After viewing these charts and the data presented, it is clear the obesity epidemic has been purposely created by the mega-corporation purveyors of toxic processed food, with the cooperation and support of the mega-corporation media/advertising/propaganda entities, and the silent consent of parents across the nation. Parents are so frightened their little cherubs will be killed, molested, or abducted (taught to fear by the government control freaks), they don’t allow them to venture out of their houses (tombs) into their suburban paradises. Kids don’t ride bikes, play in the woods, dam up creeks, play hide and go seek, or start their own pick-up games of baseball, basketball, football or street hockey. Riding your bike to school is unheard of. Parents drive their kids five houses down to the bus stop in their monster leased SUVs.

Letting TV raise your children, letting fast food mega-corporations and mega-corporation food companies poison your children with toxic processed crap peddled on TV, locking your children in all-day holding pens with minimum wage workers, and shuttling them around in one of your three leased vehicles to organized sports events where they receive trophies for finishing in 6th place, is the ultimate in failing them.

Look around. Failure is everywhere. We are a failed nation, but we think we’re winners. How pathetic.

Via Marketwatch

There’s no question that America’s youth is fatter than ever: Obesity rates have more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents , according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But what’s behind this supersizing of our kids? And what can be done to stop it? One of the latest targets is the school bake sale — yes, the tradition of selling cookies and cakes to support any number of school programs. As the Michelle Obama-inspired Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act goes into effect, it’s prompting some school authorities to curb bake sales to comply with the tighter rules regarding food in educational settings. But to hear obesity experts tell it, selling treats to benefit the band program may not be the only issue at hand. Here are six charts and tables that speak to what experts say could be the real culprit.

Charles Passy

Americans are now consuming more than 30 times the amount of sugar they did three centuries ago — some 132 pounds per person per year. And children are no exception. In fact, the Mayo Clinic reports that 16% of the total calories in kids’ diets comes from added sugar — well beyond the recommended 5% to 15% range. The problem, says the Mayo Clinic, is that “added sugar means empty calories (no nutrients beyond calories) that put kids at risk of obesity.” Even more worrisome, says James Greenblatt, chief medical officer at Walden Behavioral Care, a group of treatment centers that specialize in eating disorders, is that sugar is essentially addictive. That’s especially true of sugar in the form of high fructose corn syrup, Greenblatt adds: “The more you consume, the more you want.”

Having a sweet tooth is one thing. But having an appetite for processed and fast foods may be the bigger problem. These days, children are getting the majority of their calories from items like pizza and burgers, not from healthier fare that can help keep their weight down. Even worse, says Wendy Scinta, a board-certified bariatric physician, is that lists like this show that kids are not eating many of their meals at home in a family setting. “We eat in our cars, in front of the TV, while texting, etc.,” she says. Such social isolation, says Scinta, only contributes to the obesity problem.

American households are watching more than eight hours of TV a day — a sizable increase from a couple of generations ago. (In the early 1960s, viewership averaged five hours a day.) The issue is that more time in front of the TV means less time engaging in physical activities, say obesity experts. Caroline Cederquist, co-founder and medical director of bistroMD, a weight-loss meal plan, points to research that shows that adolescent boys who watch several shows per day are twice as likely to have insulin resistance, which is correlated with weight gain and can lead to a host of serious medical problems, including diabetes. Look at the household viewing numbers and Cederquist points to a further troubling reality: “The American child spends more time watching TV than he or she does in school.”

It’s one thing that children may not be getting enough exercise. But apparently, even how they get to school could be contributing to the obesity epidemic, say researchers. They point to the fact that over the past 40 years, kids are far less likely to take their bikes or walk and far more likely to hop into the backseat of the mom (or dad)-mobile. And even that little bit of daily exercise counts for something, says Claudia Borzutzky, medical director of the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Empower Weight Management Clinic. In turn, the math becomes simple: “More calories in + less calories out = greater accumulation of weight,” says Borzutzky.

If it sometimes seems as if our kids’ eyes are too big for their stomachs, perhaps it’s not their fault. The fact remains portion sizes have dramatically increased since the 1950s — a situation the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has dubbed “The new (ab)normal” , saying the connection between serving size and our expanding waistline can’t be overlooked. The CDC goes so far as to encourage diners to “ask the managers at…restaurants to offer smaller meals.”

Aside from being confronted with larger portion sizes, children are also being confronted with advertising for fast-food chains — lots and lots of it. And the numbers keep growing — up 8% to $4.63 billion in 2012 versus 2009, according to Nielsen. Critics of the fast-food industry argue that all this promotion leads to more poundage . There is “the need for continued concern about potential negative effects of fast food marketing on the diets of children and teens,” says the Yale Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity in a recent report.

“EARN” $73,000 PER YEAR – TAX FREE!!!!

This is called Obama compassion. Use your tax dollars to expand the Free Shit Army, produce more ignorant entitlement serfs, and bolster the Democratic voting rolls. Do it for the children!!!!

Work harder and pay more taxes so Obama can create his diversity paradise. Now get to work!!!!

Via Doug Ross

L.A. NEWSPAPER AD: Take Illegal Immigrant Child Into Your Home, Earn Up to $73,000 a Year… Tax-Free!


Handed over the transom by Double-M and also spotted here.

An ad for foster parents for illegal immigrant children in California promises $6,054 per month for those who sign up and successfully complete the 45-day approval process. The migrant children ad appeared in a Penny Saver in Murrieta. As previously reported by The Inquisitr, hundreds of protesters stopped busloads of illegal aliens from being transported into the town for holding and ultimate release.

The foster immigrant children ad was placed by the Crittenton Services and Foster Family Agency – FFA. The Murrieta Penny Saver notice said the agency was looking for families to provide homes for both American foster children and “unaccompanied refugee minors.”

The Orange County foster family organization provides services for the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services.

Sounds like a good deal. Of course, President Obama will be long gone when the piper will be paid. That’s not what I say, that’s what the CBO says:

Earlier today, the Congressional Budget Office released its updated long-term budget projection, and there is not a lot of black ink in that report. CBO estimates that, despite receiving record revenue gobbled up from the private economy, the Treasury will continue to run enormous deficits over the next 25 years. By 2039, the public share of the debt is projected to rise from 74% of GDP to 106%…

…So what does all of this mean? Who cares about some banal numbers on a federal balance sheet?

Contrary to the perception of many policy-makers, the national debt is not some abstract problem that will only affect future generations once investors no longer trust the security of federal treasures. As CBO explains (page 10), this is an immediate and near-term problem…

…the relatively-low annual payments for interest on the debt, hovering around $230 billion a year, are only a temporary reprieve due to historically low interest rates. According to Investors’ Business Daily, “if Washington had to pay the average interest now that it paid in 2000 (6.4%), it would be paying $500 billion more each year to stay afloat.”

Sadly, Americans are used to navigating opportunities and challenges based upon instant gratification or imminent danger. Warning voters about the threat of our national debt to the future of their grandchildren is not enough. Conservatives need to make the case that the current level of debt is a mitigating factor to current economic growth and that it will continue to diminish their wages and job opportunities.

But, by all means, let’s continue importing hundreds of thousands of low-skilled, largely illiterate, and desperately poor folks from the Third World! That should help!

Hat tip: BadBlue News.


Israeli Military “Denies Targeting Children” Slammed For “Not Having The Courage To Talk To Hamas”

Tyler Durden's picture

In one of the most uncomfortable (and must-see) interviews, UK Channel 4’s John Snow ‘discusses’ Israel’s bombing raids and policies towards Hamas with Israeli government spokesman Mark Regev. The interview starts with a punch, “How does killing children on a beach contribute to your purpose of protecting Israeli civilians?” Regev ducks and weaves from question to question, flummoxed when Snow jabs, “if you couldn’t tell these were 4 young Palestinian children playing football on a Gaza beach, you need better equipment,” only to be slammed towards the end with, “why not be brave and talk directly to Hamas? You haven’t got the courage.” Not the kind of interview one is likely to see on US TV.

The aftermath…


And the rather stunning interview…

Pictorial Essay: NAZI’S and CHILDREN

I was motivated by AWD’s thread “Your kids as spies” …. something which took place in Nazi Germany, and then later in Communist East Germany.

I was going to add commentary regarding how Germany-back-then compares to Amerika-now.  I started, and then stopped. Why?  Because it’s so PAINFULLY OBVIOUS.  Most folks — few more than myself — hate bringing “Nazis” into a conversation.  Nevertheless, the comparisons to the Fascist States of Amerika is striking, to say the least.

“FOR THE CHIL’UN!!”  It’s HNIC Oreo’s favorite mantra. So many goddamned oppressive laws are made ‘for the children’. Just keep this in mind …

“He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.” —- Adolph


1. “Youth Serves the Leader: All 10-Year-Olds in the Hitler Youth”


A young Aryan-looking member of the Hitler Youth looks up to an idealized, God-like version of Adolf Hitler. The message was that children as young as 10 years old should serve the leader by joining the organization. For Hitler believed that devotion should be fostered as early as possible. The idea was to create dedicated, unquestioning soldiers for Hitler and the Nazi regime.

2. “People’s Degeneration = People’s Death”


This poster was  created as part of a series designed to teach children about eugenics. It was also tied to the notion that hereditary diseases were weakening Germany. Such concepts were responsible for programs like Reichsarbeitsdienst (RAD), which was a public work scheme for the unemployed that often involved working the land – from digging ditches to planting new forests …. shovel-ready jobs, heh heh.  Eventually the Nazis adopted sterilization programs for those with hereditary diseases, and later to the mass killings of people suffering from birth defects – in the name of “euthanasia.”

3. “Children, What Do You Know of the Führer?”


In the poster, the usually much more sternly portrayed dictator is depicted as an approachable figure – although still an authoritative one – who is friendly towards children.  Hitler understood that his power depended on every German citizen regarding him as infallible and following his word above written law – the so-called “leader principle,” or Führerprinzip. This commonly led to Hitler being portrayed as a messianic, almost god-like figure.

4. “Every Girl Belongs to Us”


This poster shows a smiling young member of the League of German Girls, an organization designed to indoctrinate young women by instilling them with the values of Nazi Germany and preparing them for motherhood. German children were particularly important propaganda targets, especially through the institutions of schools and education. By 1936, 97 percent of German teachers belonged to the National Socialist Teachers League. Children, meanwhile, belonged to government organizations from the age of 10. Until the collapse of the Nazi system in 1945, many children had lived their entire lives on a perpetual diet of government propaganda. The situation was so bad that a prolonged period of “denazification” was necessary.

5. “Build Youth Hostels and Homes”


A young member of the League of German Girls collects money for youth hostels and homes. In the last days of the war, some members of the League of German Girls joined their male counterparts in “last-ditch” fighting against Allied forces, although this was never officially sanctioned by the regime. The girls mainly served an important secondary role – as this poster illustrates. Interestingly, although the poster claims money was nobly being raised to build youth hostels and homes, in fact, most of the donations were spent on weapons production.

6. “The German Student Fights for the Führer and the People”


The central character is the physical embodiment of the Nazi ideal for the Aryan race: young, strong, blond and dedicated. The National Socialist German Students’ League aimed to combine Nazi ideology with a University education and academic life. Members lived in their own Fellowship houses and wore brown shirts together with their own version of the swastika. Here, the student’s military attire and rigid demeanor is typical of expressions of Nazi ideology. Meanwhile, his proud stance and beaming facial expression suggest that he is honored to be carrying the swastika. Instead of idealistic thought and dreams, the Nazis preferred direct action. And serving your country by dying in battle was depicted as the ultimate sacrifice of honor … oaths that needed to be kept, regardless.

7. Aryan Paper Drive


This poster was created to encourage Nazi children to take part in a paper drive to collect material for the German war effort. It was published in 1943, when WWII had already taken a turn for the worse for the Germans, following their catastrophic defeat at the Battle of Stalingrad and the ensuing Russian counter-offensives. The romantic depiction of smiling, happy German children looks as though it was designed to promote cooperation and boost the morale of young Nazis. The date of the poster is also significant. By April 1943, the German economy was finally beginning to gear itself up for total war. This meant that almost all of the country’s resources were dedicated to producing combat materials. And collecting and conserving raw material like paper would have been a very important part of keeping the war effort going.

8. “Youth Serves the Leader: All 10-Year-Olds in the Hitler Youth” (Girl Version)


Membership in both the male and female leagues was compulsory for eligible children. Besides learning about motherhood and Nazi ideology, members of the girls’ leagues took part in activities like camping, skiing, and working the land. The third tier of female indoctrination, the Faith and Beauty Society for 17–21-year-olds, was voluntary. It aimed to prepare girls for marriage, domestic life, and future career goals. In line with the Nazi idea of rapidly increasing Germany’s population, the organization encouraged its female members to have as many children as possible. And as the war dragged on, the Leagues were increasingly called upon to help out, whether that meant collecting the harvest and serving as nursing aides, or fighting on the front lines.

9. “The Jewish nose is bent. It looks like the number six…”


This illustration comes from the book Der Giftpilz, which was published in 1938 and was intended for children. In the scene, a class is taught how to recognize the physical characteristics of Jews. They are taught that the Jewish nose is hooked like the number six. Other attributes mentioned in the story are puffy lips, fleshy eyelids, and a “deceitful” look. Towards the end of the book, it is also claimed that Jewish people were responsible for the murder of Jesus, who is called their greatest enemy.  Following the war, the publisher of the book, Julius Streicher, was judged to be responsible for dehumanizing the Jews in the lead-up to the Holocaust. He was found guilty at the Nuremberg trials and was executed in October 1946.




Raising Up Compliant Children in the American Police State

Guest Post By John W. Whitehead

“[The aim of public education is not] to fill the young of the species with knowledge and awaken their intelligence. . . . Nothing could be further from the truth. The aim . . . is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality. That is its aim in the United States…”Henry Mencken, American Journalist (April 1924)

How do you persuade a nation of relatively freedom-loving individuals to march in lock step with a police state? You start by convincing them that they’re in danger, and only the government can protect them. Keep them keyed up with constant danger alerts, and the occasional terrorist incident, whether real or staged. Distract them with wall-to-wall news coverage about sinking ships, disappearing planes and pseudo-celebrities spouting racist diatribes. Use blockbuster movies, reality shows and violent video games to hype them up on military tactics, and then while they’re distracted and numb to all that is taking place around them, indoctrinate their young people to your way of thinking, relying primarily on the public schools and popular culture.

After all, public education the world over has always been the vehicle for statist propaganda of one sort or another, whether it’s religion, militarism, democracy or totalitarianism, and America is no exception. In fact, today’s public schools, far from being bastions of free speech, are merely microcosms of the world beyond the schoolhouse gates, and increasingly, it’s a world hostile to freedom.

As I show in my book A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, within America’s public schools can be found almost every aspect of the American police state that plagues those of us on the “outside”: metal detectors, surveillance cameras, militarized police, drug-sniffing dogs, tasers, cyber-surveillance, random searches, the list goes on. Whether it takes the form of draconian zero tolerance policies, overreaching anti-bullying statutes, police officers charged with tasering and arresting so-called unruly children, standardized testing with its emphasis on rote answers, political correctness, or the extensive surveillance systems cropping up in schools all over the country, young people in America are first in line to be indoctrinated into compliant citizens of the new American police state.

Zero tolerance policies, which punish all offenses severely, no matter how minor, condition young people to steer clear of doing anything that might be considered out of line, whether it’s pointing their fingers like a gun, drawing on their desks, or chewing their gum too loudly. Although the Obama administration recently called on schools to rethink how they discipline and punish students who misbehave, their guidelines to help schools re-evaluate their disciplinary policies fail to address the source of the problem: the quasi-prison atmosphere of public schools.

Surveillance technologies, used by school officials, police, NSA agents, and corporate entities to track the everyday activities of students, accustom young people to life in an electronic concentration camp, with all of their movements monitored, their interactions assessed, and their activities recorded and archived. For example, the Department of Education (DOE) has created a system to track, archive and disseminate data on every single part of a child’s educational career with colleges and state agencies such as the Department of Labor and the offices of Technology and Children and Family Services. The system relies on a database called inBloom, which is funded by corporate magnates such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. DOE has also received $40 million from various state and federal agencies to help fund the program.

Metal detectors at school entrances and police patrolling school hallways acclimatize young people to being viewed as suspects. Funded in part by federal grants, school districts across the country have “paid local police agencies to provide armed ‘school resource officers’ for high schools, middle schools and sometimes even elementary schools.” As the New York Times reports, “Hundreds of additional districts, including those in Houston, Los Angeles and Philadelphia, have created police forces of their own, employing thousands of sworn officers.” The problem, of course, is that the very presence of these police officers in the schools results in greater numbers of students being arrested or charged with crimes for nonviolent, childish behavior. In Texas, for example, school police officers write more than 100,000 misdemeanor tickets a year, each ticket amounting to hundreds of dollars in court fines—a convenient financial windfall for the states. All too often, these incidents remain on students’ permanent records, impacting college and job applications.

Weapons of compliance, such as tasers which deliver electrical shocks lethal enough to kill, not only teach young people to fear the police, the face of our militarized government, but teach them that torture is an accepted means of controlling the population. It’s a problem that has grown exponentially as the schools have increasingly clamored for—and hired on—their own police forces. One high school student in Texas suffered severe brain damage and nearly died after being tasered. A 15-year-old disabled North Carolina student was tasered three times, resulting in punctured lungs. A New York student was similarly tasered for lying on the floor and crying.

Standardized testing and Common Core programs, which discourage students from thinking for themselves while rewarding them for regurgitating whatever the government, through its so-called educational standards, dictates they should be taught, will create a generation of test-takers capable of little else, molded and shaped by the federal government and its corporate allies into what it considers to be ideal citizens. Incredibly, despite the fact that the U.S. invests more money in public education (roughly $8,000 per child per year) than many other developed countries, we rank 27th in the world for school educational achievement.

Overt censorship, monitoring and political correctness, which manifest themselves in a variety of ways, from Internet filters on school computers to sexual harassment policies, habituate young people to a world in which nonconformist, divergent, politically incorrect ideas and speech are treated as unacceptable or dangerous. In such an environment, a science teacher criticizing evolution can get fired for insubordination, a 9-year-old boy remarking that his teacher is “cute” can be suspended for sexual harassment, students detected using their smart phones during class time can be reported for not paying attention in class, and those accused of engaging in “bullying, cyber-bullying, hate and shaming activities, depression, harm and self harm, self hate and suicide, crime, vandalism, substance abuse and truancy” on social media such as Twitter or Facebook, will have their posts and comments analyzed by an outside government contractor.

So far I’ve only mentioned what’s happening within the public schools. It doesn’t even begin to touch on extracurricular activities such as the Explorers program, which trains young people—“ages 14 to 21 who have a C average”—to be future agents of the police state. Explorers meet weekly, train for competitions and spend their weekends working on service projects. In one Border Patrol training exercise, teenagers as young as 14, suited up in military gear with lethal-looking airsoft guns, were “instructed on how to quiet an obstreperous lookout,” reports the New York Times. “Put him on his face and put a knee in his back,” a Border Patrol agent explained. “I guarantee that he’ll shut up.”

Then there’s the military’s use of video games and blockbuster movies to propagandize war and recruit young people. Thanks to a collaboration between the Department of Defense and the entertainment industry, the American taxpayer is paying for what amounts to a propaganda campaign aimed at entrenching the power of the military in American society. As author Nick Turse points out, “Today, almost everywhere you look, whether at the latest blockbuster on the big screen or what’s on much smaller screens in your own home – likely made by a defense contractor like Sony, Samsung, Panasonic or Toshiba – you’ll find the Pentagon or its corporate partners.”

What’s really unnerving, however, are the similarities between our own system of youth indoctrination and that of Nazi Germany, with its Hitler Youth programs and overt campaign of educational indoctrination. Now before I’m drowned out by howls of outrage, note that while I am not suggesting the United States is deliberately attempting to raise up a generation of Hitler Youth, our schools and society at large are teaching young people to march in lockstep with the all-powerful government—which may be just as dangerous in the end.

You don’t have to take my word for it. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum provides some valuable insight into education in the Nazi state, which was responsible for winning “millions of German young people … over to Nazism in the classroom and through extracurricular activities.” The similarities are startling, ranging from the dismissal of teachers deemed to be “politically unreliable” to the introduction of classroom textbooks that taught students obedience to state authority and militarism. “Board games and toys for children served as another way to spread racial and political propaganda to German youth. Toys were also used as propaganda vehicles to indoctrinate children into militarism.” And then there was the Hitler Youth, a paramilitary youth group intended to train young people for future service in the armed forces and government.

Hitler himself recognized the value of indoctrinating young people. As he noted, “When an opponent declares, ‘I will not come over to your side, and you will not get me on your side,’ I calmly say, ‘Your child belongs to me already. A people lives forever. What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants however now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community.’”

We’re certainly not doing ourselves or our young people any favors by allowing them to be indoctrinated into a police state mindset from early on, with no knowledge that they have any rights or any sense that they are the descendants of revolutionaries who stood up to tyrannical regimes.

If there is one glimmer of hope for this younger generation, it may be found in the unlikeliest of places: young adult literature, specifically dystopian literature, which is all the rage among young people today. Serial books such as Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, The Bone Season and The Giver all speak to a growing awareness among young people that the future awaiting them is far from secure, and that freedom ultimately rests in their ability to take on the powers-that-be.


I just received a call from my oldest son. He was crying. His best friend died in a one car accident last night. A young life snuffed out in an instant. Hug your children.

INJURIES / FATALITY (Harleysville, Montgomery Co)

Fire Dept & EMS responded to a report of a accident involving vehicle into a tree with one occupant ejected onto the roadway. DOA reported by EMS. There was no additional information available at the time of this post
Last update: (08:55)
Source: MontCo DPS & Breaking News Network