5 reasons to believe the global population is already one billion people less than it was in January 2020

Submitted by mark

Via The Covid Blog

The general consensus was that there were 7.84 billion people on Earth in January 2020. The United Nations reported that the global population eclipsed the 8 billion mark in November 2022. As of publishing, Worldometer has the current global population at 8.028 billion.

There have been 40 million births and 20 million deaths, for a net population growth of 20 million thus far in 2023, according to the same source. The only people who believe any of the foregoing also believe that men are really women, and vaccines are safe and effective.

As of March 2023, there are two jobs available in the U.S. for every one unemployed worker. You don’t even need the ADP Workforce Vitality Reports to know that wages have been at all-time highs since Q4 2021. Just look around your local area, and you’ll see McDonald’s, Kum and Go, Circle K, Walmart, and all those former minimum wage jobs hiring at $15 per hour and up. They are forced to offer higher wages (or hire illegal immigrants) to entice what’s left of the U.S. workforce.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce acknowledged the ongoing labor shortage earlier this month. If every unemployed person got a job tomorrow, there would still be 4 million job openings. Mainstream media continually blame #ABV for this two years and counting labor dearth.

The bottom line is that millions of Americans have died or are severely maimed from the lethal mRNA and viral vector DNA injections, and physically cannot work. Further, U.S. birth rates in 2021 were the lowest since World War I. You cannot find a straight answer anywhere as to 2022 U.S. birth rates. They now “splain” it as fertility rates and ramble on about 2015-2019 instead of just giving straight statistics about birth rates in 2022.

It’s not just the United States. The COVID Blog® is confident in declaring that the global population has dropped from 7.8 billion in January 2020 to 6.8 billion today – about a 13% drop in 28 months since the vaccine rollout. The powers-that-be (“TPTB”) will never report the truth on this, and will do everything to conceal, manipulate and distort the real numbers. So all we can do is crunch everything we know to determine the progress of their goal – 500 million humans left on Earth by 2030.

Former Malaysia Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad fearlessly blew the whistle on the depopulation agenda in 2015.

We posited in August 2022 that the world population would be down to 4.5 billion by the end of 2024. It does not take a giant leap to accept that the world population is down to 6.8 billion today (from 7.8 billion in January 2020) because of the following five phenomena.

1. Numerous countries reported record excess deaths, record-low births in 2021 and/or 2022

Governments are in the business of lying, particularly about crime and population statistics to fit agendas. The best example is from the Sandy Hook mass shooting that left 26 people dead (28 including the shooter and another person at another crime scene) in Newtown, Connecticut on December 14, 2012.

This blogger wrote on another platform in 2014 an article entitled “Sandy Hook, Line, And Sinker: 2012 FBI Crime Report Shows Zero Killed In Newtown.” The title speaks for itself. Thus either the “conspiracy theory” that the whole Sandy Hook thing was staged and nobody died that day is true, or the FBI is lying on their statistics for whatever reason.

We’ll never know the real numbers as to excess deaths across the globe due to the injections (until naked eye observations start speaking for themselves). But here is a list of countries that reported record-high excess deaths and/or record-low births in 2021 and 2022:

That’s just a small sample. Further, Norway, Italy and Japan all experienced record-low births in 2022. In other words, a lot of people are dying and few are being born.

We’re not going to bother with the United States in this section because this government blatantly lies about everything. But if we go by the Harvard Pilgrim standard of multiplying VAERS vaccine deaths by 100 for a more accurate overall picture, then at least 3.5 million Americans have died from the injections since 2021. That’s 125,000 excess deaths per month. Those numbers, however, are very much on the low end.

2. There’s no way of knowing exactly what’s happening in China and India

World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab called China a “role model” for other countries. Many others in high places have repeated these sentiments. China is like a very creepy, real-life dystopian film. You literally cannot function in that country as a human being without a QR code and vaccines. Your face is constantly scanned, and your every move is tracked by various WeChat apps.

Everything you purchase in China is via a central bank digital currency (CBDC) and a QR code tied to your social credit account. Note that the U.S. is just months away from debuting its pilot CBDC.

The “role model” country has public Jumbotron displays that instantly shame anyone it captures committing trivial infractions, including jaywalking. Your social credit is also downgraded as a result.

Your face is scanned and tracked everywhere you go in China. If the robots do not recognize you immediately, they’ll make you smile, move your hair around, etc. until there’s a match.

Chinese police stop people regularly on the street, take their phones, and search them for “illegal” VPNs, Facebook, and other banned apps. You’ll get social credit dings at least, and arrested at worst, if you’re caught with anything you’re not supposed to have.

All of the foregoing will be the United States in the next two years (probably less). We know that China is dystopian hell. What we don’t know is how many people are being killed by the government and dying from the injections. There are at least 380 of those death/torture/re-education camps (partially funded by NBA New Jersey Nets owner Joe Tsai) in China’s Xinjiang region. Untold millions of Uyghur Muslims and other ethnic minorities are forcibly sterilized, raped, indoctrinated, killed, etc. at these camps.

Further, there were numerous videos of people spontaneously dropping dead in China as early as November 2019. So-called “COVID-19” is rebranded flu, paranoia, fallacious PCR positives, and/or radiation sickness via 5G. Wuhan, China was one of the first places in the world to roll out 5G, in September 2019. China is 90% fully-vaccinated if you believe the publicly-available statistics. You literally have no choice but to receive the injections or starve to death in that country.

China does not regularly publish excess death statistics. And even when it does, they are laughably fake. China claimed only 4,600 excess deaths in 2021 (out of 1.4 billion people). Further, the United Nations reported that India will surpass China as the most populous country in the world by mid-2023. That’s mostly due to China’s reported 2022 plunge in births and a reduced population for the first time since 1961.

Search “India” on The COVID Blog®. People are literally dropping dead by the second there. India and China account for over 35% of all humanity. India started injecting its population in January 2021, mostly with the Covishield/AstraZeneca viral vector DNA injections, the most deadly of them all this side of Johnson & Johnson. As of March 2023, 95% of Indians age 12-plus have received at least one shot.

By April 2021, truckloads of dead bodies being transported to morgues were so full that bodies were falling from the trucks onto the roads. In Delhi, someone died every five minutes that month, according to one report. The mass cremation videos from India in 2021 are very disturbing.

Mainstream media of course blamed “COVID.” The only reason the deaths slowed was India adopting Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine protocols in May 2021.

India, like China, is neither honest nor diligent about recording and reporting deaths. Based on the foregoing, our educated guess is at least 350 million total excess deaths in China and India from January 2020 to publishing today.

3. The kids die anonymously

The pattern is now well established. Vaxx zealot parents allow their children to be injected multiple times and/or they feed their babies vaxxed breast milk. The child dies. Most parents blame #ABV and play the ignorance victim card, like Jessica Day-Weaver.

Some do the right thing despite their grief, and warn other parents about the dangers of the lethal injections. The COVID Blog® will always support these parents in anyway we can because they do not allow their children to die in vain. But the previous group now have established channels to attack “anti-vaxxers,” continue promoting the injections for kids, and get sympathy from other vaxx zealots.

Regular readers remember Ms. Amanda Makulec. She’s the 35-year-old Washington, D.C. mother who received the injections while pregnant and fed her newborn vaxxed breast milk. The little “Baby Z” died “suddenly and unexpectedly” at 2 1/2 months old on September 27, 2021. Both NBC News and the New York Times gave Ms. Makulec platforms to attack this blogger, blame #ABV for her baby’s death, and get support from other vaxx zealots. Here is an excerpt from her Times “essay.”

More recently, you all remember Billy Ball. His son, 7-year-old Jackson Ball, died from post-injection meningitis on January 4, 2023. This time it was The Atlantic that gave Billy a platform to attack this blogger, further promote the injections for kids, and play ignorant victim for a vaxx zealot audience. Here is what Billy said about us.

Now Billy and Amanda are buddies.

And the NBC News vaxx zealot grifter is receiving clicks from all this as well.

The COVID Blog® has been clear from the start – parents who lose children and warn others about the dangers of the injections receive our full support. We’ll link their fundraisers, interview them, pray with them, etc. We’ve also been very clear about the other side. It is incredibly painful writing post-injection death stories about babies who had no say in the matter.

Granted a lot of these vaxx zealot parents love the attention received from mainstream media platforms. But it appears our work is paying off in both good and bad ways. The good is that we receive a lot more emails these days from parents who simply want to pray after losing a child to the injections. Most do not want to go public for fear of losing their jobs, friends and livelihoods. But all of them recently have deleted all vaxx zealotry from their social media channels.

The bad is that more kids will die anonymously in Western countries. We’re already seeing many stories that simply state “6-year-old died suddenly” without naming names or providing further details. The vague #ABV language in said stories is also accelerating. It’s becoming clear that these vaxx zealot parents do not want to end up on The COVID Blog®. Thus there are perhaps millions of kids dying that we will never know about in the U.S., Canada, Australia and Europe.

4. How many Dominique de Silvas are out there?

This was one of the most gut-wrenching, horrible stories we’ve ever written. It was an early indication of the cultish nature of COVID-19 and hateful vaxx zealotry.

Ms. Dominique de Silva had everything going for her. She had just gotten married in May 2021 and was highly successful in her real estate career. She received just one Pfizer mRNA injection on March 18, 2021. Her entire existence was flipped upside down from there.

She essentially had severe Shawn Skelton Syndrome. Ms.De Silva hesitantly posted videos of herself in a wheelchair, with severe convulsions, etc. She wanted to warn others about the dangers of the lethal injections. But she was attacked relentlessly by vaxx zealot trolls who accused her of faking the injuries.

Part of their reasoning was because Ms. de Silva was still publishing “normal” photos of herself on Instagram along with the injury videos and photos. She was a girlie 30-year-old. That’s what they do in the 21st century, particularly when faced with the crossroad of denial (that she may be permanently maimed) and accepting that her life was forever altered.

Vaxx zealots also accused her of profiting from a fake injury. It got so bad that Ms. de Silva was forced to send GoFundMe medical records to prove her vaxx injuries. The proof was apparently satisfactory, as the GoFundMe page is still active today.

The last sign of life from Ms. de Silva came via Instagram on March 18, 2022 – one year after the Pfizer mRNA injection. It’s quite sad to read.

We’ve tried contacting Ms. de Silva through various channels, but cannot get a hold of her. She has completely disappeared from social media and her blog. Prior to the injection, she posted regularly about the housing market, her marriage, and her modeling-type photos. Ms. de Silva’s story is similar to Ms. Stacee Tiemeier, another early vaxx-injured victim who went public and was excoriated by vaxx zealot trolls. She’s still fighting the good fight.

It became clear early on that if anyone went public with vaxx injuries, they would receive endless backlash, lose friends, family, their jobs, etc. They would be labeled “conspiracy theorists” and “anti-vaxxers.” Thus there are countless millions out there dead or suffering in silence to avoid all the foregoing.

We’ve seen several stories in 2023 of people hiding their loved ones’ dead bodies, being found dead months after going missing, etc. The people hiding bodies will eventually get caught in the U.S. and other Western countries. But we have no idea how much this is happening in Africa, Asia, South America, etc.

High-profile cases, like Princess Bajrakitiyabha of Thailand, show just how far TPTB will go to coverup vaccine deaths. She collapsed on December 14, 2022 after suffering a heart attack while walking her dogs. We’re supposed to believe that Princess Bajrakitiyabha, 44, has been in a coma ever since the collapse. There have been no updates at all since January.

We also have no idea what’s going on with actor Jamie Foxx. He was hospitalized on April 12 in Atlanta due to an “unspecified health crisis.” However, it’s widely believed that the 55-year-old suffered a stroke. Mr. Foxx required all attendees at his book tour in 2021 to show proof of vaccination.

There have been no further updates on his condition as of publishing except that he is still hospitalized and “healing.”

5. Polio and famine in Africa

The World Health Organization declared that the two primary strains of “wild” polio were eradicated worldwide in 1999 and 2020, respectively. The third wild strain exists only in Pakistan and Afghanistan today. But headlines like the following have been everywhere since 2022.



Wild polio was declared eradicated from the entire African Continent in 2020. So where is all this polio coming from? Just ask Bill and Melinda Gates.

All polio cases in Africa today, which number in the untold millions, are derived from Bill Gates oral polio vaccines. These concoctions cause paralysis and/or death in God knows how many kids. It’s Africa, not the U.S. Wheelchairs, Americans with Disabilities Act accommodations, etc. do not exist in most of Africa. A paralyzed child who cannot gather water and food for themselves and their families are essentially dead.

Most Africans refused the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. But Gates and company can still convince them to get oral polio vaccines. These genocidal madmen openly admit that they use Africans as guinea pigs for everything from mRNA injections to experimental AIDS treatments. These polio oral vaccines are open, blatant genocide. Yet nobody bats an eye.

Meanwhile, the Horn of Africa experienced the driest rainy season (severe drought) in over 70 years in 2022. We know TPTB could easily manipulate the weather, create rain, and save all those people. But they don’t and won’t do it.

In West Africa, more than 48 million people are on the verge of starvation, the most in over a decade. The nonprofit SOS Children’s Village estimates that a total of 227 million people are on the verge of starving to death across all of Africa today. That’s about one in five people across the Continent. Oxfam International estimates that one person starves to death every 48 seconds in Africa.

The combination of vaccine polio, severe drought, famine, perpetual war fighting over crumbs, and even a few mRNA and viral vector DNA deaths make an educated guess of 300 million excess deaths across the Continent since 2020 quite conservative.

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April 30, 2023 7:28 am

Sounds to me like our hook-nosed “friends” were injecting a bio-weapon into people, and lying through their teeth (as they always do) to reduce the world’s population and line their pockets (as they always do).

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
April 30, 2023 7:51 am

Anyone who has come through the past 3 years and still trusts the Medical Industrial complex and their approach to public health is on their own. Nothing about the response to whatever it was they were trying to prevent or treat during that time frame sounded rational or reasonable. Their relentless high dudgeon was a huge red flag, especially considering their complete silence on the problemms associated with obesity which they now seem to consider as healthy.

People do indeed go mad in large numbers, as collectives and this was no exception. They are dangerous people who have yet to acknowledge their mistakes, nevermind correct their actions.

Avoid them at all costs.

  hardscrabble farmer
April 30, 2023 10:22 am

How do you avoid people you describe? They control everything.
That’s like saying avoiding bad weather.
You can be inside but it is still pouring rain outside.

i forget
i forget
April 30, 2023 2:43 pm

& pouring reign inside … the burning hoa … constrictor … swallowing its own tail ….

April 30, 2023 7:53 am

one doesnt get the impression that it’s gotten anywhere near a billion yet, but it certainly seems like it will get there.. perhaps the timeline they describe here (that the enemy will have culled humanity to 4.5 billion by the end of next year) might take then a little longer, but they are certainly grinning with the so far success of their war against life itself.
as for labor statistics as an indicator, a lot more of it is that a huge fraction of the population simply isnt willing to work and are being supported by free shit enough that they dont care.

April 30, 2023 9:20 am

How many would it take to notice? 3 million extra dead in the US would be 1%. If it’s mostly older folks it seems even more explainable.
If many were young to middle we might notice… a worker shortage?

We personally know of quite a few, mostly clot/ heart related of all ages.

April 30, 2023 10:31 am

Look out your window, Agent Mulder.
You see the lights?

Now, imagine
if one of those lights flickered off.

You’d hardly notice, would you?

A dozen, two dozen lights extinguished.

Is it worth sacrificing the futue……….the lives of millions,
to keep a few lights on?

~X files season 4 episode 18

April 30, 2023 10:35 am

Turn your television off and go outside.

April 30, 2023 10:42 am

He who presumes to kill a few to save the many still is guilty of murder.

April 30, 2023 11:23 am

Turn your television off and go outside

When one has 20/20 Television, one can TV crystal clear.
I might go outside again later. Things don’t get themselves done!
Blessings! : )

April 30, 2023 2:31 pm


April 30, 2023 8:05 am

Today it is infinitely easier to kill one million people than to control one million people.
Zbignew Brzezinski

April 30, 2023 8:37 am

This is the stupidest, most idiotic thing ever posted on TBP, and that is truly saying something.

Seriously, what the fuck happened to this place?

Admin, posting shit like this will not help increase readership. It will only attract nut jobs and will drive off people with more than an ounce of sense.

" It will only attract nut jobs" ?
" It will only attract nut jobs" ?
April 30, 2023 9:25 am
April 30, 2023 9:29 am

So, the moral is:

Don’t make any big ticket purchases.
Once the population falls under 1 billion, there will be a lot of free stuff.

April 30, 2023 11:32 am

So, the moral is:

Dont wander to far away or you fall off the edge of the earth like the other 1 billion

April 30, 2023 6:14 pm

That is starting to happen in Australia. People with things like classic car collections, multiple residences, and other durable luxury goods are “falling off the perch”. Prices are dropping rapidly.
The government is trying to hide it by importing millions of immigrants, mostly from China and India, but the cracks are beginning to show.

April 30, 2023 9:52 am

I know 200 people. LLPOH has done the math. I have a .00000000000252 % chance of NOT KNOWING anyone who has died from the pop-n-drop.

April 30, 2023 10:07 am

Just out of curiosity, how many in the last year do you know of that have died for any reason?

April 30, 2023 1:56 pm

I personally know of 2 people that have died during the “Covid Years”. One was my father inlaw. He was nonjabbed and “supposedly” died of Covid. We strongly believe the hospital killed him and the other was a 60 year old friend who was a healthy non smoker or drinker. Not overweight. He supposedly died of Covid.

April 30, 2023 2:03 pm

I wonder what your odds of knowing someone who has died in the last three years for any reason out of 200 is. Are you more or less than 2 people out of 200. odds for 1%/ knowing 200 people x 3 years of all reasons of death – odds of spike protein involvement. Equals…..
And was your 60 year old friend jabbed? You didn’t specify for him.

April 30, 2023 3:37 pm

So you really don’t even know if you don’t know anyone who died of covid.

You ASSume.

April 30, 2023 8:22 pm

He doesn’t even know, but Lloph did the math using bunk info so……..There’s that.

April 30, 2023 9:40 pm

Actually I don’t think Llophs math relied on info provided by GNL…. my bad Lloph…

April 30, 2023 9:54 pm

It did.

April 30, 2023 6:19 pm

I refused the jabs. I was stood down (put on “reserve”) of my fire brigade. Now I could attend a funeral for my brigade members almost every week, sometimes twice a week. It is clear that extraordinarily fit firefighters that took the jabs are now dying like flies. A similar phenomenon is occurring among the police and other emergency services.

April 30, 2023 2:34 pm

Glock-N-Load has reached the level of “Troll’.

April 30, 2023 10:35 am

you have just provided a good explanation why the 1 billion number isn’t accurate (or at least the 1 in 8 value in the US isn’t representative). That would correspond to 40 million people dead in the US which is impossible not to notice. If it’s 1 million excess deaths in the US (which seems much more likely), the probability of NOT having one of your 200 friends die is around 55%. When that value jumps up to 4 million dead in the US, the probability for you is under 10%. Deaths are high but we haven’t crossed that “overwhelming” threshold yet where it is impossible not to notice.

April 30, 2023 1:45 pm

Donkey buddy…it’s a big world…check out the entire site…it is anti-Big Media covering the Covid Con and the damage being done from many angles.

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April 30, 2023 1:57 pm


I’m just curious…how many people have to die before the whole world catches on?

April 30, 2023 4:15 pm


I don’t know the tipping point…speculating I think before the end of 2023 that point will be reached…but there will be massive FF’s and distractions coming before that.

I have been amazed by the numbers of people I know or know of who rode the needle/needles. I warned everyone I knew not to get injected, sent them the best information not to take it I could find (much of it from TBP), and many blew the warning off. I gave 12 people Ivermectin (most paid me back) who were purebloods and were sick. Once the word got out I had it and would help many calls followed.

Everyone fully recovered, did it fairly quickly (one guy smuggled the Ivemectin into the hospital as I got it to him the day before he was admitted…he couldn’t breath and was at least 100 lbs overweight. He said it saved his life and he was out of the hospital in three days. The hospital staff were shocked on his recovery. He never told them he was shoving Ivermectin into himself.

He came over a month later with his wife to thank me. He was a friend of a friend.

My wife’s Aunt (my age) who is the biggest Liberal/jab supporter in the family, and told me on e-mail not to send her and her husband anymore e-mails about it is facing her 3rd open heart surgery. She was a robust woman before the sudden heart and kidney problems that came upon her. I don’t know how many needles she took, I suspect as many as were offered.

I have sent everyone of them Spike Protein and Graphene Oxide/heavy metal DETOX information as well.

I follow many of Greg Hunters interviews on:


and he has had on some ‘experts’ making predictions that support the premise of the website in this thread. Check this out.

She is predicting 200 million murdered or disabled Americans by 2030.

I pray she is wrong.


CV19 Bioweapon Vax is Not Genocide, It’s Extinction – Karen Kingston

Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who understands complicated medical and biological contracts. Kingston also understands what it takes to make or defend a legal case against Big Pharma. She has years of experience on multiple levels. Kingston contends you do not need new laws to stop the CV19 mRNA technology. Everybody simply needs to understand the CV19 vax and the mRNA technology are proven bioweapons. The data shows millions have been disabled or murdered by the CV19 bioweapon/vax so far. Is it going to get worse? Kingston says, “Unfortunately, it is going to get worse. The worst is yet to come. . . . The FDA did have to prove that these were safe. Based on the information that they had in October and November of 2020, they should have never moved forward . . . with the trials. So, they broke the law. They knew it would cause all these disabilities and deaths. . . . I predicted a 25% myocarditis rate in July of 2021. I have heard experts say we may be looking at 100% . . . if they got two or three shots. So, it’s going to get bad.”

Big Pharma and government are allowing mRNA technology (the same deadly bioweapon in the CV19 injections) to be put into the entire food supply. Kingston contends this is to turn humans into trans-humans in something called “Directed Evolution.” Kingston explains, “Directed Evolution is forcing the evolution of humans to merge with DNA from reptiles, insects and artificial intelligence. It’s the bio-digital merger. This is what this is, and there are multi-trillion dollar industries around this. . . . There is a whole bio-data division in DARPA in the U.S. military. It is about merging the bio-digital with humans.”

Many have been calling the CV19 bioweapon/vax that features technology poison such as graphene as a genocide. Kingston contends it is far more than that. Kingston says, “This is not for the benefit of humanity. This is going to lead to our extinction. I just do not know why people do not understand that.”

Kingston demonstrates the electromagnetic properties of mRNA on a beef steak. The quarter she uses sticks to a part of the meat where the mRNA had assembled because the mRNA creates a magnetic field. (All patents Kingston has reviewed prove, without a doubt, mRNA is an electromagnetic device.) Kingston says there is no need to pass new laws to stop evil Big Pharma, government and food producers from putting this in our food. mRNA is a bioweapon, and it is illegal to put this in anyone’s food. Kingston says, “It’s not that you want informed consent about mRNA technology in your food, every state has laws on the books where weapons of biowarfare cannot contaminate the food supply. I think what is most important is that we seize these mRNA injections. Once we seize the shots and we get legal custody of that to show American citizens and global citizens what the technology is in the shots, then we can start shutting it down around the globe. Not just in the ‘vaccine’ market, but show this is what is being put into our food supply and why all of this needs to stop.”

Kingston contends the FDA and CDC knew early on mRNA CV19 bioweapon injections were going to cause a long list of serious debilitating and deadly diseases. They continue to push the mRNA bioweapon on every aspect of our lives with no end in sight.

Kingston predicts by 2030, there will be 200 million disabled or murdered Americans by mRNA and CV19 bioweapon/vax injections.”

There is much more in the 1-hour and 4-minute interview.

April 30, 2023 6:59 pm

If it happens, I’ll be the first to say I was wrong and you were right. I can’t wrap my mind around the possibility…so far.

May 1, 2023 11:17 pm

Oh it’s happening Donkey…slowly…then all at once….in more ways than one….

But you gotta take those spoons off your eyes!!!

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May 1, 2023 11:54 pm

I acknowledge that I’ve become quite negative/pessimistic about the future of life in Amerika, but how in the world can this be turned around when only a very very small subset of pols will even discuss CovidStan?

April 30, 2023 10:03 am

They killed a thousand times a million people [over two or three years], AND NOBODY NOTICED !!1!

OK, now that makes the “fake moon landing” look like amateur hour.

April 30, 2023 10:17 am

Not to worry. The USA population increases about 10,000 a day.
No supply chain problem with immigrant ” workers” from our neighbor to the south.

April 30, 2023 10:32 am

Less people ? Good.
Maybe I can get a table at my favorite restaurant without waiting 45 minutes.

April 30, 2023 2:35 pm

For what? Bug burgers?

April 30, 2023 11:13 am

The globalist agenda is to enslave every person on the planet. It is also out to reduce the overall population because human labor will in the future be replaced in large part by automation. People who are not employable become expenses needing support, and eventually become disgruntled and increase the possibility of uprisings and rebellion’s. The status of human beings is changing, and we are becoming much less valuable in the eyes of the globalists. From their perspective it is time to cull the herd. The first on their list are anyone that may stand up to them and threaten their power.

April 30, 2023 6:29 pm

I wouldn’t be too sure of all of that. Seems to me “the elite” want to cut down on the population so they have fossil fuels available for their yachts and private jets. They prefer to cut down on the less intelligent part of the population that can’t think for themselves. They don’t seem to be really going after the smart independent thinking part of the population that didn’t take the death jabs. They want to retain artisans, craftsmen, engineers, and others capable of making the luxury goods they enjoy.

April 30, 2023 11:47 am

I don’t doubt this article at all. With emerging AI, TPTB Leviathan no longer needs the excess population that originally fueled the Industrial Revolution. The Deagle Forecast wasn’t wrong.

April 30, 2023 1:20 pm

Explore the rest of the site CrossingTheRubicon…massive amouts of information not found in any single focued site.




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April 30, 2023 1:59 pm


What you say makes sense but, I just don’t see it…yet, I guess.

April 30, 2023 1:47 pm

I am still unconvinced of “extra”deaths…..I looked up early on the average death rate before the scamdemic is around 1%,out of 350 mil.,around 3 million die annually…….is .5 million excess or an anomaly????when it’s 7 or 8 million annually,then it should be obvious…

i forget
i forget
April 30, 2023 2:49 pm

if all those deadheads were dead to me anyway, already, i might naughta’ noticed.

6-pack abs/tractions. you know you’ve seen ’em. even if you’ve never experienced ’em. or even seen ’em. lol…..

April 30, 2023 3:32 pm

If 1 billion died of 8 billion that would be 1 in 8 which in the united if we figure 350 million would be roughly 44 million. I personally know 1 person (an aunt) that died from the jabs, and few other people who died of whatever*as in like one), but I think we may be in an area that didn’t get the hpt jabs. It basically tore her heart apart.
That is a lot of people not to notice, and besides a labor shortage (which can be explained other than deaths), we would see a housing surplus, which we don’t see, though that could also be explained by institutional purchase of housing.
All that said, that US is not the rest of the world. China (especially) and India could account for much more deaths than elsewhere.

February 7, 2024 4:31 pm

On China, to quote the article –
“You literally cannot function in that country as a human being without a QR code and vaccines.”
I live in China and have neither a QR code or any jabs! Quite simply this is a lie!