be heard and considered is long past .
Let’s hope somewhere in our country are enough military active or not people still un poisoned physically & mentally by what our system of government has spiraled down to what it has become !

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
March 16, 2022 1:16 pm

This is what happens when Christ the Creator is removed from the minds of men.

Genesis 3:4-5 KJB… “And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.”

At the end of the day it’s a really simple problem with a really simple solution. Always has been… Mind blowing how people can’t see this. These people think they are gods manipulating that which He created. It will not end well for them.

  grace country pastor
March 16, 2022 4:39 pm

Seems to me the entire first chapter of the Book of Romans is more appropriate and timely. But that’s just me.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
March 16, 2022 10:00 pm

I’m pretty certain Paul is describing the world at the time of Genesis 11 in Romans 1. Have a look and see if you agree.

Abram (descendant of Eber the Shem-ite) was called in chapter 12… and thus began the promises made to the Hebrew people.

In Romans 2 he begins to hammer his own.

  grace country pastor
March 17, 2022 7:35 pm

The Hebrew peoples were shattered for their sins and only imposters remain.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
March 18, 2022 1:13 pm

Romans 11:11-12 KJB… “I say then, Have they stumbled that they should fall? God forbid: but rather through their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy. Now if the fall of them be the riches of the world, and the diminishing of them the riches of the Gentiles; how much more their fulness?”

Some old ones will be back, much to the delight of a world under the wrath of God.

Mark 13:20 KJB… “And except that the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh should be saved: but for the elect’s sake, whom he hath chosen, he hath shortened the days.”

March 16, 2022 6:01 pm

My days of freewill will be over when I keep my appointment with the undertaker, which is right after my appointment with the uppertaker, the Lord Jesus Christ. I have left instructions for the undertaker to administer my first round of covid vaccine. Can’t be to safe in a dark damp coffin.

March 16, 2022 6:14 pm

On burial, you’ll be properly socially distanced… therefore safe…

March 17, 2022 2:22 am

You cannot hack man and machine anymore you can make oil and water mix. CLOD Schwab is LYING to you. The meathead just wants YOUR STUFF.

He has said it and is the most hypocritical crap you could ever hear.

March 17, 2022 5:37 am

Massively missing the point! No one can trap the human spirit, and why would you want to. The control freakiness just never stops. And what happens when the cloud goes down and there’s no one functional (because the cloud went down) to fix it? I plan to ignore them.