Written in December 2019. Reposted in honor of the 50th anniversary of the album

And if the cloud bursts thunder in your ear
You shout and no one seems to hear
And if the band you’re in starts playing different tunes
I’ll see you on the dark side of the moon

 Brain Damage, Pink Floyd

Image result for see you on the dark side of the moon"

And if the dam breaks open many years too soon
And if there is no room upon the hill
And if your head explodes with dark forebodings too
I’ll see you on the dark side of the moon

Brain Damage, Pink Floyd

Pink Floyd’s 1973 Dark Side of the Moon album is considered one of the greatest albums of all-time. It stayed on the Billboard 200 charts for 937 weeks. Roger Waters concept was for an album that dealt with things that “make people mad”. The Dark Side of the Moon’s themes include war, conflict, greed, the passage of time, death, and insanity, the latter inspired in part by former band member Syd Barrett’s worsening mental state.

The five tracks on each side reflect various stages of human life, beginning and ending with a heartbeat, exploring the nature of the human experience, and empathy. The themes of this album are timeless and are as germane today as they were forty-six years ago, if not more relevant. The country and world are awash in conflict, driven by the greed of evil men. Decent, law abiding, hard-working, critical thinking Americans see the world going insane as the passage of time leads towards the death of an American empire.


Pictorial Essay: NAZI’S and CHILDREN

I was motivated by AWD’s thread “Your kids as spies” …. something which took place in Nazi Germany, and then later in Communist East Germany.

I was going to add commentary regarding how Germany-back-then compares to Amerika-now.  I started, and then stopped. Why?  Because it’s so PAINFULLY OBVIOUS.  Most folks — few more than myself — hate bringing “Nazis” into a conversation.  Nevertheless, the comparisons to the Fascist States of Amerika is striking, to say the least.

“FOR THE CHIL’UN!!”  It’s HNIC Oreo’s favorite mantra. So many goddamned oppressive laws are made ‘for the children’. Just keep this in mind …

“He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.” —- Adolph


1. “Youth Serves the Leader: All 10-Year-Olds in the Hitler Youth”


A young Aryan-looking member of the Hitler Youth looks up to an idealized, God-like version of Adolf Hitler. The message was that children as young as 10 years old should serve the leader by joining the organization. For Hitler believed that devotion should be fostered as early as possible. The idea was to create dedicated, unquestioning soldiers for Hitler and the Nazi regime.

2. “People’s Degeneration = People’s Death”


This poster was  created as part of a series designed to teach children about eugenics. It was also tied to the notion that hereditary diseases were weakening Germany. Such concepts were responsible for programs like Reichsarbeitsdienst (RAD), which was a public work scheme for the unemployed that often involved working the land – from digging ditches to planting new forests …. shovel-ready jobs, heh heh.  Eventually the Nazis adopted sterilization programs for those with hereditary diseases, and later to the mass killings of people suffering from birth defects – in the name of “euthanasia.”

3. “Children, What Do You Know of the Führer?”


In the poster, the usually much more sternly portrayed dictator is depicted as an approachable figure – although still an authoritative one – who is friendly towards children.  Hitler understood that his power depended on every German citizen regarding him as infallible and following his word above written law – the so-called “leader principle,” or Führerprinzip. This commonly led to Hitler being portrayed as a messianic, almost god-like figure.

4. “Every Girl Belongs to Us”


This poster shows a smiling young member of the League of German Girls, an organization designed to indoctrinate young women by instilling them with the values of Nazi Germany and preparing them for motherhood. German children were particularly important propaganda targets, especially through the institutions of schools and education. By 1936, 97 percent of German teachers belonged to the National Socialist Teachers League. Children, meanwhile, belonged to government organizations from the age of 10. Until the collapse of the Nazi system in 1945, many children had lived their entire lives on a perpetual diet of government propaganda. The situation was so bad that a prolonged period of “denazification” was necessary.

5. “Build Youth Hostels and Homes”


A young member of the League of German Girls collects money for youth hostels and homes. In the last days of the war, some members of the League of German Girls joined their male counterparts in “last-ditch” fighting against Allied forces, although this was never officially sanctioned by the regime. The girls mainly served an important secondary role – as this poster illustrates. Interestingly, although the poster claims money was nobly being raised to build youth hostels and homes, in fact, most of the donations were spent on weapons production.

6. “The German Student Fights for the Führer and the People”


The central character is the physical embodiment of the Nazi ideal for the Aryan race: young, strong, blond and dedicated. The National Socialist German Students’ League aimed to combine Nazi ideology with a University education and academic life. Members lived in their own Fellowship houses and wore brown shirts together with their own version of the swastika. Here, the student’s military attire and rigid demeanor is typical of expressions of Nazi ideology. Meanwhile, his proud stance and beaming facial expression suggest that he is honored to be carrying the swastika. Instead of idealistic thought and dreams, the Nazis preferred direct action. And serving your country by dying in battle was depicted as the ultimate sacrifice of honor … oaths that needed to be kept, regardless.

7. Aryan Paper Drive


This poster was created to encourage Nazi children to take part in a paper drive to collect material for the German war effort. It was published in 1943, when WWII had already taken a turn for the worse for the Germans, following their catastrophic defeat at the Battle of Stalingrad and the ensuing Russian counter-offensives. The romantic depiction of smiling, happy German children looks as though it was designed to promote cooperation and boost the morale of young Nazis. The date of the poster is also significant. By April 1943, the German economy was finally beginning to gear itself up for total war. This meant that almost all of the country’s resources were dedicated to producing combat materials. And collecting and conserving raw material like paper would have been a very important part of keeping the war effort going.

8. “Youth Serves the Leader: All 10-Year-Olds in the Hitler Youth” (Girl Version)


Membership in both the male and female leagues was compulsory for eligible children. Besides learning about motherhood and Nazi ideology, members of the girls’ leagues took part in activities like camping, skiing, and working the land. The third tier of female indoctrination, the Faith and Beauty Society for 17–21-year-olds, was voluntary. It aimed to prepare girls for marriage, domestic life, and future career goals. In line with the Nazi idea of rapidly increasing Germany’s population, the organization encouraged its female members to have as many children as possible. And as the war dragged on, the Leagues were increasingly called upon to help out, whether that meant collecting the harvest and serving as nursing aides, or fighting on the front lines.

9. “The Jewish nose is bent. It looks like the number six…”


This illustration comes from the book Der Giftpilz, which was published in 1938 and was intended for children. In the scene, a class is taught how to recognize the physical characteristics of Jews. They are taught that the Jewish nose is hooked like the number six. Other attributes mentioned in the story are puffy lips, fleshy eyelids, and a “deceitful” look. Towards the end of the book, it is also claimed that Jewish people were responsible for the murder of Jesus, who is called their greatest enemy.  Following the war, the publisher of the book, Julius Streicher, was judged to be responsible for dehumanizing the Jews in the lead-up to the Holocaust. He was found guilty at the Nuremberg trials and was executed in October 1946.

