Question of the Day, July 30

Who is your favorite person from American political history and why?

Question of the day, July 20

Why does the Philadelphia Museum of art give a 90% discount if you have a Snap card?? Why not a discount for people who produce something?

From their website, “Present your Pennsylvania ACCESS/EBT card and receive general admission for up to four adults at $2 each. Children 12 and under are free. (ACCESS/EBT card along with a photo ID required.) Not valid for special exhibitions, programs, or with any other offers or group rates. On-site only. ACCESS Admission is a citywide initiative led by Art-Reach.”

Question of the Day July 17 – Special Bankster Edition

I went to the bank the other day with the Mrs to open a business account. Here is a direct quote from the customer agreement “You authorize us to record and monitor any telephone calls for various purposes, including assuring transaction accuracy, to provide a record of such conversations, and to improve the quality of service“. Nowhere does it say calls between me and the bank, it says ANY. The evil bank drone looked shocked when I questioned it, tried to give me “but we have no way to do that”, called one of her “superiors” to ask if it could be changed, then refused to change it. I would have walked out but the Mrs said I was being paranoid & it would have not been good if I walked. What are the thoughts out there in TBP land? Have I been reading too many articles on here, or does the bank have an incompetent legal department that doesn’t proofread?