Science Really Is A Bitch Like That

Via the Raconteur Report

So, today, we read this latest bit of scientism and Globull Warmist theology, excerpted over at Fran Porretto’s place, and hailing from that bastion of scientific accuracy, TIME Magazine :

The problem with MDIs is not carbon dioxide (the most common greenhouse gas), but rather methane, which represents a far smaller share of greenhouse emissions, but a much more powerful one, with up to 84 times the heat-trapping power of CO2. Even the least polluting inhaler was found to emit methane at levels equal to up to 10 kg (22 lbs.) of carbon dioxide into the air over the course of its 200-puff lifetime.

Fran was more worried about what this means for the next target of the Warmist Cult (asthmatics), but I was more struck by the breathtaking scientific stupidity it takes to pen such thorough-going codswallop.

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