The Institutional Insanity Complex

Refuse to pretend. Guest post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

“Nobody does. The crowd never thinks. People are only comfortable in a pack, and they’re most comfortable in one that’s racing off a cliff.”

Deacon Bainbridge to Daniel Durand, The Golden Pinnacle, Robert Gore, (2013)

The pack is racing off a cliff. There is a vast complex telling them that they are not, and that they won’t be hurt when they smash on the rocks below.

How does the human mind deal with the contradictory? One way is through discovering facts and rational analysis to resolve the contradiction. A vaccine is presented as safe and effective. However, its legal status shields its makers from legal liability for any vaccine-induced injuries. Why would legal immunity be necessary if the vaccine is safe and effective? The rational person questions the premise of safety and effectiveness, and either foregoes the vaccine until further data confirms the premise, or foregoes it permanently if it doesn’t.

The other way to deal with contradiction is to evade it. If the crowd—the government, the pharmaceutical companies, the media, the academics, the corporations, the celebrities, your employer, your friends, and your family—is telling you the vaccines are safe and effective, they must be so. Unfortunately, the rocks below hurt; they may even kill. And it’s no consolation that the comforting crowd shares your fate. Perhaps, if there’s an afterlife, you can commiserate with fellow unfortunates there.

The Institutional Insanity Complex (IIC) wants to separate you from your mind. Now it talks openly of doing just that, inserting microchips and wiring in your brain, so that you can be reprogrammed to run with the crowd and never question it. Destroy the mind and you destroy humanity, but the IIC is more insane than those it would reprogram. It, too, shall be destroyed.

Debt must be repaid in a medium of exchange creditors trust, even when the debtor is a government. When debt increases, interest payments increase and the debt service burden compounds. The interest rate necessary to secure credit often increases, adding to the burden. This is all happening in real time with Western governments and China. The global economy floats on an ocean of debt, but unlike a real ocean, debt can shrink into a puddle almost instantaneously. When it can either not be repaid or repaid in a debased medium that creditors no longer trust, debtors and creditors alike go bankrupt, and multiple and conflicting claims are made on income streams and real assets.

Anyone who insists that present debt trends will lead to disaster is derided as reactionary, enslaved to outmoded ways of thinking. At least it’s thinking; obliviousness is not, Consequences have begun their inevitable cascade as interest rates rise and debt implodes.

Interest-rate sensitive industries like commercial real estate and banking have been the first to register the tremors from what will be an unprecedented financial earthquake. Individuals, businesses, governments, and financial and derivative markets will tumble into an expanding fissure of global insolvency, illiquidity, and bankruptcy. Derivatives, the sum of which (measured in the quadrillions), is a double-digit multiple of global GDP, will live up to Warren Buffett’s appellation as “financial weapons of mass destruction.”

Obliviousness is one thing; taking actions that make the threats you’re ignoring even worse is insanity. Yet the IIC is spending money it doesn’t have on two wars—both of which could expand—and lobbying for a third (Iran) and fourth (Taiwan). There are no plans for negotiations for what would, among other salutary outcomes, staunch the financial bleed from the first two.

At home, the IIC ups the ante on the welfare state, inviting the whole world to partake in its already unaffordable benefits. Parts of the U.S., particularly in Democratic and gang-controlled (a redundancy) cities, are third-world enclaves that will continue to expand as third-world invitees flood in. The U.S. is fast becoming a third-world nation. Much of Europe is confronted with the same insanity, as its rulers have also put out the welcome mat for unaffordable migrants.

Personal morality is regarded as a quaint anachronism, a liability that hinders one’s pursuit of power and payola. By now, many realize that there’s a sub rosa explanation for much of what transpires in the political realm. The shorthand phrase: bribes, blackmail, and bullets.

Look again at the U.S.’s two wars. Ukraine is a cesspool of corruption, and the Clintons and the Bidens have rancid ties to its oligarchic power structure. These ties are so sensitive that President Trump was impeached for asking Ukrainian president Zelensky about Hunter and Joe Biden, and Ukrainian energy company Burisma. There are also Ukraine’s under-reported and under-investigated bioweapons research facilities.

It’s certainly not a stretch to hypothesize that Ukraine has lined a lot of powerful Americans’ pockets; that many of them, particularly the Bidens, are vulnerable to blackmail, and that nobody involved in these sordid affairs would be too squeamish about bullets, if necessary. That accounts for the desperate efforts to obtain huge funding packages for Ukraine to prolong the war. The money that hasn’t disappeared has been squandered on ineffectual military strategies that haven’t prevented Russian victory; yet, Biden has pulled out all the stops to secure another big appropriation. Throwing good money after bad on a lost cause is almost the definition of insanity.

You have to be hopelessly naïve to believe that the political class’s unshakeable fealty to Israel doesn’t stem from the three Bs. Bribery? Nobody spreads more money around Washington than the Jewish lobby. Blackmail? We have the late Jeffrey Epstein’s honey-trap operation and his and Ghislaine Maxwell’s well-documented ties to Israeli intelligence. If the investigative reporting of Whitney Webb is to be believed, Epstein is just the tip of a massive iceberg of corruption and criminality that’s operated for decades. Bullets? There’s no shortage of Mossad-linked disappearances and murders.

Whatever keeps Washington’s Corruptocracy in line, it’s leading to disaster as the U.S. IIC supports Israel’s campaign to expel the Palestinians from what was once their homeland (then known as Palestine). The Israelis don’t have any justification for their slaughter, just a few recitations endlessly repeated and amplified in the Western mainstream media, and epithets of “anti-Semitism” thrown at those who question, criticize, or protest against the government’s barbaric campaign. Nobody in the Biden administration will do anything about it, even if means the death or displacement of two million Gaza Palestinians. The campaign may well extend to Israel’s five million Palestinians living outside Gaza, and that, too, will receive IIC acquiescence.

Even if moral considerations never enter into their bloodthirsty calculations, aiding and abetting this Nakba is not just a crime, but an epic mistake. The danger that it leads to a conflagration that engulfs the entire Middle East and perhaps the world is clear. Hamas has received the support of Yemen’s Houthis, Lebanon’s Hezbollah, various Syrian and Iraqi insurgent groups, and Iran. That support has been calibrated—the only sanity on display in the region so far—but they will match Israeli escalation with their own.

U.S. neocons have been promoting a war against Iran for over two decades. In a world with even a smidgeon of justice they would, best case, be straitjacketed and involuntarily committed, worst case, spend the rest of their lives in the kind of super secure solitary to which they want to confine Julian Assange.

Whatever respect the U.S. government once received as “leader of the free world” is gone, replaced by contempt and antipathy from the 7 billion outside the West’s golden billion. First Ukraine and now Gaza have coalesced the multipolarity movement led by Russia and China. Strengthening one’s adversaries and needlessly creating new ones are the opposite of rational.

What else can be expected from people who believe in a double-digit number of genders, all interchangeable? The federal government, academia, corporate America, and Hollywood are ruthlessly promoting doctrines whose essence is that people’s gender, sexual proclivities, race, and ethnicity are their most important attributes, not their ability, competence, ingenuity, productivity, judgment, or character.

Nasty old capitalism that rewarded the latter has been replaced by crony socialism that rewards the former. Hierarchies are filled with people who can’t even be said to have reached their level of incompetence. They were incompetent to begin with, but secured their positions because they ticked the right DEI boxes, mouthed the prevailing platitudes, and slithered their way up the ladder. Anyone who points this out is smeared and cancelled. Truth must be discarded if it hurts the wrong feelings and exposes the wrong agendas.

Pretend is the order of the day. So, Washington pretends: that it can have an empire when its military hasn’t won a war since 1945; that it can jump into two major wars and potentially two more and it will win them all; that the unrelenting immigrant flow and crumbling, dangerous cities aren’t hallmarks of the U.S.’s regression into the third world; that the death-trap medical system promotes health; that the debts it cannot pay and commitments it cannot meet can just keep piling up, and that the corrupt ruling class, riddled with incompetents with no real world experience or useful skills, heads stuffed with nonsense, is entitled to rule by virtue of its hypocritical preening and ineptitude. Meanwhile, the mainstream media peddles the official propaganda and pretends all is well.

How does one preserve one’s sanity amidst this pervasive lunacy?

You can act like a man (or woman, the only other gender), cherish what you are, and take responsibility for your own life. You can refuse to turn away from an insane world, seeing it for what it is, but holding to your own sanity with all your strength. You can refuse to pretend. To preserve your mind is to preserve your immortal soul; abandon either one and you abandon the other.

In The Gray Radiance, the main character, Nick Wozniak, contemplates soul, mind, God, and the insanity in which he finds himself. He’s in Saigon in 1968.

He felt a savage satisfaction in what he’d said. Franklins did their best to insulate themselves from such encounters. They lived in bubbles, and how often did you get a chance to pop one? God, how could you live like Franklin?

God. A concept that might be more than a concept. He was a twice-a-year—at most—Catholic and had never considered himself devout or faithful. God was an abstraction before whom you genuflected, prayed, sang, took communion, and put an offering on the plate. He got as much out of church as he would watching Indian tribal dances or voodoo rituals, and he put them all in the same category.

Yet, he couldn’t account for that strange feeling as he carried Quang in My Tho, the certainty that the boy would make it. Nor could he account for the conviction that he would find the truth about his father, that he had to do so. Both were the kind of things that God presumably would want to encourage. You’d think with God that actions spoke louder than genuflecting and the other folderol. You worshipped God by doing the right things, not just showing up at church. He couldn’t conceive of an insecure God, one who needed the folderol.

And you think he’d help you do the right things, if you asked him. Truth and wisdom—distilled truth—came to those who sought them. That was reasonable, and God would be reasonable. Humans had logic and reason and were created in God’s image. That would make God logical and reasonable, although not in ways that people would always understand. He had heard someone say—someone smart, but he couldn’t remember who—that man created God in his own image. A quick and easy dismissal for those who wanted it. Man had undoubtedly created a conception of God, as Nick was doing that morning. It didn’t logically follow that God didn’t exist, or that he hadn’t created man.

If God was logic, he was also justice. That the two went together seemed beyond argument; the books would balance. Even if there was no God, there was at least some justice because actions have consequences. Drink yourself stupid, and you throw up in the middle of the night. Your head aches the next morning. You could have been beaten, robbed, or worse after you passed out on the street. You were saved by a guardian angel, who would kill you if you didn’t play the devil’s game with Hendricks.

A collision with consequences was coming for the cohort running the United States government. They were drunk with power and corruption. Like all drunks, they kept drinking. You don’t murder the natives, destroy their country, prop up your gang of thieves, spew endless hypocrisy, then walk out of the bar to your cozy bed scot-free. You weaved down uncertain streets and dark alleys and were a sitting duck for all the enemies you had made. Sooner or later, they would get you.

There would come a time when Franklin and his ilk couldn’t just move on to a new set of lies. When retribution came, it would be Old Testament merciless. Nothing created hate like arrogance asserting its control but exempting itself from its own rules. Throw in pious crap about moral superiority, and you’ve got hate that’s passed down generation to generation, that neither forgets nor forgives. God knows crap when he sees it, and he doesn’t forget or forgive. He wouldn’t bless his children subjugating his children. This love of power was the root of evil. He’d bless the Golden Rule: his children treating his children as they themselves wanted to be treated.

Yes, indeed, Old Testament merciless.

There were different conceptions of God, but they all had one thing in common: God the creator. Humanity destroyed but it had also created every step of its own progress—life depended on it. To see something where there was nothing, to discover that which had been hidden, to plan and to build, to make your conception a reality; that was the spark of the divine, communion with God.

He finished his coffee, got up from the couch, went into the kitchen, and rinsed his cup. There was a bottle of Jack, almost full, by the sink. He poured it down the drain. He threw a bag of marijuana in the garbage.

His headache was gone. It was time to write—to create—his story of My Tho, Minh, and Quang. He’d write for a few hours and then go to the hospital to see Quang. He wasn’t sure how, but his path with Quang led to creation—to God—as well.

The Gray Radiance, Robert Gore, 2023

The battle against insanity is moral and spiritual. A snippet here and a snippet there of what you know to be true are lifelines; the mountains of lies are death. Two plus two will always equal four. The unremitting search for truth leads to its distilled essence: wisdom.

A collision with consequences is no longer coming for the cohort running the United States government; it’s arrived. Their frantic efforts to censor and suppress, their vicious cancellations, and their high-tech totalitarianism are to keep that reality—not so much from the populace they claim to rule—but from themselves. They cannot escape the misery and death they are imposing on everyone else.

The ultimate insanity is pretending that ignoring reality will change it. The ultimate wisdom is dealing with it. If you plod along the straight line path of facts and logic, holding to your sanity and what you know to be true, you won’t win the race, but that’s a race over the cliff. You will preserve your mind . . . and your soul. And you may be around to help start things fresh after the insanity extinguishes itself.

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March 6, 2024 10:33 am

Is the ultimate wisdom dealing with a reality that is scripted by unknown others? How about those “thoughts” in your head, where are they coming from? Are you certain that the neural link hasn’t already been realized? What if by “dealing with reality” you are helping to perpetuate it instead of understanding anything outside of it?
Great article, brings up many good entrances.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
March 6, 2024 7:47 pm

Live your life in truth.
Don’t allow any lie to be advanced through your complicity.
It will come through countless millions, but refuse to be a conduit for any lie through you.
Be warned….You will suffer for that principled stand.

  Colorado Artist
March 6, 2024 9:21 pm

Indeed we do suffer for it. It makes me happy though to read and think about your comment.

March 7, 2024 10:25 am


Male sexuality is criminalised by both modern religion and leftists. Because men who have a strong libido are powerful. When the libido is not healthily integrated, it is transferred. To porn, sexual deviancy, rayp and self mutilation. In these conditions, a man is either a frustrated sexual predator or a homosexual. Women are utterly repulsed by him because he is a victim.

Modern religion can be distinguished from traditional religion, because traditional religion is led by men for the benefit of the community, whereas modern religion is led by women for the benefit of women’s egos. Traditional religion had a tendency toward war and violence. Whereas modern religion has a tendency toward complacency toward abhorrent evils and calling it “peace”.

A society in which male sexuality is not criminalized is a society run by men. Modern society is not run by men because a man is only really a man when he is free. Each modern man is an indentured servant to a financial system that enslaves him. He cannot be loyal to his principles or creed without engaging in serious warfare against his society in some way, or radically exiting it somehow.

A similar dilemma plagues female sexuality. She must be either a prostitute or a de-sexed automaton. She cannot be a woman. She cannot desire to be the object of affection for a man, except in a perverse way. A woman who manages to understand how to healthily live her libido will also be divorced and at war with modern society in serious ways.


March 10, 2024 11:34 am

How depressing. Do you have friends? You have to get more, smell rose, watch a sunset, exercise, eat a great meal.

Simplicus Carpenteria
Simplicus Carpenteria
March 6, 2024 9:39 pm

Well having been around long enough , longer than any man made neural link ,I’m hoping I can discriminate between the two voices because I have a basis for comparison ? The comparison would be between pre micro millenial revolution and post micro millenial revolution . Yeah they had gigantic vac tube thingies with magnetic tape that filled large rooms and had the computing power of the 15 dollar texas instrument I use to do rafter , stair and rake wall calcs today .I dont think they are in my head ,but I think something is and always has been . Or at least from a very early age , before I believe it would have been technically possible that they could have beamed it in there. Spiritual in nature and I still dont really understand most, if any of it .

Daddy Joe
Daddy Joe
March 6, 2024 10:34 am

Thank you Robert, and yes I will buy, enjoy, and pass along the book.

March 6, 2024 10:51 am

The protection from liability for the drug makers was the thing that stood out to me from the very get go on this hysteria.
Would a reasonable person buy a new truck without a warranty? No, but injecting a concoction that has this protection in place??
Sure, why not?!

March 7, 2024 7:22 pm

Very reasonable point but if you say that they (Amerikan establishment and its voters) scream at you
A common sense update on Global-Communism versus Sovereign Nations. March 1, 2024 edition:

John Holmes
John Holmes
March 6, 2024 10:59 am

That’s a very long winded way of describing what happens when women can vote. It took men 5,000 years to build Western Civilization. It took women 100 years to destroy it.

Kal Kotecha
Kal Kotecha
  John Holmes
March 6, 2024 11:46 am

yes so true!

Crush Limbraw
Crush Limbraw
  John Holmes
March 6, 2024 12:26 pm

1 Timothy 2
11 A woman[a] should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man;[b] she must be quiet. 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. 15 But women[c] will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety.

  Crush Limbraw
March 9, 2024 9:01 am

sorry, no salvation thru giving birth for anyone. Poor interpretation, translation.
It was the OT custom for women to have no place and status in the world. The Middle East peoples still do these things.

  Crush Limbraw
March 10, 2024 10:51 am

You are a worshiper of Saul?

March 6, 2024 11:44 am

Worthless zeroes and ones are being laundered to PTB. They are purchasing farmland ,gold , oil reserves and other real assets. They know that it is all a Ponzi and it will collapse. It is musical chairs and when the music stops “THEY” will be sitting in the chairs. To bad for us.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
March 6, 2024 6:47 pm

Think preplaced thumbtacks on those chairs.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
  Aunt Acid
March 6, 2024 7:57 pm

They will be Ceaucescued here. 150m people with 400m guns.
Why they are building their bunkers elsewhere.
comment image

  Colorado Artist
March 7, 2024 10:23 am

Let’s hope.

Crush Limbraw
Crush Limbraw
March 6, 2024 12:21 pm

Each day – whether I’m reading about Ukraine, Gaza or NATO having multinational military exercises, added to the actions of our White House and Congress – it seems I’m reading reports from an insane asylum……all intended to drive us insane as well.
However, after 15-20 years on a journey of discovery, it’s no longer a mystery.
All roads lead to DaSynagogue of Satan (DSOS) – – and when you pursue truth in everything, it will become clear to you as well. What you see are the physical and material consequences of a spiritual battle since the dawn of man. Once you recognize DSOS in action NOW – it will become self-evident who they are and always have been.
And for good measure – – it’s a war on Christianity……often aided and abetted by churchianity.

  Crush Limbraw
March 9, 2024 10:15 pm

It’s all a psyop. They created Christianity.

March 10, 2024 10:53 am

Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

The Great Trinity of Wickedness!
Or Babylon the Great Harlot.

Either fits.

“You will know them by their fruit.”

See: Ukraine, Gaza, Baltimore, NYC, London, San Francisco etc…
See: Christian and Jewish organizations assisting the invasion of uSA.

If you claim to be a christian? Or a jew? Or a muslim?
You are claiming all the blood shed in the name of these religions by murderers.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
March 6, 2024 12:27 pm

There are four lights!

Simplicus Carpenteria
Simplicus Carpenteria
  The Central Scrutinizer
March 6, 2024 6:12 pm

Yes ! I’ve posted this exact clip to describe what I think about our diabolical wanna be overlords . It was borrowed heavily from Orwell , obviously ( I assume everybody round here would already know that but you know what they say about ass -u -me -ng )

March 6, 2024 12:53 pm

The Institutional Insanity Complex (IIC) wants to separate you from your mind. Now it talks openly of doing just that, inserting microchips and wiring in your brain, so that you can be reprogrammed to run with the crowd and never question it. Destroy the mind and you destroy humanity, but the IIC is more insane than those it would reprogram. It, too, shall be destroyed.

Robert – the “mechatronic” aspect or “cyborging” of human existence you mention has been codified in a recent patent that I happened upon yesterday while searching for something completely different – these guys have multiple issuance’s and have done shit like this before and abandoned the IP. But…

It’s still coming. I think these guys played a little too much Cyberpunk 2077 and just wrote it down. It’s still real, though and the game just telegraphs a potential future.

Claim 1 is on page 55 – essentially, it says that a person becomes a walking/talking router (or fully mechanical!) and how recommendations will be floated their way due to interaction with…everything digital.

It is some really evil shit and these guys aren’t even D.O.D., Naval Intelligence, or some other creepy group from what can be gleaned from the patent.

Anyway, it’s another shining example of the IIC all around and manifesting in minds it may not have earlier.

March 6, 2024 4:23 pm

Patent Office grants yet another “no there, there” process monopoly on a half-baked idea. One couldn’t license this pile and build it out even with these hucksters consulting.

However, Leavenworth is where you can experiment on imprisoned soldiers. They’d volunteer for having sentence shorted. Sometimes shortened ahead of their expectation.

March 6, 2024 1:58 pm

There was a bottle of Jack, almost full, by the sink. He poured it down the drain. He threw a bag of marijuana in the garbage.

Been there. Done that.

You can refuse to turn away from an insane world, seeing it for what it is, but holding to your own sanity with all your strength. You can refuse to pretend.

Am there. Doing it.

I got your book yesterday. Thank you, Robert

Simplicus Carpenteria
Simplicus Carpenteria
March 6, 2024 6:19 pm

Me three .

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
  Simplicus Carpenteria
March 6, 2024 7:59 pm

Slap a four on this one.

Ray Jason
Ray Jason
March 6, 2024 7:50 pm

Hey Un,

Nice work on your last one.

I have Robert’s new book and am enjoying it immensely. Very thought provoking. Find myself re-reading passages a few times, which I believe is a sign of solid thinking and writing. I recommend it to the TBP gang.


March 6, 2024 2:17 pm

I’ve heard friends lament their fear of an economic downturn and I always give the same advice which most ignore…buy a monster box of silver and put it in your closet and forget about it…you just bought 500 ounces of insurance at a reasonable price. Don’t neglect the food, water and ammo either…

Joey Jo Jo Shabadoo
Joey Jo Jo Shabadoo
March 6, 2024 7:30 pm

Agree with your premise … just not the order … food, water and ammo, first

Silver, second

  Joey Jo Jo Shabadoo
March 7, 2024 8:28 pm

Forgot the “Junior”

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
March 6, 2024 2:17 pm

The astute and wise realize we live in a Kakistocracy a society ruled by the most immoral, psychopathic, depraved and wicked among us, many who have generational and hereditary influence and power. The rest of humanity are either pretending not to know what is happening, wasting their time and energy trying to avoid and deflect the consequences of their denial or they are genuinely comatose, braindead and Zombified.
There is no outside righteous army coming to save this planet, no saviors, vigilantes or heroes are coming to our rescue. All we need is right here in and with us now, in the present! How do the wise address metastasizing psychopathy, dysfunction and mayhem? What can we do to prevent the world from plunging deeper into the abyss? Answer, we must be willing and able to think and act for ourselves, have the courage of our convictions and conscience, not be afraid, have unshakable confidence no weapon formed against us shall prosper and remain undeterred not matter what happens.

  Junious Ricardo Stanton
March 9, 2024 10:16 pm


hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  Junious Ricardo Stanton
March 10, 2024 11:20 am

We can’t seem to convince people to garden, chances of forming into a revolutionary movement seems highly unlikely.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
March 6, 2024 4:31 pm

Criminally psychotic at minimum is right, Mr Gore. Great name too. Auntie loves the IIC designator; it’s so clinical.

(We all know this enveloping, bizarre yet fantastic level of capital ” C” Crazy can only be from the Devil hisself. )

thomas eudaly
thomas eudaly
March 6, 2024 4:38 pm

Thank you sir for your thoughts and insights. I have really tried to understand my friends of more than 50 years and their seeming inability to come to a place where they find just how severe and dangerous a hardening of a decades long soft tyranny. The willful ignorance they practice has baffled me. Otherwise good honest men who just go along to get along. I came up with a phrase that captures their state of mind in the face of buckets of horror goo being spilled out in all sectors of society….Emotional Incredulity….They just can’t handle the implications of what must soon arrive….see “The Great Taking”. They built the “triggers” legally and they will pull them.

March 6, 2024 5:31 pm

+1000.. . great read, Robert. America is facing dark days , indeed…and the the only viable choice given to conservative voters will be Trump. I hope I’m wrong, but I believe that DJT will inevitably betray all the MAGA people who have built him up to be this great leader who will return America to a more traditional time of Christian family values, rule of law and America First. You’ll know them by their fruits.

Playing with fire: Donald Trump welcomed a homosexual ‘wedding’ at his Mar-a-Lago resort home

March 6, 2024 10:09 pm

They’re all just actors man. A safe place to direct ones scorn. Trump , like all the rest make no decisions.

March 9, 2024 10:17 pm


Simplicus Carpenteria
Simplicus Carpenteria
March 6, 2024 6:17 pm

Good chit Maynerd , er I mean Robert , Amazing how all us “shuper shmart ” guys think so much alike eh ? No seriously your right , ya gotta stay sane and to do that ya gotta deal with reality on it own terms ( for what it is ) . In fact pretty good line of demarcation there between the sane and insane ,clear view of reality ( as clear as possible anyway ) or distorted view of reality .

March 6, 2024 6:55 pm

Great post Robert … Chip

Little Mouse in the Corner
Little Mouse in the Corner
March 6, 2024 6:55 pm

Hi, I ordered your book yesterday & look forward to it. Coming tomorrow!

Hopeful news: a young man came today and begged to learn. He asked to be mentored! Explained gender, sexuality, race, Marxism, referred him to TBP, suggested Atlas Shrugged…but the great thing is he was raised leftist and knows inherently how wrong it is and literally begged for understanding. He’s 24, passionate, and wants to make this a better country/planet. Hope springs!

March 6, 2024 8:12 pm

If Putin nuked the City of London, would that be a bad thing ?

March 6, 2024 8:31 pm

no, it would be the single best thing he could do

Visayas Outpost
Visayas Outpost
March 8, 2024 2:32 am

There is a meme….if you only had 3 nukes, where would you send them?

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
  Visayas Outpost
March 8, 2024 8:03 am

New York City, Washington DC…and MECCA.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
  The Central Scrutinizer
March 8, 2024 8:04 am

It wasn’t even a hard decision! Took all of five seconds!

  Visayas Outpost
March 9, 2024 3:57 pm

I would use the first nuke to wish for nukes that actually work.

March 6, 2024 9:06 pm

for gawd sakes, we cant even understand what is good for our own bodies in terms of consumables. that’s insanity and simply demonstrates how young and naively ignorant we are. Insanity has prevailed since the time of man, and continues justified as the prevailing fantasy of reality. Insanity is nurtured by idleness and by allowing or accepting the evolution of stupidity, backwardness and uselessness. All derived by upbringing of the young by degenerate, ignorant, uncaring parents.

I agree to starting over. Its a simple process to rid the world of those who are blatantly evil or just plain idiots.

March 6, 2024 10:26 pm

On recognizing reality , I’ll just leave this here.

How it started.

” Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow they will be grateful!

This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government .”— Henry A. Kissinger

How it’s going.
comment image

March 6, 2024 10:42 pm

yeah, get used to guys and girls with guns watching you. its the prep stage. this is what you get when you are willfully blind to the first steps of authoritarianism, and especially communism.

March 8, 2024 2:45 pm

They got used to it when the nasty girls were there during the ‘war on terror’. They got used to when the pigs started wearing body armor and camo.

March 6, 2024 11:23 pm

This was all done intentionally. The sheeple have been deliberately dumbed down or brain damaged by government schools, the MSM, talk radio, Hollywood, Madison Avenue, vaccines, fluoride, etc. As George Carlin said – Governments don’t want a population capable of critical thinking, they want obedient workers, people just smart enough to run the machines and just dumb enough to passively accept their situation. But it is actually the NWO, of which (part of) the government is just a portion, that doesn’t want critical thinkers. In fact the majority of people in government are just as dumb as everyone else. The NWO doesn’t want the government or the public smart enough to figure out that the Federal Reserve is just a mechanism that allows them to legally create money for themselves out of thin air, or to figure out that 9/11 was a false flag attack.

And they have obviously been very successful. But their coup de grâce was selecting Trump in 2016. He completely broke the brains of many people, especially the Left. Their TDS has turned most of them into gibbering, blithering idiots. I don’t know how they knew that Trump would have that effect on so many people, but they knew. And they aren’t done yet. They are going to select Trump again in November to pick up where he left off in January 2021 with his “beautiful vaccines”, and take us down the home stretch to their Great Reset/Agenda 2030 one world government.

Marcus Chapman
Marcus Chapman
March 7, 2024 5:28 pm

I live in Texas and I am old enough to remember the end of the 80s quit well. I don’t know how many of your readers know what the Resolution Trust Corporation was. You should educate them, because, it will return. In those days you could get 10 percent on a CD at your local S an L. When the government lets debt get out of control, this is what they do. Seize the assets and liquidate the debt for what ever they can get. It really comes down to the fact that somebody got to pay them property taxes and that somebody is you. The government doesn’t care about bank assets. You can also be sure that that foreign give away program will continue as usual. It did in the 80s.

Baby steps to lehman...AND the Moon!
Baby steps to lehman...AND the Moon!
  Marcus Chapman
March 7, 2024 6:44 pm

“The financial troubles that led to the RTC’s creation began in the 1970s. The S&L crisis stemmed from risky investments made in both the 1970s and 1980s by many small and supposedly safe S&Ls. ”

But 1 unpardonnable sin
But 1 unpardonnable sin
March 7, 2024 6:26 pm

” How does one preserve one’s sanity amidst this pervasive lunacy?”

Well, (Channeling ronnie raygun) it’s NOT…”if there’s an afterlife”, But A Question of WHEN.

We will ALL find out together. Kinda.

Gonna take an additional 1k yrs. for the evil dead to be raised, albeit briefly.

frank reps
frank reps
March 7, 2024 7:52 pm

Tradition is Traditional ; meaning that Tried and
True ideas; and Activities are Best.

  frank reps
March 10, 2024 11:08 am

Worked for the Aztecs for a few centuriee.
Sometimes human logic is erroneous.
We were educated to be as smart as pidgeons, when it comes to long term pattern recognition.

March 9, 2024 10:10 am


March 10, 2024 11:09 am

Nobles and Sons of man all the way down.

March 10, 2024 10:47 am

All divisive beliefs fall when compared to what the cycles of life teach.

If you rebuild your foundation of understanding by first tossing aside [temporarily] the beliefs you were indoctrinated with, [whatever that exact specific mix-unique to ‘you’ the individual happens to be] and examining exclusively, the observable life cycles, all the moral laws explained via allegory in your holy books, will suddenly become crystal clear.

It’s true.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
March 10, 2024 11:14 am

Excellent advice.

Extremely difficult work for a grown adult, but essential in this day and age if you are to have any hope of living in reality.

" indctrinated with" ?
" indctrinated with" ?
March 10, 2024 5:07 pm

☺️ A lifetime spent wandering/wondering.

STILL a comparative neophyte, but THE MOST LOGICAL Book i’ve EVER read.

BIG shout out to algore as well!

Believe what ya wanna, Free Will.