The Flip Flopping Anthony Fauci, Part 5: Young People and Presidential Relationships

Guest Post by Parker Beauregard via Blue State Conservative

Image result for fauci is a fraud

As we embark on the fifth installment of the Fauci and his proclivity to mislead the country, a recap of every previous flip flop is required to make sure readers realize just how involved this topic is becoming. How many more lies can we expect from him, especially now that the White House, medical community, and media are in cahoots and power together? In no particular order, here is what has been covered thus far:

  • Travel Bans
  • Masking
  • Asymptomatic Spread
  • Hydroxychloroquine
  • Mass Gatherings
  • Projected Deaths
  • Santa Claus
  • School Openings
  • Vaccine Development
  • Urging Calm
  • “Nobody Could Do Better”
  • PCR Testing
  • Vaccine Definitions
  • Vaccine Safety
  • Vaccine Choice

Continue reading “The Flip Flopping Anthony Fauci, Part 5: Young People and Presidential Relationships”

False Hopium and the Pompadoured Fail

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Well, it’s over – and now the time has come to sort through the debris. Where to start? How about with what is – as opposed to what was hoped for – and what that means, going forward.

Whether the Pompadoured Failure failed because of this, that or the other thing is open to discussion. What isn’t is that he failed. He is gone – and his replacement is in. This is a hard fact and goes down hard but hoping otherwise – that there will be a “second inauguration” is of a piece with hoping for the second coming. It may – but counting on it is apt to leave you feeling pretty hopeless when it doesn’t.

Continue reading “False Hopium and the Pompadoured Fail”


“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.” – Frank Zappa

“The choice for mankind lies between freedom and happiness and for the great bulk of mankind, happiness is better.” ― George Orwell, 1984

The quote from Frank Zappa has truly come to fruition during the first two weeks of 2021. We have been living in a Surveillance State since the introduction of the Patriot Act in 2001 (Biden has boasted that he wrote the bill years before). Until Snowden and Assange revealed the depth and depravity of this un-Constitutional intrusion into our lives only the Deep State cabal knew the truth.

Most Americans ignored these revelations, as they continued to be distracted and entertained by their iGadgets and new social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and others. These social media companies parlayed people’s narcissist need for affirmation, likes and followers into multi-billion-dollar conglomerates with near monopolistic control over the distribution of news, opinions, and on-line communication of the masses.

Continue reading “ILLUSION OF FREEDOM”

Fauci Says Mandatory COVID Vaccines Are “On The Table”, Especially For Travel, School

Via ZeroHedge

Anthony Fauci is being broadly slammed after admitting to the New York Times that he publicly lowballed his estimate of the Covid-19 herd immunity threshold, but, as Holman Jenkins writes in WSJ, it’s ludicrously late in the day to discover that “messaging” has been going on.

Official lying about things large and small has been a staple of COVID politics: the letters to college students threatening them with arrest if they don’t quarantine, the interstate travel “bans” that were never enforced, the death counts that swept up anybody who died of any cause while infected with COVID.

Only lately has this reality snuck into public rhetoric as leaders in New York, Massachusetts and elsewhere started admitting that their moves are more about “signaling” than any practical effect.

Continue reading “Fauci Says Mandatory COVID Vaccines Are “On The Table”, Especially For Travel, School”


In Part 1 of this article I laid out the case the “dark winter” narrative and how an experimental vaccine marketed like a tech product by Big Pharma and their cronies are part of a globalist scheme to reset the world and force us into subservience. In Part 2 of the article I revealed how the “build back better” narrative is part of Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset plan to implement a one world command and control dystopia, managed by billionaire oligarchs and their dark forces.

Davos Votes on WEF Police Bill With Some Saying They're Fed Up - Bloomberg

Their “new normal” tripe is built on a foundation of falsity. The Spanish flu pandemic of 1918 killed 50 million people when the population of earth was 1.8 billion, or 2.8% of the world population. This China flu has contributed to the deaths of 1.8 million people with a worldwide population of 7.8 billion, or .023%. The world was not locked down by totalitarians, no vaccine was created, the flu dissipated over time (probably due to natural herd immunity), people continued to live their lives, and the world returned to normal without global elites dictating how we had to live.



“It’s like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. And sometimes you didn’t want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it’s only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something, even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn’t. They kept going, because they were holding on to something. That there is some good in this world, and it’s worth fighting for.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien

With all the talk about dark winters from Biden, Harris, Fauci, tyrannical Democrat governors, pandemic hysteria medical “experts”, and the corporate media paid to propagate the vital narrative, my mind was naturally drawn to the words of J.R.R. Tolkien and his Lord of the Rings trilogy. It is a story of good versus evil, with a foreboding mood of darkness and doom.

To those of us of a conspiratorial nature, according to those who conspired to overthrow a duly elected president for four years and are currently conspiring to steal the presidency through blatant election rigging and mail-in ballot fraud, we believe the darkness engulfing our nation has been initiated by the billionaire globalist evildoers marshaling dark forces in their Mordor on the Potomac.


Did Fauci Just Admit He Lied About Herd Immunity To Trick Americans Into Vaccine?

Via ZeroHedge

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Democrat-approved ‘science’ in ‘trust the science,’ appears to have just admitted to lying about COVID-19 herd immunity in order to goad more people into taking the vaccine, according to a new report in the New York Times.

At issue is the percentage of the population which must require resistance to the coronavirus – through infection or vaccination – in order for the disease to disappear.

Early into the pandemic, Fauci repeatedly claimed ‘60-70%‘ herd immunity was required to achieve herd immunity. Beginning around a month ago, however, Fauci’s estimate drifted higher – to “70, 75 percent,” and more recently telling CNBC “75, 80, 85 percent” and “75 to 80-plus percent.”

When asked about it, Fauci essentially said he lied for political purposes due to vaccine skeptics.

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