How to fix the student debt crisis in one easy step

Break the college oligopolies and set the students free

My distinguished former colleague Neil Cavuto, host on the Fox Business network, got into an entertaining back-and-forth on air last week with student protest organizer Keely Mullen.

The subject: How to solve our country’s student debt crisis — and who should pay for the solution.

Mullen says she wants student loans to be forgiven, and future degrees at public colleges to be free for students.

Cavuto argued that would slap incredible burdens on taxpayers.

Mullen said the “one percent” could afford it.

With all due respect, they’re both wrong. It would be easy to solve the looming student debt crisis — without costing U.S. taxpayers a penny.

How? Easy. Break up the college oligopoly. End the outrageous racket where the institution that awards degrees is also the institution that does the teaching.

If you can pass the exams for a B.A., why isn’t that enough? Why should you also be forced to cut a check for $100,000 or $200,000 as well?

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