Fighting the Last (Intellectual) War

Guest Post by Crimson Avenger

Long ago, when I was younger and very impressed with my own intellect (a conceit that life has since beaten out of me), I made an effort to dive into philosophy, both historic and contemporary. One of the people whose work I studied was Marshall McLuhan, who most people know through his epic appearance in Annie Hall as an expert on himself.

Thanks to my towering intellect, I felt that I had grasped a lot of what he proposed, but in reality I didn’t really “get” it in a way that mattered – I could parrot it back but not in any practical way. Age has allowed me to better process his thinking and find connections in reality. And as a result I realize that most of us are pissing in the wind when it comes to arguing our points of view.

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What I’ve learned through gardening

Guest Post by Crimson Avenger

In “How You Got Screwed” I suggest that people start doing things for themselves: Learn to cook, change your own oil, sew, or do other things that build your skill set and make you more self-reliant.

Among other things, I garden. And honestly, I’m really bad at it. I spend a lot of money and grow mostly weeds. I’ve had a handful of successes – the occasional bounty of carrots or tomatoes or lettuce – but never approaching consistent greatness. Mostly I have a handful of true successes, a decent number of adequate outcomes, and more than my share of total failures.

But I have learned a few things, namely:

Doing something yourself is humbling, and thought-provoking.

Continue reading “What I’ve learned through gardening”


One of our regular commenters – Crimson Avenger – has written a book. The best part is you can download it for free. 

How You Got Screwed: The Book – How You Got Screwed

After years of observing the many corrupted systems that affect our lives, I compiled my thoughts into this book – “How You Got Screwed.” If you’d like a copy, just download the book in PDF form by clicking here .

There is no cost for the book, and you’re free to use it and share it as you see fit. I wrote it to help people understand what’s truly happening in this country, and the more people you share it with, and the more ways you think to use it, the happier I’ll be.
If you have any questions or thoughts, I’d love to hear them; just email me at [email protected].