Reckoning With Insanity, Part Two

You don’t have to be David to fight Goliath, and you don’t have to be Atlas to shrug.

Guest Post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

Part One

The Russian military doesn’t do shock and awe. It does grind, advance . . . and win. Contrary to Western propaganda, it is well on its way to achieving its objectives in Ukraine. In what looks like a watershed moment, most of the holdouts at the Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol recently surrendered. (The New York Times couldn’t bring itself to use the term “surrender” in its account of the capitulation.) This gives Russia a land corridor on the Black Sea from southwestern Russia to the Crimean Peninsula.

Left to their own devices the Russians and Ukrainians would eventually reach an agreement that leaves eastern and southern Ukraine in Russia’s hands or closely aligned with it as one or more autonomous states, with pledges from what remained of Ukraine not to join NATO or station nuclear weapons on its territory. Some such resolution was available before the war began. Facts on the ground mean it would now be more far more favorable to Russia than it would have been if war had never started. The war may cost Ukraine direct access to the Black Sea.

The $40 billion war appropriation indicates that the U.S. has no intention of leaving Ukraine and Russia to their own devices. Instead, the U.S. wants to promote a long Ukrainian insurgency that drains Russia politically and economically and in the best of all possible worlds, topples Putin. The concern has been expressed that backed into a corner, madman Putin might then take the conflict nuclear. The more pressing concern: that is the outcome America’s madmen and madwomen want. A generally unrecognized possibility (in the Western media) is that it could be the American contingent who find themselves backed into a corner.

The U.S. may get its Ukrainian quagmire, but it would be a quagmire for both sides, with all sorts of unintended consequences and ramifications. Is the Biden administration adroit enough to create a tar baby for the Russians without getting itself stuck? Is the Biden administration adroit enough to turn on the White House’s Christmas tree lights? As it became clear that Vietnam was a quagmire, some advocated a nuclear strike on North Vietnam. Finding itself stuck, whoever makes the decisions may decide, unlike the Vietnam experience, that nuclear escalation, either outright or in response to a false flag, is just the answer for the situation.

That danger is heightened by the obvious boomerang of the sanctions imposed on Russia. A leading exporter of grains, oil, natural gas, and minerals, the sanctions and Western fiat debt creation have jacked up the prices Russia receives and left the nation with large current account surpluses. Linking the ruble to gold and insisting on payment in rubles were adroit moves, and the ruble’s exchange value is now higher than it was before Russia invaded Ukraine. By population most of the rest of the world, including China and India, are either actively supporting Russia or refusing to align with the U.S. bloc.

Cutting themselves off from Russian exports, the U.S. and Europe are scrambling for substitutes that in some cases are unavailable at any price and in other cases present problems of quality, reliability of delivery, or suitability for existing infrastructure. For instance, refineries can’t take just any old oil. They are built for certain grades, a fact to which Western policymakers seem oblivious. Rising prices present a host of real economy problems, including compressed margins, that are being reflected in sinking Western stock and bond markets as stagflation looms.

Counterproductive is not a strong enough adjective for Western moves, they’ve been suicidal. If the goal was to force an existential choice on Putin, they may instead force on existential moment on all of us, about which we’ll have no choice. Amidst crashing economies and financial markets, sky-high unemployment, civil unrest, debt funding unavailable or available only at ruinous interest rates, fiat currencies reaching their intrinsic value—zero—and war raging that has leapt its borders in Ukraine and spread out in all directions, can it be said with certainly that our cornered rulers wouldn’t push the nuclear button?

Advocates of nuclear warfare usually talk of “tactical” nuclear weapons—just another bomb in the arsenal. The enemy would supposedly either surrender after their use or limit its counterstrike to similar bombs. The U.S. does have a low-yield nuclear bomb, the B61-3, whose blast can be limited to .3 kilotons, the energy release of 300 tons of TNT. That’s one-fiftieth of the 15-kiloton yield that destroyed Hiroshima.

However, the yield on the B61-3 can be “dialed-up” to 170 kilotons, over 11 times the Hiroshima bomb’s yield, and the U.S.’s highest yielding bomb is 1200 kilotons, 1.2 megatons, 80 times the Hiroshima bomb’s yield. The U.S. tested a 15 megaton bomb, Castle Bravo, in 1954, and the Soviet Union tested bombs in 1961 and 1962 with yields ranging from 20 megatons to the Tsar Bomba’s 50 megatons. That’s over 2,600 times the yield of the Hiroshima bomb. They don’t need bombs that big now because missiles can carry multiple warheads, which can be independently targeted. Ten 1.2 megaton warheads would be 12 megatons.

No assurances can be offered that conflict wouldn’t escalate after the first nuclear weapon was detonated. Start tossing megaton-yield bombs around and the casualties would range from millions of people, assuming population centers were bombed, to the elimination of the human race. Even if the blasts themselves didn’t wipe us out, fallout, radiation poisoning, nuclear winter, and the destruction of agriculture might. To advocate use of nuclear weapons that could lead to humanity’s extinction is insane.

Insane, but not inexplicable. Why has the Ruling Caste buried the world in debt that is destroying the global economy? Why are they inflicting deadly medical and pharmacological nightmares? Why are we being forced to abandon nuclear and fossil-fuel power for intermittent and less efficient wind and solar power, which require environmentally unsound extraction, production, and energy-storage technologies? Why is the production and processing of food under attack? Why do they openly embrace massive population reduction and the impoverishment and enslavement of those who are left alive? Why are individual rights relentlessly attacked while collectivism, the separation of income from production, equality of outcomes, status dictated by race, ethnicity, and gender rather than merit, the elimination of personal privacy, and perverse sexual propensities and practices promoted and inflicted on children? Why have they started a war that could lead to the annihilation of the human race?

We keep returning to the same answer.

They want to rule you because they want to kill you because they want to kill existence and themselves. Hard as it may be to comprehend, don’t we know them by their works: by the slavery, carnage, and wars they’ve imposed, the freedoms they’ve robbed, the joy they’ve extinguished? Look at the world with eyes wide open. What do you see?

The Last Gasp,” Robert Gore, SLL, 3/24/20

What you see is the only explanation that fits. They are trying to kill themselves and everyone else: suicidal genocide. Don’t choke on this last red pill, although it’s the hardest to swallow. It leaves you standing at the edge of an abyss, a soulless void, but it has the virtue of explanation. And it leaves you with certainty: you must protect yourself and those you love—you’re stronger than you think, and fight them with everything you have—they’re weaker than you, or they, think.

There is no way to prepare for nuclear holocaust and you might not want to be one of the survivors. If humanity stops short of that final destination we must do everything we can to fight our suicidal murderers. Murderous hatred builds nothing, it only destroys. Tax theft, regulatory extortion, and mountains of debt that will never be repaid mark their inability to produce. They need us for that. It’s the linchpin of their schemes for subjugation and our point of attack.

Many people don’t realize that when they deposit the debt-scrip that’s absurdly called money into a financial institution, their only claim on that scrip is as an unsecured creditor of the institution. The institution is free to lend or invest that scrip and their recipients often lend or invest it again. In this way debt pyramids and systemic leverage builds. When the system crashes, as it eventually must, depositors are told to take a number. Perhaps they’ll receive a fraction of the scrip they deposited. Or perhaps not.

It is a matter of some urgency that the payers apply their leverage while they still have it. Simply put, they need to bankrupt the government before the government bankrupts them. On present course it will go broke, perhaps sooner than most people expect. In its desperate rapacity, it will seize every stream of income and asset it can get its kleptocratic hands on. It is incumbent on those with streams of income and assets to launch a preemptive strike or lose everything, which would surely usher in that dystopian apocalypse.

Revolution in America,” Robert Gore, SLL, January 7, 2015

You don’t have to be David to fight Goliath and you don’t have to be Atlas to shrug. In “Revolution in America,” I made the case that withdrawal of scrip en masse from America’s highly leveraged financial system would undermine the foundation of the Ruling Caste’s tawdry empire. I’m not going to make that case again—interested readers can click the link—but it still stands. In a system as leveraged as ours, mass withdrawal, a preemptive bank run, would be David’s rock and sling.

The situation is more urgent now because Americans will soon be denied yet another freedom—the freedom to withdraw their money from their bank or other financial institution. What’s rarely mentioned in the discussions of central bank digital currencies is that digital scrip will be electronically trapped. Bank withdrawals will be tightly controlled and runs will be no more permitted than disclosures of government criminality or criticisms of the Ruling Caste.

Right now you can withdraw scrip from the system and turn it into Real Money: physical gold or silver. Perhaps you want to keep enough in the system for the transactional convenience of paying your bills. If you take out the rest—your savings—and buy precious metals, with one toss of the rock you’ve increased your personal freedom and autonomy from the government while waging war against it. And it’s legal . . . for now.

The government is bankrupt. Its only remaining financial strategies are rapacious taxation, endless central bank debt monetization, and consequently, infinite log (99.99999999999⇾ percent) scrip debasement, which leads to the outcome Washington Irving described so well.

Could this delusion always last, the life of a merchant would indeed be a golden dream; but it is as short as it is brilliant. Let but a doubt enter, and the “season of unexampled prosperity” is at end. The coinage of words is suddenly curtailed; the promissory capital begins to vanish into smoke; a panic succeeds, and the whole superstructure, built upon credit and reared by speculation, crumbles to the ground, leaving scarce a wreck behind:

“It is such stuff as dreams are made of.”

Washington Irving, “The Crayon Papers,” 1820

As the “promissory capital” vanishes the financial system implodes—it too will be bankrupt because bankrupt governments are its ultimate guarantor. The question is not whether or not it will implode, but whether you choose to be an instigator or a victim of the implosion. You can protect yourself, withdraw your scrip, and exchange it for real-money gold or silver. If enough people do that it’s a run and the rickety edifice collapses. Or you can keep your money within the system. In the dead of night a law or regulation is announced and the next day your scrip is “bailed-in” or converted to central bank digital scrip, which is the same thing. Good luck to you after that.

Collapsed governments won’t have the wherewithal to implement a Great Reset nor, it is to be hoped, wage nuclear war. The collectivist left has long dreamed of collapsing government—Cloward-Piven, Saul Alinsky, and all that—which would be replaced by bigger, supposedly better, but actually more tyrannical government that they control.

The Principled Productive can play Collapse the Government as well, and far better, because government depends on their productivity and amidst the rubble they will be the ones who can actually build back better. Atlases will greet efforts to resurrect and “improve” collapsed welfare-warfare states not with shrugs but with firearms and other weaponry, some of it seized from those collapsed states. In successful enclaves freedom will be the order of the day, simply because freedom works by allowing those who work to work, and there will be much work to be done.

It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.

Samuel Adams

I and other bloggers are sometimes criticized as keyboard warriors who only highlight problems without proposing solutions. Okay, here’s a strategy at least, although it’s not a complete solution: attack the Ruling Caste and their governments at their weakest point—indebtedness and inability to produce. I can’t envision a solution that wouldn’t require the commitment and action of a Samuel Adams’ “tireless minority,” which would still have to number in the millions. However, this strategy has the virtues of present legality, no bloodshed, implementation by individuals in whose interests it would clearly be, and compounding effectiveness as more individuals participate. It can be a personal first step, self-protection that takes the initiative against those who would enslave or kill us. These isolated sparks might then become brushfires that merge into a conflagration.

If anyone has a better idea, the forum is yours in the comments section.

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June 2, 2022 4:07 pm

To hell with liberal democracy. To hell with NATO and the EU. To hell with our own deep state. And definitely to hell with globalism. And for that matter, to hell with Europe – there is no need for one more drop of American blood spilled on that continent and let them kill each other.

And most of all – to hell with the Federal Reserve System and its owners in the City of London Corporation and NYC.

ran t 7
ran t 7
June 2, 2022 4:45 pm

need some positive goal in there somewhere. condemning your enemies does not build your own nation.

  ran t 7
June 2, 2022 6:03 pm

To hell with nations. When states lost their sovereignty we became an empire.

Start building up your local community. It’s city-state time again.

June 4, 2022 11:48 am

Indeed, “Balkanization” is pitting EU nations against each other and may be a precusor to what lies in fate for The Republic.

  ran t 7
June 2, 2022 6:47 pm

Agreed but it can help destroy theirs and we are currently living in their nation.

ran t 7
ran t 7
June 2, 2022 7:11 pm

no, it’s our nation. they’re just wearing it like a skin suit. like they always do. we must take it back.

  ran t 7
June 4, 2022 12:25 pm

The US ‘nation’s and ‘states’ stand void of any officers within that bounded contractual capacity. “No state shall make any Thing but gold and silver coin a tender in the payment of debts” that is the LAW that officers of that capacity voluntary obligate upon themselves to hold that capacity, yet on their first pay check paying for the debt of their time on duty they accept a fraudulent unlawful tender instead of the lawful tender they OBLIGATED upon themselves to uphold. This puts every single man and woman claiming office in that entity in BREACH OF DUTY and therefore no longer within that lawfully bound capacity. This breach is active and ongoing for EVERY man and woman claiming that office which means that ALL offices stand EMPTY of any officers.

It is self-evident fact that a man/woman cannot be in breach of a contractual bound capacity and remain honorably within that capacity simultaneously. All claims of being Officers by those in breach of the bound duty of those Offices is fraud and therefore nullified, void with no standing in a law abiding reality.

ALL who are fraudulently claiming those offices deserve indictment, prosecution, conviction and the appropriate consequences. Given the fact that debasement of US currency is a death penalty offense per the Coinage Act of 1792 means that the on-going breach is a capital crime meaning that at this very moment we have criminal men and women who fraudulently claim to be ‘honorable’ ‘judges’ actively committing death penalty offenses while they are determining the guilt or innocence of people charged with ‘crimes’. This is what Americans are allowing right now. This is total and utter failure, complete lawlessness and per divine justice tyranny will be our teacher of the consequences of lawlessness until the law is upheld and proper lawful remedy realized.

America has failed. There is no one remaining within the lawful bounds of US or State capacities.

  ran t 7
June 2, 2022 9:39 pm

At this point, the positive goal (if I understand Mr. Gore’s message) is to take care of your immediate family and/or circle of friends and neighbors, and hold any stored energy/assets in something other than fiat currency in a “financial account”

And be of good cheer – we get to humiliate, torture and kill all the “bankers” later on. After all, you can’t be too careful!

June 2, 2022 6:32 pm

The coming vaccine die-off will provide a unique window of opportunity to set things straight once again. It will not be fun.

ran t 7
ran t 7
June 2, 2022 7:12 pm

“unique window of opportunity”

such a positive spin on such a mass-fatality event ….

  ran t 7
June 2, 2022 8:00 pm

It is what it is.

June 4, 2022 7:48 am

If there is a die-off (and I hope there won’t be), then the globalist psychopaths have miscalculated. The sheep will be dead and the hungry, vengeful wolverines will be left alive.

June 4, 2022 11:08 am

That is why they will come hard for the guns and they won’t stop until either we stop them or they get them. They can’t activate the FEMA camp network and implement Phase II unless we are disarmed.

June 4, 2022 11:50 am

Alex, I’ll take high-IQ wolverines over dumb sheep every time.

ran t 7
ran t 7
June 7, 2022 6:09 pm

not if the wolverines see you as a sheep. and they will.

June 5, 2022 1:53 pm

If these numbers are not exaggerated then they are truly frightening. This could be why corporations are refusing to spend capital to increase production of anything – demand will collapse over the next 2 to 4 years.

Rise Up
Rise Up
June 7, 2022 1:17 pm

Your link requires a NYT account or login with Facebook.

Fuck both of those.

William Bonnie
William Bonnie
June 2, 2022 8:33 pm

Amen! To add to that not one drop of American blood spilt to fight Russia who othewise is not the average Americans enemy. Just the currupt socalled euro and american democracies governments along with their owners enemy. This mess would be over by now if not for the endless funding and weapons poured in by Biden and the EU, and the threat of nuclear and biological weapons stationed in Ukraine threatening Russians borders and capital.

June 2, 2022 11:07 pm

“To hell with …”

Seriously, what does that even mean ….. in terms of action(s) which can be taken?

June 3, 2022 4:24 pm

comment image

June 3, 2022 8:48 pm

Lol. We shall see…

June 2, 2022 5:48 pm

America has turned into a mass of mindless comfort creatures. Waive a flag on the 4th of July while holding your Starbucks latte and munching on your triple cheeseburger with bacon and lo and behold you render yourself a patriot. Speak up or raise your voice for for freedom……no no no. Can’t do that. The government says that is hatred and it could be racist and America can’t do that. We’ve become a nation of wimps who sit and criticize or blame Putin but never whisper a contrary word against those who lead us. Get a shot, let the immigrants cross the border without recourse, school teachers will do whatever they think is right to educate our children because they don’t need parents approval, do everything you can to save the earth from climate change, don’t believe that other political party because we know they’re wrong, blame Putin for a terrible economy, and don’t put all of your faith in God. Oh…..Don’t bother to wave your flag anymore.

June 3, 2022 8:28 am

I’m 60,and I’m done,I’m out amd I’m NOT participating anymore….
I am not rich amd will probably be homeless soon……they can’t have my labor,my skills,my money(sic) or anything else for that matter…
I will NOT FEED THE BEAST anymore!Consent Withdrawn!
What we as Americams have allowed to occur in this countryis EVIL,continued participation meams YOUR EVIL TOO!!!
God sees it no other way…..

June 3, 2022 10:10 am

Your not alone, exempt yourselves today from the hideous beast system.

Menticide is real.

June 3, 2022 12:56 pm

Your Atlas has shrugged nobly. Hold your head high: I am right behind you.

June 2, 2022 6:00 pm

They want to rule you because they want to kill you because they want to kill existence and themselves. Hard as it may be to comprehend, don’t we know them by their works: by the slavery, carnage, and wars they’ve imposed, the freedoms they’ve robbed, the joy they’ve extinguished? Look at the world with eyes wide open. What do you see?

Best assessment of the situation I’ve heard. They’re psychopathic nihilists.

Since they’re not rational actors–merely agents of chaos–it’s impossible to strategize against their schemes. Best to stay off the battlefield they’ve chosen and shrug it off in Galt’s Gulch.

Of course the nuclear hazard is real. Only way we can minimize that is to help accelerate their self-destruction. Even the most clueless lemming will refuse to press the button if it’s become undeniably clear the order-givers have betrayed them (i.e. their Air Force paycheck has become worthless, they can’t feed their family, and they can’t drive to work).

Red River D
Red River D
June 2, 2022 7:14 pm

From the OP: “…they want to kill existence and themselves…”

From your reply: “…Best assessment of the situation I’ve heard. They’re psychopathic nihilists…”

It is the best assessment because it’s the only assessment equal to the reality of our situation. But to recognize an enemy having as its goal the utter destruction of BEING, and then to qualify that enemy merely as psychopathic nihilists misses the major point. Psychopathic nihilists they most certainly are. But the ONLY way to rightly and adequately define the nature of the evil at issue here, is to view the entire matter through a valid theological lens.

Anti-Being is, at its core, the signal identifying characteristic of The Beast, The Red Dragon from the Bible. Being itself is, at its core, the signal identifying characteristic of the Living God, He who has made Himself known to us in the Bible.

That’s what we’re up against. And the agenda of God’s Enemy is rightly described in the OP, namely, the complete elimination of existence, of Being itself. But the only way to eliminate Being is to destroy all of creation and to eliminate the Author of that creation — to eliminate God Himself.

That’s what’s at stake here. That’s what the battle is about. But to recognize the battle and to ascribe to it any other animating principle than the conflict between I AM and the anti-I AM, is to misunderstand the nature of reality in this world.

Like it or not, every man every woman every child gets to participate in this War. Either we know that to be true and we proceed accordingly, or we expose ourselves to a rabid pernicious wickedness ready to exploit our ignorance to our own terrible disadvantage.

  Red River D
June 2, 2022 8:39 pm

Right, this is certainly another turning in the age-old battle between good and evil. And yes, the devil’s MO is to enact polar opposition to all that is good, real, true, holy. But let’s not confuse the third-rate pawns compromised by this madness for the evil one himself.

Spoiler alert: Good wins in the end. Humanity has been here before. Yes, we have our parts to play, but that largely amounts to our daily choices of faith and works. And I believe offense is the best defense. Help others instead of being a passive target for temptation to self-absorption; Build when faced with destruction; Live when faced with death; Love when faced with hate.

Obviously the practical implications of all this get dicey, but we’ve got the best ally. Be a moving target: focus on spreading your roots where you’ve been planted rather than getting distracted by staring into the abyss.

June 3, 2022 4:31 pm

Yep, yep, and yep.
Even if they manage to wipe out the human race entirely, I’d call it a draw – as evil wouldn’t survive that either.

June 4, 2022 7:51 am

The first realization to make is that voting won’t change this. All the GOP yahoos are salivating over a second Trump term and a wipeout in November, but these will change nothing. The DS is too deep. We need to build alternative societies and let the swine wither on the vine.

ran t 7
ran t 7
June 7, 2022 6:13 pm

“Humanity has been here before”

I’ve wondered who else has been here before, and how many ….

  Red River D
June 6, 2022 7:38 pm

Bellum omnium contra omnes – The war of all against all.

June 4, 2022 7:50 am

“Best to stay off the battlefield they’ve chosen and shrug it off in Galt’s Gulch.” The battlefield is the whole world. Hard to stay off it.

June 4, 2022 12:12 pm

Those who choose to go gray will be able to hide in plain sight.

June 4, 2022 11:11 pm

And nobody gets out of here alive anyway. Solzhenitsyn said it very well:

Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me.

ran t 7
ran t 7
June 7, 2022 6:14 pm

you won’t be able to go gray.

Note from Nevada
Note from Nevada
June 2, 2022 6:18 pm

I’m concerned with ‘money’ basically being electronic digits that can be ‘frozen’ at any time by the powers that be.
That this tool could be used for everything from firearm confiscation to control everyday life, travel/what we can and can’t buy etc……………..

  Note from Nevada
June 3, 2022 6:35 pm

Exactly! The truckers in Canada are clear examples of the pitfall of going cashless. Instituting the Chinese system of social scoring is not far fetched, not a conspiracy theory.

June 3, 2022 6:52 pm

Not just the truckers, those who supported them too.

Now with the NDP backing the Liberals, there is no meaningful opposition. Liberals want, NDP makes it so. The media is just a government propaganda outlet, the justice system is totally corrupt and politicized. The country is lost. No election will fix it.

Canada is a totalitarian dictatorship. I challenge anyone to show that it is not.

Sure, you can vote (LOL), but in between votes, you have zero say.

June 4, 2022 2:54 pm

That rat bastard just extended the travel ban for another month thanks to his deal with Jagmeet Singh (a fucking proven terrorist).
I am unvaxxed. I am not allowed to leave Canada. Fly on a plane, get on a train or ferry. Our banks can take our money at their discretion and without due process of any kind. Handguns are now outlawed along with over 1500 other types of rifle.
The world saw what happened with the convoy. They know what is going on now. No one cares. We’d rather build gulags here and send money to Ukraine.
And this psycho was re-elected.
Not by the west but by Toronto in our fixed voting system. They don’t have to steal anything here in The Great White North to win. Just play by the old parliamentary rules and call it a day.
Where are our friends now? Silence.
We deserve it.

From Alberta and now stuck in the belly of the beast in Toronto (our Portland).

June 4, 2022 3:15 pm

Handguns are not outlawed. I still have mine. It is a ban on acquiring/transferring handguns and it is not in effect yet. Turdo caused thousands more handguns to be sold with his announcement.

If you can find one in stock, you can still buy one in Canada. Good luck finding anything popular now though.

Lots of people with only one handgun are buying a second. I suspect one will be “lost or stolen” before the actual confiscation legislation comes along. And it is coming.

June 2, 2022 6:24 pm

All decent people need to stop sanctioning their own victimhood. Ayn Rand was dead on, but her atheist tendencies unfortunately ignored the reality that the looters & parasites only come after the demon-possessed Luciferians stir the pot. They ARE intent on destroying all that’s good. Christians intuitively know this and there is nothing new under the sun. They simply have the ability to create more destruction & death than in the past.

June 3, 2022 4:32 pm

And you are convinced she overlooked that accidentally?

daniel bjorndahl
daniel bjorndahl
June 3, 2022 9:32 pm

exactly. people in tune to the truth – believers in freedom – are led to believe that atheism is also in line with the economic, political and psychological truths of her texts

June 2, 2022 6:30 pm

“Is the Biden administration adroit enough to create a tar baby for the Russians without getting itself stuck?”

Adroit? ROTFLMAO. Biden’s shoelaces are knotted to his scrotum. This “Administration” is a fustercluck on autopilot. It’s stuck in FuckitUP and Build Back Bullshit. We’ll wind up stuck in a European war and a Chinese war at the same time. But not over 4 drones.

The Biden Admin, AKA WEF, loves getting stuck – stuck with a gazillion ‘Illegals’ to feed, house, educate, and medicate while ignoring the needs of the tax-paying middle class; stuck with mass-produced, overeducated idiots who live with mom and protest mostly peacefully; stuck with campaign-funding corruption that keeps any U.S. Representative from serving anyone but contributors; stuck with schools that mollify psychotropic-addled children full of rage; stuck with a coddled racial underclass that retards every intellectual pursuit while CRT-blaming their pan-generational failures on people who are NOT permitted to call a nigga a tar baby.

The United States of America is dead. Nobody is going to rest in peace in this country until it is buried.

A world of derision attends the muck stuck to Biden’s Afghani exit after he face-planted into a Taliban tar baby.

But as long as Putin is running Russia’s Special Military Operation in the Ukraine, Europe is safe from Russian missiles. Even if Uncle Sham/Biden contributes advanced weapons to this proxy war. Putin’s response will be asymmetrical, perhaps judo-tossing USA’s 900 troops occupying Syria onto a hypersonic BBQ.

Under International Law our troops in Syria are extinguishable without penalty. Nobody invited them; they are invaders stealing oil.

If our advanced weapons score a big hit on Russian troops in the Ukraine, Russia’s would wipe our shit out of the fertile crescent.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
June 2, 2022 8:05 pm

Your post has made Auntie’s evening.

Red River D
Red River D
  Aunt Acid
June 2, 2022 11:39 pm

A salty fella who pays attention and can think and write coherently, can cut through the fog of Babylon’s clown flatulence with ease.

Harrington Richardson: Gimme Sachwerte!
Harrington Richardson: Gimme Sachwerte!
June 2, 2022 7:06 pm

Great part 2. Actual action ideas based in reality. That ‘s something you don’t see every day!

Marcus Chapman
Marcus Chapman
June 2, 2022 8:01 pm

When you are hungry, is it better to have a bushel of wheat or a coin of gold? A starving person would rather have the wheat. Always remember the Jews in Germany could not buy their way out and they had lots of gold. The strong will just take your gold. The only thing that can save the US is blood shed. If we do not start watering the tree of liberty soon, it will die.

  Marcus Chapman
June 2, 2022 8:25 pm

I can’t carry, much less grind a bushel of wheat into anything I could eat
I’ll take the gold.

June 2, 2022 11:07 pm

you’d be scarfing that wheat by the handfuls if you were hungry. Enough.

Then again, Tungsten cores of various shapes/sizes might be very nutritious.

Steve Z.
Steve Z.
  Marcus Chapman
June 3, 2022 12:29 am

Many Jews bought their way out with gold and jewels. The ones left had no gold to buy passage or waited too long.

Cokeye Nick
Cokeye Nick
  Steve Z.
June 3, 2022 10:29 pm

Though you speak truth, to what country do we go if we too buy our way out? Many expats have found freedom and the people very friendly in Costa Rica, Mexico etc. Will they be friendly once we cause world wide economic collapse & famine?

  Cokeye Nick
June 4, 2022 12:23 pm

The Miami Cubans have a saying for this: “No my yob” which, loosely translates as “It’s not my fault”.

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
  Marcus Chapman
June 3, 2022 6:43 am

Actually, that is not true even by official account (if you believe that). There were plenty of Jews who bribed or paid for right of passage, were helped by the Vatican, got fake papers, bought transatlantic boat tickets, shipped their children to farmers in the country to be hidden, etc, all for gold jewelry or coins. Real money will always be valued by someone.

  Marcus Chapman
June 4, 2022 7:53 am

Not true. Most rich Jews who had eyes to see managed to get out. They lost all their gold and all their property and businesses, but they got out.

June 4, 2022 11:59 pm

Young Madeleine Albright got out – in part due to the hospitality of the Serbian people.

More than a little bitter irony with that one.

Two if by sea.
Two if by sea.
June 2, 2022 11:03 pm

Thank you Robert , for another fine post. Your idea of draining the banks liquidity has been subscribed to in this corner and is stupid simple.
If the choir hasn’t already done that then that’s their tough shit. How lazy can people afford to be?

Steve Z.
Steve Z.
  Robert Gore
June 3, 2022 12:36 am

Daniel Ammerman CPA,has already made the case the savings people think they have when looking at financial statements is already illusory. Most of the money has already been taken and only time until realization is left of it.

Red River D
Red River D
  Steve Z.
June 3, 2022 11:26 am

Ten thousand rats all think that piece of cheese over there belongs to themselves alone.

  Red River D
June 4, 2022 11:24 am

Paper gold?

Harrington Richardson: Gimme Sachwerte!
Harrington Richardson: Gimme Sachwerte!
June 4, 2022 12:40 pm

It would be truly over if it came down to cheese being hypothecated. Probably more like baby formula. Oh we have lots of baby formula just that it’s all for the invaders. The “LAW” says we have to provide for them if we don’t throw them back over the border. Why not throw them back over the border then?”Uh, Uh, we don’t know why but you’re a racist!. A Christian Nationalist.” Some Black hog with long blonde streaked hair was trying that one out the other day. Sounds double good to me. Christians that stand for a sovereign nation.

Two if by sea.
Two if by sea.
  Robert Gore
June 3, 2022 10:42 am

Tough but learned decision.

Cokeye Nick
Cokeye Nick
  Robert Gore
June 3, 2022 10:35 pm

I too are doing so. Don’t laugh at me but even nails, screws, simple hand tools will almost be as valuable as PMs come the collapse. Anything tangible & useful will be of almost infinite value to fiat 0s & 1s in a banks data center. I stack PMs. I also stack useful items as I mentioned above. I also stack ammo. Ammo may, I stress may, be more fungible than AU come the collapse

Harrington Richardson: Gimme Sachwerte!
Harrington Richardson: Gimme Sachwerte!
  Cokeye Nick
June 4, 2022 1:33 pm

Sachwerte, one of my favorite topics! How many rimfires for a loaf of bread? 1, 2, 3? Runaway inflation would get a box of .22’s to ten and then twenty Dollars in a flash. Weimar type inflation the sky is literally the limit. The US no longer mines lead. It’s all reclaimed or imported. Treehuggers want copper bullets or some green shit the Clintons tried to stick us with from China back in the 90’s. Copper of course is very expensive too.

  Cokeye Nick
June 5, 2022 9:44 am

I closed out the 401K 2 years ago when I saw this coming, and put it into hard assets like old good running truck, chainsaw, water barrels tied to all the downspouts, second woodstove, and big gate on the driveway, neighbors looked askance but are slowly coming around. I am learning to make homemade pea soup, its easy and nourishing and bulk split peas are very cheap and store forever, and am growing potatoes in a large rubber watering tank, only small problem here is deer trail on the property and they eat everything that’s not completely fenced including the top..

Socratic Dog
Socratic Dog
June 7, 2022 5:19 am

Umm, having meat around is not generally considered a problem.

The Orangutan
The Orangutan
  Cokeye Nick
June 7, 2022 9:17 am

If that becomes true I’ll make out OK. My hand tools might number almost 1000! Can trade for food, maybe?

ran t 7
ran t 7
  The Orangutan
June 7, 2022 6:20 pm

no. keep the tools, trade work for food.

June 2, 2022 11:14 pm

When speeding down a road, the windshield is larger than the rearview mirror because more focus must be applied toward the destination in lieu of where the journey began.

However, kidnapped passengers in the backseat…. as long as they are not blinded or asleep… can use the rearview mirror and windshield to determine trajectory and speed, respectively.

Furthermore, trajectory, speed, and distance can be better analyzed as time passes.

If the U.S. could be compared to a Greyhound bus speeding down a dead-end highway, it was hijacked long ago with Americans, as the passengers, still inside mostly asleep and blinded (i.e. deceived).

Trump was a phony mechanic who cut the brake lines while ostensibly trying to fix them. He was a preamble to the Great Reset that officially began when five Democratic-Party-controlled precincts in five swing states all stopped counting votes in the early morning hours ensuing the 2020 Presidential Election.

Crashed gate # 1 was the COVID-facilitated stolen election that began in the morning hours of November 4, 2020.

Crashed gate # 2 is the Russia/Ukraine War that began on February 24, 2022. It is providing cover for further supply chain degradation, inflationary pressures and rising bank rates, as the food supply chain and healthcare system is simultaneously dismantled and centralized.

The forthcoming gates to be crashed through will likely involve gun buybacks and confiscation, economic collapse, expanded regional and global warfare, rising authoritarianism amid never-ending pandemics, and accelerating societal implosion.

So prepare accordingly and have a great weekend.

Nelson Muntz
Nelson Muntz
June 3, 2022 11:42 am

That played out in my mind like a movie as I read it. It would make a great animated film, but by the time it got through production reality would have been a spoiler. Isn’t there a holodomor somewhere in that script?

  Nelson Muntz
June 4, 2022 10:55 am


From my above comment:

… as the food supply chain and healthcare system is simultaneously dismantled and centralized.

There’s your Holodomor (Ukraine), right there. Ironic how history rhymes, no?

But one “crashed gate” I neglected to mention may include an outer-space alien deception. However, the deception won’t be what most people think?

ALIEN 1: We’re from Outer Space. We’re here to help.

Harrington Richardson: Gimme Sachwerte!
Harrington Richardson: Gimme Sachwerte!
June 4, 2022 2:07 pm

I reread this article. One of your best for sure.

June 3, 2022 12:26 am

My God, I hope they really aren’t crazy enough to go to war with Russia or China.

World War Zeke
World War Zeke
June 3, 2022 11:13 am

They have defeated the middle-classes of the West without incurring a single casualty, so why not? Besides, their criteria for victory is misery and destruction. Same old evil, just more of it.

June 3, 2022 12:32 am

Robert, I don’t comment much on your stuff because it speaks for itself. Always good and thought provoking.

Red River D
Red River D
  Robert Gore
June 3, 2022 11:30 am

You generally ignite some of the more fertile conversation boards with your contributions.

  Robert Gore
June 3, 2022 6:26 pm

Thanks Robert – keep bringing it. Physical gold possession vs the Ponzi is fine in this phase.
Screw the trillionaire welfare queen elites.
But once the Ponzi pops completely this fall, the next phase is all about food, shelter, security, survival. The book “One Second After” by Forstchen depicts a dystopic world that will resemble what comes next (except that in his story the FEDs were not evil thugs treating us as enemy combatants in a forward area like they [are/will] in this reality).
The complete collapse of the pension, ‘health care’ SS and financial infrastructure will make gold a very crude and often ineffective tool for survival – UNLESS – like art or diamonds – you are using it to escape with resources to a sane, stable environment (that had a sane COVID policy – i.e. low Stringency Index – because that lockdown bullshit as a cover for slavery is coming back).
Any escape locale with even temporary value must be OUTSIDE of Satanic Ground Zero – which is any locale run by the WEF-Schwab-Nazi Globalists, which eliminates the EU and all of the “Five Eyes” Globalist Nazi countries, especially the USA.
But where is such a place outside of Satanic Schwab-Nazi Lands? Locales run by sub-human thugs other than Schwab are no answer either. So, it can’t be in CHICOM hell or Sinaloa Cartel hell Mexico.
There is a place with the lowest corruption score and lowest COVID lockdown Stringency score of any developed nation. And Americans are welcome. Hints are over. Any guesses?

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
June 3, 2022 9:22 pm


June 4, 2022 3:01 am

As I said here before, the only places OUTSIDE of Satanic Ground Zero are Russia, China, and North Korea. Plus maybe Belarus, Iran.

I am learning Russian now.

June 4, 2022 5:38 pm

m – your alternatives to Satanic Ground Zero – with the exception of Russia – are literally hell on earth with different wallpaper. YIKES. Not real choices for anyone sane or just.

The developed country that is least corrupt and least death jab Nazi (and, that unlike us, did not reward SIFI welfare queen banksters with 100% rewards for all losses on derivative fraud plus bonuses but instead sent some of them to jail where they belong) was ICELAND.
It is not locked into the EU and is too small to be exponentially destroyed by pension and entitlements ponzi like we will soon be. I doubt it will be a sanctuary from what is next for long (the 7 Trumpets will spare nothing in the end) but it is a rare way station from the implosion and enslavement agenda already starting in EU and USA.

June 5, 2022 3:47 am

China is a nice country (read metallicman), but you will never truly become a part of it when living there. Best you can hope for as a Caucasian is being allowed to live there, find a Chinese wife and have kids, and live quietly until your old-age death, leaving nothing noteworthy behind except maybe some ideas in your kids’ heads. (Which is probably just the same in Japan btw.)

And I have to assume nowadays that 90+% of what we “know” about North Korea is pure Western propaganda bullshit. Meaning you should be able to live there just as in China, minus some materialistic glut but not going hungry or freezing in your home either.

– – –
Iceland, yeah great. Aren’t they 90% triple-“vaxxed”, for the adult population? The banker “trials” looked promising at first, but in the end were mostly much ado about nothing. Over the last years, several times news about severe corruption on different levels of government surfaced, and the judiciary seems to not be able to handle it anymore, maybe because of becoming corrupt itself.

June 5, 2022 5:45 am
June 4, 2022 1:45 pm


June 4, 2022 7:56 pm

LOL – I find it very telling that Americans, even those who ‘get it’ like posters here, are NEVER willing to recognize the evil in their own country for what it is, even while it is killing them.

It is obvious beyond measure that monopolies and cartels -in a joint venture with government hacks and regulators they control – are exempt from all the rules, and they get infinite welfare handouts from government, and they include the SIFI banks that dominate the FED, they own the pharma bureaucracy and the ‘media’ censorship platforms and they partner with the CIA (JEDI Project is but one of many) spy programs on all Americans. But they are not required to be government officials (as the other evil totalitarian model, Communism, would require) but are puppet masters of unseen by the oublic Overton Window . It is a pure textbook definition of fascism.

Yet no one, not Repubs not Dems not even indie bloggers here or elsewhere, will dare speak the truth about the evil that enslaves them. They whitewash and sugarcoat that evil. It is merely mistaken or stupid or it is only slightly smudged or crony ‘capitalism’. If that does not work then false label fantasies are embraced – e.g. “corporate monopolies = ‘communism”.

Meanwhile, Klaus Schwab’s globalist Nazi playbook is being religiously followed by the US and EU deep state. Pro-freedom and pro-nationhood populists are being thrown under the bus and have no legislative judicial or corporate power. Even the ‘commie’ thugs like AOC and BLM bow to the globalist corporate god and the god is their main source of funding. They are not calling for a break up of monopolies like Google or cartel scum like JPM, but instead cash their contribution checks. And if they pretend to oppose those monopolies in any way, both the R and D political elites slap them down.

It could not be a more obvious fact that political-financial-corporate-media elites in the US-EU-5 Eyes domain have a joint monopoly control over the system and screw the lower 85 percent (and now in this final stage, the 1 percent elites are dumping the 14 percent upper middle class that falsely labeled this evil as ‘capitalism’ as an excuse for going along with it.)

That is just the harsh truth of it all. The globalist corporate straw that stirs this evil drink is not ‘capitalist’ (unless fascism is your warped definition of economic freedom) and it is not ‘communist’ (because it is not part of government but above it -and it captures and runs the government like any other toy it controls).

But anyone who mentions that truth – that the globalist cartels led (as Robert Gore correctly reminds us by Blackrock and Vanguard), are a textbook Nazi finance empire — is shunned and hated and down-thumbed, even on this site.

That is why they are going to win.
Because no one, not even bloggers here, will ever identify who and what their enemy is. The globalist corporate straw that stirs this evil drink has everyone worshiping fake ‘capitalism’ or chasing ‘communist’ sideshows that do not run the corporate show.
NEWS FLASH, it ain’t gonna be AOC running the NWO imposed after the impending collapse.
And free markets in any remotely real sense of that term were exterminated decades ago.

Once the evil owners of Blackrock and Vanguard have their WEF corporate board room in charge of the global construct rising out of the ashes of the complete [fall 2022-spring 2023] monetary and economic implosion, they will impose all mechanisms of control.
It does not matter which political puppets in Brussels or Rome or Bonn or DC they use to implement it. They will run it all. Digital currency, corporate tracking and enforcement of lockdown mandates and social obedience scores, SDR world currency implemented by hacks at the IMF and the BIS to serve government-sponsored SIFI banks, global government (with 10 divisions, as all globalists since the Club of Rome to the WEF have planned – and BTW -Revelations mentions it as well).

The last name of the key point man slow-walking you into the ovens and guillotines is “Fink” and he runs the leading satanic mega-monopoly noted above for the big boys.
Until you understand that he is the tip of the evil globalist spear stabbing America and that he is not ‘capitalist’ or ‘communist’, you are just another comatose cow in his cattle car heading toward the avatoir.

If Fink was publicly hated more than Hitler circa 1944 we would have a chance.
Instead he is worshiped as a (fake) ‘capitalist’ hero by Rs and Ds alike on CNBC and Finance Yahoo and CNN and FOX business and (CIA mouthpieces) WAPO and NYT.
And you can down thumb that reality all you want and it won’t do you a bit of good.
His 4th Reich has you tagged for the slaughterhouse.

  Robert Gore
June 4, 2022 7:38 am

+1000 …as the yeoman always does, because he can do no other.

June 4, 2022 7:40 am

anon was I..

Steve Z.
Steve Z.
June 3, 2022 12:49 am

Mr. Gore,
That’s a blinding assessment glowing with a reality almost none dare look at.
I generally tell a similar tale to all I know and I’m met with derision for it.
Be the ant in this sea of grasshoppers.

Steve Z.
Steve Z.
  Steve Z.
June 3, 2022 1:16 am

“an evil nation, will burn its country to the ground… rule over the ashes”

rhs jr
rhs jr
June 3, 2022 7:57 am

Since FJB stole the 2020 election (as the movie 2000 Mules proves), Black Swans have swarmed into the sky like crows fleeing my fruit trees when I shoot my 12 gauge at them. The “Lake Mead Water Levels” chart showing 1935-2022, at is flashing like a neon sign saying “2000 AD starts the Eddy Minimum” and the worst drought in the American West in 12oo years; and nothing says 40 million Left Coasters are doomed to dry up in 2023 like that chart (ref also the “Lake Powell Water Levels” chart showing it has 25 ft of water left (or a week) before its’ turbines quit. If Americans had eyes to see (and a brain that worked), it’d be like a huge finger writing on Hoover Dam: “The Left Coast has been weighed in the balance and will dry up this year”. Americans are headed barely aware and totally unprepared into our biggest US Natural Disaster ever (which will destroy almost 50% of the country for at least 30 years) with their heads totally up their ignorant liberal asses (as usual). Liberals are so stupid they are Insane. I’m sure FJB has a good excuse. PS: Do you suppose this will soon affect housing prices, equities, moving companies, gas supplies, the Utility Companies wherever the refugees go, crime rates as “Mexican” gangs fan out, riots and violence, food supplies, schools, homelessness, Welfare & non-profits, voting etc?

Harrington Richardson: Gimme Sachwerte!
Harrington Richardson: Gimme Sachwerte!
  rhs jr
June 4, 2022 2:21 pm

It will affect your list. Just one example is where do they house two million illegals? How many classrooms, bilingual teachers, court interpreters, medical interpreters, hospital rooms and PRISON CELLS?

rhs jr
rhs jr
  rhs jr
June 5, 2022 7:09 am

When I talk to people about this, they think some rains will probably return in time; like they think the stock market will stay afloat, and food and fuel will appear somehow; the CV-19 Shot is not Genocide. The two referenced charts show rains only make a small blip up on a 20 year down trend; the FJB Sanctions are backfiring and sinking our Economy which will continue down into a depression; the food decline is a 30 year Eddy Minimum climate trend and FJB is steadily making it worse; the fuel situation is largely a FJB creation; vaccinated people are dying at much higher rates of blood clots, cancers, AIDS, etc. People wake the heck up, get off your ass and start getting prepared. The government and MSM is your enemy. Guns are neutral, it’s criminals and the crooked leftist government that’s the problem, stupid.

June 3, 2022 8:19 am

Be it gold, silver, paper, credit or dog dung , money is whatever the government says it is , thus evil Empire of Lies has the ultimate control over commercial trade in said mediums i.e. The money changers own it all, but there are lessons to be learned from this den of vipers.

40 billion for Clown World Faggot

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That said, humanity has only two options left.

Tribe up or die. Might makes right. Always has.

nation (n.)
c. 1300, nacioun, “a race of people, large group of people with common ancestry and language,” from Old French nacion “birth, rank; descendants, relatives; country, homeland” (12c.) and directly from Latin nationem (nominative natio) “birth, origin; breed, stock, kind, species; race of people, tribe,” literally “that which has been born,” from natus, past participle of nasci “be born” (Old Latin gnasci), from PIE root *gene- “give birth, beget,” with derivatives referring to procreation and familial and tribal groups.

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ursel doran
ursel doran
June 3, 2022 11:41 am

Intense review of the condition our condition is in.
“”This can’t last. The hatreds are intense, the guns everywhere, anger growing at crime, something akin to economic desperation appearing.
Washington will leave nowhere alone, will not address national problems, will always give priority to its military, its wars and its empire over domestic needs.
The hostility that fueled the Floyd riots, the burning cities, the looting and vengeful vandalism, are still there. She’s going to blow. Watch.””

olde reb
olde reb
June 3, 2022 12:06 pm

The Fed created $16 Trillion in the QE1 and QE2 actions after 2007 with book-entry credit to save four Primary Dealer entities that are alleged shareholders of FRBOG, Inc. from bankruptcy from derivative gambling.   Ref.

$16 Trillion was clear profit for the Fed that inflated value in circulation by purchasing Treasury securities and Mortgage Backed Securities from financial entities.  The government received no benefit or consideration from that action. That the PD’s may have sat on the credit rather than circulate it for several years only delayed the inflationary action. All profit of the Fed legally belongs to the government but the government received no benefit from this action.

Book entry QE1 and QE2 were clear profit for the Fed that inflated value in circulation.  It was as much a counterfeit operation as if I printed Bennies on my copy machine.    Now Powell is going to sell $9 trillion of these stolen assets on the Fed’s balance sheet to the government and call it ‘roll off’ ? We can be assured the value will be covertly transferred to the PD owners of the Fed. Ref.  



Powell’s plan is the same scheme Goldman Sachs used to dominate Greece—a globalist conquest.

  olde reb
June 3, 2022 4:11 pm

Capitalism is all about acquiring capital . You a capitalist ain’cha’ ?

rhs jr
rhs jr
June 3, 2022 9:47 pm

Definitely and a Patriotic American Christian second: Capitalism is the least worse form of an Economic-Political System; it’s politically neutral (like guns and money are neutral, it’s the criminals stupid) until greedy lying cheating SOBs get their hands on the money presses of the central bank (1913) and use it to corrupt and pervert others like the ZOG has done ; this crime will end badly for everyone, but esp badly for the murdering ZOG Money Changers who should have believed Zach 13 and Acts 1:11 (I’ll Be Back). Hopefully Americans will vote democrats out Nov2022 and Republicans will Impeach FJB and his henchmen.

  rhs jr
June 4, 2022 7:48 am

because real capitalism has never been tried…..reeeee

The rules were precise and invariable. Money attracted money, accumulating always in the same places, going by preference to the scoundrelly and the mediocre. When, by an inscrutable exception, it heaped up in the coffers of a rich man who was not a miser nor a murderer, it stood idle, incapable of resolving itself into a force for good, however charitable the hands which fain would administer it. One would say it was angry at having got into the wrong box and avenged itself by going into voluntary paralysis when possessed by one who was neither a sharper nor an ass.
It acted still more strangely when by some extraordinary chance it strayed into the home of a poor man. Immediately it defiled the clean, debauched the chaste, and, acting simultaneously on the body and the soul, it insinuated into its possessor a base selfishness, an ignoble pride; it suggested that he spend for himself alone; it made the humble man a boor, the generous man a skinflint. In one second it changed every habit, revolutionized every idea, metamorphosed the most deeply rooted passions.
It was the instigator and vigilant accomplice of all the important sins. If it permitted one of its detainers to forget himself and bestow a boon it awakened hatred in the recipient, it replaced avarice with ingratitude and re-established equilibrium so that the account might balance and not one sin of commission be wanting.
But it reached its real height of monstrosity when, concealing its identity under an assumed name, it entitled itself capital. Then its action was not limited to individual incitation to theft and murder but extended to the entire human race. With one word capital decided monopolies, erected banks, cornered necessities, and, if it wished, caused thousands of human beings to starve to death.
And it grew and begot itself while slumbering in a safe, and the Two Worlds adored it on bended knee, dying of desire before it as before a God.

— J.-K. Huysmans, Là-Bas

Under the freedom of trade the whole severity of the laws of political economy will be applied to the working classes. Is that to say that we are against Free Trade? No, we are for Free Trade, because by Free Trade all economical laws, with their most astounding contradictions, will act upon a larger scale, upon a greater extent of territory, upon the territory of the whole earth; and because from the uniting of all these contradictions into a single group, where they stand face to face, will result the struggle which will itself eventuate in the emancipation of the proletarians.

Engels, To Free Trade Congress at Brussels (1847)

“The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining supercapitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control. … Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent.”
~ Larry P. McDonald
U.S. Congressman, 1976, killed in the Korean Airlines 747 that was shot down by the Soviets
in “Introduction” to The Rockefeller File, by Gary Allen (1975)

“I do not believe that this primal difference between gentile and Jew is reconcilable. There will be irritation between us as long as we are in intimate contact. For nature and constitution and vision divide us from all of you forever . . . I have no doubt that when Germany and England and America will long have lost their present identity or name or purpose, we shall still be strong in ours . . . We have joined your capitalistic world in deliberate emulation and rivalry: yet Jewish socialism and Jewish socialists are the banner bearers of the world’s “armies of liberation.” . . . But you feel our disruptive difference most keenly, most resentfully, in our deliberate efforts to change your social system. Seen in the dazzling lights of your desires and needs our ideal is repellently morose . . . Because your chief institution is the social structure itself, it is in this that we are most manifestly destroyers. We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands.”

You Gentiles
By Samuel, Maurice, 1895-1972

June 3, 2022 10:01 pm

Anonymous – FYI
Government welfare for trillionaires and government-sponsored banks on the taxpayers tab is not ‘capital’ or ‘capitalism’.
It is actually Nazi finance. Fascism was first created by Mussolini, which Hitler copied. Mussolini defined fascism as ‘corporatism, the merger of all-powerful corporate monopolies with all-powerful government’.

In a capitalist system, when firms lose billions through fraud and mal-investment, they go bankrupt.

Under Nazi finance, when Goldman Sachs loses $2 billion on derivatives with fake collateral, the government pays for all the losses and gives GS taxpayer bonuses for committing those felonies.

The reason this Nazi Ponzi scheme took over America and destroyed it, is because evil-worshiping idiots like you think it is “capitalism” and a “free market.”
Stupid is survivable but suicidally stupid is not.

June 4, 2022 7:51 am

You’re to short for this ride, bozo….go back to your sportsball.

“The Nazis came to power in Germany on 1933, at time when its economy was in total collapse, with ruinous war-reparation obligations and zero prospects for foreign investment or credit. Yet through an independent monetary policy of sovereign credit and a full-employment works program, the Third Reich was able to turn a bankrupt Germany, stripped of overseas colonies it could exploit, into the strongest economy in Europe within four years, even before armament spending began. “

Henry C K Liu
World Order, Failed States and Terrorism
PART 10: Nazism and the German economic miracle

“ World War II ended the “depression.” The same Bankers who in the early 30’s had no loans for peacetime houses,food and clothing, suddenly had unlimited billions to lend for Army barracks, K-rations and uniforms! A nation that in 1934 couldn’t produce food for sale, suddenly could produce bombs to send free to Germany and Japan!… Germany issued debt-free and interest-free money from 1935 and on, accounting for its startling rise from the depression to a world power in 5 years. Germany financed its entire government and war operation from 1935 to 1945 without gold and without debt, and it took the whole Capitalist and Communist world to destroy the
German power over Europe and bring Europe back under the heel of the Bankers. Such history of money does not even appear in the textbooks of public (government) schools today. ”

Sheldon Emry
Billions For Bankers, Debts for the People

“Hitler’s real quarrel with the capitalist and Marxist system alike was that they stopped things from growing. They were concerned not with creation, but the one making with making the quick profits and the other with establishing an unnatural and sterile uniformity. Both were destroying quality throughout the world – the quality, not only of things, but , of what was far more serious, of men and women”

Arthur Bryant – Unfinished Victory (1940)

“For the Marxist reviled the man of faith and ideals as bitterly as he did the financial exploiter. It was his creed that nothing existed in the world but matter and that no motive
could animate and man but self-interest. The great-organized institutions and societies based on faith and love and maintained by self-sacrifice though which man had raised himself above the primeval slime were to be ruthlessly destroyed and their adherents liquidated. First, they were to be undermined by criticism repeated again and again until
the corrosive ate into the old State so thoroughly that finally crumbled to pieces. Mob violence was to finish the process. The world would then be ready for an international
order that admitted of neither separate race, nor tradition, nor religion and in which all men would be subordinated as unthinking automatons to a single ruling clique Marxist intellectuals and bureaucrats .

For Hitler was accurate enough to realize that the Marxists did not stand for the freedom they pretended, but for a despotic uniformity, enforced by terror and annihilation of all who opposed them. In this, they differed only in their superior violence from the international financiers and exploiters they professed to supplant. Like Belloc and other earlier modern socials philosophers, Hitler perceived the twin roads down which mankind was being herded toward the servile state. First came the economic development which changed the social structure of the nation and substituted for its old feudal rulers, who at least had a certain sense of responsibility and noblesse oblige, the financier and the middle man who had none. Under the joint-stock company system, the search for profits became the sole guiding principle for life. The small artisan class slowly disappeared and the factory worker, who took his place, had scarcely any chance establish an independent existence of his own, but soon sank to the proletariat level. His present and future passed into the sole power of the man of figures who, calling himself his employer or master, acknowledged no responsibility for his moral or physical wellbeing. The hungry sheep looked up and were not fed.

The member of the new social class so created were “disinherited “in a treble sense. They were deprived of their independence. They were herded together in vast factory towns under conditions of living and employment that not only ruined their health, but robbed them of all faith in their country and its system of justice. And they were made to feel that the manual labour by which they lived was degrading and inferior to other forms of work. The ancient Order of the Peasantry, as Disraeli had once called it, had been transformed into a herd of helot without privilege or status.

But the process of social leveling was not yet complete. The poor were enslaved, but the higher and middle orders-the last repositories of culture and national social tradition of the past- still remained independent. Their independence was the final barrier that stood between the architects of constructive chaos and their goal. To destroy it no effort could be too great, And here the archenemy of the nation and society, the eternal and denationalized Jew, whom Hitler in his strange obsession saw in all places working to destroy the living state, seized his opportunity. By a masterpiece of ingenuity -“one of the most infamous deceits ever practiced”- the Jew turned the bitterness of the poor, whom his own usurious and irresponsible capitalism had dispossessed, against those who had till now escaped enslavement. “At first he had used the bourgeois class as a battering-ram against the feudal order; now he used the worker against the strongholds of the bourgeois. Just as he had succeeded in obtaining civil rights by intrigue carried on under the protection of the middle class, so now he hoped that joining in the struggle which the workers were waging for their existence he would be able to gain absolute power over them….He kowtowed to the worker, hypocritically pretended to feel pity for him and his lot and even to be indignant at the misery and poverty he had to endure….He showed himself eager to study his hardships, real or imaginary. He strove to waken a longing in the masses to change the conditions under which they lived. Artfully the Jew enkindled that innate yearning for social justice which is a typical Aryan characteristic. Once that desire became conscious it was transformed into hatred against those in more fortunate circumstances of life. The next stage was to give a precise philosophical explanation of this struggle for the elimination of social wrongs. And thus the Marxist doctine was invented.

Yet, the ultimate objective of that sinister Movement was not, it appeared, the triumph of the proletariat, but the domination of those who by exploitation had created the Proletariat – the Jews.”Without knowing it the worker is placing himself at the service of the very power against which he believes he is fighting. In appearance he is made fight against capital, while all the while he is furthering capitalistic interests.” The ultimate aims of Marxism and international Capitalism were in Hitler’s eyes the same: the concentration of all power in the hands of a few, and the elimination of every independent agency that could resist the process. “

Arthur Bryant Unfinished Victory 1940

June 3, 2022 12:13 pm

Adroit? Not in our leaders vocabulary. Gauche is more appropriate. Christmas tree lights? Only if they look like ice cream cones!

June 3, 2022 1:38 pm

On point with bank runs, I’ve said that for years. They will print and we will then reject fiat. If everyone who is productive sees this then game over, spread the word.

rhs jr
rhs jr
June 4, 2022 6:21 am

Americans are not rejecting money. The BRICS are rejecting US dollars and it will soon be hyperinflation for dollar goods thanks to welfare-warfare printing and FJB policies. Why about the bank runs? It will be game over for the fiat dollar currency but TPTB will then roll out their Rothschild CBDC and the Mark of the Beast, and start over (we’ll be their slaves for sure then).

June 3, 2022 4:21 pm

I believe Putin sees the all-out nuclear war variant pretty much the same way as you do.
It has been said there exist bunkers for ~70% of the Russian population. Together with a 2/3 interception rate of incoming US nuclear missiles by S-400 systems etc., I think there is a good chance that a meaningful part of Russian population will survive. (With the vastness of their country they will hopefully also find some less radioactive areas to live in.) And that survival likelihood is probably higher if Putin orders a preemptive strike, to hit before most of US missiles are started.
So that’s where we are today: Either the US/NATO backs down (worldwide, not just in Ukraine), or a slow escalation will at some point have Putin call a preemptive strike, or a fast escalation will have the US do a first strike (which however will not be able to disable Russian retaliation strike capability.)

– – –
My better, and only idea:
There is no way for an individual to directly fight this. It all comes down to
“Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me.”

June 4, 2022 5:36 am

Pepe Escobar states the same, in a slightly more diplomatic way:

rhs jr
rhs jr
June 4, 2022 6:32 am

As an ex-USAF Officer who served at Hqs SAC and as a student of modern Prophecy, I think you are right. The woke US Military is going to be a spectacular failure. The Russian nukes do not create a lot of fallout because they explode a mile high so that will be survivable with a good shelter with about 8 ft of earth over it. Fight the lies, it’s always our Christian duty. The Christian-Zionist and people just waiting for Jesus to snatch them out of here are derelict in their duty.

June 4, 2022 7:58 am

I love that Solzhenitsyn quote. At the end of the day, it’s the only power we as individuals have. As for bunkers, here in Switzerland we have bunker places for all 11m of us. But then again, who would want to spend 10 years underground with 11m Swiss?

Harrington Richardson: Gimme Sachwerte!
Harrington Richardson: Gimme Sachwerte!
June 4, 2022 2:35 pm

Will they make you hand in your Stg 90’s at the door?

June 5, 2022 6:01 am

Gonzalo latest:

He references this talk by Grossi, listen from 6:51 to 8:10:

This leads me to now update my personal estimate on “probability of all-out nuclear war occurring within the next few years” to 40% (from before 30%).

Cokeye Nick
Cokeye Nick
June 3, 2022 10:16 pm

Deagel may have purged their forecast of the 68% (for the USA) Culling to happen in 2025. But here it is for all of you to read if you wish.

The full list of the percentage culled for EVERY nation is in the link below.

After living through the past 18 months, I do not think it was BS.

  Cokeye Nick
June 4, 2022 12:48 am

2025: Taco Bell tolls a run for the border. Glad the wall didn’t get built.

Mexico: +5% population and only minus .1% GDP.

That means AMLO will ban HR Departments.

  Cokeye Nick
June 4, 2022 1:00 pm

While having heard of ‘Deagel’, it was necessary to GOOG it to learn–from their website–that all the deaths would be attributable to suicide, as a result of populations relocating from rural to urban locales. This sounds like lot of hooey, esp. given that there are nations on the list (many from S. America) with population growth.

June 4, 2022 8:01 am

Part two did not disappoint Robert, well done. It is so refreshing to read truth without an agenda or angle thrown in… Chip

June 4, 2022 9:48 am

wiping out davos and bilderberger convocations with nuclear bombs is imperative for the survival of humanity. these “people” must be destroyed.

people must introduce new currency to shun the federal reserve. its currency is the instrument of slavery which is illegal by the constitution. the problem with federal reserve notes is not that they are fiat but that they are created through debt.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
  Robert Gore
June 4, 2022 7:40 pm

N’oublier pas l’argent, monsieur. Silver is also the real thing.

June 4, 2022 11:44 am

Mr. Gore (what an appropriate handle!) is of the ‘Michael Snyder School of Doom Porn’ and good for him as it so fits the times we are in and what lies ahead. Gore mentions, offhandedly, PMs as being the salvation—but never closed the sale with an actual link to purchase same. Missed opportunity, alas.
“Better idea”? If the SHTF, thems with barterable skills and those who foresaw what was/is coming down the pike, will have prepped somewhat to survive the earliest days of what’s to come. See: Venezuela.
My poster child for this is Hardscrabble Farmer who, among the readership here, seems to have all the admirable traits–including the all-important mental aspect with which to thrive in the adversity looming ahead. He’s the sort of neighbor one would desire.

Old Soldier
Old Soldier
June 9, 2022 4:56 am

Here’s what we know: much of the financialized world will almost certainly enter a major recession or significant depression sometime in the 12 months ahead – before June 2023. The wheels appear to be coming off the bus, and it will be very difficult to determine the actual value of currency against various products. And energy and food prices will really start to skyrocket as we go into Autumn and the winter heating season. Fuel heating oil is generally just dyed diesel without the run clean additives, and has nowhere to go but up; natural gas is already through the roof and headed higher (especially as the USA undertakes to provide it t0 the nations of Western Europe), the electric grid is increasingly in trouble, so depending on “Ready Kilowatt” to heat your home is looking iffier, too. Got a wood stove? Time to get in a bunch of cords worth of quality dry firewood. Quietly, and out of sight of the road ideally. And the fertilizer shortages and high diesel prices will have to be priced into commodity crops, which have yet to hit the markets. Those costly corn kernels and soybeans mostly go into animal feed. Chicken and pork prices have nowhere to go but up, and so many food products contain corn syrup as a major ingredient. And come November, no one knows what tricks are waiting tucked up the sleeves of Democratic operatives across the nation. The Republicans seem likely to see a “red wave” in November (based on early indicator elections and polling), but its unlikely that the Democrat Party will go down without a fight of some kind. And even if the Republicans take back both houses of Congress, the presidency is still Democrat for another two years, and unless the House and Senate both go well past 60% Republican (maybe possible, but seems unlikely), the President will still have a functioning veto. Likely to make for a real log jam in DC.

Here’s some speculation, based on understanding of past similar events: Digital “money” is likely to be hard to come by. But cash, that is to say, folding paper currency and slug coinage, may also be hard to come by. Why? Depository institutions (banks, probably credit unions, money market accounts, brokerage accounts, etc.) will be grabbing those digits as “bail in” resources for their use, and are not going to want to dole out paper money to the masses. So, barter seems to be a possible rising trend. All the prepping that can be done, should be done. That includes holding cash at home, or in a stash not in a depository institution. (Safe deposit box contents are likely to be seized in the event of a major bail-in trend, possibly by government entities which will claim they are holding illegally gained assets: i.e.: your valuables.)

Suggestion: Stockpile calories. Buy white rice, beans, split peas, canned ham and chicken products now, while you still can. Sugar, honey, absolutely. Don’t forget salt. Get those 5 gallon buckets and lids down at the big box home stores and put the grains and beans in the cans. Flour is more problematic. It doesn’t keep as long, but if you bake, or make dumplings, or make pasta, it’s fairly critical. If you don’t garden, start. If you do garden, its time to think about providing yourself with calories that keep deep into the winter months and on into spring. Winter squashes, such as acorn squash, and Hubbard squash with tough hard shells, are fairly easy to grow, fairly resistant to deer and other pests, put up an extensive leaf cover and stem network, which minimizes soil evaporation, so use less water if you are facing drought conditions. Pumpkins are less reliable, more prone to mildew damage, and don’t last as long into the winter anyway. (But make good early winter food.) Winter squash are probably the easiest, least problematic source of winter calories, and have the added feature that they do not need a root cellar to store them in. Shelves somewhere in doors, not too hot and not too cold, will do just fine. This fall gather nuts, dry apples, make apple sauce and apple butter. You’ll be a long way towards securing food for your family and yourself in the likely hard times ahead. Get better at meat fishing; plan to hunt this fall if you eat deer meat. Might want to secure a modern bow and a bunch of arrows now, and spend some of those summer evenings at archery practice. Why? Because archery season is usually MUCH longer than modern rifle/shotgun season, and if you are a novice hunter, you may need the additional time. As fall brings the garden planting season to an end, consider scooping up as many left over seed packets at your hardware store or seed source as you can. Year old seed is sometimes discounted (although not always), usually still germinates at acceptable rates the following year, and next spring, seed may be hard to find when you want it most for those early crops such as radishes, beets, peas, etc. Consider trying some Asian food plants, too. Asian plants often grow better in summer heat than European varieties. Asian greens are usually less prone to bolting in the heat, for instance. And most Asian varieties are highly prolific. Might be worth trying out this summer and next year, too. Kale does overwinter better than just about any other green. Onions are fairly easy to grow, but usually take a long time to mature. And some onions are far better keepers than others. Ask around about which varieties work best in your neighborhood.

When it gets real tough, the bottom line, critical thing about food is calories. As in, making sure you have enough to provide you with energy and help keep you warm. Lots of folks grow tomatoes. And home grown tomatoes are hard to beat, but even those picked right before the first frosts rarely last beyond Thanksgiving most places. And they simply don’t provide that many calories. For calorie growing, think squash, corn, potatoes, beans.

Prepping is more than just having the right stuff. Its about doing as well. If you don’t have a trade, or a viable skill set that is commercially useful, why not learn a new trade? You still have some months before it is going to get real bad, and most medium cities have some sort of technical college training programs. And a trade doesn’t have to be fancy or arcane, either. I’ve never been in a town that didn’t need a few more competent bicycle repair folks, for instance. You still have time to get ready for what’s coming at us, if you start now. But you do have to start.