Americans’ Top Fears In 2016

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Hillary’s War Crime

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Today, October 20, 2016, is the fifth anniversary of the murder of Muammar Gaddafi by forces organized and unleashed by US President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Remember the killer bitch’s performance, with gleeful laughter, on CBS “News”: “We came, we saw, he died.”

Muammar Gaddafi was the most progressive political leader in the world. Gaddafi used Libya’s oil wealth for the benefit of the Libyan people. He lived in a tent, a nice tent, but not in a palace, and he did not have collections of European exotic cars or any of the other paraphernalia associated with the ruling families in Saudi Arabia and the oil emirates that are Washington’s Middle Eastern allies.

In Libya, education, medical treatment, and electricity were free. Gasoline was practically free, selling for 14 US cents per litre. Women who gave birth were supported with cash grants and couples received cash grants upon marriage. Libya’s state bank provided loans without interest and provided free startup capital to farmers.

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Guest Post by Stilton Jarlsberg

Democrats and Republicans alike are all aflutter following Donald Trump’s refusal to say that he’ll automatically accept November’s election results without first determining that the results are actually honest. “My stars!” the media is gasping while reaching for smelling salts, loosening their corsets, and briskly flapping lace fans near their faces.

Well here’s a little Hope n’ Change bulletin we’d like to add: we will never accept Hillary Clinton as president of the United States. She will never be “our” president, and we will never accept the legitimacy of the appallingly corrupt process which has gotten her this close to the White House.

Granted, it’s entirely possible that Donald Trump, in his infinite and annoying Trumpiness, would have the ability to lose any election including one which was entirely fair – but the Left isn’t taking that chance. Thanks to Wikileaks and Project Veritas, we now know that this entire election cycle has been shaped by the Democrats’ flood of dirty money, dirty deeds, systemic corruption, and collusion with the media.

We know that Hillary and her cronies hold the American people in complete contempt, and that their idea of irredeemable “deplorables” not only includes hardcore Trump supporters, but virtually every person of faith, every person who believes in the sanctity of life, and every person who believes this should be a nation of laws and equal justice for all.

By definition, Hillary Clinton is an illegitimate candidate, and there is nothing that can happen on November 8th which could make her a legitimate president in our eyes.

Assange Tweets Chilling View Of US ‘Democracy’: “There Is No US Election. There Is Power Consolidation”

Tyler Durden's picture

After months of exposing damaging internal information from both the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign, much of which actually points to criminal behavior but seemingly has no impact on the polls, Julian Assange has concluded that “There is no US election. There is power consolidation. Rigged primary,
rigged media and rigged ‘pied piper’ candidate drive consolidation.

There is no US election. There is power consolidation. Rigged primary, rigged media and rigged ‘pied piper’ candidate drive consolidation.

Sadly, it is difficult to disagree with the assessment.  That an
establishment democratic candidate could endure an extended FBI
investigation, in which multiple federal laws were clearly and
intentionally broken, and clear evidence of corruption and collusion
between the FBI and State Department is mind boggling.  Throw in
evidence from WikiLeaks clearly linking the DNC to criminal efforts to
incite violence at rallies, numerous examples of pay-to-play activities
at the Clinton Foundation, blatant media collusion, etc, etc, and it
actually becomes quite frightening.

And, while no amount of corruption or scandal seems to sway an American electorate that is intent upon driving the bus off the cliff, Assange has promised a “surprise” for Tim Kaine and the “persecuted christian woman”, Donna Brazile

We have a suprise in store for @TimKaine and @DonnaBrazile.

And while we certainly look forward to one more “October Surprise,” we’re sure it’s just one more damning piece of information that will be promptly ignored by the corrupt mainstream media and an oblivious American electorate.

The Big Rake

Guest Post by The Zman

One of the things normal people don’t get about Hillary Clinton is how seamlessly she fits into the moral universe of the ruling class. For instance, to normal people, lying is a bad thing. It lowers your status among the other Dirt People. In the Cloud, lying is a conditional concept. Lying to the Dirt People is fine. It’s what Cloud People must do to maintain order and assert their superiority. Lying to rivals while wrangling for power can be acceptable, as long as it does not reflect too poorly on the managerial class.

Another way to see how Hillary Clinton is emblematic of the managerial class is to examine her motivations. Normal people assume she is running for the White House as a power grab. It is assumed that politicians have big egos and winning office is driven by those big egos. That used to be true, but not in the modern managerial state. The real motivation is money. Most of the people in the managerial class are always aware of the fact they are not rich, at least not as rich as they deserve, and they hate it.

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An Establishment in Panic

Guest Post by Patrick J. Buchanan

An Establishment in Panic

Pressed by moderator Chris Wallace as to whether he would accept defeat should Hillary Clinton win the election, Donald Trump replied, “I will tell you at the time. I’ll keep you in suspense.”

“That’s horrifying,” said Clinton, setting off a chain reaction on the post-debate panels with talking heads falling all over one another in purple-faced anger, outrage and disbelief.

“Disqualifying!” was the cry on Clinton cable.

“Trump Won’t Say If He Will Accept Election Results,” wailed The New York Times. “Trump Won’t Vow to Honor Results,” ran the banner in The Washington Post.

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“If at the start this cancerous growth in the nation was not particularly noticeable, it was only because there were still enough forces at work that operated for the good, so that it was kept under control. As it grew larger, however, and finally in an ultimate spurt of growth attained ruling power, the tumor broke open, as it were, and infected the whole body.”

Die Weiße Rose, 2nd Leaflet, Munich, 1942

U.S. Foreign Policy ‘Elites’ Eagerly Await Expansion Of Overseas Wars Under Hillary Clinton

Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

Your average American Hillary Clinton supporter will smugly head to the polls on November 8th, entirely self-assured of his or her vital role in the defeat of fascism in these United States. It won’t take long for such childish delusions to be vanquished by the horror of subsequent reckless and unnecessary imperial conflagrations that will be inevitably unleashed by their savior throughout the world.

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I Bring Bad Tidings

Guest Post by The Zman

Recently, I was involved, in a limited basis, with a bankruptcy. The company that went belly up had over a million dollars in debts and no assets. Most of their debt was in the form of accounts receivable, but they had some loans and leases as well. Up until the point they filed for bankruptcy protection, they had paid all of their bills on time. In fact, they paid most vendors in ten days, something that is just about unheard of these days. This prompt payment is what led their vendors to be so generous with them.

This story reminded me of something that happened years ago. There was a house party at a mansion (are there mansion parties?) and many party goers were out on a balcony of some sort that extended over the pool area. The balcony was large enough to hold dozens of people, but it started to give way due to the mass of people. Panic set in and that made things worse as the frightened party goers scrambled to get off the balcony. The whole thing collapsed and took a bunch of people down in the process.

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2,000 Seattle teachers wear ‘Black Lives Matter’ shirts to class

Via Seattle Times

Chief Sealth International High School and Denny Middle School teachers and students hold a rally Wednesday morning to show their commitment to closing opportunity gaps and continuing the conversation on racial equity in their school. (Mike Siegel/The Seattle Times)

About 2,000 Seattle educators wore Black Lives Matter shirts at their schools Wednesday to call for racial equity in education.

Schools across the district held “Black Lives Matter at School” rallies before classes began for the day. Students, parents and teachers also wore stickers and buttons emblazoned with the “Black Lives Matter” slogan.

The purpose of the day was to affirm that “black lives matter in the public schools,” according to organizers, who are members of Social Equality Educators, a group of educators within the Seattle teachers union. Teachers also wanted to show their support for John Muir Elementary, which had its “Black Men Uniting to Change the Narrative” event canceled last month after receiving a threat over teachers’ plans to wear Black Lives Matter shirts.

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Ronald McDonald or Lucretia Borgia?: In the Long Run, We Are all Dead


More fun in the Indispensable Nation: As we have all heard by now, according to Hillary, ardent of becoming National Basilisk, half of Trump’s supporters are evil and the other half losers, deplorables all. That is, she holds half of Americans in contempt. Unsurprisingly she said this in New York, which is barely America, and to a convention of sexual curiosities.

I frankly think her admirable. As she coughs, staggers, convulses, lies, pilfers, sells favors and lapses into intermittent confusion, she still has the courage to tell America that she loathes half of it. That´s candor.

Give her credit for consistency. She is always mendacious, firmly in the pockets of Wall Street, Israel, the Neocon hawks, and the arms industry, never  having accomplished anything on her own, always riding Bill’s coattails, having a disastrous record as SecState, always for sale. With her, we know what we will get. With Trump, it’s a roll of very weird dice.

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Hillary is running against locker room talk and the Russians

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Russia’s very able Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, said that the US presidential campaign is “simply some sort of a global shame” unworthy of the American people. She certainly hit the nail on the head.

Hitlery’s criminal record had to be suppressed by the Obama regime in order to move the oligarchs’ candidate in the direction of the White House. So here we are on the verge of nuclear war with Russia and China, and the important issue before the American people is Trump’s lewd comments with Billy Bush about sexually attractive women.

I mean really. Men’s talk about women is like their fish and hunting stories. It has to be taken with a grain of salt. But this aside, why is lewd talk about women more important than military conflict with Russia, which could mean nuclear war and the end of life on earth?

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I Score the Third Debate

Guest Post by Scott Adams

I watched the third and most boring presidential debate last night. Here are my thoughts.

Clinton’s goal was to stay vertical for ninety minutes and sound more well-informed than Trump while framing him as an unstable monster. She accomplished all of that and won the debate, in my opinion.

But it wasn’t a big win.

Trump only needed to act semi-presidential, and he did. We don’t expect him to have the same mastery of the facts. The bar is lower for the outsider. He needed a knockout punch but there was none.

Persuasion-wise, the most emotionally powerful moments involved Clinton describing Trump as a sexist/racist monster who can’t be trusted with the nuclear codes. “Scary” was the only message she needed to drive home, and she did.

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