“This Is About Whiteness” UC Berkeley Students Segregate Campus, Block Bridge With Human Wall

Submitted by Robby Soave via,

Student protesters at the University of California-Berkeley gathered in front of a bridge on campus and forcibly prevented white people from crossing it. Students of color were allowed to pass.

The massive human wall was conceived as a pro-safe space demonstration. Activists wanted the university administration to designate additional safe spaces for trans students, gay students, and students of color. They were apparently incensed that one of their official safe spaces had been moved from the fifth floor of a building to the basement.

According to video footage of the protest, demonstrators blocked off the bridge completely. Students who needed to get to class had no choice but to cross the stream by jumping from rock to rock. Dozens of people can be seen doing so.

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I’ve written hundreds of posts about the feral dogs roaming the streets of West Philly. But those lowlife scum are puppy dogs compared to the pit bulls roaming the mean streets of North Philly. Temple University has the unfortunate luck to be placed on Broad Street smack in the middle of an urban ghetto kill zone that makes Mosul seem like a nice place. You know how bad the neighborhood is in Philly by the number of murals of black people doing great things per block. North Philly is filled with murals, but no businesses, no jobs, an no black teenagers carrying a book.

Here’s what I’ve noticed over the last two days. The pussified politically correct media douchebags absolutely refuse to say this was a mob of 100 BLACK scumbags purposely looking to beat up and injure white Temple students. This was a blatant race crime. You will hear nothing in the national media. The local media called them “juveniles” and “youths” – code words for feral black teenagers.

I did a tour of the Temple campus a few years ago when my son was looking at colleges. The actual campus is very nice, but the neighborhood around the campus is what you get after 50 years of Democrat rule – lazy free shit army good for nothings, drug wars, nightly murders, no businesses, and 100% voters for Obama and Clinton. Temple has their own police force, but they need their own army. They need 10 foot walls with barbed wire and machine gun emplacements.

This mob was created with the intent to wreak havoc, hurt white students, and instill terror into the kids trying to better themselves through education. The feral dogs in that mob have an average IQ of 70 and are nothing more than parasites on society. With the election of Crooked Hillary they will be emboldened to demand more or they will start killing Temple students. It’s time to stop pussy footing around and start shooting these animals whenever they act up.


‘These sick animals held her down and kicked and stomped on her’: Father’s anger after flash mob of 30 to 40 teens beat his daughter near Temple University


The Road To Equality

Guest Post by The Zman

If your culture believes, as an article of faith, that the gods control the weather, you will always assume the gods are behind the changes in the weather. If it rains, it is because the gods want it to rain. Naturally, you will want the right weather at the right time. For example, you will want rain in the spring, but not too much rain. You will want just enough to have a good planting season, so you and your people will come up with ways to please the gods. Maybe that is some sort of offering or a certain ceremony held at a special place.

If you do all the rituals and make all the right sacrifices, but the weather sucks, you will naturally assume the gods are angry, meaning something is wrong. Maybe the rituals were not done properly or maybe someone in the village has been secretly committing some sin that is angering the gods. After all, what else could it be? The gods make the weather so if the weather is bad, the gods must be angry. Therefore, someone or something must be making them angry. The solution is to find the witch!

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I’m All Blacked Out

Guest Post by The Zman

On my way home last night, I saw a couple of young black women on a corner, holding signs that had “Black Lives Matter” on them with some other writing. I think one of them had something about Charlotte, but I don’t know for sure. They were hoping to get the attention of drivers, but it seemed like no one was paying any attention. As traffic slowed, I did not see any heads turning their way, but in the city, drivers look straight ahead out of habit. That way the bums and panhandlers are not encouraged to molest you.

I caught the light so I was sitting at their intersection with a chance to observe for a few minutes. They stepped into the street and starting taunting the white drivers by holding their signs up against their windows and chanting something. When young black women get worked up, their voices reach a pitch close to a dog whistle. It’s just high pitched echolalic babbling, that is intended to annoy, rather than convey information. I had my windows up so I could make out nothing. My guess is it was just some gibberish they saw on-line or on TV.

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Guest Post by Ol’ Remus

Zack Linly said, in an article at the Washington Post entitled “It’s Time to Stop Talking About Racism With White People”,

Black people, it is long past time for us to start practicing self-care. And if that means completely disengaging with white America altogether, then so be it.

Would that it were so. Now that we’ve tested the alternative, a general reset seems an attractive option. Resegregation is becoming a “thing” among blacks lately, all very high-minded of course, except the part about how it would be financed. Zack Linly describes himself as “a poet, performer, freelance writer, community organizer and activist living in Atlanta”. There’s your answer.

Somehow I don’t believe his prospective recruits will contribute much more than running their mouths either, but notice Black Lives Matter now has a budget of $133 million, none of it from bake sales. Mr. Linly’s notion of complete disengagement may be good for much more. It’s a brilliant business model, wide appeal on all sides, relatively untilled ground, high “wow” factor.

Continue reading “RESEGREGATION”


Via Breitbart


A large mural in a Michigan neighborhood that once read “Black Lives Matter” has been altered to read “Black Dads Matter.”

“The message is cogent to today right now especially this particular area because there are not a lot of black dads who are actually being fathers,” one person said according to Fox2.

“Their dads are black but they’re not around. So as far as black dads matter, not in their case,” said Stacey Calwise of her 8 and 4-year-old children.

The Black Lives Matter catchphrase began to appear online after George Zimmerman shot and killed Florida teen Trayvon Martin 2012. Since Martin’s death, the phrase has gained prominence nationally –heavily supported by celebrities and even President Obama — in the wake of various high-profile police-involved shootings of black men.

Residents of the apartment building where the “Black Dads Matter” slogan appeared says the sign has been there for about to weeks.

“As long as black lives are not as valuable as white lives, then we must continue to say ‘Black Lives Matter,’” said pastor and activist Rev. David Bullock.

Invoking the Republican presidential nominee, Bullock said, “In America, we all have a point. Donald Trump has a point. But making a point doesn’t mean you’re pointing to the truth and sometimes you can make a point and lead people astray. Let’s keep the main thing the main thing: We want all lives to matter equally.”

The artist responsible for the mural has elected to avoid the local media.


Via Goodbye America (in a photo)

Black America

Laurella Willis’ methods are turning heads on Chicago’s South Side, CBS 2’s Audrina Bigos reports.

“It’s very touching,” said one resident. “Especially someone who’s not colored.”

About 20 miles a day, Willis walks with the sign. She says she is sorry about “everything that’s going on in America.”

The violence, the anger, the racial tension, all of it.

“I don’t want to continue to see Black American being oppressed, and held down and killed like animals,” Willis said.

WVON Radio host Mark Wallace spotted Willis walking on 87th Street.

“No one put her up to this and she woke up and decided White America there’s a problem and we need to do something about it,” Wallace said.

I Want A Thank You

Guest Post by Zman

News brings word that one of the hyper-violent meat-heads the NFL hires to entertain us on fall weekends is making a nuisance of himself over the custom of playing the National Anthem before games.

San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick has willingly immersed himself into controversy by refusing to stand for the playing of the national anthem in protest of what he deems are wrongdoings against African Americans and minorities in the United States.

His latest refusal to stand for the anthem — he has done this in at least one other preseason game — came before the 49ers’ preseason loss to Green Bay at Levi’s Stadium on Friday night.
“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,” Kaepernick told NFL Media in an exclusive interview after the game. “To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”

Kaepernick was born to a destitute black white mother¹ in Milwaukee, who put him up for adoption. His father was a deadbeat from the neighborhood. In other words, he was born into the typical black environment, but unlike most black children, he was saved by a nice white couple who adopted him and raised him as their son. This got him into good schools, sports and a middle-class lifestyle. Later, nice white coaches helped him with his sports career, first at college and then in the NFL. Jim Harbaugh made Kaepernick a legitimate NFL player.

Continue reading “I Want A Thank You”


Fight broke out between four women inside Walmart in Crestwood, Illinois – A security guard tried to break up the fight but got lost in the melee – A woman at the center of the brawl had her top pulled down, exposing her breasts – No arrests were made. A massive fight that broke out inside an Illinois Walmart ended with a woman having her clothes ripped off. The all-out brawl occurred inside the store in Crestwood, south of Chicago, and was all captured on video by a witness. The fracas involved four women and was attempted to be stopped by a single male security guard, who got lost in the fight. A woman at the center of the brawl had her top pulled down in the melee, exposing her breasts. Another woman was then finally dragged away from the group by the security guard, though she continued to fight against him and scream. It is unclear what started the argument that led to the brawl. Crestwood Police did not have records of any arrests.

UK Daily Mail: Bargain brawl! Female shoppers pile in to huge fight in the middle of a Chicago Walmart…

Obama’s last act is to force suburbs to be less white and less wealthy

Guest Post by Paul Sperry

Obama’s last act is to force suburbs to be less white and less wealthy

President Barack Obama and Housing Secretary Julian Castro

Hillary’s rumored running mate, Housing Secretary Julian Castro, is cooking up a scheme to reallocate funding for Section 8 housing to punish suburbs for being too white and too wealthy.

The scheme involves super-sizing vouchers to help urban poor afford higher rents in pricey areas, such as Westchester County, while assigning them government real estate agents called “mobility counselors” to secure housing in the exurbs.

Castro plans to launch the Section 8 reboot this fall, even though a similar program tested a few years ago in Dallas has been blamed for shifting violent crime to affluent neighborhoods.

It’s all part of a grand scheme to forcibly desegregate inner cities and integrate the outer suburbs.

Anticipating NIMBY resistance, Castro last month threatened to sue suburban landlords for discrimination if they refuse even Section 8 tenants with criminal records. And last year, he implemented a powerful new regulation — “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” — that pressures all suburban counties taking federal grant money to change local zoning laws to build more low-income housing (landlords of such properties are required to accept Section 8 vouchers).

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Milwaukee Homicides Soar – What Is Going On In the Murderous Midwest?

Tyler Durden's picture

While the recent wave of violence in Milwaukee can be written off as an ephemeral reaction to another fatal police shooting (see “One Person Shot, Officer Injured In Second Night Of Milwaukee Violence Despite State Of Emergency“) it is quite clear that long-term trends suggest that violent crimes are on the rise in metropolitan areas of the Midwest.  As can be seen by data compiled by the Journal Sentinel, Milwaukee homicides went vertical in 2015, up 69% YoY and over 100% since the recent low recorded in 2007.  In fact, in 2015 Milwaukee endured the highest number of homicides since 1993, a 22-year record high.  Similarly disturbing increases in violence are playing out in Chicago neighborhoods as we’ve noted on numerous occasions (see “Chicago Records Deadliest Day In 13 Years As City Spirals Out Of Control” and “Chicago Suffers Deadliest May In 21 Years“).

Milwaukee Homicides


The key question is why the spike in violence now?  Ask any “expert” to explain the cause of violent crime and you’ll get a range of responses from systemic problems of poverty, unemployment, lack of education of inner city youth, breakdown of the family unit, etc.  The problem is that none of those things explain the sudden changes in violence we’re currently witnessing in the Midwest.

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