Nanotechnology In The Blood: A Compendium

Originally posted at Dispatches from Reality, by Scipio

A catalog of collected samples…

Previous Entries

I – Introduction


A. What is Morphology?

Morphology is the branch of biology that deals with the form and structure of organisms without consideration of function. It is the study of the form and structure of an organism, or one of its parts.


B. Cataloguing the Quiet War

The following is a compilation of myself and Dr. S’s collected body of work, categorized by subtype and form. This study will purely focus on the morphology of this self-assembling weapons platform. The various components and subtypes will be explored, as well as diagnostic methodologies used to group these objects. All of the samples seen here have previously been analyzed in the articles linked above, and detailed explanations of their collection and processing can be found in said articles.

In The Mass Poisoning of America: A Case Study, I extensively cover the control samples that we compared these samples against. There is simply not a known biological process that can explain the aggregation, self-assembly, and uniform patterns displayed by the structures we have catalogued. Since we continue to find these in the vast majority of the patients we test, necessity requires a more robust diagnostic paradigm in order to diagnose this parasitical infestation.

II – Nanotech: Analysis & Morphology


A. Healthy Blood Samples (Light and Darkfield Microscopy)

  • Healthy blood is characterized by a well-balanced composition of red and white blood cells, platelets, and clear plasma. Under microscopic examination, the cells display regular shapes and counts, with minimal abnormalities. Optimal viscosity ensures smooth circulation, contributing to the overall functionality of the cardiovascular system and promoting general health.


B. Damaged Blood

  • Unhealthy blood is marked by notable cellular deformities and disruptions in the natural process of apoptosis. Microscopic examination reveals irregularities in red blood cell shapes, abnormal white blood cell counts, and unpredictable platelet behavior. Apoptosis, a programmed form of cell death, is a critical process for maintaining homeostasis; but an imbalance can lead to either excessive cell death or the survival of dysfunctional cells. These cellular abnormalities serve as clear indicators of underlying issues.


C. Quantum Dots & Hydrogel Ribbons

  • Quantum dots are nanoscale semiconductor particles with remarkable optical and electronic properties.
  • Quantum dots, synthesized within hydrogel nanoislands, exhibit unique characteristics due to their size and composition. Their size-dependent properties result from quantum confinement effects, allowing them to emit light of precise colors when stimulated, making them incredibly valuable in applications like biological labeling, imaging, and sensing.
  • The incorporation of quantum dots within hydrogel nanoislands enhances their versatility, enabling fine-tuned control of their behavior and facilitating a wide range of applications, particularly in the fields of nanotechnology and biomedicine.
  • Note the different sizes and colors in the samples below.

— Quantum dot color and sizes. Source: Benoit Dubertret.


  • Hydrogel nanoislands – or Quantum Nurseries – are intricately designed structures consisting of hydrogel materials. When exposed to oxygen, quantum dots of varying sizes will synthesize on the surface of these materials.
  • In essence, hydrogel nanoislands create a specialized quantum hatchery within the hydrogel structure, allowing for precise control and manipulation of quantum phenomena.
  • Note the segregated areas of orbs within the nanoisland itself, a conspicuous pattern seen quite frequently in hydrogel. Note also the structures and ribbons that appear to be assembled within the hydrogel itself.



D. Hydrogel Chips

  • Hydrogel chips are miniature, thin devices or platforms incorporating hydrogel materials.
  • These chips are engineered to manipulate, analyze, or interact with biological samples, such as cells or molecules, while benefiting from the unique properties of hydrogels, like their high water content, biocompatibility, and tunable responsiveness.
  • Hydrogel chips find applications in various fields, particularly in biosensing, drug delivery, tissue engineering, and diagnostics, where their dimensions enable precise interactions with biological systems.
  • Quantum Dots can be seen within these structures, a tell tale sign of their origin. Note the rectangular shape of these objects, as well as the segmented sections of the chip itself.



E. Hydrogel Ribbons

  • Hydrogel ribbons are thin, elongated structures made of hydrogel materials with a ribbon-like morphology.
  • They are commonly engineered for various applications in biomedicine, tissue engineering, drug delivery, and diagnostics, capitalizing on their capacity to encapsulate and release substances, mimic natural tissues, and interact with biological systems at the nanoscale.
  • Quantum Dots can be seen within these structures, a tell tale sign of their origin. These ribbons are found quite often in the vicinity of quantum nurseries. Note the cellular disfigurement in the area around these structures.



F. Hydrogel Structures

  • Hydrogel structures are exceptionally small configurations or assemblies composed of hydrogel materials.
  • Hydrogel structures have applications in various domains, particularly in biotechnology and medicine, where their high water content, biocompatibility, and tunable responsiveness make them valuable for drug delivery, tissue engineering, diagnostics, and other biomedical applications.
  • These structures are crucial components of cutting-edge technologies designed to interact with and manipulate biological systems at the nanoscale.
  • Quantum Dots can often be seen within these structures, a tell tale sign of their origin. Their irregular shape, unique physical characteristics, and proximity to quantum nurseries are key factors in identifying these objects. Note the extreme cellular disfigurement in the vicinity of these structures.


III – Conclusions


Jabbed or unjabbed, male or female, no matter the age, we continue to find a staggering degree of uniformity between the distinct classes of nanotech found in our patients. While there are occasionally unique manifestations of this material (such as the large yellow structure seen in Live Blood Analysis: 40+ M, Triple Jabbed (Pfizer)), the classes tend to express themselves in distinct, identifiable patterns. The promising response that we have seen from the natural compounds identified within The Expurgo Protocol serves as further proof that these objects are in fact what we have hypothesized: an elegant, sophisticated, biosynthetic nanoweapons platform. The scale of the assault we face is admittedly hard to fathom, even for one who has spent the better part of the last 4 years poring through the literature on this subject.

It bears continual repeating: the samples seen above can not be mistaken for bacteria, cysts, dust, cloth fibers, microplastics, natural crystals, parasites, or any other previously known material — either natural or synthetic — capable of infecting human blood.

For far too many within the “medical freedom movement” — despite the mountains of evidence, despite the scientific studies compiled by hundreds of researchers across the world — they will continue to dismiss this reality as an impossibility. Never mind that the inventors of Quantum Dots are winning Nobel prizes for their decades old discovery. Disregard that nanotechnology is already being used in medicine, with even more applications on the way.

These inconvenient facts will never get in the way of the narratives these shills are paid to peddle.

Please continue to spread this vital information to as many people as you can, and be sure to subscribe to keep up to date on our latest findings and research. All of the information and articles on this publication will remain free of charge in perpetuity.


“The public cannot comprehend this weapon, and therefore cannot believe that they are being attacked and subdued by a weapon.

The public might instinctively feel that something is wrong, but that is because of the technical nature of the silent weapon, they cannot express their feeling in a rational way, or handle the problem with intelligence. Therefore, they do not know how to cry for help, and do not know how to associate with others to defend themselves against it.”

— Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, Operations Research Technical Manual TM-SW7905.1

Originally posted at Dispatches from Reality, by Scipio

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Notify of
November 28, 2023 2:04 pm

What is your opinion on how these nanoweapons are being delivered? Vaccines in general, including the COVID-19 “vaccines”, or other methods?

What is your best estimate of the percentage of the population (both in the U.S. and worldwide) that have been injected with enough nanoweapons to have a detrimental effect?

What is the purpose of the nanoweapons, and what are the detrimental effects? Death or delayed death, or other effects such as destruction of the immune system, sterilization, the ability to control behavior or even thoughts?

What can any person do to determine if he has the nanoweapons in his blood, and is there anything that can be done to cleanse the blood (short of a blood transfusion)?

  GrungeVet aka Scipio Eruditus
November 28, 2023 8:02 pm

La Quinta Columna: The Game is Over — Putting It All Under the Microscope: The Transhumanist Agenda, ‘Covid-19’, Graphene Oxide & The Human Brain Project, WiFi Radiation… & the Hidden, Historical Manipulation of Humanity

this university in spain
was one of the first to examine these vaxxines, there is no mRNA or spike protein in the vials, these
are red herrings, also see the info posted at and the interveiw with scientist who with 18 others examined 2100 vials plus the work of Dr Robert O. Young. riccardo del gardo in spain
explains it all there are no unknowns now, as the title implies ‘the game is over’, the most effective
detox is chlorine dioxide

  GrungeVet aka Scipio Eruditus
November 30, 2023 8:50 pm

Every living cell has a blood barrier called a cell wall.
Gated openings like “potassium ion channels” open up to allow materials to pass through the cell wall.
I believe these channels can be opened at incorrect times by being exposed to the
frequencies which correspond to the natural, analog generated signals.

The Duke of New York
The Duke of New York
November 28, 2023 11:25 am

Vit D

November 28, 2023 1:58 pm

Grunge- Decades ago there was the threat that everyone would be chipped. Part of the info also stated there would be a kill switch involved whereby TPTB could cause death by individual or en masse at their will. When you consider the American public will not volunteer to take the MOB, they found a stealth method perhaps.

I recently read that every EV gives off EMFs, so imagine a world where you are literally drowning in 5G/EMF, what would that do to the physiology of human beings? Are the rubbery chicken fat looking long clots a unintended injury from the bioweapon, or just a bonus for wiring humanity as bluetooth objects like another piece of electronic junk?

My bet is they know this type of environment will be the reason multitudes will die from cancer and other consequences of living in a hostile radiation bathed world on a daily basis. If you don’t die to suit them, they could just simply target you and hit the kill switch, maybe, but one thing you can bet on is the KM will be healthy as a horse and wealthy beyond our wildest dreams.

  GrungeVet aka Scipio Eruditus
November 28, 2023 9:37 pm

Grunge- I saw a article today where a dentist is seeing a lifetime of bone loss in just a year or so after the vaxx shots. Thoughts??

November 28, 2023 3:16 pm

I [posted a link on detoxing, and they were deleted twice. It was from Sunfruit Dan on Rumble. First time that has happened.

November 28, 2023 3:39 pm

Try again John.

November 28, 2023 5:22 pm

Any time that happens, first type and publish several random letters and spaces. Right after, edit the post, erasing the nonsense letters, then post the link you want. Works every time.

Some sites that won’t work on first try, without the above method are BitChute videos, Jon Rappoport’s No More Fake News, The People’s Voice, Freeman’s Perspective, The UK Daily Expose.. YouTube vids pop right up, Lew Rockwell does.

November 28, 2023 3:37 pm

You sure it was a compendium?

Sure it wasnt an abstract, brief, conspectus, digest, epitome, essence, guide, handbook, manual, overview, sketch, summary, survey, syllabus, aperçu, pandect, précis, sylloge?

November 28, 2023 5:23 pm

You knows alla them ten-pound words, but don’t employ apostrophes properly?

November 28, 2023 5:55 pm

Apostrophe, the Greek goddess of punctuation.

November 28, 2023 11:59 pm

November 29, 2023 12:10 am


November 28, 2023 6:56 pm

Have you guys thought about taking live blood slides and exposing them to the outputs of cell phones, wifi routers, etc?

If the stuff in the blood really is electronic, you should see something do something.

I wish I had a microscope and a frequency counter with gigahertz generation ability. I would make those cells fricking dance!

I wonder what living blood cells would do exposed to such frequencies.
If there really are nano circuits, they should be hackable.

Just some thoughts..

  GrungeVet aka Scipio Eruditus
November 28, 2023 9:20 pm

Sorry for being a thorn in your side.
It’s just that upon surveying my life path, I realized I have been duped a LOT.
With that in mind, I ask questions, and simply will not change my views until I am convinced.
And, I will change them back just as fast upon new information.

I would like to see if a cell phone in close proximity with live blood affected the blood or the “nanocurcuit” inclusions in question.
First with the cell phone at idle.
Then receiving a call.
Last, sending a call out.

I would also play around with wifi routers and boosters.

If these things are gigahertz frequency circuits, shit should get interesting quick.
Pretty sure DNA cymatic resonances are in the gigahertz range.


November 29, 2023 12:03 am

Remember when the embalmers started finding never before seen massive ribbons of white, rubbery material that was said to be unrelated to typical blood clots?