WAR CRIMES: Novavax, BARDA, NIH, HHS, & the DoD Join Forces to Unleash Toxic Nanotech Against Americans

Originally posted at Dispatches from Reality, by Scipio Eruditusdfreality.substack.com

Coordinated malfeasance writ-large…

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Novavax, Inc.’s working relationship with War, Inc. dates back to at least 2011, when BARDA awarded the company with $97 million in grants to fight “the seasonal influenza”. Like AstraZeneca, IBM, or Lockheed-Martin, Novavax is located in the outskirts of D.C. in the suburb of Gaithersburg, Maryland. Long before Novavax, Inc. was ever selected to produce the DoD’s transhumanist potions, it was involved in the highly dubious Ebola vaccine trials (yet another well-documented fear-porn campaign). Its ties with one of the most notoriously corrupt pharmaceutical companies in America, Emergent Biosolutions, further draws the credibility of Novavax into question.

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BUSTED: Moderna & HHS Are Targeting Our Children With Nanotech

Originally posted at Dispatches from Reality, by Scipio Eruditusdfreality.substack.com

Herod would be proud…

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As of September 2023, per the CDC’s own dataset, nearly 120,000 children have been murdered in the United States alone after the rollout of these bioweapons, brought to you by the United States government and their co-conspirators in Big Pharmakeia.

Such behavior follows a long history by vaccine manufacturers in which they have ascribed clear damage done by their wholly unnecessary injections to “novel” diseases. Take Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) for instance, a diagnosis coined some 6 years after the passage of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (thanks for that Ronnie). Like other such Orwellian named bills like the Patriot Act or No Child Left Behind, this bill has nothing to do with protecting children after being vaccine injured. Instead, this bill gave broad legal indemnities to vaccine manufacturers, essentially freeing them from ever having to face a lawsuit for the damage their products have done to their victims. Despite 75% of SIDS cases occurring within 48 hours of a “vaccine”, it was only recently that the TDAP injection even listed SIDS as a possible side effect. Long after it has become adopted as standard of care within the pediatric field, of course.

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MODERNA TOO: Boosters Show Signs of Self-Assembling Nanotechnology

Originally posted at Dispatches from Reality, by Scipio Eruditusdfreality.substack.com

Beyond the realm of coincidence, negligence or greed…

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I — Introduction


Over the past five months, my team and I have inspected over a hundred samples, constituting several hundred hours of live blood & pharmaceutical analysis. The following sample is undoubtedly the most alarming thing I’ve seen under the scope yet. In this sample you will see a level of activity and sophistication that simply cannot be explained away as modRNA technology, salt crystals, dust, or whatever novel excuse is deployed to dismiss these disturbing findings away. Pictures could not do this synthetic symphony justice, and a short video clip has been included to ensure that the fullness of this motion can be properly witnessed.

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CONFIRMED: Pfizer Kill-shots Contain Self-Assembling Nanotechnology

Originally posted at Dispatches from Reality, by Scipio Eruditusdfreality.substack.com

Indisputable proof that this weapon platform interacts with the electromagnetic spectrum…

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I — Introduction


There are times when events align themselves in such improbable ways that the only conclusion any rational person can draw is that it was orchestrated as such.

The samples we are about to analyze and discuss are almost a miracle in themselves. Some time ago, one of my little birdies managed to procure a perfectly preserved lot of DARPA’s mystery serum. For a boon like this to fall into my team’s lap is nothing less than a providentially answered prayer, and we have been hard at work testing and analyzing these injections ever since.

Continue reading “CONFIRMED: Pfizer Kill-shots Contain Self-Assembling Nanotechnology”