Guest Post by Ol’ Remus

Zack Linly said, in an article at the Washington Post entitled “It’s Time to Stop Talking About Racism With White People”,

Black people, it is long past time for us to start practicing self-care. And if that means completely disengaging with white America altogether, then so be it.

Would that it were so. Now that we’ve tested the alternative, a general reset seems an attractive option. Resegregation is becoming a “thing” among blacks lately, all very high-minded of course, except the part about how it would be financed. Zack Linly describes himself as “a poet, performer, freelance writer, community organizer and activist living in Atlanta”. There’s your answer.

Somehow I don’t believe his prospective recruits will contribute much more than running their mouths either, but notice Black Lives Matter now has a budget of $133 million, none of it from bake sales. Mr. Linly’s notion of complete disengagement may be good for much more. It’s a brilliant business model, wide appeal on all sides, relatively untilled ground, high “wow” factor.

But beware. Disengagement from white America has a track record and it ain’t good. Detroit for one, a self-selected reservation entirely supported from the outside by the unwilling. Forty years now. On a bigger scale, any country in sub-Saharan Africa.

Whitey hasn’t kept blacks down. Whitey props ’em up and begs them to succeed. They don’t. Perhaps they can’t. There’s a typification making the rounds that goes, “Give whites a pile of bricks and they’ll make a city, give blacks a city and they’ll make a pile of bricks”. I’d be happy if it were otherwise. The evidence says it’s not.

In all of the “civil rights era” I have next-to-never heard an argument that was rational and coherent rather than clever and evasive. This example should be familiar: “You can’t judge a whole people by the action of a few. I work with a black guy, he’s okay in my book.” Well, okay. Works one way but not the other. Got it.

At bottom, “disengagement” is another clever gimmick, the latest in a long series of ’em. Keep an eye on this one, it has “next big thing” written all over it, with enough exploitable peaks and slippery slopes to waste another generation.

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September 15, 2016 11:53 am

They should re-segregate theyselves all the way to Africa. The sooner the better!

September 15, 2016 12:17 pm

The only thing that can explain the failure of a large percentage of blacks is low IQ.

Race baiters, and manipulators like the NAACP, BLM, continue to manufacture reasons for their current victim hood. First it was segregation – the answer was the Civil Rights Amendment. Next it was poverty – the response was the Great Society. Next was ‘underepresentation’ – the response was lowering standards / tests. Now when all this failed – they invent ‘white privilege’ and social justice.

For all that they are given, blacks always manage to ‘fuck it up.’ No other race has been given what has been given to the blacks. When’s the last time you heard about a ‘program’ for white people.

So they don’t want to live in whitey’s culture. It’s much better to live off welfare, scam the system, breed bastards, sell drugs, commit crimes, drop out of school, drive without insurance, the list goes on and on. And they call it ‘the black culture.’

Let’s give them the entire states of Illinois and Indiana (Gary could be the capitol).

September 15, 2016 12:50 pm

Give them California too, if the Mexicans there will allow it.

Which they probably won’t.

Arnold Ziffel
Arnold Ziffel
September 15, 2016 1:27 pm

“The only thing that can explain the failure of a large percentage of blacks is low IQ.”

This is supported by all the black Diasporas that have failed around the globe.

Sad Sondra in IN
Sad Sondra in IN
September 15, 2016 2:10 pm

Hey Hey Hey, back that bus up (right over the top of most of them). I am an born and bred Hoosier living far to close t the Louisvile, KY murderfest going on. I sure as hell don’t wish to give up my state to them. Send their sorry asses to Liberia, U.S. taxes paid to found that nation for them some time ago. Let them self segregate to there. I would be willing to assist in the one-way transport, so long as they can never regain U.S. citizenship.

September 15, 2016 12:51 pm

We’ll either talk about it or fight about . Talking is free and in most cases non-violent . Fighting about it is a bloody mess . With 70% of the USA being white and probably 60% are well armed; it would be a blood bath .

A lot of Rednecks are itching for a fight and if this “White Privilege ” crap doesn’t stop…it’ll come fast and hard .

Can’t you just see the White SJW’s saying “Don’t hurt me…I’m on your side”. Right before the Reginald Denny limited edition brick smacks them upside the head .

Old Guy
Old Guy
September 15, 2016 1:46 pm

In 1965 I heard the following comment made by a South Carolinian segregationist.
I’ve never forgotten it.

“We cannot afford equal status to the negro. For as surely as water seeks its own level, within a span of several generations we will see our culture dragged down to the level of theirs.”

  Old Guy
September 15, 2016 2:07 pm


Jason Calley
Jason Calley
September 15, 2016 2:03 pm

True story…

Back around 1999 or 2000 there were two groups lobbying in Tallahessee, the state capitol of Florida. One group were white separatists; the other group were black separatists. (I might interject here that a “separatist” is not the same as a “supremacist”. A supremacist believes that one race is superior to another; a separatist only believes that the races should live separately from each other.) Neither group had enough money to afford an office in town — so they went together and rented a joint office. When asked about the apparent paradox of the two races sharing an office, one of the separatists replied, “It is not a problem. We both believe the same thing!”

September 15, 2016 2:57 pm

I will pay an additional 10% federal tax to make this shit happen.
Fuck I will write a check!

September 15, 2016 4:23 pm

Hate is an unproductive emotion.

September 15, 2016 7:57 pm

But it seems to produce an awful lot of really productive activity of all sorts and determines all kinds of outcomes both now and throughout the ages.

You sure about “unproductive”?

Old Guy
Old Guy
September 16, 2016 4:16 am

You toss the word “hate” around inexactly. I no more hate a negro than I “hate” a menacing drunkard. But I have the situational awareness that both pose a potential threat to the physical safety of myself and those I love. If you wish to associate with them that’s your right. It is not your right however, (or the government’s) to force me to do the same. So I’ll leave you a question to ponder. If I wish you to be free to associate with whomever you please yet you (or the government) compel me by force to associate with those I do not wish to, which of us occupies the moral high ground?

September 15, 2016 7:42 pm

I wish. They’ll like it at first, but not for long because they won’t have anyone to continue to blame for their problems.

September 15, 2016 8:08 pm

who does this benefit ?
Figure it out .

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
September 16, 2016 12:07 am

13.3% of Americas population require 50% of tax payer funded assistance to survive ! And there are plenty of people ready and willing to profit from this groups inability to function and support civil society . Instead the majority of the black race are struggling due to an average IQ OF 85 , yes 10 points above mental retardation . And you wonder why they can’t even keep water fountains working in a school system let alone educate any of them . Yes I know there are plenty of exceptions to the IQ LEVELS but we are looking at an entire group and look how things turn out from the White House to da hood

September 16, 2016 9:25 am

So skeptical of the MSM yet so easily manipulated on this particular subject. Maybe it IS racism.

September 16, 2016 9:39 pm

Africa…not a stone building over 2 stories or a single car ever manufactured…
also 26,000km coastline and no ship building industry…
paraphrased…Pastor Manning (Harlem) called the “hate” pastor
because he calls out his brethren. Advises them to wake up and get a life.

rhs jr
rhs jr
September 17, 2016 10:31 am

I live in a very poor rural county that is about 45% Blacks and thanks to government gerrymandering, they control everything. The government does a lot for Blacks and a lot against Whites. I want to build a large structure for the White community to use for dinner meetings (that used to be held in White churches but the IRS etc now prevents them from hosting), for a home schooling resource center, a play ground and White kids daycare, for non-rap-crap dances for youth, for roller skating, a storm shelter, etc. The best land would take us through a Black area so we will build on the other side of town. I have a lot of Black friends and would like to serve them too but if we go public, Blacks always take over by “force” and ruin every such project (we’d get run out of our own house) so we will be totally private. I don’t feel guilty because we got nothing funded by our taxes and they got all the many nice facilities they have and their deprived farmer farms to boot. They always want Black control of everything public and their Black Culture has it; we want nothing to do with degenerate Black Culture. With a box of Chocolate Culture, Whites know what they will get every time: it’s like an overdose of Black Draught or Ex-Lax.