FLASHBACK: The Secret Back Story Behind the Outright Treason of Adam Schiff

Via State of the Nation

A Stone-cold Traitor Guilty of Spearheading
a Highly Organized Conspiracy to Commit Treason and Overthrow the POTUS

Schiff is also guilty of fomenting war with Russia based on a patently false pretext and bogus allegations!

Very few understand that Russiagate was a highly organized Deep State conspiracy conducted by the Democrat Party to overthrow President Donald Trump and to start the hot phase of World War III with Russia.

KEY POINT: Members of the Global Intelligence Community know that Russiagate was actually coordinated by British Intelligence in order to provide the numerous high-level American co-conspirators plausible deniability. In this proper context, Russiagate is just the latest of countless plots to subvert the American Republic conducted by the London-domiciled Black Nobility. See CROWNGATE: THE GREATEST CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY IN U.S. HISTORY

Toward that end, Congressman Adam Schiff was selected early on to spearhead this unparalleled act of treason and outright warmongering from his high perch in the U.S. Congress.

Exactly why was Adam Schiff chosen to do the dirty deeds? Here’s why:

“You talk about compromised and easily coerced.
Shifty Schiff is nothing but a political hitman who’ll
do anything his hidden masters tell him to because
they have that much dirt on him. No Congressman
will ever expose themselves as much as Schiff has
unless they have been bribed or blackmailed to.
And oftentimes it’s a combination of Pedogate
blackmail and irresistible bribery that keep them
doing their dirty deeds.”

— Intelligence Analyst and Former U.S. Military Officer
(Source: ADAM SCHIFF: Deep State Agent, Serial Leaker and Traitor to the Republic)

There’s a well-hidden back story to the Adam Schiff saga that is rarely told by the mainstream media, and only recently reported by the Alt Media—SOTN.

Only by knowing Adam Schiff’s true roots will his extreme hatred for Trump and irrational fear of Russia be properly understood. His background will also explain why he’s always been a pathological liar. House Republicans Demand Adam Schiff’s Resignation, Intel Committee Will Not Tolerate Chairman’s Constant Lying

Schiff family

The Schiff Family was well-known in America as a premier banking family. One of the patriarchs of the Schiff family bloodline, going back to the mid-19th century, was one Jacob Schiff. (It’s unclear if Adam Schiff is directly related to Jacob Schiff, but it’s the bloodline that really matters in this discourse.)

“Jacob Henry Schiff was a Jewish American banker, businessman, and philanthropist. Among many other things, he helped finance the expansion of American railroads and the Japanese military efforts against Tsarist Russia in the Russo-Japanese War.”[1]

Jacob Schiff’s father — Moses Schiff — was an Ashkenazi Jewish broker for the Russia-hating Rothschild International Banking Cartel.

Why do the Schiffs and Rothschilds have such an intense multi-generational hatred for Russia?

There are actually several documented reasons for this hatred.

The first is that these criminally insane banksters coveted (and still covet) the landmass of Russia more than anything else on Earth. In short, they want to steal the land and natural resources of the Russian Motherland, along with its industrial base and other state assets such as the massive gold reserves.

Because President Vladimir Putin has done his level best to protect Russia from these hardcore predatory capitalists, they demonize him incessantly as they denigrate Russia at every turn of events. Is there anything that Russia does not get blamed for these days—ANYTHING?

Secondly, these same Ashkenazi banksters have always wanted to totally control Russian society as a means to completely controlling the economy of Russia. However, there was a profound cultural impediment toward accomplishing this objective.

You see, Russia has consistently existed as a massive agrarian society over millennia. Certainly they possess the landmass to farm and forest till their heart’s content.

However, the Ashkenazi Jewry who lived in Russia were always drawn to the cities for work in the professional classes. The Jewish intelligentsia became, as they always do, the lawyers and doctors, bankers and accountants, politicians and businessmen, professors and scientists, jewelers and gold dealers, etc. In so doing, they became the power-players and power-brokers throughout the big cities, eventually owning the whole place either directly or indirectly.

Now here’s the real problem that the Jewish intelligentsia faced everywhere in Russia save Moscow and Saint Petersburg. Russia is a hugely rural country; not an urbanized nation. The only two cities most folks can even name between Europe and Alaska are Moscow and Saint Petersburg. That’s how much farmland and forest dominate the Russian countryside. And, that’s how very few big cities there are.

When so much of Russia is populated by humble farming, logging and mining communities, there are far fewer opportunities for the professional classes to take over the same way Ashkenazim took over European and American cities.

Siberia, for instance, was known as a matriarchal society with strong elements of ancient shamanism which were quite resistant to being dominated by these professional classes monopolized by domineering men. The Russian people are a very simple people who are close to the Earth and very suspicious of outsiders after centuries of invasions like those launched via the British-initiated Great Game.

In point of fact, the Great Game was nothing more than Rothschild banksters using Great Britain and other powerful militaries to steal Russian land and resources. And the economic and financial version of this war by stealth continues in earnest up to this very day. Moreover, there is no other press on the planet today as maniacally hostile toward Russia as London’s Fleet Street, as it has been since its very inception.

KEY POINT: The many waves of migration of the Ashkenazi Jewry away from their ancestral lands in Russia (e.g. Ukraine) and Eastern Europe occurred to a great extent because of their inability to take over the largely agrarian societies. When the professional classes especially saw that they were unable to exert their control over the people or influence the earthbound communities as they did in Western Europe, they soon left but with much animosity in their hearts. The city of Chicago is full of many of these highly disaffected and vengeful Russian expatriates. And, the profound and pervasive Russophobia intensifying across America today is entirely due to these politically powerful elements whose roots are found in the same Khazarian Mafia that dominate London, New York City, Paris and Tel Aviv.

There’s a very detailed history on Western Russophobia that was published by this media platform as a 14-part series under the following title. For the uninitiated, this series provides a stand-alone narrative and valuable background info on the ongoing Great Game (that’s really the fiercest and largest resource war on Earth).

This is why the Zio-Anglo-American Axis is so determined to wage war against Russia.

It’s of paramount importance to apprehend the single biggest fear that the Zio-Anglo-American Axis (ZAAA) has where it concerns Russia. The ZAAA banksters and politicos are well aware that Russia could be transformed into an economic and political powerhouse overnight were they to form natural alliances with all the right partners … … … such as Germany.

“Russophobia in this particular context was quite purposefully manufactured (as in Made in the USA) over generations as a ruse to justify the exploitation of the Russian Motherland. By fabricating fear toward the “Russian Bear”, it’s easy to marshal worldwide opinion against her. Friedman refers to how ‘scary’ a strong Russia would be, especially when closely allied with Germany.”
(Source: STRATFOR Chief Reveals Zio-Anglo-American Plot For World Domination)

The upshot of this exposé on the Schiff family is that they are Russophobes through and through who are well aware that a Russia-Germany alliance poses the one and only serious threat to the rapidly collapsing British-American Empire.

The historical Intermarium, bounded by the two yellow lines, is being rapidly militarized by NATO to support multiple attacks against Russia once the Neocons warmongers are desperate enough to launch such a foolhardy invasion.

Back to Adam Schiff & Company

Given the preceding revelations it ought to be easy to comprehend Adam Schiff’s true role in American government. He has been handed the torch of Russophobia from his forbearers in order to advance the rabidly anti-Russian agenda defined by the following goals and objectives.

It’s important to note that this list of 10 policy goals and strategic objectives was quite emphatically stated by George Friedman, the Ashkenazi Jewish Founder of STRATFOR—a virulent anti-Russian private intelligence agency. He made these incredibly candid statements at a regular conference hosted by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs on February 4th, 2015. (Friedman was apparently forced to resign his position as STRATFOR Chairman/CEO shortly thereafter in 2015, so we know these extraordinary disclosures are absolutely true and highly radioactive.)

Chicago is the covert headquarters for the globalist planned North American Union. In point of fact, the Windy City even has the most influential sub-chapter of the all-powerful Council on Foreign Relations—the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. Chicago is also the de facto capital of the Military-Industrial Complex and where many of the Neocon Zionist crime families reside and/or originate from.[2]

Neocon blueprint to isolate Russia and
prevent its alliance with Germany

(1) Russia must be contained and controlled in any way possible so as not to even pose a potential threat to the USA’s sole superpower status.

(2) Germany must be prevented from entering into an economic union with Russia; fabricating false pretexts by the USA in order to levy economic sanctions against Russia drives a wedge between both nations.

(3) A German-Russian alliance would challenge U.S. world domination as no other combined force on Earth. The marriage of German capital and technology with Russian human and natural resources would be invincible.

(4) The best way to preclude a close collaboration between Russia and Germany is to bring war to their borders, especially through the employment of “spoiling attacks” (read: terrorist attacks). Russia has experienced this with Chechnya, Georgia, South Ossetia, and the Ukraine.

(5) By inciting wars among Russian neighbors and conflicts between the concerned Eurasian powers, USA world supremacy is assured (e.g. the Ukraine conflict was started after Russian peacemaking initiatives in Syria).

(6) Just as the British Empire controlled its many colonies through divide and rule, the U.S. must use the same MO and military tactics. Rome used the same divide and conquer strategy appointing local kings to maintain the peace.

(7) Pilsudski’s Intermarium delineates the ideal way of containing Russia at the European border, which could then be used as a springboard to conquer the Motherland. Pushing Russia’s Western front close to Moscow poses a serious existential threat.

(8) Channeling the hatred of the defunct USSR, found within the Baltic states and ex-Soviet satellites, toward the 25-year old Russian Federation will help secure the Intermarium.

(9) Maintaining a cordon sanitaire around Russia will neutralize its military force, limit its alliances and minimize its economic influence throughout the world. Forever keeps Russia on the defensive.

(10) Russia and Germany must be kept apart even if it means starting World War III. The first two world wars served the very same purpose; the Ukraine Civil War can be expanded at any time in order to preoccupy the concerned nations as it was chosen for its volatility.

(Source: Why the Anglo-American Axis is so determined to wage war against Russia)

How does President Trump fit into the multi-century Neocon war plan?

Trump seemingly expressed sincere intentions to make peace with Russia.

Trump is a businessman — first, second and third — and apparently had an epiphany during his dealings with the Russian Jewish mafia in Brighton Beach. He probably saw the extraordinary business potential of working with Russia instead of fighting with Moscow. He’s no fool and could see the tremendous opportunities for joint development that existed if only the United States and Russian Federation were to collaborate harmoniously.

This attitude alone must have caused Adam Schiff to flip a switch. He clearly sees Trump as the enemy of his clan who’s only interest is to conquer Russia in order to steal her land, resources and enslave the people just like they did under 75 plus years of Jewish-led communism. See: RUSSIA & THE JEWS: Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Exposes The Christian Holocaust

Why else would Schiff relentlessly harass the POTUS unless he was motivated by his hidden Russophobic agenda that opposes Trump’s vision of peace?

Even many photos of Adam Schiff reveal a character fraught with psychosis. This is what extreme multi-generational hatred will do to an individual, eventually turning them into a criminally insane psychopath.


This uniquely significant narrative is perhaps the single most important story to comprehend today concerning the exceedingly dynamic global geopolitical chessboard. Its underpinnings constitute the very reasons why World Wars 1 and 2 were really engineered and were purposefully separated by the bankster-manufactured Great Depression. More relevantly, this esoteric knowledge provides essential understanding for the current push into the hot phase of WW3.

In other words, this retelling of critical history, at this crucial time in human history, comprises the “whole megillah”, as they say in Yiddish. To know these few facts is to know why life on planet Earth is so chaotic and lawless in 2019…on one mundane level, of course.

Adam Schiff, then, is merely a lowly and pitiful pawn on the fast-moving global geopolitical chessboard that is heating up like never before … or at least since World War II. For it truly is World War III that the Neocon warmongers hope to trigger in order to complete their scheme for total world domination which absurdly includes the formation of a One World Government. As follows:

The Only Remaining Option for the NWO Globalist Cabal is World War III

The Bottom Line:
Adam Schiff is a key co-conspirator within a massive Deep State conspiracy to overthrow the President Trump. Other obvious co-conspirators include Democrats Eric Swalwell, Jerrold Nadler, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Maxine Waters, Richard Blumenthal, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand, and Mazie Hirono among many other prominent members of Congress. This seditious plot to remove Trump from office by way of a soft coup also implicates Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, John Brennan, James Clapper, Michael Hayden, Robert Mueller, James Comey, Susan Rice, Samantha Power, Rod Rosenstein, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Bruce Ohr, Lisa Page, Christopher Steele, Glenn Simpson and Stephan Halper among many other treasonous Deep State operatives. Of course, there are numerous traitors throughout the Mainstream Media who also covertly colluded to carry out a soft coup against Trump whose names are now notorious for “fake news”—Rachel Maddow, Anderson Cooper, Wolf Blitzer, Brian Stelter, Cris Cuomo, Chris Matthews, Larry O’Donnell, Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski, Andrea Mitchell, Lester Holt, Alisyn Camerota, Erin Burnett, Keith Olbermann, etc. The critical point is that the fake Russiagate hoax was a highly organized and orchestrated scheme premeditated at the highest echelons of the U.S. Federal Government to surreptitiously overturn the 2016 POTUS election outcome…and then start an all-out war with Russia.

State of the Nation

Editor’s Note

Were this illuminating exposé to enjoy wide circulation, everything could change in a day and a night, especially the warped American attitude toward Russia. This is an exceptionally pivotal piece of the puzzle regarding the clandestine New World Order agenda which ought to be revealed post-haste. Therefore, we respectfully ask our readers to disseminate this post if it resonates.


[1] Jacob Schiff

[2] SMOLLETTgate: Deep State’s Futile Attempt to Cover-up Operation “Crafty Beaver”


MUELLER INVESTIGATION Proves that Russiagate was the Biggest Hoax in American History

Recommended Reading

PROMETHEISM: The Backbone of the NWO Strategy to Isolate and Conquer Russia via the Intermarium

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November 3, 2023 9:52 am

I have been saying that for over three years now and this is the first I have seen it written about. It also includes Hillary, the FBI, and the DNC. Personally I also believe Pelosi and Schumer were in on the conspiracy too. It was an attempted bloodless coup to remove the sitting President of the USA with what they all knew was fake intelligence. Thank god it failed.
Also don’t forget Schiff tampered with evidence in both trials. First the edited video and in the second altering text messages.

November 3, 2023 9:54 am

It ultimately succeeded.

November 3, 2023 10:01 am

No, they had to lie about covid, destroy the economy and cheat to attain that goal.

November 3, 2023 10:27 am

A ‘win’ is a ‘win’. They don’t care how it was achieved.

Do you believe “covid” wouldn’t have happened if they’d succeeded in removing Trump from office via impeachment? “Covid” had many more objectives than merely providing the excuse to rig the 2020 election with “mail-in ballots.”

November 3, 2023 11:51 am

A ‘win’ is a ‘win’. They don’t care how it was achieved.


November 3, 2023 12:15 pm

Thanks for saving me from having to point that out .

Plato v2.0
Plato v2.0
November 3, 2023 3:24 pm

All, all of it with the approval of the sitting President of the United States of America. Barrack INSANE Obama!

Tony LV
Tony LV
November 3, 2023 6:42 pm

Don’t forget, Pence also very likely conspired with Pelousy, Smuk Schummer, McTurtle, possibly Lady Graham, and many others on the J6 plan to stop the contesting of the electoral votes. That succeeded probably better then they ever could have hoped for.

November 3, 2023 10:56 pm

That’s really cute. I am sure some people in D.C. would have nice giggle over it.

anon a moos
anon a moos
November 3, 2023 10:05 am

I think there should be a committee formed to get to the bottom of all this so we can vote moar better.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
  anon a moos
November 3, 2023 11:19 am

and harder.

anon a moos
anon a moos
  Aunt Acid
November 3, 2023 12:09 pm

that would make it difficult and raaaaaacist. like maff

  anon a moos
November 3, 2023 12:20 pm
    Lol , I think it’s way past time for mass” citizens arrests !!!” To quote “Gomer Pyle ” (seriously though )but what the hell do I know I just live in the real world ?that These people aren’t going to police themselves should be glaringly obvious by now .
Plato v2.0
Plato v2.0
  anon a moos
November 3, 2023 3:26 pm

We don’t seem to have the Hancock’s, Adam’s, Washington’s and Henry’s to sit on such a committee.

anon a moos
anon a moos
  Plato v2.0
November 3, 2023 5:00 pm

Thats just so old school.

Todays brain trust lay in AOC, hank johnson, lee whatherface jackson, macy ohnono, eric swallowswell, lurch fetter , brilliant brainiacs all. Trust the system

November 3, 2023 10:27 am

Yep, Schiff has lied, tampered with evidence, and more, it is documented. Yet there he sits still a member of Congress. That tells you all you need to know about Congress. Schiff lives in Maryland, so he plans to run for Senator of California to replace the Senator appointed by Newsome who also lives in Maryland. This is just a game to all these politicians and we the people are the pawns.

November 3, 2023 10:49 am

i want too see this demons eye bulge at the end of a rope. these traitors deserve no less for their overt attacks on the nation and being a part of a foreign nations military. yes all citizens are involved in mossad or idf. unless your a cripple or have downs syndrome. the rest are enemy combatants and the cabal has declared war on america decades ago

November 3, 2023 12:35 pm

Why the obviously staged or encouraged mass shootings ? It an easy read as far as the real plan : Total Disarming of all American citizens excluding the military and police . The war on the Constitution, The Bill Of Rights and independent American citizens is declared and multiple attacks are constantly under way . Covid then Covid vaccines, just a multifaceted BioWarfare attack killing and injuring millions. Red Flag laws to anonymously disarm as many citizens as possible before the full confiscation plan is in place . A move for a Constitutional Convention- SHIT JUST IMAGINE IF THE LEFTIST PARASITES ARE ABLE TO GET THEIR DICK BEATERS ON OUR FOUNDING DOCUMENTS ALTERING THEM TO LOOK LIKE SWISS CHEESE !
Zero protection for us and a big boot on our necks
Face it the war is already on against Americans by our own government !

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
November 3, 2023 7:09 pm

Elimination of the Electoral College is high on their list … once that goes, they won’t need to fix elections anymore.

Ben Colder
Ben Colder
November 3, 2023 10:57 am

What does Schiff for brains have up his backside that makes his eyes bug out like that. I believe that there is a move afoot to control the world someway. What gets me is why do these elete S,O,B,s think they know best .The Clinton crime family has been in on this for years they are probably the most evil couple ever Ma Clinton is just pure evil and Slick is not far behind .They all hate Trump because he is not one of them he is not that corrupt never has been they can’t control him Ma hates him the most . She can not believe people liked Trump better than her crooked ass.

  Ben Colder
November 3, 2023 6:13 pm

Probably inbreeding

November 3, 2023 11:22 am

Adam Schiff is a disaster and if there was honest justice he would expelled from congress and possibly indicted.

November 3, 2023 12:01 pm

They used to hang traitors.

November 3, 2023 11:56 am

It’s the tribe again.

The bone is already gnawing the dog
The bone is already gnawing the dog
November 4, 2023 12:55 am

Yes. It’s always them, Boo-Boo.

Old Vet
Old Vet
November 3, 2023 12:01 pm

There are too many compromised Pedophiles in Congress/Senate to get anything done about the Deep State or Impeachment of the President or Cabinet Members.

The bone is already gnawing the dog
The bone is already gnawing the dog
  Old Vet
November 4, 2023 12:56 am

In addition to being rapists, they are cannibals.

November 3, 2023 12:29 pm

Overall a fairly good article, but with regard to Russiagate itself the author doesn’t understand what that was all about. Russiagate was pure theater, although most of the people involved, including probably Trump himself, didn’t understand that at the time (and still don’t). Trump was selected to win in 2016 to be the Judas goat for the Right during the COVID-19 scamdemic, and there was no way he was going to be removed from office before the scamdemic started. The NWO allowed, and probably even encouraged, Russiagate and the impeachment of Trump for several reasons, the main one being to give Trump a good excuse for not keeping any of his campaign promises, so that his supporters wouldn’t abandon him before the scamdemic started. But they had the situation well under control, and there was no way they were going to allow Trump to be convicted by the Senate. Of course, as I said, most of the people involved didn’t realize that. I’m not even sure Robert Mueller himself knew that. The way he completely fizzled out in his final anticlimactic congressional testimony, with his confusion, apparent lack of understanding of what was in his own written report, inability to recall much of what he had been investigating over the previous several years, and other anomalies, leads me to believe that he had just been informed that Trump was not going to be convicted.

November 3, 2023 12:32 pm

BL prediction of the day…… Sam Bankman Fried will serve 2 months of his 110 year sentence when he will die in his cell of a infected hangnail.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
November 3, 2023 12:57 pm

I’ll remember that… 😉

  grace country pastor
November 3, 2023 1:03 pm

Billions stolen, that little weasel will be slipped away to live in another country after his (cough) untimely death……same as it ever was. People are fed up Pastor.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
November 3, 2023 1:39 pm

I am too. No matter what happens here, there’s a really good day over the horizon. Focus on positivity as much as possible and don’t be a victim when shit hits the fan.

Colossians 3:1-3 KJB… “If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.”

The manifold wisdom of God… it’s the best medicine ever. Found most prevalently in Paul’s 13 epistles!

  grace country pastor
November 3, 2023 10:58 pm

Good advice, GCP.

November 3, 2023 6:15 pm

just like Epstein

November 3, 2023 1:58 pm

He will return as is his “right” to his true home. His cell will be empty as he enjoys life on the beach in Haifa w/his fellow tribesman epstein

November 3, 2023 2:59 pm

Schlomo- That retard SBF actually thought he was being groomed to be president of the USA. Not kidding, he actually believed he was in line down the road to sit in the big chair and be the leader of the FREE(?) joo world. Everybody knows Fetterman is the real star chamber choice hands down. 🙂 President Fetterman…… let that roll off your tongue a few times…..gag.

Whatta f’n joo-o-rama we are drowning in.

November 3, 2023 3:24 pm

Biden and Fetty would be a hilarious ticket! SBF has interesting parents also. Bankman Fried. It’s like jew word games (((spells)))?;they hide it in plain sight and it sails past the hypno-normie. While the jew chuckles and hoovers up the shekels.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
November 3, 2023 4:42 pm

BL, Auntie thinks Scam Bankster-Fraud gets a 364 days with time served sentence and becomes the now-pious, great-humanitarian, rehabilitated idiot-savant sidekick for the ever disgusting J1m Cramer on Tel Avision. Or something like that…

(Shades of Michael Milken and Ivan Boesky. It’s good to steal billions of dollars and get a slap on the wrist while keeping most of the loot instead of being hanged.)

  Aunt Acid
November 3, 2023 7:20 pm

Auntie- We usually agree, on this I don’t think so. The atmosphere is fairly hostile toward these types of (((criminal))) bankster/Investment actor shills. He will have to be offed to keep the proles from going full retard, even if it is just theater.

The bone is already gnawing the dog
The bone is already gnawing the dog
November 4, 2023 12:58 am

Spoiler alert. Samuel, the fried banker didn’t kill himself

November 3, 2023 2:58 pm

He should be hanged for his treason.

Plato v2.0
Plato v2.0
November 3, 2023 3:22 pm

In all fairness to Schiff he does have a valid beef with the Russians. Don’t tell me you guys forgot all about that phone call where he bought those nude Trump photos? The Russians stiffed him for the cash, never sent the photos…He’s got a problem with that.

Asstro Buoy
Asstro Buoy
November 3, 2023 5:17 pm

Many of the top leaders should be executed. Just look at them with the cRaZy eyed look. From Peelousy to Adamn Schitt to the one they call Hillaryous. All cRaZy but committing HIGH treason just the same.

November 3, 2023 5:44 pm

Schiff’s behaviour is so outrageous it can only be that they have some major blackmail material on him. The way he blatantly fabricated evidence and tells lies which even a 5 year old would not expect to get away with makes it look like he is reading from a script while somebody holds a gun to his head. For this reason I suspect there is some truth to the reports of him and his buddy convicted homosexual pervert Ed Buck raping children, or at the very least Epstein got him on tape. He’s truly one of the most appalling people I’ve ever seen in politics……. and that’s saying something.

November 3, 2023 7:11 pm

Schiff is a dangerous liar and criminal. Unfortunately, he is a member of the protected class and nothing will happen to him. Quite the contrary, he thinks he is going to be elected to the Senate.

November 3, 2023 10:12 pm

The Cheapest & Easiest response cost about .75¢ a round but it won’t happen. Too Bad.

November 3, 2023 10:21 pm

With the 1832 Treaty With Russia, Russia became America’s best ally. Then in 1911 Jacob Schiff, the most evil man to ever set foot on American soil, and his Jewish banking cronies beseeched the ever spineless Congress to scupper the treaty. Then a few years later these same despicable agents financed the Bolshevik Revolution, gave us the “Federal Reserve ,” the Federal income tax and it’s muscle squad, the IRS and the rest, as they say, is history just like is soon to be the Republic of the United States. But the real reason they hate Russia so rabidly is because the Rus’ destroyed their Khazar Kingdom.

Fatman from Oz
Fatman from Oz
November 4, 2023 12:13 am

A bit off topic but when the gun grabbers point to Australia as their vision of firearms utopia, I hope you then point out to them that Australia bans dual citizens from sitting in parliament (congress etc, our vision of utopia). Good for the goose good for the gander.

November 5, 2023 9:21 pm

jews cannot be traitors except to other jews

this should be blindingly obvious to anyone who realizes jews aren’t just some random eurasians who picked up the talmud aka faggy khazar theory