Domestic Terrorism 101

Guest Post by Freed Radical

Please accept my most sincere click bait apologies. This article was going to be titled Prepping 101, but with the advent of the Placeholder Administration all forms of preparing for the downfall of America and strengthening of the family are considered domestic terrorism, being anti-socialist and such. Domestic Terrorism 101 is certainly a catchier title, and it snags government AI which will now bring this article to the attention of probably triple the DHS and FBI junior analysts as is usual for TBP. Thus I would like to welcome all three of our government guests today. It’s an honor to have members of our elite terror fighting team on board for this foray into family preservation and American reconstruction.

A little housekeeping to start. May I use the term, “prepping”? I know this will trigger some salty dogs in the comments, but it’s a lot less typing for me. And I will also use the term “prepper,” meaning one who is preparing for the impending end and the new beginning thereafter. Just suspend all the television baggage those terms have gathered for the sake of this article and permit me a little domestic terrorist appropriation. Yes, it’s true that today’s prepping is really just what they called living in 1921.

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America is Terminal, You are Not

Guest Post by Freed Radical

You probably know somebody who has legitimately died of covid. Trouble breathing, a trip to the ER in an ambulance, transfer to ICU. Then the most ominous word of 2020, ventilator. They may as well name it the terminal ventilator because that’s generally the last stop before the bright white light and pearly gates.

There are terms similar to ventilator that apply to America, terms carrying the implicit adjective terminal. You’ve heard them, debt, unfunded liabilities, educational failure, moral decay, government dependency, cancel culture, and so forth. Most of these rots have been with us for a long, long time, to the point that every limb is gangrenous, every digit black. Some are more recent, fast acting rot. The whole of America is a weeping pustule of liberal consequences.

The net result is that America is terminal. Our friend the late Rush Limbaugh would have never let those words escape his lips, though he got close in his last year on the radio. But as citizens of Realville we have to face the facts. The socialists and liberals, and even communists from across the water have poisoned America to the point it is certain to die. The Federal Reserve has cranked up its ventilator, unlimited money printing. That’s like showing up at a hospice ward with a basketful of gummy bear meth tablets. “Fun for everybody!” Yes, it’s that kind of abomination.

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Dear Pastor

Guest Post by Freed Radical

We know, you have had a rough year. The worst. Gathering restrictions, changing regulations, financial pressure, ailing church members. Some of your best people were in the hospital dying on ventilators and you could not even go visit them. You sat in your office in an empty church building wondering what was happening, and if you would even have a job next month, doing your best to keep everything afloat.”

Ok, that’s done. Now that we have the obligatory pastoral sympathy out of the way, let’s get to the core issues regarding Covid and the church. Unfortunately, this will not be a feel-good article for you, Pastor, nor your deacons and elders. But it’s what you need to hear.

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What’s Better than Militia?

Guest Post by Freed Radical

In my last installment, I discussed militias and how they will form spontaneously in 3,000 American counties at just the right time. No one knows what that time is, or what the trigger will be, but I told you not now, that now is not the time for widespread organized militias. That just makes for a lot of easy targets. You can read that article for all the details.

To answer, Ok, what then? I offer you an alternative that is really a superset of militia, something that has militia as a component, and that is really much more functional now for preserving our liberty and preparing us to weather the storm the socialists plan. That is, the storm that is intended to destroy liberty, but will rather destroy socialism. This alternative will also set us up for rebuilding America after the socialists have self destructed, which socialists always do when they lack capitalists to feed on. Yes, it’s going to be very ugly, but this is our chance to take back what our citizens have traded for a government check.

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Militia Formation in America

Guest Post by Freed Radical

For the benefit of my readers in the FBI, I’ll first tell all my other readers: Not now.

Hopefully that will preserve the hinges on my front door.

Not now is not a deflection, but my sincere advice to those of you who are boiling. Pop open another cold one and I’ll explain in due course.

As a free person, I have been in the midst of various groups of people who are very angry at the mess our nation has descended into. Our freedoms are being stripped, and by imbeciles. One friend of mine sends me emails daily, multiple emails, containing links to articles and videos, and he has regressed into ALL CAPS. I tease him that he is exhausting the universe’s supply of exclamation points. Conservatives and libertarians are people who work for a living, solving real problems. This mess we are in is a BIG problem and they cannot bear sitting by and doing nothing. So in their little spare time they polish the finish off their guns as they wait impatiently, Hoppe’s buzz not helping matters.

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Some of My Favorite Things

Guest Post by Freed Radical

The other day one of my friends sent me a link to a video (as many of my friends do, daily), and there on the same page was linked a different video about the late Walter E. Williams, the brilliant conservative economist. As I watched, several times Dr. Williams spoke such truth that I felt tears coming to my eyes. Those truths were not profound, but so simple and basic that you might not bother to write them down. Yet, tears.

Surprised, I wondered how I, not a softy by any stretch, could have such a reaction to an economist! Well, this man was speaking plain truth, indisputable, immutable, and it was so refreshing and inspiring that it moved me deeply. Just listening to those basic truths was a cool breeze over my troubled soul, and made me aware of the desert of lies we live within. Those were tears of relief.

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No, I’m not Open Minded

Guest Post by Freed Radical

So you are having a discussion with a liberal. You present facts, and they present feelings. You discuss history, about which they are obviously blank. The conversation is becoming a waste of your time because all they do is parrot talking points from CNN, with no factual content. With every fact you present, their eyes glaze over, and you realize you are casting your pearls before swine. Then your sparring partner throws out a standard chunk of liberal tripe, “I think we can compromise here. You have an open mind, don’t you?”

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Today Dr. Seuss, Tomorrow the Bible

Guest Post by Freed Radical

That’s right. The assault on books has one ultimate target, the Bible. It’s the single book that categorically condemns the behaviors prevalent in liberalism, socialism, communism, fascism, and pretty much every other -ism man has created, with the authority of God. Though the Bible has not much to say on forms of government other than God’s, it has very much to say on the behavior of men and women in authority, as well as the rest of us.

The aforementioned forms of government spring from a gross evil, the presumption to be God, and they encourage continual evil for the sake of keeping the most corrupt and depraved people in power, playing God.

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An Open Letter to Law Enforcement Officers

Guest post by Freed Radical

Portland, Police, Protest, Riot, Demonstration

This article is addressed to law enforcement officers, but will also be of interest to members of the military in their various roles. For the purposes of this article, I’ll just use the broad term, law enforcement, if you will forgive me. I’m not in law enforcement, but I am thankfully the beneficiary of good law enforcement in society, as are our other readers. Obviously, some bad things happened in 2020 in the law enforcement universe, what with all the riots and support of the riots by liberals. Our National Guard was also insulted during the inauguration just recently. My purpose here is to suggest a remedial course of action that has no doubt occurred to you, and I prompt you to explore this option, with your family.

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Government Money Destroys Everything it Touches

Guest Post by Freed Radical

A business friend asked me to attend a meeting where he was pitching a life saving device to an elder care facility’s management. This was a system designed to help prevent grandma from hurting herself accidentally. So there we were with the campus administrator and a couple other people, one of whom was the staff federal government insurance expert.

As my friend glided through slide after slide of how this innovation was going to save lives, save money, and avoid lawsuits, with every new feature the head administrator looked at the insurance expert and asked one question: “Is this reimbursable under Medicare?”

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