RAPE OF PALESTINE: How the Zionists have systematically committed genocide, ethnic cleansing and stolen land from Palestinians since the 1940s.

Via State of the Nation

Don’t even think about siding with Israel
until you read this indisputable and shocking history of the relentless “rape of Palestine”.

Editor’s Note: What is crucial to understand is that the following detailed rendition of the actual history of the plight of the Palestinian people, at the hands of Zionist Israelis, does not even come close to the terrible trials and tribulations they have suffered since the early 1940s.  The raw truth is, in fact, much more horrible and savage, outrageous and vicious than anyone can ever imagine.

Were the whole truth to be revealed about the highly organized conspiratorial to kill and maim and incapacitate and sicken and debilitate and displace and demoralize as many Palestinians as possible over decades, the world community of nations would collectively hold their heads in utter shame.

In point of fact, the long-planned scheme to force the indigenous Palestinians from their ancestral homeland goes back centuries, but its implementation began in earnest with the inception of the worldwide movement of Zionism during the late 19th century.  The blueprint for forcefully and violently pushing the Palestinians out of Palestine was created by rich and powerful Zionist Jews domiciled in the United States, Great Britain, France, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland among other colluding criminal elements.

Those criminal Zionist co-conspirators had one primary mission to accomplish: make life so cruel and burdensome and difficult and oppressive and inhumane and atrocious that the Palestinians would eventually leave of their own accord.  They really did think the Palestinians would leave willingly after being morally defeated by unyielding Zionist cruelty.

Well, the genocidal Zionists grossly miscalculated the extraordinary degree of Palestinian perseverance, forbearance and endurance throughout the Khazarian’s highly calculated and unrelenting “RAPE OF PALESTINE”.

Which is why the Zionist executioners in Tel Aviv have had to resort to administering the most barbaric apartheid regime the world have ever known.  And, why they have periodically, and with nefarious intention, started brutal wars against the Palestinians via false flag operations and heinous acts of terrorism as the world just witnessed. In this way, the Khazarian decision-makers had hoped to scare the people of Palestine off their lands instead of always having to outright steal it from them.

N.B. The various true stories in the historical account presented below are rarely seen anywhere in the Zionist-controlled mainstream media; and for reasons that will soon become clear.



For many Palestinians, al-Nakba not only refers to the forced expulsion from 1947 to 1949 but evokes the entire history of Palestinian displacement, which is still occurring in 2021. Forced displacement of Palestinians was occurring even during British colonization, and between 1936 and 1939, British authorities destroyed up to 5,000 Palestinian homes.

From its inception, the Zionist project has sought to create a nation through colonialism, made apparent by organizations such as the Palestine Jewish Colonization Association. And as noted by Hadar Cohen, this violence has been committed and continues to be committed in the name of Judaism, despite the fact that for many, “displacing and oppressing others is antithetical to [their] Jewishness.”

As of 2021, Palestinian people continue to fight for their right to self-determination and their right to return. Meanwhile, countries like the United States continue to provide billions of dollars of aidto Israel, effectively funding the continued forced displacement of Palestinian people. This is the tragic true story of the 1948 Palestinian displacement.




Throughout history, the land currently occupied by Israel, also known as Palestine, has seen numerous conquerors, from the Assyrians in 721 B.C. to the Ottoman Empire in 1516 C.E. And according to Palestinian anthropologist Ali Qleibo, “throughout history a great diversity of peoples has moved into Palestine as their homeland: Jebusites, Canaanites, Philistines from Crete, Anatolian and Lydian Greeks, Hebrews, Amorites, Edomites, Nabateans, Arameans, Romans, Arabs … the various cultures shine for a brief moment before they fade out of official historical and cultural records of Palestine. The people, however, survive.”

The Ottoman occupation of Palestine lasted until 1918, one year after British forces entered Palestine, seeking to gain control over the territory as World War I drew to a close. ARIJ writes that although it was believed that Palestine would become an “international zone not under direct French or British colonial control,” Palestine ended up remaining under British occupation until 1948. With the Partition Plan, the land was divided by the United Nations, with one part for the Palestinian people and one part for the Zionist state of Israel.

This wasn’t the first time that Palestine was treated by Europeans as a place for Jewish people to return to. In 1799, Napoleon offered Palestine to Jewish people who were under France’s protection, describing them as “Rightful heirs of Palestine!




Following waves of pogroms and anti-Semitic persecution in Eastern Europe starting in 1881, thousands of Jewish people emigrated. While the majority immigrated to the United States, up to 25,000 Jewish people immigrated to Palestine between 1882 and 1884, known as the First Aliyah. The Second Aliyah lasted from 1904 to 1914, and roughly 40,000 Eastern European Jewish people immigrated to Palestine.

According to “Yemenites in Israel,” by Nitza Druyan, Yemenite Jews also immigrated to Palestine at the time, and by 1914, “Yemenite Jews were about six percent of the Jewish population in Palestine, while in the Jewish world they were less than one-half of one percent.” This occurred partly because “many of the European Jews who set up religious settlements in Palestine gave up after a few months and returned home, often hungry and diseased,” reports The New York Times.

Up to World War I, the Jewish communities that were immigrating to Palestine maintained their various ethnic traditions. “Jewish cultural pluralism was part of the pre-Zionist and the pre-State era. Moreover, one’s ethnic heritage was recognized as a legitimate expression of Jewish identification in Eretz Israel.” However, after World War I, Zionist leaders adopted the position that it was necessary “to create a new image of the Jew as an individual and of the Jewish society as a whole.” This involved letting go of the “degenerate lifestyle of the Diaspora.”



Nathan Birnbaum may have coined the term Zionism in 1890, but Theodor Herzl would become known as the founder of the Zionist movement largely due to his work, “Der Judenstaat,” or “The Jewish State” (via OpenDemocracy).

Herzl himself questioned “Palestine or Argentina?” and wasn’t too attached to the idea of Palestine “until he got involved with eastern European ZIonists, who were attached to the biblical Land of Israel.” However, despite the religious connection, the concern was mainly with power, and as a result the Zionist movement “was forced to meticulously sort and thoroughly nationalize some of the religious beliefs in order to turn them into nation-building myths,” writes Haaretz.

Palestine wasn’t the only option on the map. East Africa was also considered for a temporary Jewish colony, known as the Uganda Scheme, and a settlement was also started in Argentina in 1889. By the outbreak of World War I, Jewish people numbered 6% of the Palestinian population.




Organizations involved in acquiring land in Palestine included the Jewish Colonial Trust, the Jewish National Fund, the Palestine Land Development Company, and the Palestine Jewish Colonization Association (PJCA).

According to “Land, Law, and Legitimacy in Israel and the Occupied Territories,” by George E. Bisharat, European Zionists trying to buy land in Palestine appealed to the Ottoman sultan “based on promises that Jewish financial resources would be mobilized globally to lend assistance to his financially strapped empire.” Ultimately, “this appeal fell flat,” and the Ottoman Empire maintained their restriction on Jewish land purchases and immigration to Palestine. An appeal was also made “to induce the German Emperor to endorse the creation of a Chartered Land Development Company, which would be operation by Zionists in Palestine under German protection,” writes Fayez A. Sayegh in Zionist Colonialism in Palestine.

Once Britain took over Palestine, Zionists successfully lobbied the British government into establishing a Jewish ‘National Home’ in Palestine with the Balfour Declaration.




During the beginning of the 20th century, there was a relatively steady stream of Jewish immigration to Palestine. Although the British installed quotas twice, many immigrated through loopholes, and by the end of 1946, Jewish people numbered 32.4% of the population and owned roughly 6% of the land.

According to Middle East Monitor, on November 29, 1947, the United Nations adopted its Partition Plan for Palestine. And as Fayez A. Sayegh notes in Zionist Colonialism in Palestine, although “enthusiastic support for the proposal came exclusively from Europe, Australasia, and the Western Hemisphere. An alien state was to be planted in the land link between Asia and Africa without the free consent of any neighboring African or Asian country.” And while the plan was created in cooperation with the Jewish Agency for Palestine, no Palestinian people were consulted on the plan. The Arab Higher Committee had boycotted the deliberations because the U.N. “had refused to address the question of independence.”

Palestinians ultimately rejected the proposal because it planned to give 56.5% of the land to the Zionist state and would have additionally deprived Palestine “of key agricultural lands and seaports.” And according to “The Question of Palestine and the United Nations,” “the plan was not accepted by the Palestinian Arabs and the Arabs States on the ground that it violated the provisions of the United Nations Charter, which granted people the right to decide their own destiny.”




In response to U.N. Resolution 181, a civil war broke out in Palestine between Palestinians and Zionists. Haganah, Irgun, and LHI were three of the main Zionist paramilitary forces that fought against Palestinians, who had “gained extensive training and arms from fighting alongside Britain in World War II.”

British soldier Orde Wingate trained one division of Haganah commanders that became known as “the special night squads,” since they trained in the dead of night. Since this group was outside the formal military chain of command, their actions were “wild and uncontrollable,” such as one incident that involved forcing villagers to eat sand until they vomited. According to military historian Matthew Hughes, “British SNS brutality prompted Jewish soldiers, taught them how to deal with insurgency and insurgents and set this within a colonial legal framework of collective punishment and punitive action that normalized draconian action.”

And although the three Zionist paramilitary organizations had been briefly united against British authority from 1945 to 1946, once the British withdrawal from Palestine was official, they focused their attentions on the Palestinian people and launched a program of ethnic cleansings.

Ultimately, many of the methods used by the later Israeli army, formed out of the Haganah, would mirror those that the British had used against Palestinians in the 1930s, including house demolitions and indefinite internment.




By the end of 1947, there were approximately 50,000 Zionist forces fighting against at most 3,000 Palestinian-led guerrillas and 2,000 to 4,000 volunteers of the Arab Liberation Army. And although Plan Dalet, which detailed the depopulation and destruction of Palestinian villages, wasn’t confirmed until March 1948, villages were already being targeted by December 1947.

According to Palestinian Journeys, Haganah and Irgun launched random military operations on villages such as al-Tira and al-Abbasiyya on December 12 and 13, respectively, killing and wounding dozens of villagers. The terrorization of Haifa also began in December 1947, leading up to 20,000 of the city’s Palestinian residents to seek refuge in Egypt and Lebanon.

Zochrot writes that by February 1948, Haifa became the location of “the first pre-planned, organized expulsion of an Arab community by the Haganah.” Inhabitants were ordered to leave, and those who stayed had their houses destroyed — “thirty houses were demolished, and six were spared for lack of explosives.” Between 60 and 80 Palestinian people were killed, and those who survived “were driven out.”

The first step of Plan Dalet was Operation Nachshon, which involved taking the Tel-Aviv–Jerusalem road, which had been blockaded by the Palestinian militia in February 1948. Ultimately, every Palestinian village along the way was destroyed or taken over, but the village of Deir Yassinis considered to be one of the most notorious massacres of the war.




After ordering the Deir Yassin village inhabitants to leave via a loudspeaker, the Irgun and LHI Zionist forces proceeded to slaughter everyone who remained. According to Middle East Monitor, between 100 to 250 Palestinian people, including children, were murdered over the course of several hours. This despite the fact that Deir Yassin had signed a nonaggression pact with the neighboring Jewish Givat Shaul settlement “and had stuck to it.” Ultimately, it was the residents of Givat Shaul who showed up and stopped the slaughter once they heard about it.

Yehuda Feder, who participated in the massacre, wrote how in addition to executing children “against a wall,” the village was promptly looted. “We confiscated a lot of money and silver and gold jewelery fell into our hands.”

During the pogrom all the village inhabitants were killed or driven out, homes were destroyed with explosives, and after the massacre, the dead bodies were burned. After the massacre, some of the survivors were taken to Jerusalem for a “victory parade.”

Despite the fact that the Deir Yassin massacre was well-recorded, many Zionist organizations claim that the Deir Yassin massacre is a fabrication. And as of 2021, the IDF and the Defense Ministry continue to refuse to publish the photographs of the Deir Massacre that it has in its archives.




After the Partition Plan for Palestine had been passed, it was decided that the British mandate over Palestine would end on May 15, 1948. And on the very last day of the mandate, Zionist leaders “called a declaration of independence in Tel Aviv.” Because of this, May 15 is considered for Palestinian people a national day of remembrance of al-Nakba, or the “catastrophe.”

After Israel declared independence, the neighboring Arab countries joined the Palestinian side of the civil war, leading to what is known as the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. Egyptian, Lebanese, Syrian, Jordanian and Iraqi armies launched an offensive, but despite the intervention, Palestinian displacement only intensified. On June 10 and 11, 50,000 Palestinian civilians were driven out of the towns of Lydda and Ramla, and by May 1949, Dayr al-Qassi and all the villages in its vicinity had been taken over by the Zionist forces.

Just after proposing a second peace plan, Swedish diplomat and U.N. Security Council mediator Folke Bernadotte was assassinated by LHI forces on September 17, 1948. As a result, many LHI forces were arrested, but according to Independent, “if anything, the murder made it easier to integrate most of the Lehi and Irgun forces into the Israeli mainstream.” And despite the fact that even the Zionist press condemned the murder, no one was ever “found or brought to trial” for the assassination.




Between February and July 1949, the Arab-Israeli War slowly drew to a close as the various countries signed their own armistice agreements. However, as MDC notes, the agreements were only signed between Israeli and Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria, “without Palestinian involvement and without Iraq, which took part in the fighting but refused to countenance any agreement with the new state of Israel.”

Known as the Rhodes Agreements, many Palestinians were angered by the agreements, especially those who found themselves in Israeli territory not because Zionist forces had succeeded in occupying their communities but “as a result of border adjustments made between Israel and Jordan.”

The Green Line was also established as the demarcation lines between Palestine and Israel, separating the Gaza Strip and the West Bank as Palestinian territory and giving roughly 78% of historic Palestine to the Zionist Israeli state. As a result of the demarcation lines, Palestine was cut off from the Red Sea as well as the city of Jaffa, “the Palestinian state’s major Mediterranean Sea port,” and Gaza also “lost its connection to the wheat fields of the Negev.”

And according to Al Jazeera, the armistice didn’t stop the forced displacements of Palestinians by Zionist forces. In 1950, “2,500 Palestinian residents of the city of Majdal were forced into the Gaza Strip, about 2,000 inhabitants of Beer el-Sabe were expelled to the West Bank, and some 2,000 residents of two northern villages were driven into Syria.”




Some 500 Palestinian villages and 11 cities were ethnically cleansed and destroyed by Zionist forces, with some estimates numbering up to 530 villages. +972 writes that the residents of these villages were prevented by Israel from returning to their homes, since the government designated the areas as “closed military zones.” If they were allowed, they would find little left of their villages. Most were demolished by Israel, the homes bulldozed or blown up. The majority of villages were totally destroyed, but those that survived ended up being taken over by Israeli settlers.

According to “Remembering the Palestinian Nakba,” by Nur Masalha, “the Israeli army and the JNF [Jewish National Fund] became the two Zionist institutions key to ensuring that the Palestinian refugees were unable to return to their lands, through complicity in the destruction of Palestinian villages and homes and their transformation into Jewish settlements, national parks, forests and even car parks. The JNF also planted forests in the depopulated villages to ‘conceal’ Palestinian existence.”

The villages and cities that were taken over also had their names replaced with Hebrew names.




Between December 1947 and the first half of 1949, roughly 750,000 Palestinians were forced out of their homes and made refugees. According to Middle East Eye, some fled their villages thinking that they would be able to come back to thresh the wheat. But while some farmers were able “to salvage whatever crops, livestock, or goods they could from their abandoned homes,” others were murdered by Zionist militias in the process.

Many were forced to flee from village to village as Zionist militias persisted in their attacks until they ended up in a refugee camp in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, or one of the neighboring countries. However, according to The New Humanitarian, Jordan was the only country that “granted Palestinian refugees full citizenship rights, except for 120,000 people who originally came from the Gaza Strip.” As of 2021, over 1 million Palestinian people remain living in refugee camps.

And in addition to denying Palestinians the right to return, according to Al-Haq, “the 1950 Absentee Property Law became the main legal instrument of dispossession and was used by Israel to confiscate the property of Palestinian refugees and displaced persons.”

These forced displacements didn’t end in 1949. As of 2021, Sheikh Jarrah is just one of the latest site of Palestinian forced displacement.




During al-Nakba, there were up to 70 massacres and ethnic cleansings against the Palestinian people. And according to Mondoweiss, some of these massacres “took place within the sight of the British police and army; they did not move to stop them.”

There were also instances of biological warfare, such as in May 1948, when Zionist forces “injected typhoid in [an] aqueduct” in order to poison the water supply of the city of Acre. There were at least 70 civilian casualties, and “55 casualties among British soldiers.”

Upwards of 15,000 Palestinians were killed between 1947 and 1949, the vast majority of whom were civilians. Comparatively, the Zionist side suffered roughly 6,000 casualties, two-thirds of whom were military.

However, the massacres didn’t end in 1949, and Palestinians who remained in the West Bank or the Gaza Strip continued to be the subject of ethnic cleansings. These massacres have continued through 2021, as Israeli forces target Palestinian homes with a bombing campaign.




Palestinians who remained in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip effectively became second-class citizens. During the first 18 years of Israel’s existence, Palestinians were subject to a military rule, which has since shifted to a “policy of institutional containment that deals with the Palestinians as a security and demographic threat to the Zionist character of the state and to Jewish majority rule,” writes the Institute for Palestine Studies.

According to Haaretz, since 1948 Palestinians have been subjected to political suppression, surveillance, land confiscation, and unfair laws that have created apartheid in Israel. And in 1967, a second Nakba occurred when between 250,000 and 420,000 Palestinians were displaced from their homes. Many were forced to “sign a document declaring that they were leaving voluntarily,” writes Orient XXI.

Israeli forces have also continued their program of displacement and ethnic cleansing up through the 21st century. Between 2000 and 2014, 87% of those who lost their lives in the fighting were Palestinian. Between 2018 and 2019, almost 200 Palestinians were killed by Israeli snipers as they protested for Palestinian right to return.

Buildings are also often leveled by air raids with the excuse that they are organizational points for Hamas, a Palestinian Sunni-Islamic fundamentalist organization. While there has been “no evidence to back up the claims,” as of May 16, 2021, almost 200 Palestinian people have been killed by Israeli air strikes.


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October 13, 2023 9:41 am

Read a bit of history on the US taking Native American lands. Gaza is a reservation for killing these people off.
“The only good Indian is a dead Indian” sounds familiar. There are politicians repeating those very same words over a hundred years later but just putting Palestinians instead of Indians in the reference.
There is nothing new under the Sun.

October 13, 2023 10:12 am

Savage Indians genocided more peaceful Indians than tards like you ever imagined Whites killing , but you’re excused , because low brow tards like you can’t be expected to know these things.

Comanches: The History of a People Paperback – April 8, 2003
by T.R. Fehrenbach (Author)

October 13, 2023 12:23 pm

You mean morality is decided by majority?

October 13, 2023 12:41 pm

Yes bedwetter, might makes right, but in the case of White settlers it was minority making morality , which the Indians slaughtered for 400 years, before the Whites had enough.

October 14, 2023 3:28 pm

And you pretend to be Christian? What a fucktard!

October 13, 2023 3:34 pm

m. You mean to tell me the “might makes right” creed was not whispered in your ear by a catholic priest as they practiced homosexuality on their very flock. Guess you are not a catholic, neither am I. Just will have to take flash’s word on it.

October 14, 2023 2:43 am

You mean every single catholic priest has the moral authority to tell me what to think?

October 14, 2023 7:24 am

True, but that had been going on for centuries before the Europeans arrived.

October 14, 2023 2:46 pm

And that makes it right asshole?

October 13, 2023 11:36 am

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October 13, 2023 11:44 am

Ginger, true. Nothing new here.
You spout the same propagandist jive that has been around even before Hitler.

First Americans didn’t claim ownership of the land. As I recall they didn’t believe anyone could own the earth or land.
Yup, the US leaders of the time could have done a much better job and been much more fair & humane.
So, how humane would it be for First Americans to go full terrorist mode like Hamas has done.

Hamas is the terrorist organization, not Israel. What has Hamas fixed? How have they helped? What good are they?Not everyone has been tricked by satanic deception regarding Israel & her desperate quest for a homeland.
Israel is not oppressing anyone. THEY are being oppressed just for being Jews.


October 13, 2023 12:38 pm


October 14, 2023 3:30 pm

CNN/FOX 2 sides of the same coin.

October 13, 2023 5:51 pm

Sam the joospook

October 13, 2023 7:39 pm

What to expect for the next few weeks, at least:

comment image

October 13, 2023 5:51 pm

you happy with jews spitting on christians daily, calling for the extermination
of the white race, the whole world is in turmoil thanks to khazarian jews
they have no claim to palestine there homeland is khazaria aka ukraine

October 13, 2023 9:48 pm

actually no. They were kicked out of Russia to The Pale of Settlements for their typical never ending jew criminal bullshit.

That area was Russia, it became the Pale / Khazaria and it became Ukraine

It was just the latest in a very long list of places they were kicked out of elsewhere and settled for a time until kicked out of that one.

October 13, 2023 11:19 pm

It would be pretty funny if Israel is #110.

October 14, 2023 2:45 am

They weren’t kicked out, but chose to go to supposedly greener pastures – and there are only 100’000 left in whole Russia.

October 14, 2023 5:09 am

in AD1070ish the Rus destroyed khazaria long time before the pale existed

October 14, 2023 4:50 am

Sam, I have no words at your complete denial of how they have been spat on , kicked , controlled through water, power and food deprivation over 70 years. Isreal created it own Monster of the ID and it will now feel the force of its ethnic cleansing and the killing fields for land. You disgust me, you are a tool and you have never been denied a life in your own land. Phosphorous shells on your head would be a blessing.

October 14, 2023 2:48 pm

You are an idiot!

Perfect Stranger
Perfect Stranger
October 13, 2023 1:21 pm

Except the American Indians don’t run the world like the tiny hats do.

October 14, 2023 7:22 am

European diseases killed more native Americans than the settlers did. The natives had no resistance or immunity to those diseases. Small pox the no. 1 killer. STD’s also contributed as the native women didn’t have Victorian morals. Then again neither did the European men.

October 13, 2023 10:00 am

Isreal / Hamas war BIG QUESTIONS?
“In view of this description of the security barrier, this statement by the Israeli General Halevi admitting the failure of the Israeli Defence Force to protect Israel from Hamas is obviously intended as a cover up for the fact that the attack was allowed in order to close the book on Palestine.”

Perhaps My Speculation Was on the Mark

formerly anonymous
formerly anonymous
October 13, 2023 10:04 am

To look at this objectively, one must also compare a map of the Muslim world and the land mass it encompasses in totality vs the area of Israel.
Israel would be a playing card in the middle of a football field.
Also consider: what has the Muslim world done to help the Palestinians that have been “imprisoned” in Gaza for a hell of a long time? All of that oil money? It leaves the impression that they don’t give shit. Jews emigrated to Israel, why can’t the Palestinians go to other Muslim countries? ….Oh, right, “it’s their ancestral homeland !”
Given the choice to leave their “homeland” now I’m sure most would get the fuck out yesterday.
I’m not standing up for Jews or Muslims, the world would be better off without any of them.
Unfortunately we are going to be dragged into their shit …again … probably for the last time.
And now, back to the important issue of the day, FRIDAY FAIL.

  formerly anonymous
October 13, 2023 11:41 am

Everyday Jews in Israel and Arabs who live in Gaza are just pawns in the chess game being played by the Kenites.

October 13, 2023 12:04 pm

Pawns that if they continue to keep it up receive billions in aid from the US every year. What incentive is there for peace?

  formerly anonymous
October 13, 2023 4:52 pm

It would have been nice if the article’s poster had used photos of actual Arabs, not Greeks and Armenians..

October 13, 2023 10:21 am

According to the current narrative, if you don’t support this you’re a nazi, racist who loves to eat children.

October 13, 2023 11:19 am

The amount of anti-semitism and racism I encounter on this board is truly shocking.

October 13, 2023 11:44 am

Why not go fishing instead?

October 13, 2023 5:59 pm

the racists and anti-semites live in isreal, JEWS

October 14, 2023 2:53 pm

Not only in Israel. They’re all over the world.

October 13, 2023 7:42 pm

Move to Israel.

October 14, 2023 4:41 am

It’s everywhere, just out in the open here. Don’t kid yourself otherwise.
It is also called free speech. It protects offense speech, because speech that is not offensive doesn’t need protection.

October 14, 2023 2:52 pm

The Palestinians are the real Semites.

October 14, 2023 3:34 pm

Antisemitism is a trick Jew’s use to gain simpathy. Admitted by them. Wake up!

October 13, 2023 10:45 am

So why go back to only 1917? Didn’t the Jews have their own country there called Judea in Biblical times? Who took it from them? Oh yeah, the Italians – the ones from Rome. There has been fighting there ever since. If you want to know how it turns out, read Revelation or Isaiah (esp. Isaiah 17).

October 13, 2023 6:02 pm

the romans wiped out the original hebrews in 135AD, jews today in isreal are

October 14, 2023 5:47 am

They scattered them, didn’t wipe them out. They were kicked out of Roman territory. Most went to Europe or Russia (Europe and Asia).

October 13, 2023 10:52 am

Powers that be (follow the money) have sacrificed non-elite Jews to mohammedans They need a crisis to distract people from the coming financial disaster. They need a scapegoat so that they are not held accountable for their crimes against humanity. Kenites are among the Jews and have been since the Babylonian captivity Those are the same as leaders of the Temple who plotted against Jesus.

October 13, 2023 10:56 am

It has been Jewish land for 5000 years.
When Mo shit out his death cult the world started bleeding.
1948 they quit the land hoping to reclaim when the Israelis were all dead, they lost. Fuck ’em.

October 13, 2023 11:04 am

Absent for 2,ooo years, but suddenly show up with with hundred of billions of other peoples money demanding everyone who isn’t a fake Jew must leave the land and kill all those who resist … seems legit.

October 13, 2023 12:32 pm

Looks like the Jews didn’t kill everyone off after all. They sure left a LOT of people alive. The Government of Israel even lets NON JEWISH citizens vote! Fancy that!
Hard core Islam has been trying to kill Jews AND non Muslims for a very long time. They are STILL heavy into the slave trade. They used to sell slaves to democrat slave owners. If you read their book you see that Jewish genocide is part of their fake religion.
The ‘Palestinians’ were left to be a thorn in the side of Israel after the Islamist’s lost a war in 1948? or so. The ‘Palestinians’ should have been re-absorbed back to their homelands & should leave Israel alone.
IF anyone wants to know the truth about Israel & Islam, look up William Federer On Israel.
He is a foremost scholar on the subject & knows the history VERY WELL. If all you want to do is re–enforce your Hitlarian anti Jewish propaganda, Mr. Federer won’t do ya much good. He only tells the truth.
The same ‘people’ bitchin’ about Israel are the same ones that support murderous destructive USA terrorists, hardly peaceful blm & antifa. So we see that the supporters of Hamas are lovin’ on terror.
Hey, you female haters of Israel & fanny kissers of Hams, blm & antifa, HAVE YOU EVER INVESTIGATED Sharia law & it’s not so comforting to women dominance??? Do you have ANY idea of how men are ALLOWED TO DOMINATE WOMEN under Sharia?
Didn’t think so…


October 13, 2023 12:48 pm

lol…Federman’s certainly got the nose for truth and nothing but….reeeee

comment image

Haver you ever investigated ” kiss my big hairy ass” …look it up sometime, bruh, if you can tear yourself away from slurping Deep Shekel schlong … it’s usually listed right under “truth about the Khazarian apartheid state.”

October 13, 2023 4:41 pm

Flash–Projecting yourself on to me is an old dimm trick. Been there. Seen that.


October 14, 2023 3:35 pm


Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
October 13, 2023 11:21 am

“When people have nothing else to lose they lose it.”

– Gerald Celente.

The harsh ugly truths about the perennial problem; two subspecies find it near impossible to occupy the same territory; humans included.

The Palestinians have every right to fight back against their occupiers and oppressors – they deserve their own nation ( and the Kurds – also Muslim – with them among others.) What would you do if someone took your family’s olive orchard that has been in cultivated for centuries? Serious question; answer honestly…

Doesn’t everyone deserve self-determination? (Civilians, including kids , get in the way of politicians all the time.)

  Aunt Acid
October 13, 2023 12:11 pm

They had their chance and blew it. Israel had every duty to install a wall when terrorist were blowing themselves up in cafes. This time around however, it all seems planned for a wider war. And has nothing to do with Palistians or Jew for tha t matter.

October 14, 2023 3:01 pm

It’s called false flag attacks to have a pretext to commit genocide. Just like 9-11.

October 13, 2023 11:25 am

Land aqusition has always been brutal to the losers. See the Roman empire And the Mongols conquest of Russia and eastern Europe or the Moors in southern Europe. Humans are brutal beast and civilization a thin veneer.

October 13, 2023 1:47 pm

Truth. The hamas crowd got coming.

But guess what? We all got it coming. Humans are a fooked up species………

Maybe some form of intelligent plant will evolve after we nuke ourselves into Extinction……

October 14, 2023 3:33 am

Yeah, look at this guy tell how bad Hamas is:

October 14, 2023 3:37 pm

But supposedly a god of love made us! 😃

October 13, 2023 11:33 am

not the zionists, not the israeli’s ….. the JEWS.

still not getting it entirely yet are ya ?

It’s the JEWS. The entire world has a JEWISH problem. Always has.

October 13, 2023 4:24 pm

Now do Islam…

October 13, 2023 7:44 pm

Islam also has a jewish problem.

October 13, 2023 9:50 pm

just like christinsanity

as I said, the world has a JEWISH problem

October 13, 2023 11:36 am

Islam, why we are afraid. A 1400 year secret by Dr. Bill Warner.

October 13, 2023 12:24 pm


October 13, 2023 12:51 pm

If Jews are so concerned about the spread of Islam , then why are they enabling, via transportation and funding. the flooding Western Countries with Muslims from Africa and the Levant ?

October 13, 2023 12:52 pm

Any idea why Queen Isabella kicked the Jews out of Spain in 1492…any idea at all?

October 13, 2023 5:56 pm

Bingo flash

October 14, 2023 3:35 am

They’re probably trying to dilute islam into nothingness. /s

October 14, 2023 3:03 pm

Their goal is to create chaos as stated in the Protocols.

October 13, 2023 12:32 pm

Ron Paul (2009): Israel Encouraged and Started Hamas

The Cold Hard Truth
The Cold Hard Truth
October 13, 2023 12:38 pm

for sure.

The Cold Hard Truth
The Cold Hard Truth
  The Cold Hard Truth
October 13, 2023 12:42 pm

The So-Called ‘Alternative’ Media Is Being Taken Over by Imposters, While the World Goes Insane

October 13, 2023 12:52 pm

It’s always been that way. Always will be.

October 13, 2023 12:58 pm

A few words regarding Israel & Jerusalem.


October 13, 2023 1:00 pm

A few words regarding Israel & Jerusalem.


October 13, 2023 1:22 pm

Those who spread these obvious lies will stand before God to answer for their crimes before being cast into the eternal lake of fire where they will join all of those Islamic terrorists.

October 13, 2023 1:51 pm

Is the the island of 72 virgins in the middle of that lake?

October 13, 2023 2:00 pm

Israel is a country of war criminals and needs to be abolished.

October 13, 2023 2:52 pm

The Joos scream out in pain as they destroy the Palestinians. Is there a word for this ultra-extreme arrogance?

October 13, 2023 7:45 pm


October 13, 2023 3:05 pm

Hamas are satanists and Zionists are satanists. Satan is fighting satan. Where is there a good outcome?

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
October 13, 2023 5:20 pm

The Devil wins either way then.

October 14, 2023 3:07 pm

There is no Satan, therefore no satanism. It’s all achurch invention to instill fear in the ignorant masses.

October 13, 2023 3:32 pm

Justice would have been better served, and everyone would now be better off, if the Jews had been given a piece of
Germany for there homeland.

October 13, 2023 11:23 pm

The Soviets gave them an autonomous region. They didn’t want it.

October 14, 2023 3:37 am

We should also give them an autonomous region in the middle of nowhere, or even better in Antarctica?

October 14, 2023 3:09 pm

They were there, and were destroying the country with their immoral practices.

October 13, 2023 4:49 pm

gman–you are talking about Muslims & democrats.


October 13, 2023 5:07 pm

The people now referred to as Palestinians did not exist prior to the early 1920’s. The Palestinian people belong to the Hashemite tribe, evicted from Saudi Arabia by the House of Saud following the power struggle between the Saudi tribal family and the Hashemite tribal family. These Hashemite refugees then immigrated into the area labeled The Palestine from Jordan and Iraq over a twenty year period between the 1920’s and 40’s, roughly at the same rate as European and Russian Jews immigrated into The Palestine. We have census figures from those and later years to confirm this one-to-one immigration pattern.
The Arab Moslems, who refer to themselves as Ishmaelites, want the world to see this conflict as geo-political, when in fact it has its beginning and end in the story of Isaac and Ishmael, and nowhere else.
The true identity of the specific son, whether Isaac (the Jew) or Ishmael (the Arab), whom Abraham took up the mountain to sacrifice in obedience to Allah’s/Eloah’s/Yahweh’s instructions, determines the rightful possessor of the land of Canaan, now known as The Palestine or Israel. Inversely, the identity of the possessor of the land of Canaan determines the identity of the True Chosen People.
Hebrew scripture names the son as Isaac.
Moslem scripture does not name the son, but describes the son as Abraham’s ONLY SON, and since Abraham had only one son, Ishmael, for fourteen years prior to the birth of Isaac, that means Ishmael determines the rightful possessor of The Palestine.
The Arab Moslems, the descendants of Ishmael, perceive the Jews, the descendants of Isaac, as having usurped their rightful place in religious history, and the presence of Jews in The Palestine (Canaan) as an affront to their culture and religion.
Think of this not as geo-political but as blood-vendetta-religious.

October 13, 2023 5:41 pm

It’s not unresolvable. Israel must embrace diversity, open borders, and endless non-jewish immigration.

Diversity is their strength. In fact, every muslim in western countries should be resettled into Israel by 2030, they can have all the blacks and mexicans as well – giving up those productive workers will be a real loss, but we’re willing to do our part for israel.

I know, because they’ve spent the past 70 years or so shoving this down our throats in the West, and it’s only fair that we help them out in kind.

October 14, 2023 1:27 am

Jews and Arabs are actually half brothers. When they came to the land God gave them they were told to kill all the inhabitants. They did not obey and kept some alive, so now we have the results of their disobedience. You can get pretty good jew knowledge on HenryMakow.com. The Zionists are angling to rule the world with about 80% less people alive.

October 14, 2023 3:13 pm

What a loving god, asking his children to commit genocide against their own brothers. Isn’t he supposed to be the father of all? That was no god at all. He was just one of the many Elohim.

October 13, 2023 5:50 pm

Got a fucking email from the kids school district chairman, stating that we all must honor Israel and the district will not put up with antisemitic talk from the kids. I shit you not. I emailed a response demanding to know who instructed him to do this shit. Same fag pushed the masks during the fake pandemic. Scumbags

October 13, 2023 8:32 pm

So are you man enough to go down there and punch the shit out of the son of a bitch?

October 13, 2023 9:54 pm

are you man enough kike ?

October 14, 2023 3:44 pm

Damn straight Skippy, I am very comfortable with violence….

October 14, 2023 4:30 pm

you’re not the only one

No Name
No Name
October 13, 2023 6:34 pm

Just wanted to say thank you to the Adminstrator who put this out.

It’s very informative, and quite a compilation.

Thank you !

October 14, 2023 4:44 am

Ethnic cleansing for Jewish new land…. sounds about par for these rodents that have been kicked out of so many countries because of their disgusting non assimilative ways. The fact that the US backs them is testament to how they have infiltrated ever layer of the US management.. Would that be wrong to say… ??? no, looks like the duel citizens are well into infecting the USA at every level.

October 14, 2023 3:18 pm

The fulfillment of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.