The Death Of Conservatism

Submitted by DirtPerson Steve

Via The ZMan

It is fair to say that American conservatism is dead, at least the version that has been sold to us by the conservative industrial complex. They still rake in millions from corporate donors, but the public audience for this stuff is largely confined to rest homes in the sun belt. Flag waving and tax breaks for corporations is just not the crowd pleaser it was a decade ago, much less forty years ago. Conservatism as a political force is headed to the dustbin of history.

The question is, why did it fail? Lost in the endless stream of outrage, real and manufactured, is the fact that the winners are ridiculous. Conservatism lost to men in sundresses demanding to wave their genitals in the face of school children. They lost to people who think Hitler is hiding under their bed. They lost to childless middle-aged women drunk on cheap wine, complaining about men on Twitter. It took effort to lose to this collection of bourgeois misfits.

One reason conservatism failed in America is that conservatives could never accept that people lie in politics. In fact, lying is an essential part of politics. The reason is you must paint your opponents as the bad guys and your side as the good guys, which means gross exaggeration. Conservatives never accepted this. Instead, they demanded as much factual accuracy from their side as possible. When people on their side would exaggerate, conservatives were there to set the record straight.

This was not the result of stupidity. American conservatism evolved into the 1980’s as the antidote to politics. They used to make this point in the Reagan years. Conservatism was the lack of politics. Instead, it was just problem solving. That was very appealing to people who did not like rolling around on the mud with left-wing kooks, but it was a terrible way to engage in politics. It is part of what made conservatism the beautiful losers described by Sam Francis.

Related to this was the fact that American conservatism embraced the libertarian idea that people are motivated by rational self-interest. For conservatives in the 20th century, people were not spiritual beings, so much as moist robots who naturally responded to incentives, particularly economic incentives. This is why conservatism was the accounting department for the welfare state. The only way they could relate to their audience was through the jargon of popular economics.

Another result of this was the habit of conservatives to rely on charts and graphs in response to moral claims. The Left would demand we do something about some victim group and conservatives would respond with a table of figures showing that the victims were not really victims. It was not that it made conservatism heartless, but that it made them seem brainless. They kept falling for the same traps, eventually succumbing to the moral claims of the Left.

That is the probably the main failing of American conservatism. To this day they insist that politics is about solving problems. This is false. Politics is always about friends and enemies and those are defined on moral terms. No one wants to fight someone for making a math error. Politics is so nasty and feral because the opponents see one another in moral terms. The other guy is the bad guy because he does not love what you love and hate what you hate.

The Left has always understood this. The reason that the demand for Nazis exceeds the historic global supply is the Left always needs villains. Even when their opponents agree with them, they still call them the worst names in their book. Donald Trump would have been happy to make generous deals with the Democrats, but they needed to hate him more than they wanted a deal. This is why the Left steamrolled conservatives on every issue. They work only in morality, not facts and reason.

This inability to understand what drives politics may explain the inability to accept that their opponents genuinely believe what they are saying. Much of what makes up conservative commentary is a claim that the Left does not actually believe what they are saying, but instead they are using it as cover for money and power. For conservatives, everything is reduced to money and power, because this is what motivates the moist robots they imagine as their audience.

This is why conservatives have always underestimated the Left. Because they cannot accept that these people believe what they are saying, they just assume they will stop saying it once they have money and power. Instead, the Left uses their newly acquired money and power to act on what they said and produce more outlandish things they can push onto society. When you think people are moist robots, you stop believing that people can be evil, which is how evil triumphs.

Finally, the great failure of American conservatism will be seen in the Republican primary that kicks off this summer. The field challenging Trump will insist that everyone must rally around cleaning up the mess created by the Left. They will make the oldest of conservative arguments. That is, you must forget about the crimes committed against you by the other side and instead rally with your fellow citizens, even the ones who hate you, to fight for America!

Of course, this requires you to not get anything you want and instead normalize the latest insanity from the Left. You see, it is your duty as an American to sacrifice your interests for the nebulous concept of America. This was powerful magic forty years ago when the country was 85% white and had a handful of foreigners. In a country being overrun by migrants and hyper-racialized lunatics attacking white people, this rallying cry sounds like a suicide cult.

Robert Lewis Dabney famously described conservatism as “merely the shadow that follows Radicalism as it moves forward towards perdition.” This was always true, for sure, but it worked for a long time because the radicals were still aspirational, rather than suicidal. The dialectic between the Left and the Right in American was a useful engine for maintaining the ruling class consensus. One side proposed, the other side opposed, and the consensus was some compromise.

This changed just as conservatism reached its peak. The triumph of conservatism in the 1980’s was followed by the descent of progressivism into the dark, suicidal politics of nihilism and Gnosticism. Conservatives have never come to terms with this and as a result have been a steep decline ever since. As America descends into tribal politics that must follow the transition to majority-minority demographics, conservatism will become a museum piece and then forgotten.

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July 7, 2023 6:37 pm

Conservatism is NOT dead… We are still here and active… You should see my list of problem childs to be spanked… HA HA HA HA ……… Keep the faith..

July 7, 2023 10:29 pm

^^^^^^^ THIS ^^^^^^

Article here , like many comments HERE …… are pure Tokyo Rose — Demoralization Campaign … ” You can’t win imperialist G.I. – Go Home to your cheating wife and girlfriend.”

Sow doubt in the opponents MIND.

There once was a man from Nantucket….

He said I’m gonna kill all you globalist motherfuckers

July 8, 2023 6:44 am

at least the version that has been sold to us by the conservative industrial complex.

July 7, 2023 7:17 pm

Bullshit. “Conservatism” has not existed for decades. It’s not left/right D/R – it is statist vs non-statist. AND THEY ARE ALL STATISTS.

July 7, 2023 7:32 pm

OK, so YOU are not a conservative and YOU believe nobody else is.. So, what are YOU.. Me and mine are still conservatives…. We stand for the original intent and meaning of this countries desire and direction…

July 7, 2023 7:40 pm

Well ok, there are conservative individuals (of which I am one). But there is no conservative representation. Linsthey gram calls himself a conservative.

July 7, 2023 9:42 pm

Of WHOM, not which, I am one . . . try conserving grammar, please.

July 8, 2023 6:48 am

Eyes luvs de gremmer poliz, de keeps youz all frum lookin’ ignerent!

July 7, 2023 10:40 pm

Lindsay is a NEO CON not a paleo con .

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 8, 2023 12:33 am

also…a fairy

July 8, 2023 12:37 am

Lady Graham is a weak, pathetic little Globalist cock sucker…period.

July 8, 2023 12:53 pm

Gobbleist. FIFY

July 8, 2023 6:47 am

So did Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, but you saw how easy it was for them to become woke liberals.

July 7, 2023 7:50 pm

“We stand for the original intent and meaning of this countries desire and direction…”

What is the original intent and meaning of this countries desire and direction?

July 7, 2023 10:43 pm

“We hold these truths to be self evident , that all men are created equal , that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unallienable rights,that among these are life liberty and the pursuit of happiness . That to secure these rights governments are instituted among men , deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed “?

July 7, 2023 10:58 pm

Thank you… Could not write it better…

July 8, 2023 7:10 am

All men are created equal?

Now you know that is complete bullshit. When have you ever seen true equality practiced in this country or in any country? Equality is one of the biggest lies ever told.

Take you and me for example. One of us is bigger, stronger and faster. One of us is more wealthy. One of us has a more influential circle of friends. One of us is more intelligent. How could the two of us possibly be equal?

Is the sheep equal to the lion? Do you view yourself equal to the piss soaked bum sleeping next to the dumpster behind the grocery store? I’ll bet you don’t. You can write it down in documents because it sounds good, but only fools truly believe it.

Sionnach Liath
Sionnach Liath
July 8, 2023 8:28 am

obviously does not understand the definition of ‘equality.’

July 8, 2023 6:45 am

an anti- STATISTS?

July 8, 2023 8:53 am

I am an AMERICAN,not a particular facet of being such,but an AMERICAN as described by our founding documents!!!
An American and all the RIGHTS and RESPONSIBILITIES that comes with it…
Though you may be born here…..if you do not adopt this countries mores and values,just exactly WHAT makes you AMERICAN???…….there,Fify!

July 7, 2023 7:50 pm

What exactly have any of these s0-called Conservatives conserved or preserved in the last 50 years? Nothing.

They’ve been for all the same sh*t the Liberals, Democrats and Communists were for, they just wanted slower implementation. Their pitch to the public is always the same…we’d do something except…we need the senate…we need the house…we need the presidency…but please donate, buy my book or subscribe to my newsletter. 🙄

They don’t fight for anything. Meanwhile, no matter the subject, Liberals, Democrats and Communists fight like they’re the 3rd monkey on the ramp to The Ark, and brother, it’s starting to rain.

It’s a big club, and we ain’t in it.

July 7, 2023 11:01 pm

No, you are just whining because we have not killed enough of the problem childs to satisfy you… But that day is fast approaching, and then I’m sure you will whine about all the executions of those “loyalists” you love so much… Face it Cricket, it is easier to bitch, moan and whine then to get off your ass and clean the slate… We actually enjoy your whining.. You are cheap entertainment…

July 7, 2023 11:02 pm

No, you are just whining because we have not killed enough of the problem childs to satisfy you… But that day is fast approaching, and then I’m sure you will whine about all the executions of those “loyalists” you love so much… Face it Cricket, it is easier to bitch, moan and whine then to get off your ass and clean the slate… We actually enjoy your whining.. You are cheap entertainment…

July 8, 2023 10:39 am

Says the guy also here whining and not getting off his ass.
Tell us what you have done, Chas, to “clean the slate” or “kill the problem childs (sic)”? We’ll need documentation or photographic evidence.

July 8, 2023 12:39 am

What a glowfag thing to say…agency, bot or troll.

July 8, 2023 12:28 am

That big club seems to be run by Jews.

July 8, 2023 3:08 pm

OK. I’m gonna cheap shot it here with the fucking Donald Trump Defense (patent pending)…

Conservatives were blocked/thwarted/ “bullied” from carrying out their WONDERFUL, BEAUTIFUL, YUGE agenda by evil poopie heads whom they jumped into bed with. It isn’t their fault. They’re the smartest people on the planet and you’re all dumb asses if you don’t agree both completely , loudly and most importantly, FINANCIALLY!


July 9, 2023 8:43 pm

LOL !!!

NOBODY knows WTF to think about THAT!

Dam, I broke the internetz!

Archaeopteryx Phoenix
Archaeopteryx Phoenix
July 7, 2023 8:18 pm

Racial Consciousness

Fact of history:

The only regime to ever completely destroy Communism in their own country was National Socialism.

Conservatism hasn’t destroyed Communism. Republicanism hasn’t destroyed Communism. Civic Nationalism hasn’t destroyed Communism.

So why are people still clinging to Civic Nationalism, Conservatism, and the Republican party in hopes of saving America from this latest incarnation of Communism?

  Archaeopteryx Phoenix
July 9, 2023 8:44 pm

I live to kill Nazis. According to you, I’m the fucking problem.

I guess we’ll settle it on the streets, won’t we?

It’s inevitable.

July 7, 2023 8:39 pm

The question is, why did it fail?

Oh please! Another true believer in the false Left-Right divide! Why is it so difficult to understand that the observed “fighting” between the 2 parties is merely keyfabe? Now, the peasants may take it all seriously and actually argue (and fight!) with each other, but this only makes the peasants weaker and more divided.

Those who are really running things will just push either the “Left” or the “Right” forward at any given moment depending on the objective at hand. The Left is useful at destroying the existing order (with the most active destroyers then eliminated at the end), the Right is useful at preserving the existing order. This should really be taught at school, but it isn’t. I wonder why?

ursel doran
ursel doran
July 7, 2023 9:51 pm

“The idea that the mass of Americans is going to spend the rest of eternity being bullied by a bunch of people with dysfunctional politics goes against everything history teaches us.
The question is not if they are stopped but how, and how hard.”

A cruel accountant
A cruel accountant
July 7, 2023 10:21 pm

As long as the masses are easily distracted they will be easily controlled.

First came religion then the boob toob . Now we have the ultimate distraction.

You are staring at the ultimate mind washing machine right now.

July 7, 2023 11:05 pm

some rando on the internet said we cant win

whelp , guess we all give up now

July 8, 2023 12:33 am

So much horseshit…so little time. Just follow the money if you really want to know what happened to Conservatism and the other Progressive CCP cocksuckers in power. I would take it as a personal favor if you didn’t figuratively piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining.

July 8, 2023 4:43 pm

Conservatism is founded in on individual sovereignty which has not existed in any form for over 100 years.
You cannot be a conservative and support taxes by force, the draft, or any 3 letter agency of the US Government.

July 8, 2023 10:19 pm

Conservatism is a relative position posing as ideology. It has no values of its own. The very name suggests subversion relative to something like traditionalism or even Christianity.

July 9, 2023 5:32 pm

Take your liberal relativity and shove it up your liberal ass. You deserve to be beaten to a pulp you lying piece of shit.

July 9, 2023 8:36 pm

I’m no scholar,( but 3 of my ancestors signed the Declaration) but my understanding of what Jefferson meant in the ” All men are created equal” clause was neither egalitarian or referring to race, ect… but in the context of all ENGLISHMEN are created equal under the law, regarding representation, ect..TheFounders, although they didn’t want to have titled nobility in America, they did believe in an “aristocratic” class, most of them being from the upper class. Just as Bloodlines and pedigree and education were important in England, so they were in America, the difference being whereas in England one would die a member of the class into which they were born, in America, there was an opportunity for the hardworking and clever to get educated and improve their station in life, “upward mobility” is what we call it today. Point being, they did not believe that all men were literally created with equal intelligence, talent, discipline, or physical attributes, but in the eyes of God, and under the law, all men were equal, actually meaning men of property. They thought that only landowners(or business owners) should vote, that people with no skin in the game, so to speak, should never be given the power “to take from those that have to give to those that have not.” It was Abraham Lincoln that “”reimagined” the meaning of The Declaration and Constitution, and his War of Northern Aggression that ended the Republic as envisioned by The Founders.