One Trick Donkey

White Supremacy Democrats

Via Branco

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Racism Burns Bright In The Democratic Party

Via GenZConservative

racism in the democratic party

The more I listen to these Democrats, I cannot see how this nation ever gets back on track, without first going through a massive civil upheaval, or even civil war. Every position these Marxists and Maoists have taken of late certainly do not allow for any compromise with Christians and conservatives, and they surely intend it to be as such, in that they hold a current majority, no matter its slim nature; they seem to think it is enough, and it has prompted them to move in an ever-increasingly dangerous direction for America.

I wish it were so simple as my good friend, Carol Swain, wrote in the Tennessee Star, back in February:

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Who Are the Racists?

Guest Post by Walter E. Williams

Who Are the Racists?

Former presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke said that racism in America is “foundational” and that people of color were under “mortal threat” from the “white supremacist in the White House.” Pete Buttigieg chimed in to explain that “systemic racism” will “be with us” no matter who is in the White House. Senator Cory Booker called for “attacking systemic racism” in the “racially biased” criminal justice system.

Let’s follow up by examining Booker’s concern about a “racially biased” criminal justice system. To do that, we can turn to a recent article by Heather Mac Donald, who is a senior fellow at the New York-based Manhattan Institute. She is a contributing editor of City Journal, and a New York Times bestselling author. Her most recent article, “A Platform of Urban Decline,” which appeared in Manhattan Institute’s publication Eye On The News, addresses race and crime. She reveals government statistics you’ve never read before.

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Will Dems Keep Trump In The White House By Overplaying Race Card?

Authored by Graham Noble via,

The Democratic Party appears to have decided that the surest way to win control of the White House in 2020 is to make racial division the centerpiece of its agenda. That is a gamble, to say the least, but unless the US economy crashes before the general election, the race card may be the only one President Donald Trump’s opponents can play.

Potential 2020 challengers to Trump are trying to outdo each other on the issue of perceived racial injustice and bigotry. As usual, the left-wing mediaare doing all they can to influence the next election in favor of Democrats – in this case, by ramming down the throats of Americans the notion that the Commander-in-Chief is a white nationalist and, by extension, so are his supporters.

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Democrats Have Become the Party of Nonwhite Immigrants and Sexual Deviants

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

In the last presidential election, the Democratic candidate for president, Hillary Clinton, dismissed the white American working class as the “Trump deplorables,” “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic – you name it.” Now Nancy Pelosi wants the House of Representatives to censure President Trump for sticking up for America and its white core population.  What more proof do we need that the Democratic Party does not represent the core population of America?

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Already Deep in the Politics of Hate

Guest Post by Pat Buchanan

Already Deep in the Politics of Hate

If this is the level of discourse from Beto and Bernie, 2020 looks to be one of the ugliest campaigns in American history.

During an Iowa town hall last week, “Beto” O’Rourke, who had pledged to raise the level of national discourse, depicted President Donald Trump’s rhetoric as right out of Nazi Germany.

Trump “describes immigrants as ‘rapists’ and ‘criminals’” and as “‘animals’ and ‘an infestation,’” said Beto.

“Now, I might expect someone to describe another human being as ‘an infestation’ in the Third Reich. I would not expect it in the United States of America.” The crowd lustily cheered the analogy.

By week’s end, Beto’s Third Reich comparison had been matched in nastiness by Bernie Sanders’ description of the president to the cheering activists of Al Sharpton’s National Action Network:

“It gives me no pleasure to say this but today we have a president who is a racist, sexist, a homophobe, a xenophobe and a religious bigot.”

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