The Brains Behind AOC

I know this will hurt your head.  I realize that you don’t want to think that others are doing the work necessary to make your life miserable…but they are.  And there are people who are calling them out.  There are people who are doing something to make this a better place.

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Offered as an Antidote to the Holly Ollivander Story

We spend a lot of time reading depressing things.  Horrible stories; some true and perhaps some not so true.  I personally find the Friday Fail and Sunday Funnies welcomed relief.  In that spirit, I offer this.  It is a tale of someone doing something and of people willing to help.  If you like it, there are plenty more that you can watch.

I hope it lifts your spirit.

This Post Is Not About Tim Pool

You don’t need to like Tim Pool.  You don’t even need to know who Tim Pool is.  Maybe you don’t like Joe Rogan.  Maybe you hate him because he was a bad MMA fighter or maybe you love him because you liked his MMA commentary.  What is important here is that Joe and Tim can sit down with a couple of video cameras and microphones and headphones and have a conversation that is way way more important and informative that a whole day of MSM beaver shots and gay talking heads.

If you want to know more about Tim you can check out his wiki.

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I Don’t Believe in Democracy at all Because the Majority is Stupid

I was thinking of writing an article about the things that are discussed with great humor in this video.  Honestly, you have to find a way to get all the way to the end but you will most certainly want to turn on CC at the bottom of the screen as this guy’s accent is very hard to understand at times.

I am pretty sure that every thing that Janusz says here is exactly what you all believe and his solutions are exactly what you hope will happen.

I Hate Myself

What I want to do is write like Doug.  Instead, all I do is throw up videos.  But this one is so spot on that I just have to do it…again.  You can see how upset Sargon is about the lies that are being told.  And you can see that they are lies.  How is this not exactly the same thing as the wall, which is already being built and is already being climbed.

More Information On the Communists

Many of us don’t have the time to dig deeply into the machinations of the globalist slime.  It is too hard.  It is too much work.  But some of us manage to focus for long enough to find out what is going on and at least for now, we can see what they have to say.  At least until the globalist slime turn off their internet.

What to do First

OK, step one is to see where you fall on the political compass.  You might be surprised.  Take the test first as you don’t want to have anyone’s own political leanings influence your responses.

Then you can watch Sargon take the test and talk about his own thoughts.


My results:

Your Political Compass

Economic Left/Right: -2.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.0

Tell us yours.

Perhaps You Are Wondering

Maybe you are concerned about the communist take over of the schools and government of your country.  Maybe you feel that you have no power in this fight so sitting it out is the best strategy.  Well, that is a choice that only you can make, but there are people who are challenging the communists and fighting for your freedoms.  These people are taking the risks that you will not.  They are identifying the animals who infest the underworld of communism and they are shinning a light on the cockroaches who are trying to steal your birthright.

Continue reading “Perhaps You Are Wondering”

I Have to Admit to Some Embarrassment

I started to write for you all in an effort to hon my skills at writing.  I was inspired by HSF and Doug and others who could sit down and explain what they were thinking clearly and concisely with eloquence and beauty.  Beauty in the language.

Continue reading “I Have to Admit to Some Embarrassment”

The Woolsey Fire

Last week the Woolsey fire started in Simi Valley, where I live.  For days we watched the flames march through the hills that surround the valley from the relative safety of strong Santa Anna winds.  For most of the week those winds blew at a pretty consistent 40 mph and while they protected the North side of the Valley, they drove the flames South thru Westlake, Thousand Oaks, and onward into Malibu.

Continue reading “The Woolsey Fire”