Notley’s War on Alberta – Scorched Earth Policy

Guest Post by Francis Marion


There is a lot of background to this video that most of you would not be aware of. Suffice it to say that a FAR left gov’t took the seat of power in Alberta about a year ago after Albertan’s who were fed up with the arrogance and corruption of the conservative parties (it was blatant and ugly) representing the province either failed to show up to vote or cast a vote in protest. What they got what was something none could have imagined would happen in Alberta – an NDP (borderline communist) government. For those of you who think this label to be extreme I invite you to research the background of many of their MLA’s.

Since taking power the NDP have been openly hostile towards free enterprise of any kind and especially towards the people of rural Alberta. They have been very busy pissing people off and stacking the deck in their favour to better their chances of being reelected. They are shutting down the coal industry, passing egregiously intrusive legislation on the province’s farmers (Bill 6), taxing the shit out of producers and, according to some media sources have at the same time swelled the ranks of the civil service by tens of thousands of new positions in the short time they have been in office. They are essentially buying votes on the one hand and punishing those who they know will not vote for them on the other.

In light of all this one cannot help but wonder if their actions in relation to the provinces El nino fire season are not simply another nail in the coffin of rural Alberta’s economy and a stab at the private sector working class? When you look at their actions from a broader more holistic perspective it appears this is quite possibly the case. Moreover, watch and listen carefully to the Ag and Forester Minister’s response to the line of questioning in the video provided. His tone of voice, cadence and inability to string together anything coherent is indicative of someone who has something to hide.

Sheila Gunn Reid reports, Alberta’s water bomber open tenders for fighting forest fires were cancelled April 29 of this year. Watch the video to find out why Notley’s government should have known better yet failed to do the right thing. MORE…