Thank you to SSS and the thousands of TBP veterans who have served our country so honorably. I wish the leadership who sent you into battle weren’t so corrupt and captured by the military industrial complex. But, it doesn’t diminish your sacrifice. I wish you all the best and hope Trump keeps his promise to fix the VA.

In Flanders Fields

by John McCrae

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

Data Driven Nonsense

Guest Post by The Zman

When I was a young man starting out in the world, I was once given an assignment for the marketing people. The job was to gather up and detail the costs of various marketing programs. For some reason they did not track these things in the accounting system. That meant I had to rummage through filing cabinets pulling out invoices and then tabulating the results in a spreadsheet. My guess is I was given the task mostly because I was the only guy who could use Lotus 1-2-3.

I gathered up all the data for the periods in question and put together a report. Out of curiosity, and to be a suck up, I created s chart that showed the impact of various marketing efforts on sales. I even factored in things like the number of peak sales days in a month and adjusted the results to reflect these variances. What jumped out to me was that marketing did nothing for sales. I then expanded the data range to include previous years and it was more obvious. Our marketing was a waste of money.

Continue reading “Data Driven Nonsense”

Memo to Trump: ‘Action This Day!’

Guest Post by Patrick J. Buchanan

Memo to Trump: ‘Action This Day!’

“In victory, magnanimity!” said Winston Churchill.

Donald Trump should be magnanimous and gracious toward those whom he defeated this week, but his first duty is to keep faith with those who put their faith in him.

The protests, riots and violence that have attended his triumph in city after city should only serve to steel his resolve.

As for promptings that he “reach out” and “reassure” those upset by his victory, and trim or temper his agenda to pacify them, Trump should reject the poisoned chalice. This is the same old con.

Trump should take as models the Democrats FDR and LBJ.

Continue reading “Memo to Trump: ‘Action This Day!’”

Progressives Find ‘White Trash’ More Threatening Than Nuclear War

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The American electorate’s preference for Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders has established two facts. One is that the majority of the American people do not believe the media presstitutes. The other is that only the “progressives” and “liberals” who inhabit the Atlantic Northeast and Pacific West coasts believe the presstitutes.

Trump’s election to the presidency has confirmed these holier-than-thou souls in their strongly held belief that America is a white trash racist country. They have told us this all day long today.

From these people and from the presstitutes we hear that white supremacy elected Trump. This is their propaganda, the intention of which is to discredit a Trump administration before it is inaugurated. Funny how white supremacy elected black Obama twice previously.

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“I have come to realize that the vast majority of decent, wonderful people have no idea how they are being hoodwinked, day in and day out, by the scum of this world. We are lied to, misled, bamboozled, suckered, cheated, misrepresented, conned, manipulated and royally screwed! They take us to the cleaners day in and day out in every way possible. We, the people, pay the price of their cheating, their folly, their lying and their sheer stupidity.”

Pierre Rinfret

A few cold hard facts for Snowflakes

Via The Lonely Libertarian

  1. You are unique, but not particularly special. No one really cares about your feels.
  2. Rewards are for merits, not for showing up. You want something, work for it.
  3. Success is not guaranteed, to anyone, ever.
  4. Chelsea Clinton is not a typical case. Stepping out of college with a ridiculously overpriced degree in a totally worthless discipline does not entitle you to a corner office, a six-figure income, and keys to the Executive Shitter. Chelsea is a Clinton, and Clintons get special treatment.
  5. You are allowing yourselves to be pawns of the Left who have been grooming you your whole lives to be their frontline in an uprising. Saul Alinsky called people like you “useful idiots”. You are happily following a group of rich, sequestered out-of-touch actors and “singers” who have no intentions of getting in the trenches with you. You are participating in riots funded by George Soros who has his own agenda and doesn’t give a shit about your hopes and dreams. He’ll cheerfully walk on your corpses to reach his goal.
  6. Life is hard. You don’t always get to do what you want, when you want. And no one owes you anything. There is satisfaction in hard work and delayed gratification. And you’ll learn all of this if and when you grow the fuck up.

Starring: Paul Krugman As ‘The Idiot’ & Justin Wolfers As ‘The Hack’

Submitted by Thad Beversdorf via,

Well this election certainly clarified a few things for the people of the world.  Most notably is that the experts are clueless. 

Paul Krugman, notable ‘expert’ on all things economic has almost 2 million followers on Twitter and an op-ed with the NY Times.  This means he has a platform of great influence.  And yet, time and time again, he does well to prove he’s an idiot.  The following piece posted on election night.


Well “Never” or by noon.  So he overshot by eternity.  None of us are perfect eh?  Now I shouldn’t single out Mr. Krugman as almost every market pro and economist on Earth has predicted that a Trump victory results in complete financial and human obliteration.  At least that was the message leading up to the election.

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OK, Now What?: The Party is Over, Cometh the Hangover


All right, we have him. My reaction to Trump’s victory is barely of interest to me, and so it may be that the world is not waiting in quiet desperation for an account. I have no information on this matter from Ulan Bator or Sulawesi. Insofar as my reaction was that of half of the country, it may be of note.

My reaction was, “Yes! Yes!  Yessss!”

This of course is because like all of Trump’s supporters I am sick of corruption, oligarchs, New York, candidate’s who sell state favors surrounded by serial rapists and goofy-looking pedophiles, and the goddamned bought-and-paid-for media.

And then I wondered how much I should be  delighted. I am not a particularly enthusiastic Trump fan. The man seems radically incoherent, almost nutty. What now? Of the things Trump has promised, which, if any, make sense? Which are unthought-out huff and puff? From what will he back away? Will he transmute himself by degrees into Hillary?

Continue reading “OK, Now What?: The Party is Over, Cometh the Hangover”


Trump would lose my backing pretty fucking quick if he picked this sociopath as his Treasury Secretary. You can’t drain the swamp by hiring alligators. I like Guliani as AG. I like Flynn at Defense. He needs Austrian Economics advisors in the economic positions. You can’t rail about the $20 trillion of debt and then hire debt peddlers as your advisors.

Trump Said To Consider Jamie Dimon For Treasury Secretary; Dimon Not Interested

Tyler Durden's picture

One week ago, when the prospect of a Trump presidency was “calculated” as being anywhere between 0% and 20% by so-called experts, we reported that Trump’s campaign finance chair, Goldman Sachs partner and Soros Fund management alum, Steven Mnuchin, was being positioned for something much larger as Donald Trump reportedly told his aides today that he wants Mnuchin to serve as his Treasury Secretary.

Now, according to CNBC, Trump has decided to expand beyond just Goldman alumni, and is allegedly considering JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon as the next US Treasury Secretary.

Needless to say, we can only hope that this is an attempt to scare clicks by CNBC instead of the actual truth, because if Trump hopes that he can “drain a swamp” by hiring the swamp puppet master, he – and millions of his supporters – will be very disappointed.

Continue reading “NOT A GOOD SIGN”