Dear Pastor

Guest Post by Freed Radical

We know, you have had a rough year. The worst. Gathering restrictions, changing regulations, financial pressure, ailing church members. Some of your best people were in the hospital dying on ventilators and you could not even go visit them. You sat in your office in an empty church building wondering what was happening, and if you would even have a job next month, doing your best to keep everything afloat.”

Ok, that’s done. Now that we have the obligatory pastoral sympathy out of the way, let’s get to the core issues regarding Covid and the church. Unfortunately, this will not be a feel-good article for you, Pastor, nor your deacons and elders. But it’s what you need to hear.

You know in your heart of hearts that Covid is a real germ, but the restrictions are a total hoax, engineered for government submission training. Millions of people have not died of Covid, and the ones that did had health conditions that made them weak and susceptible to any additional sickness. The mask mandates are political theater, and masks are ineffective at preventing the transmission of viruses. Media is hawking lies and distortions. The government is paying hospitals and scientists with fiat money to support the lie. You might not be saying this out loud, but you know the response is a hoax and lie.

And you have played along with it, just to keep your doors open. Pastor, we have a term for playing along with a lie: Lying.

I ask you, Pastor, to please stop lying. Start telling the truth, and from the pulpit!

Please also understand that this Covid episode is not some isolated event, after which we will get back to a measure of normalcy. No, government deception of the population is the normal, always has been, and Covid is just the latest episode. This pandemic scam has worked so well that Covid will be just the first in an unending chain of pandemic hoaxes. (They might even release legitimately dangerous diseases into the population to lend some credibility to future scams. The best lies have a kernel of truth.)

You have probably preached to your congregation that we are in a spiritual war. At least the best pastors, the Bible believing pastors do. Yep, good vs. evil, since the garden and before. There has been war in Heaven, and that war long ago spilled onto the Earth. You warned them, though it all seemed a bit distant from our lives. But now the war is on your doorstep, and these are times that separate the men from the boys.

Understand that every spiritual war has physical casualties. Just in America, the legalization of abortion has killed over 61 million babies since 1973. Every one of those was a human being, loved by God. This war is not some theoretical spiritual topic of theological study and debate. This is a hot war where real people are dying.

The death toll of the welfare state is less quantifiable, but just as real. Since the Great Society programs were signed into law in the mid-1960’s, twenty-some trillion dollars have been poured into poor communities, cementing poverty into our culture nationwide. Early deaths result from lives lived with zero expectations, low self esteem, little accomplishment, throw away children, crime, disease, drug abuse, prescription drug dependency, and hopelessness. And the church, even the Catholic church, applauds welfare as a gift from God.

Your sermons on spiritual warfare have no doubt mentioned the armor of God, from Ephesians chapter 6. But have you trained your people in such war? Have you trained them to pray the word of God against evil, and the evil schemes of humanity, particularly humans organized as government? You know, Jesus said that wherever two or three Christians are gathered together, he will be in their midst. But it also works the other way, where two or three people not guided by the Spirit of God can be easily influenced by evil, to enslave others. Have you trained them to recognize this evil, and fight it?

Have you trained your people to fight not only in the spiritual realm, but in the natural? Politics is a filthy business, but we have to be involved to restrain evil.

I know, I know, if you preach politics people will leave your church, and the IRS will shut you down. And on that point you are absolutely right. There is a ministry near me which is funded by grants from like minded private Christian organizations. Several years ago, they received a letter from the IRS out of the blue rescinding their 501(c)(3) status. That event destroyed their funding because all the grants were contingent on that nonprofit status. They wrestled with the IRS for about a year and a half before the IRS sent them a letter restoring their 501(c)(3) status, with no explanation of the reason for the revocation, or apology. The financial damage just about put them under. The war is real, just ask Lois Lerner.

Yes, you are taking a risk, a huge risk, in resisting evil, especially government evil. Churches and pastors are being fined, particularly in liberal strongholds.

Do you have the fortitude to reject evil and call it out into the light? Do your deacons and elders? Or are you just playing church?

  • Will you stand against gender confusion and medical mutilation of children?

  • Will you adopt the Biblical stand on sexual perversion and pedophilia?

  • Will you stand up for the unborn?

  • Will you refuse to cancel your gatherings due to fake pandemics? There are more pandemics on the way, you know.

  • Will you call evil, evil, where ever you see it? Will you do this no matter the consequences?

  • Will you resist cancel culture, critical race theory, and race baiting? All lives matter to God, and his opinion is the one that counts.

  • Will you stand up against the slavery of the welfare state?

  • Will you educate people in God’s ways and usher the lost of all classes into the Kingdom of God? Even people who don’t look and smell like you, people who have nothing but the clothes on their back?

  • Will you put your salary, mortgage, and job on the line? Will you believe that God will provide for your family if you follow him without reservation?

These are the questions before you every morning as you look into the bathroom mirror. You can ignore them, but Heaven is shouting these questions at you all day long. Open your ears, listen, and respond. No, it’s not easy. Yes, your wife and children will look at you like you are an idiot.

We need Godly leaders in America. The church has been phoning it in as long as there have been phones. The people running the public sphere have degenerated into evil slave masters, because nobody of moral character has stopped them. Pastors have embraced syncretism, becoming government collaborators and enablers.

You, pastor, are part of the leadership team of America. I know they never told you that in seminary, but there it is. We have very few Godly leaders. We have no heroes. Our politicians are greedy idiots. Justice is being subverted by our own government. Are you just going to sit there in your leather chair counting the offering?

The church in Nazi Germany turned their heads while the ovens blazed. This was not an isolated event as the organized commercial church has historically ducked to avoid the wrath of every dictator Satan has fielded. And it’s all happening again, this time in the land of the free and home of the brave.

Imagine if 100,000 pastors in America (about a third) publicly refused to shut their doors in the face of government hoaxing. How many ordinary citizens would have rallied to their support? How many businesses would have remained open? How many jobs would have been retained? How many lives would not have been ruined, and how many suicides would have been avoided?

That miracle could have started with you, but it didn’t. The next Great Awakening could have launched with you out front, but instead we got the Great Awokening.

Pastor, stop with the Romans 13 deflection that we should submit to government. The government is using submission to strip us of our God-given rights, making us slaves to socialism. I will certainly submit to just government, but not a government that has funded the murder of 61 million of its own citizens. That’s submission to Satan.

The scripture that applies here is in Romans 12: Hate what is evil, cling to what is good.

Is it worth your home and job and bank account to move against evil? For 95% of pastors, the answer is a resounding no! But to that courageous 5% I ask, are you ready? Will you move against evil and for the good? Will you take your congregation to the front lines of this spiritual and physical war? Will you encourage them to live as servants of God and free men and women of America?

(If you, reader, are a layperson like the author, send this article to your pastor with an invitation to coffee. If he shows up and shows courage, support him to the bitter end, but if he waffles and makes excuses, find a pastor with courage. Time is drawing short.)

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Old Krank
Old Krank
April 22, 2021 7:15 pm

The vast majority of pastors have made sure their sheep remain sheep, absolving themselves of any moral responsibility by preaching and adhering to Romans 13 (and don’t get me started on the Osteen types, who are more afraid of losing their tax-exempt status than caring for the souls of their congregations).

After your sheep have been sheared, who will flock to you? Cowards and sellouts, the lot of you.

  Old Krank
April 22, 2021 7:31 pm

The “Church” took a bite of the forbidden fruit long ago. The 501(c)(3) status. A deal with the devil. All churches should rescind.

Question Mark
Question Mark
  Old Krank
April 23, 2021 11:12 am

I would amend to “a misinterpretation of Romans 13.”

April 22, 2021 7:28 pm

‘muh nazis, muh holocaust’

I wonder who in recent history was diametrically opposed to all the degeneracy going on now?

‘muh money, muh tax breaks’
Too bad that christians won’t realize their priests are charlatans and stop funding them completely.

Christianity cannot stand because its reversal of values make them weak. It’s what your lord advocated. Look at early christianity. It closely resembled today’s wokeness, including christians castrating themselves. Any strength they had was back when no one read the bible.

April 23, 2021 3:46 am

its reversal of values

Surely you can spell out to us what reversal you mean exactly?

If you mean something along this lines:
  “God can be anything but power. Christianity presents a paradoxical view of God as weakness. God is frailty.”
then I wish you to one day gain the wisdom to truly understand that thought.

April 24, 2021 11:57 pm

Let me just quote a jewess who shows what I see in christianity.

“Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land…” [Original values]

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore…” [Reversed values]

Refuse means TRASH btw.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
April 22, 2021 7:28 pm

Our church shut down for about 6 weeks last year, but has been open since then. Masks are not required, but are recommended in the common areas of the church. There are some functions for the seniors where masks are required, but that is due to the seniors who watch too much TV propaganda.

Our pastor is a champion for the unborn and brings up politics at every election. He never endorses a particular candidate, but tells us to vote for the candidate who supports the ideals of the Bible. He will not perform a marriage ceremony for homosexuals and has stated publicly that he would go to prison before committing such a heinous act.

I would say my Pastor is one of the 5% and I will stand with him 100%.

  TN Patriot
April 22, 2021 7:39 pm

Is he a champion for unborn George Floyd’s? Does he allow fags in his church?

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
April 22, 2021 7:48 pm

He is a champion for ALL unborn.
There are sinners of all types in the church and he welcomes them with open arms, just a Christ did. Love the sinner and hate the sin.

  TN Patriot
April 22, 2021 8:01 pm

” Love the sinner and hate the sin.”

A thief breaks into your home and kills your wife. You gonna love the sinner?

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
April 22, 2021 8:34 pm

The above comment is regarding my Pastor. My feelings:
As the avenger of blood, it is my right, no, my duty, to purge him from society. Deut 19:11-12

April 22, 2021 8:50 pm

If he is Angel George, of course! I’m not a waycissssss

April 22, 2021 10:13 pm

maybe we haven’t met his wife?

April 23, 2021 2:25 am

I’d probably love him to Death.

Vakr Smith
Vakr Smith
April 23, 2021 7:11 pm

Resist not evil, turn the other cheek, love your enemy, pray for those who persecute you, goyim.

  Vakr Smith
April 24, 2021 11:04 pm

The bedrock of christianity. Ultimate shabbos goyim

Vakr SMith
Vakr SMith
  TN Patriot
April 23, 2021 7:08 pm

“Love the sinner, hate the sin” is typical effeminate christian cope. Sin is just a concept, an idea until someone commits it. Don’t hate the murderer the real perpetrator is the concept of murder! A religion for women and low-T bourgeoisie.

  TN Patriot
April 24, 2021 11:13 pm

LOL you love fags? Whatt a homo. Tolerating fags and niggers is a guarantee for AIDS.

You know who also won’t be born? White children, if you continue down your current path.

Love your people and hate the Lie.

  TN Patriot
April 22, 2021 8:34 pm

Politics is more than elections. When every facet of life has been politicized, they need to talk about it every week.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
April 22, 2021 8:37 pm

He is way too busy teaching from the Holy Bible to spend time on politics every week.

  TN Patriot
April 23, 2021 4:18 am

you can do both.

April 22, 2021 7:39 pm


WOW…is this ever a nuclear truth bomb!


Hmmm…I have long given up on my former deacons/church/pastor…I’ve already sent him plenty of material to try and push him off the fence onto the right (that is a loaded word) side…but all I’ve gotten from him is tap dancing …and once being compared to Martha in a side comment in a group setting…and then he was the Road Runner before I could respond.

People who shoot over their shoulder while fleeing have never impressed me.

All this Pastor and the Deacons (who really run this rural old Southern Baptist church – I am not a member…only attending 5 years after 20 years in another church – 12 as a Deacon) have done is to convince me my group worship future is in my ‘Bible Study Small Group’ who also stopped attending the services because they won’t wear a mask either.

So here we are…in my mind I am in the remnant out of what use to be the remnant…and the persecution hasn’t even really gotten started!

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
April 22, 2021 9:06 pm

That was indeed, a good article. If I had a church pastor, I’d send it to him. I may print it and send it to all 50 (or how ever many) churches around here…..or hand deliver to save the much needed pennies.

After a family history of membership in the Missouri Synod Lutheran Church for over 150 years (ancestors were Lutherans in Germany before coming to the US), this is part of an email I sent to the newly ‘enthroned’ pastor in Sept. ’19:


We are both tired of being judged by ‘christians’ such as those trained in your ‘universal’ faith. I believe the name Martin Luther matters little, for the message of Grace would have been delivered even if it was through a man named Sam Sausage……….and ‘Lutherans’ seem to almost worship the man Luther……..

We find ourselves in a period of time where EXACT faith matters. The recent encyclicals of the Jesuit Pope Jorge Bergoglio is screaming evidence of the One World Religion that is coming, the ongoing geo-political alignments, the increase of Satanism, and the advent of genetics, robotics, artificial intelligence and nanotechnology has “multitudes in the valley of decision”

The Lutheran doctrine is luke-warm at best, and we should have dropped our membership 7 yrs. ago. I will submit to the masonic theocracy that IS the U.S. government ONLY in following the laws in their present form. The freemasons that founded this nation, continue to ‘run’ it- from the municipal level to the federal. I believe you Lutherans value your 501c3 designation, and push an erroneous view of Romans 13……not intentionally, mind you. You have been trained in a seminary, which is of this world, and you believe what you teach is correct. So do the Imams of Islam, the Hindus, the Satanists, the ‘new agers’, the practitioners of Chrislam, the Catholic church with it’s pedophiliac priests, and on and on…….


My dad was a hardware salesman-a dying industry choked out by ‘free trade’ globalists the likes of wal-mart. He was an elder of the church for 40 yrs, and had nearly 400 souls who came to his funeral

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <<—–==== there will be blood on the altars when the Blue Helmets take over for the popo…

April 22, 2021 7:41 pm

You can’t place the blame on pastors for the failure of churches anymore than you can place the blame on elected officials for our cultural problems. The majority of the commoners put these leaders in place and then do nothing while deferring to them. The modern church treats their prophets the same way as the old nations of Israel and Judah, they run them off.

April 22, 2021 7:42 pm

I am convinced that IF the churches of the nations had stood up and said we do not close our doors, we meet regular with no restrictions, then this covid scam would have either ended quickly or the government would have called out the bulldozers.

Just as a thought, if even five churches out of ten, were to declare this it would number in the millions of people doing civil disobedience. What would the authorities do??? Arrest millions of people?? Fine them??? If arrested where would they put them??? If fined and nobody pays, then what??? It’d all end.

If the bulldozers were called out I’m pretty sure there would be massive revolts and some politicals swinging from lamp posts. Theres a lot of hatred right now for these communist politicals.

To bad there are so many cowardly church leadership that they don’t push back They seem to be able to come out in droves and very loudly condemn, if someone threatens to burn a koran. But killing children, oppressing conservatives and christians is fine. So is locking down and stripping the rights of people just wanting to be left alone all good too… so it would seem.

April 22, 2021 7:47 pm

Yes! Give that man an hour long ovation.

That’s EXACTLY how this covid farce could have ended.

April 22, 2021 8:57 pm

The Canadian pastor who chased the cops from his church ended up with them shutting down his church and fencing the entire area around it. The Covid scare mongering is non-stop, in-your-face and merciless. There are so many frightened to death folk and….I doubt there’s any pastor or preacher who wants to be condemned for ‘killing grandma’ and the congregants are mostly onboard with the covididiocy.

Then again, a building is not THE CHURCH, a private home or even a backyard can be THE CHURCH. It’s the people who make the church.

April 22, 2021 9:32 pm

That would all change if every church in Calgary openly defied the edicts. The Calgary police under the muslim leadership there, wanted to make an example of this church. If every God fearing church leadership stated publically they were going to be civil disobedient and meet… there would be nothing the dirtball thugs could do about it… But because there is crickets… its closed. for now…

We have no shortage of cowards here… its embarrassing.

very old white guy
very old white guy
April 23, 2021 9:16 am

Two different churches. The one that was fenced off was where the pastor was jailed. The other pastor who ran the fascists out of his church is still open. The congregation from church that the government seized are still meeting elsewhere. There have been no cases of the whu who flu in either community.

  very old white guy
April 23, 2021 10:09 am

you are correct

April 22, 2021 8:11 pm


Like they stood up to God being kicked out of the schools and courts and public places?

Like they stood up against baby murder being legalized?

Like they stood up to same sex marriage?

(PS: I agree with you 99% of the time)

I am done with Churches…give me a small Home Group of Believers.

April 22, 2021 8:26 pm

give me a small Home Group of Believers.

yep…. I will still work with a ‘church’ if there is action to words. Talk is cheap… My wife was attending a Baptist church here and the ‘pastor’ would not shake my hand or talk to me when I on the occasion went with her. Even she said thats weird. She eventually woke up over this covid scam and no longer attends. Never a visit from the pastor either…. guess I’m to scary… lol

April 22, 2021 8:19 pm

Just another failed institution.

April 22, 2021 9:35 pm

Because it was institutionalized is why its failing. Its why House Churches in China are sending real Christians to canukistan because they view us as a secular nonchristian nation . Chinese missionaries to canukistan located in Richmond.

April 23, 2021 4:07 am

That would be positively shocking.
Can you flesh that out a little, with a reference or two?
At located in Richmond, it looks like they are mostly working in South American and African countries, and only has a brief note “Rev. Leung resigned from Richmond Chinese Evangelical Free Church to respond to God’s calling and CIM Canada was formed in 2003 as a branch of CIM” which can be seen as somewhat supporting your broad statement.

April 24, 2021 6:56 am

Jesus never even talked about churches. He used the “Ekklesia” only twice and meant it as his followers, not some fancy building with “pastors” and 501cs.

April 22, 2021 10:33 pm

Dear Mr. Freed Radical,

While we appreciate you passionate letter, we must, as Ministers of The Word of God, inform you that you are not rightly dividing the Word.

Let him who has ears hear (that would be you) and hold fast the Truth of the matter. The apostle Paul tells us in Romans 13:1 …

“Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities…”

And his fellow Bible-writer, Peter, wrote something very similar in 1 Peter 2:13 …

“Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every authority…”

As we have taught you, a Double Confirmation in God’s Holy Word is absolute gold. We are following Scripture! We suggest you listen to us, The Ordained, The Holy, The Righteous leaders of the flock. Wear the Blessed Diaper!!

Pastor Fahr Issee

P.S. Any further subordination from you will force us to perform an exorcism to bind up and cast out the Demon of Rebellion within you (as also Brother Brian who is getting a little uppity).

P.S.S. We have noticed you have become lax in paying your tithe. Please note we need your money more than ever if we are to get the Gospel out to the heathen unsaved. We are in this together, brother Freed!

April 23, 2021 2:40 am

Pastor Fahr Issee, LOL.
That’s a good one.

April 23, 2021 2:48 am

The bible is full of lies written by liars not saints.

April 23, 2021 3:55 am

Ookayyy –
and if you sort out the lies and only use the truths in the bible, how is it then? Anything of positive value you can find?

April 24, 2021 6:57 am

Most churches seem to quote this guy called paul more than they do Jesus himself. Paul was an authority freak and had very different views from Jesus.

April 24, 2021 7:09 am

Oh, Steve! You bring tears of joy to my eyes!! Here I thought I was the only person on TBP who believes the Apostle Paul was a usurper.

Usurper = “full of shit”.

April 24, 2021 11:06 pm

paul = jew

April 23, 2021 3:51 am

Will you put your salary, mortgage, and job on the line?

What additional note I see missing from the article, is what Jordan Peterson explained as:
‘Have a plan before you act.
Don’t walk into your boss’ office and tell him he is an asshole because of {X} and {Y}.
That won’t do you any good, even if it’s true.’

April 23, 2021 7:39 am

Always so glad to see a blanket accusation thrown over a group of people, especially Christians.
Does one suppose that an almighty God in Heaven likes to see the people who believe in Him lied about and indicted by those who do not even know them.
I don’t think so.
Believe that happened to His very own Son.
Why don’t you take your ealy mouthed talk to the people that have sold you out, and who you pay their salaries by order of laws.

very old white guy
very old white guy
April 23, 2021 9:10 am

The day my church closed it’s doors to the people I emailed our pastor and asked him why they bent the knee to satan. He really did not give me a reply. They have had one of those half assed government controlled openings with people wearing masks, social distancing and no singing. Of course the crowd is limited to a very small number of people and they have to register so the government can track them down if anyone gets sick.
I made the point the Jesus died on the cross and penalty that was 100% fatal whereas the whu who flu had a 99.8% recovery rate. I wonder what our churches and pastors would do if they had to face crucifixion for their belief instead of a fucking flu.
I will never go back to church again. Jesus is still Jesus and if He is unwilling forgive me then so be it.

  very old white guy
April 23, 2021 10:04 am

You are not saved by attending church. Salvation is thru Christ alone, by Gods grace.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  very old white guy
April 23, 2021 1:24 pm

Colossians 2:13 KJB… “And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses;”

Speaking to saved people… do you understand salvation? Via the crucifixion, sin is not mans problem any longer, faith (or the lack thereof) is.

Romans 5:8 KJB… “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”

April 23, 2021 9:43 am

Very well though out and written with some very fine points made, but I wouldn’t share this with anyone , just because it contains this one very noxious and progandist lie. Haven’t you assholes vilified the German people enough ? When does it end, Bolsheviks?

“The church in Nazi Germany turned their heads while the ovens blazed. This was not an isolated event as the organized commercial church has historically ducked to avoid the wrath of every dictator Satan has fielded. And it’s all happening again, this time in the land of the free and home of the brave.”

April 23, 2021 6:45 pm

Speaking of vilifying fucks within the last decade.

Look in the mirror all you fine Christians!!!

April 23, 2021 7:11 pm


I get the connection with the two vids…a benevolent dictator who significantly raised the people’s standard of living…taken down by the evil of her & the other Orcs…flapping her vulture wings (she/they stole all his Gold).

She is just a Jezebel Luciferian…in an administration of corrupt Luciferians…

But why should FINE CHRISTIANS look in the mirror for this act of geopolitical intrigue and greed???

I don’t get your angle to this dangle?

I agree with flash…but how is this plundering of Libya by those who hate Christians the fault of Christians?

April 23, 2021 8:09 pm


Stop funding this evil: Pastor, stop with the Romans 13 deflection that we should submit to government. The government is using submission to strip us of our God-given rights, making us slaves to socialism. I will certainly submit to just government, but not a government that has funded the murder of 61 million of its own citizens. That’s submission to Satan.

Most Christians have no idea of the Evil they are funding everyday due to the 501 c status, I know you know of this evil, but most don’t.

I agree with flash…but how is this plundering of Libya by those who hate Christians the fault of Christians?

You might want to do a little more soul searching on Libya, perhaps start with the great man made river with the link I provided.

I appreciate the reply.


April 23, 2021 9:16 pm


Ohhhhhhh…I got your point now…sorry when God was handing out Brains…I thought he said Trains…and being in no hurry I said: “Please Sir give me a slow one”.

I got your point now…with the second paragraph…this is the second time in a few days I have miss-read a comment.

No soul searching for me on Libya…I have an airtight alibi.

Thanks buddy.

April 23, 2021 10:47 pm

Bolsheviks are not Christians…sorry you didn’t get the memo.

April 23, 2021 10:11 am

Have any of you in this thread gotten involved in helping the church in Canada that made the news by resisting? Probably not.

Our church didn’t shutdown and never requires masks. Even when a couple of the elderly people contracted the wuflu.

Our elders kicked out a couple that was practicing polygamy and trying to recruit a young lady of the church as an additional wife. They stated clearly they were unrepentant, so until they are, they are not permitted to participate in our church body or communion.

The church body that carries the gospel forward has ALWAYS been in small pockets, often isolated and alone, not the institution buddied up with the governments/rulers.

April 23, 2021 6:35 pm

in greece i have watched this past year with horror as the ‘leadership’ of the church, the same church that goes back unbroken to the third century, even before constantine, have all caved in and become mere mouthpieces for government propaganda and policy. churches closed, sacraments refused, holy places defiled with armed goons in police uniforms, masked impostors, they took the thirty pieces of silver and sold out.
A few were bold enough to resist. to perform the sacraments despite the prohibitions. to keep the churches open. to call out perversion by its name and not make excuses for it. the ‘leadership’ of course responded with lawsuits, firing them, and so on.
in the 1920s and then again in the 1940s, under the guise of ‘land reform’ , the government confiscated the considerable real eastate properties of the church. There wasnt a single organization like the catholic church, but hundreds of independent monasteries, abbeys, individual churches with lands and endowments going back into the middle ages and even roman times.. the government took all that, and in exchange, put them all… on salary. well that should have been obvious shouldnt it? you take their filthy money, youre gonna obey their orders too, and now youve lost any independent means of feeding yourself so youre really bound now!
maybe one in a hundred are willing to stick their necks out, and those higher up will happily cut them off themselves to stay in good favor with the boss.
how ironic, that for 4 centuries of ottman rule, the moslem overlords didnt dare touch the christian church. it took the 20th century ruled by atheists (whether in the closet or open) to do that.

April 24, 2021 6:53 am

The only thing China Flu is killing off is the institutional church. Jesus said, “Grant to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.” The churches this last year have granted to Caesar what is God’s. Christians have been truly pathetic in their response to the satanic evil of this mass hysteria and shown, with honorable exceptions that they are no different from their secular neighbors.