Remember this famous declaration?

Well Obama was right. Obamacare isn’t adding a dime to the deficit.

It’s adding 12 trillion dimes to the national deficit.

The supposedly independent government drones at the CBO, who spin future deficits as positively as they can with a straight face, have concluded that Obamacare will add $1.2 trillion to the national debt over the next decade.

According to the Marketwatch:

Instead, the CBO projects that it will account for increasing chunks of deficit spending, starting at $20 billion this year and steadily increasing to $159 billion in 2024, for a collective deficit of just under $1.2 trillion. Not only does the report on the federal budget take an in-depth look at the ACA and its effects on the budget, but also on the work force in general. Most of these effects won’t hit until after the next few years, once Obamacare has had a chance to gain momentum and get going.

Of course, back in 2000 the CBO projected budget surpluses in 2010 and a National Debt of about $2 trillion. They only missed by a fraction. If they say Obamacare will add $1.2 trillion to the national debt, triple that number to get in the ballpark of reality.

And it only gets better. Obamacare will destroy jobs, as if we didn’t already know that.

One of the CBO’s most intriguing estimates is that by 2017 there will be 2 million fewer full-time jobs on the market than there would have been without Obamacare, and that figure could climb to 2.5 million by 2024. But the reason isn’t that employers will be reluctant to hire; it’s that workers won’t want to rise to income levels that would cut into their health subsidies, the CBO says. The higher a person’s income, the lower the subsidy under Obamacare.

Again, the CBO is off their rocker on the optimism scale. Small businesses aren’t hiring. Small and large businesses are cutting hours of employees. The unintended consequences have only just begun. Remember, Obama has delayed all the truly horrible aspects of Obamacare until after the mid-term elections, dictatorially deciding when and how to enforce a LAW passed by Congress.

But at least we’ve all saved $2,500 per year in health insurance premium costs.

I’m sure MSNBC will be doing an expose of Obama’s lies tonight on the Maddow Show. I can’t wait to see Obama blame Bush for this multi-trillion dollar gaffe.

This economy destroying, deficit busting, job destroying law was passed solely by the Democratic Party. Why the Republicans are not willing to fight it’s implementation tooth and nail is beyond my comprehension. It just confirms that we are run by one party. The ruling party.


Below are two charts that tell a story of an unsustainable trend. Here are the facts:

  • There are 144 million Americans employed, with 115 million employed full-time and 29 million employed part-time.
  • There are 246 million working age Americans, of which 91 million are supposedly not in the work force and 11 million are officially unemployed.
  • Approximately 68 million of these workers are in the top two income quintiles.
  • The bottom three quintiles receive more government entitlements than they pay in taxes. That means the top two quintiles pay 106% of all the taxes, while the bottom 60% of income producers get money back.
  • There are 68 million workers paying taxes to support the 76 million lower income workers, the 11 million unemployed workers, the 91 million working age Americans who have supposedly “chosen” not to work, and the 70 million people either too young or too old to work.
  • The workers in the top two quintiles represent 28% of the working age population and are paying 106% of the taxes to fund our welfare/warfare state.

What is shown on these charts is just the entitlement side of the equation. The taxes paid by 68 million people also have to fund our wars of choice in the Middle East, our ever growing surveillance state, prisons for the excess population, and the various other boondoggles that our beloved leaders pay for with our money. Do you understand why we are adding $1 trillion per year to the national debt? Today’s current scenario is a disaster.

We are only at the cusp of the Baby Boomers retiring and collecting what they are “owed”. Entitlement outlays are on automatic pilot and will soar, as 10,000 people per day turn 65 for the next 17 years. The math in this equation does not add up. It is simply unsustainable. The people in the 4th quintile making $88,000 per year can barely call themselves middle class in this hunger games society. Are the politicians in D.C. going to tax them more to cover the fiscal gap? Are the top .1% who write the tax laws going to allow themselves to be shaken down to pay for the bottom 72% who are net recipients of government goodies?

Can 68 million people pay the load for the other 248 million people, along with running a world empire? There is no solution to this dynamic. It’s a train wreck happening in slow motion. We are too far down the track and the bridge is out. Disaster beckons.



It must be those dastardly tea baggers sabotaging the Savior’s glorious, well conceived, well executed, cost saving, life saving healthcare plan for America. Of course a 2,400 page law written by healthcare industry lobbyists, with 11,000 pages of rules and regulations, managed by thousands of government drones, enforced by the IRS, impacting 19% of the U.S. economy, and rolled out on a computer system that doesn’t work, was sure to improve the lives of all Americans. More government in our lives is exactly what we need. Now please bend over and await your Obamacare rectal exam. The $2,500 savings check is in the mail. But be warned, we are depending on another government organization losing $19 billion per year to deliver that check, so it might be awhile.  

…Individuals in most states will end up spending more on the exchanges. It is true that in some states, the experience could be the opposite. This is because those states had already over-regulated insurance markets that led to sharply higher premiums through adverse selection, as is the case of New York. Many states, however, double or nearly triple premiums for young adults. Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Kansas, and Vermont see some of the largest increases in premiums.

…The Obama Administration is desperate for younger people to enroll to prevent an adverse selection death spiral.

…Our findings confirm that younger populations see larger percentage increases in premiums. A state that exhibits this clearly is Vermont, where the increase for 27-year-olds is 144 percent and the increase for 50-year-olds is still 60 percent, but far less. All states exhibit this relationship.

Heritage Foundation


“If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health-care plan, you will be able to keep your health-care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what.”

“For people with insurance, the only impact of the health-care law is that their insurance is stronger, better, and more secure than it was before. Full stop. That’s it. They don’t have to worry about anything else.”

“If you already have health insurance, the only thing that will change for you under this plan is the amount of money you will spend on premiums. That will be less.”

“I want to be very clear: I will not sign on to any health plan that adds to our deficits over the next decade.”

“Health care reform will cut the cost of a typical family’s premium by up to $2,500 a year.”





I feel like Dirty Harry the way I’ve been gunning down stinking retailers today. And now I’ve got Ron Johnson, the worst retail CEO in history, laying on the ground with my 44 Magnum pointed at his fat ego inflated head. And I’m itching to pull the trigger.

Ron Johnson has been the CEO of JC Penney since November 2011. In the space of 14 months this douchebag has single-handedly destroyed a retailer that has been around for over 100 years. His stunning incompetence is breathtaking to behold. I worked for a horrible retail CEO at IKEA named Pernille Lopez. She was as dumb as a sack of hammers, but she was unable to destroy IKEA. Johnson arrived at JC Penney with his Apple Ego and $400 million fortune and proceeded to prove that a retard could have done a better job by throwing darts at a list of ideas to improve the company.

It is almost incomprehensible what he has been able to accomplish in one year on the job. Here is a link to their results.


Here is the verdict:

  • In a virtually impossible feat, this guy was able to REDUCE JC Penney sales by $4.3 BILLION in one fucking year. I swear to God a retarded shit eating monkey couldn’t accomplish that feat. This is a stunning 25% reduction in sales. And it actually got worse in the 4th quarter, with a 28% decline. The 28% decline INCLUDED an extra week of sales versus the prior year.
  • Comparable store sales in the 4th quarter were down 31.7%.
  • He managed to LOSE $552 million in one quarter and $985 million for the year. The year before he arrived they lost $152 million.
  • He managed to lose $600 million of cash in one year. He only has $930 million left.
  • While Macys online sales went up 47%, JC Penny online sales plunged by 33%. This guy can’t get bricks and mortar or online right. He’s a jack-off of all trades.
  • Gross margins are plunging and inventory has dropped by $550 million.
  • Interestingly, their merchandise payables are up 10%. Someone is a little slow paying their bills. When suppliers start to get worried, it will be all over Ron Johnson.
  • This is a company that was using its “spare” cash to buyback stock when it was $50 a share. Today it is trading at $18 a share. Target and Home Depot are using this same strategy today.

Ron Johnson is a disgrace. JC Penney is a public company and its Board of Directors are a disgrace. This asshole should be fired immediately. They are paying this motherfucker millions to drive this company into the ground. It seems his free kids haircuts on Sundays didn’t turn things around. To show you what a fucking ego he has, he didn’t even move to Plano Tx when he took the job. He still lives in San Francisco and commutes several times a week in a corporate jet.

After concluding the worst year ever by a retailer of this size, here is what this rocket scientist had to say:

“We have accomplished so much in the last twelve months.  We believe the bold actions taken in 2012 will materially improve the Company`s long-term growth and profitability.”  

Delusional doesn’t come close to describing this asshole. The hubris of making a statement like that is appalling. He should be on his fucking knees apologizing to the employees and few remaining customers for the atrocious management and dreadful decisions he has made. But you will hear none of that. He doesn’t give a fuck about the thousands of employees who will lose their jobs when this disaster sinks to the bottom of the retail graveyard. He is responsible for 159,000 employees. Most or all will lose their jobs.  This fucker will get a $10 million severance package and fly off to his gated estate in Silicon Valley. I love watching the Wall Street dickheads who have continually come out with positive reports on this dog of a company be proven to be shills and shysters.

You can checkout my previous thoughts about Mr. Johnson here:

May 2012 –  http://www.theburningplatform.com/?p=34521

August 2012 – http://www.theburningplatform.com/?p=38725

September 2012 – http://www.theburningplatform.com/?p=40416

November 2012 – http://www.theburningplatform.com/?p=43752

December 2012 – http://www.theburningplatform.com/?p=45560

I’ve decided that my new theme song is from my boys the Black Keys. My predictions make me a Lonely Boy but when I’m right, I gots to dance.