It seems the cruise ship myself and my family have been on TWICE has had a little problem. Having 600 people shitting uncontrollably and throwing up must be a really pleasant experience. Why don’t these cruise ship companies ever learn? Are they so consumed by generating quarterly profits in order to enrich the CEO and other executives with their stock options, that they are willing to risk the health of their passengers?

Evidently so. These greedy bastards run a 10 day cruise and have the boat unload thousands of people in the morning and turn around and depart by the afternoon with thousands of new passengers. Maybe they could wait one day and thoroughly clean and disinfect the ship before allowing new guests on board. Of course, that would cut Earnings Per Share by 2 cents. Now the bad publicity and payoffs to those sickened will cost them 20 cents per share. Brilliant corporate strategy.

Guess who won’t be going on this cruise ship for a third time?