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August 21, 2018 12:43 pm

It seems that the speaker misses one important point. And that is free speech is only possible with responsible awake people. Most of us don’t fit the bill.

Most speech is social. It does not require thinking before speaking. Conversely, ideas require thinking before speaking. This is dangerous to the ruling class. Especially if the ideas are political in nature.

Thinking and speaking stir the emotions. If it stirs happy emotions no problem. If it stirs hatred that leads to rebellion and violence that is a big problem for the ruling class.

The majority of speech is not really free. It is automatic. It comes from a reaction of what is going on around us. It comes from I’s in our personality which are developed from our social traditions and education. These I’s working in us come forward when they are assuming or offended. They run our lives.

Real free speech comes from a permanent I if we can develop it in our self. The speaker touched on this when he talked about the difficult practice of considering different points of views in the mind and subjectively coming to a personal consensus of the views considered. This requires a dominate I facilitating the subjective conversation. The dominate I is an observing I. It can observe the world we live in and the reaction within resulting from impressions coming within us from this world we live in. This observing takes work to develop.

If we consider the different groups all competing in the United States for a say in politics we can compare that with the multiple I’s in our subjective consciousness competing for the dominate spot for our attention.

August 21, 2018 5:56 pm

this is not about julian peterson but it is about free speech & the lack of it on the left,despite their protestations to the contrary–
i wish every middle of the roader could see it,along w/every non violent leftist,and especially everyone on our side who thinks that we are so much tougher than the lefties–
at the recent portland protest a few weeks ago where there was so much violence,a left wing guy who is also proud to be an american was walking around waving the american flag–
the antifa thugs told him to put it down & when he refused they beat him to the ground & left him with a bleeding head wound–
short article & under a minute video–

August 21, 2018 6:18 pm

Interesting to note is that most all so called free speech is either lies or opinion. But Hollywood Rob is right it is better to allow it all because it is a learning process in the pursuit of truth. Advertising is a good example of this.

It is all a part of becoming street wise.