We’ve got 6 mega-media companies, about 8 mega-banks, and about 10 mega-processed food companies. The oligarchs give you the illusion of choice.

Courtesy of: Visual Capitalist


There are 10 mega-corporations that control the food and consumer product market in the United States, keeping the masses consuming processed food and taking pills to counter the effects of the processed foods. There are 6 mega-corporations that control the mass media (propaganda) outlets, keeping the sheep controlled and distracted. There are 8,500 banks in the United States and the top 10 mega-banks control 54% of all deposits, control 90% of the credit card market, and control 80% of the mortgage market. In 1990 there were more than 15,000 banks and the top 10 controlled only 20% of the deposits. Too Big to Control or Trust. There are essentially 7 mega-corporations that deal the majority of arms in the world. They are the military industrial complex. They love war. They promote war. They profit from misery, death and destruction. The healthcare industrial complex is dominated by 11 mega-corporation drug dealers. They never seem to cure anything, but they sure can treat you with drugs for life. Much better for the bottom line.

In reality, less than 50 mega-corporations control our lives. They control our politicians. They control our government. They use their immense profits to buy influence. They buy off our politicians with campaign contributions and bribes. They buy off officials at all levels of Federal, State, and local government. They pay for tax laws that benefit them. They write the laws and regulations governing their industries. They collude to further enrich themselves at the expense of the citizens. You are living in a corporate fascist state. If you can’t see that, you must be dependent upon the good graces of these mega-corporations.