Just a Thought for our Bible Buddies

Robert Bronsdon (Hollywood Rob) August 2018

Cyclical Transmigration

The current thinking on cosmology is that we observe that the galaxies are moving away from us and therefore must have at one time been much closer together leading us to the inevitable, and I suspect religiously based, conclusion that the entire universe was created in a big bang.  If this does indeed turn out to be a false hypothesis, and indeed the universe is not expanding even though it would appear to be then we are left with but one alternative.  That is that the universe is infinite and locally stable.  This means that processes within the infinite universe are cyclical in nature; a never ending cycle of gravitational coalescing and nuclear destruction which at one point in the cycle leads to a planet which is amenable to life.

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OK Fine. You Wanted Instructions

Robert Bronsdon (Hollywood Rob) August 2018

I really didn’t want to have to write this.  Truly I had hoped that somebody would have had a better idea than I had.  But clearly that isn’t going to happen so here we go.

You are going to have to do something.  I know this is painful because you only ever carp about things and have no experience doing something, but trust me.  This isn’t going to be that hard.  You just have to do it.  The blue haired harpies are doing it.  They got Alex Jones banned doing it.  If they can do it, and they are all retarded, surely you can do it too.  Hey, let’s do it together and see how easy it really is.  And it’s fun too.  We are going to get somebody banned from YouTube.

Before we begin, how about watching this video by Sargon.  He explains how the harpies are doing it.  No, not that doing it, they are not getting “IT” any more than you are.  They are actively getting conservative YouTube channels banned.

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Google is the Cesspit of the Internet

Robert Bronsdon (Hollywood Rob) August 2018

We now see the organs of the state moving to eliminate freedom from our country.  Some argue that companies are free to do whatever they want, but this is clearly a misrepresentation of what is happening.  These are not companies.  They are fully owned subsidiaries of government.  They do not do the governments bidding out of fear; they do it because they must.  But what is this government of which you speak?  We all seem to think of the government as a thing.  It is not a thing.  It is a group of people who have banded together for their own protection and profit.

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OK, You want to know how you can help

Get involved in any way you can.  Talk to your opponents.  Take a stand and don’t be an asshole about it.  You can be an asshole when you are with your friends, just don’t be one in your enemy’s face.  It just makes their point.

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OK, I Admit That I Don’t Understand

Robert Bronsdon (Hollywood Rob)

This morning as I sat bleary eyed and confused I tried to slog my way through a lengthy, and no doubt insightful article on where the stock market is likely to land, and why it is likely to land there.

Kass – The Underpricing Of Risk

I am sure that Mr. Kass has made a lot more money in the stock market than I have and I will freely grant that he has a far far deeper understanding of how the markets work.  But as I read I became more and more uncomfortable with one thing.

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Words Matter – This is Why Our Dear Overlords Wish to Control Them

Robert Bronsdon (Hollywood Rob) June 2018

It seems that everyone has a pretty firm idea of what their words mean.  Of course, no one has an unlimited vocabulary to call upon but we do have access to computer dictionaries which can be used to expand our options and make us look more erudite, but in general, this is a good thing as the rest of us will need to look up the new word and add it to our vocabulary.  That is if we can remember it.  I take it as small consolation that I didn’t have to look up erudite although I did have to have spell checker correct my misspelling.

There has been quite a bit of writing lately about Orwell’s 1984 as the technology to implement his predictions has now come fully into bloom.  As more and more people realize that they are trapped in what has come to be known as an Orwellian existence, they express an obvious concern that they will be trapped on the wrong side of the Orwellian tracks.  More and more of us prols are realizing that we may not be the ones who benefit from a new world order.  Some will luxuriate in Champaign Dreams and Caviar Wishes, but it most likely won’t be me.

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Now This is Just Awful

Robert Bronsdon (Hollywood Rob) May 2018

Normally I like to take some time to think about things before I write, but this is something that just needs to get said.  I don’t want to think about it.  I don’t even want to know about it.

But you should.

Donald Glover stars in the upcoming Disney Star Wars film Soylo as Lando Calrissian and so far his performance seems to be the one bright spot in an otherwise dismal movie.  So don’t get me wrong.  I am not complaining about Donny here.  He is working hard to have a voice and I want to say that I support anyone who stands up and puts it out there.

But Geebeze.

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Who is in Your Tribe?

Guest Post by Robert Bronsdon (Hollywood Rob) May 2018

For a while now I have been watching Time Team on YouTube.  The show was on for somewhere around 20 years in the UK, and while I never saw it on BBC America, it might well have been.  It is a precursor to modern day YouTube shows where a group of people produce a show about something that they care about a lot.  Because they care, and because they are doing something that they love, not acting, you see an enthusiasm that is infectious.   These folks just love to dig up old stuff and they would do it all day every day whether the cameras were there to film it for you or not.

So this being Britain, there is a lot of old stuff to dig up.  You can’t plow a field or dig a well or a basement without finding some old Roman pottery, or a coin from the Middle Ages.  And by and large, they do spend plenty of time digging old stone walls but what they really like to find are old burial sites.  This is because they can date the burials through carbon dating and also through something called small finds.  For as long as people have been burying their dead, they have been burying them with the things that they loved and it is those things that help the archeologists to divine the date; sometimes within a very narrow range of years.

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We all hope that we have it all figured out

Robert Bronsdon (Hollywood Rob) April 2018

Many of us like to expound on the truth of things. I personally have done so on this site.  Some resonate with our inner most thoughts, others clash with our views of how the world works and why things are the way that they are.  By now you have all been exposed to Jordon Peterson and if you care to, you can spend endless days listening to his classes on Psychology and what he thinks.  I am not here to delve into his past thoughts.  I want here to offer to you his insights.  I find them profound.

I am sure that each of us will focus on a specific part of his presentation. I have my own gems, but want you to express yourself and your views.  If you have commented before, well then have at em.  If you have never commented, however, I am particularly interested in your perspective.  I don’t intend to debate anyone on the points raised.  Your insights are the most important thing to me.

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My Obligation

A while back I expressed an opinion that the rights that I enjoy were my responsibility to maintain and that the maintenance of those rights comes through force. My words implied that the reason for the second amendment was to provide a force with which I could protect my rights.  Some contended that if each of us enforced our own vision of our rights, chaos would ensue.  Who could agree?  How can the conflicts which inevitably arise be resolved peacefully?  How can I defend my rights and at the same time allow others to defend their rights?

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