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Why is Bill Gates ignoring all the adverse data on the COVID vaccines?

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

I’ve watched the Netflix documentary on Gates. It reflects what we know: he devours data. I have one question for him which is why is he ignoring all the adverse data on the COVID vaccines?

Bill Gates is super impressive. I’ve known him for over 40 years.

Like Elon Musk, he’s a voracious reader and knowledgeable in any field he chooses to learn about.

But in the case of COVID vaccines, Bill is willfully blind to all the adverse safety and efficacy data.

I’ve now written close to 2,000 articles on my Substack pointing out the flaws in the narrative. I doubt Bill has read a single one.

I’ve created a relatively (by my standards) short deck of questions that any critical thinker should be asking.

Can Bill answer a single one of those critical thinking questions? I seriously doubt it.

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Sep 2019: Bill Gates buys $30 million in BioNTech stock

Oct 2019: Event 201 Pandemic simulation conducted by Gates, WEF, and John Hopkins