Uncovered Emails Show Fauci Supported ‘Grotesque’ Experiments at Wuhan Lab

Via Children’s Health Defense

Tucker Carlson said evidence shows Dr. Anthony Fauci has been 'implicated in the very pandemic he had been charged with fighting.'

In the segment below on last night’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson said evidence shows Dr. Anthony Fauci has been “implicated in the very pandemic he had been charged with fighting.”

Emails obtained by BuzzFeed via the Freedom of Information Act show “Fauci supported the grotesque and dangerous experiments that appeared to have made COVID possible,” Carlson said.

The emails, which date back to the early winter of 2020, show Fauci was worried the public would think COVID originated at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China. Why?

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“That Was A Lie”: Tucker Carlson Levels Fauci After FOIA Emails Connect The Dots

Via ZeroHedge

Fox News’ Tucker Carlson ripped “the utter fraudulence of Tony Fauci” Wednesday night, after BuzzFeed and the Washington Post obtained thousands of pages of emails through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, revealing that the nation’s top virologist was telling the public one thing, while furiously working on damage control and narrative-shaping as the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded.

According to Carlson, Americans assumed “that the man in charge of protecting the US from COVID must be rational and impressive,” adding “We also assumed he must be honest. But we were wrong.

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Fauci Emails Reveal Damage Control Scramble After ZeroHedge Spotlights Man-Made COVID-19 Theory

Via ZeroHedge

In January, 2020, when the World Health Organization insisted that COVID-19 wasn’t transmissible between humans, and Dr. Anthony Fauci said that the risk to the American public from the virus was “low,” officials at the National Institutes of Health were scrambling to perform damage control after a controversial – and now withdrawn – study suggested that there were HIV-like ‘insertions’ included in SARS-CoV-2.

The study, “Uncanny similarity of unique inserts on the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag,” posited that segments of the virus’s RNA had no relation to other coronaviruses such as SARS, and instead appeared to be closer to HIV.


To further investigate if these inserts are present in any other corona virus, we performed a multiple sequence alignment of the spike glycoprotein amino acid sequences of all available coronaviruses (n=55) [refer Table S.File1] in NCBI refseq (ncbi.nlm.nih.gov) this includes one sequence of 2019-nCoV[Fig.S1]. We found that these 4 insertions [inserts 1, 2, 3 and 4] are unique to 2019-nCoV and are not present in other coronaviruses analyzed.

We then translated the aligned genome and found that these inserts are present in all Wuhan 2019-nCoV viruses except the 2019-nCoV virus of Bat as a host [Fig.S4]. Intrigued by the 4 highly conserved inserts unique to 2019-nCoV we wanted to understand their origin. For this purpose, we used the 2019-nCoV local alignment with each insert as query against all virus genomes and considered hits with 100% sequence coverage. Surprisingly, each of the four inserts aligned with short segments of the Human immunodeficiency Virus-1 (HIV-1) proteins.

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Is a Right Wing Conspiracy Theory Becoming Fact?

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Ever since COVID-19 was hurled at society and the Gates’ funded model that was no better than a child’s dame of SimCity predicted the next black plague so the world had to be shut down which has NEVER been done in 6,000 years, government experts like court-appointed lawyers who are paid to ensure they always lose to keep the government’s 99% conviction rate, have we see a herd of the most prestigious media outlets denying what was clear to anybody with a brain capable of rational through, that perhaps the COVID-19 pandemic that had originated in the Wuhan lab where scientists were performing dangerous research into coronaviruses.

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Dr Fauci – the Politician & Stooge of WEF

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

While Babylon Bee just did a roast of the lovable Dr. Fauci who keeps changing his recommendations and claims almost on a weekly basis, has suddenly said he does not believe that COVID is natural. Hm. I seriously question what is going on now. I have written about how I KNOW that a warning came from those in the know that a “virus was coming” and that Gates began selling stock in December 2019 and Klaus Schwab sold his positions even for the World Economic Forum also ahead of the crash in Jan/Feb 2020.

Continue reading “Dr Fauci – the Politician & Stooge of WEF”

Fauci In 2012: Gain-Of-Function Research ‘Worth Risk Of Lab Accident Sparking Pandemic’

Via ZeroHedge

America’s top virologist, Anthony Fauci, argued in 2012 that the risks of a lab accident sparking a pandemic are outweighed by the potential benefits of manipulating viruses via gain-of-function research, according to previously unsurfaced remarks reported by Sharri Markson via The Australian.

“In an unlikely but conceivable turn of events, what if that scientist becomes infected with the virus, which leads to an outbreak and ultimately triggers a pandemic?” Fauci wrote in the American Society for Microbiology in 2012, adding “Many ask reasonable questions: given the possibility of such a scenario – however remote – should the initial experiments have been performed and/or published in the first place, and what were the processes involved in this decision?”

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“The Truth, when you finally chase it down, is almost always far worse than your darkest visions and fears.” ~ Hunter S. Thompson


I think Hunter S. Thompson is being proven right by revelations becoming obvious daily. I’m a natural skeptic, so I rarely believe anything I’m told without verifying facts, analyzing data and understanding the motivation of those making declarations and assertions. For most of my life I thought I generally understood how the world worked.

Doubts about my understanding began to creep into my mind between 2000 and 2008, as I watched my government cover-up the truth about 9-11, use it to institute an Orwellian surveillance state through the Patriot Act, invade Iraq based upon a false narrative of WMD and links to 9/11, and watching those controlling the Federal Reserve create the dot.com bubble and follow it up with a housing bubble – all done to benefit Wall Street banks, billionaires, connected politicians, and Deep State apparatchiks.

Continue reading “THIS WAS A TEST, AND WE FAILED”

Rand Paul: Fauci Is A “Petty Tyrant”

Guest Post by Steve Watson

Senator Rand Paul reacted to Anthony Fauci’s declaration that Americans should still not be socialising despite having been vaccinated by labelling the White House medical advisor a “petty tyrant”.

Fauci appeared on MSNBC Sunday and announced that people should still be refraining from eating and drinking together indoors, as well as suggesting that the vaccinated may need more ‘booster’ shots to maintain protection against the coronavirus.

Senator Paul hit back at Fauci, accusing him of  ignoring “100 years of vaccine science”.

Paul added that Fauci’s “only real theme is ‘do what I say’ even when it makes no sense.”

Continue reading “Rand Paul: Fauci Is A “Petty Tyrant””


I’m 58 years old. Based on the actual data from the CDC listed in this article, I have a 99.87% probability of not dying “with” Covid. I have not been sick, but they want me to take an experimental gene therapy, rushed to market so Big Pharma can make tens of billions in profits, that is likely to make me sick for a few days, so I don’t get sick with a flu that has a .13% chance of killing me. Makes sense. Big Pharma, Fauci, and Gates can kiss my fat ass before I ever get their fucking jab.

Via ZeroHedge

The old flip-flopper is back. Having supported CDC Director Walensky’s dystopian outlook for America unless we all “obey” ‘the science’ and hunker down just a little longer (2 more weeks to flatten the curve?), Dr. Fauci has changed his mind now, telling CBS in an interview this morning that he is “not sure ‘impending doom'” is the right word to describe the pandemic.

Interestingly, even Walensky walked-back her depressing and emotional “off-script” comments today too…

Fauci offered his take on MLB’s Opening Day…

Is this an April Fool’s Joke? Is the plague actually improving or are we facing the end of the world?

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A Short History Of How Anthony Fauci Has Kept Failing Up Since 1984

How much do you want to bet Fauci was the kid in class who reminded the teacher she forgot to assign homework at the end of class. How much do you want to bet he was made fun of by all the kids in school. How much do you want to bet he was always picked last for pickup games of baseball or basketball. How much do you want to bet he was a mama’s boy. How much do you want to bet he vowed to show the world who was boss, as revenge for being a nerd.

Via The Federalist

A Short History Of How Anthony Fauci Has Kept Failing Up Since 1984

In 2003, terrorism was a more immediate national danger than infectious diseases. Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) had just redirected $117 million from infectious diseases to fund a new anthrax vaccine effort in response to the anthrax attacks that happened a week after 9/11.

The millions were just a small part of the $1.8 billion Fauci had poured into defense from bioterrorist attacks over the preceding two years. More than half of those funds were devoted to anthrax and smallpox alone. In 2004, Fauci launched the $5.6 billion “Project Bioshield,” the National Institutes of Health’s biggest outlay for a single research issue until then.

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Fauci Does Damage Control After Fmr. CDC Director Suspects Wuhan Lab Leak

Via ZeroHedge

Update (1050ET): Someone must have picked up the red phone and made a call, as Dr. Anthony Fauci said during a Friday White House press briefing that ‘most scientists believe COVID-19 didn’t come from a lab,’ contradicting viral comments to CNN by former CDC Director Robert Redfield.

*  *  *

Former CDC Director Robert Redfield says that SARS-CoV-2, the virus which causes COVID-19, did not originate from a wet market in Wuhan, China, and instead escaped from a nearby lab which was performing gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses to make them more easily infect humans.

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Gallup Poll says 51% of health care workers Refuse to Vaccinate

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

I have reported that my cousin who was a frontline nurse in New Jersey got COVID. They insisted she still gets vaccinated. After the first dose, she had a stroke. She has recovered, thank God, but has refused the second dose. In Italy, they have pulled the AstraZeneca anti-Covid vaccines after the reporting of “three fatal adverse events” linked to it. Now according to a Gallup poll, 51% of health care workers and first responders remained unconvinced of the merits of getting vaccinated even if it “was free, available, FDA approved and 90% effective.”

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“Excellence, he is known as the Mule. He is spoken of little, in a factual sense, but I have gathered the scraps and fragments of knowledge and winnowed out the most probable of them. He is apparently a man of neither birth nor standing. His father, unknown. His mother, dead in childbirth. His upbringing, that of a vagabond. His education, that of the tramp worlds, and the backwash alleys of space. He has no name other than that of the Mule, a name reportedly applied by himself to himself, and signifying, by popular explanation, his immense physical strength, and stubbornness of purpose.” ― Isaac Asimov, Foundation and Empire

“The fall of Empire, gentlemen, is a massive thing, however, and not easily fought. It is dictated by a rising bureaucracy, a receding initiative, a freezing of caste, a damming of curiosity—a hundred other factors. It has been going on, as I have said, for centuries, and it is too majestic and massive a movement to stop.”Isaac Asimov, Foundation

In March 2017, a mere two months after the stunningly unexpected victory of Donald Trump over the Deep State hand picked representative of dark forces – Hillary Clinton, I wrote a three-part article based upon Isaac Asimov’s Foundation trilogy, attempting to connect Trump’s elevation as the Gray Champion of this Fourth Turning to the plot of Asimov’s masterpiece. The three articles: Foundation – Fall of the American Galactic Empire; Foundation and Empire: Is Donald Trump the Mule?; and Second Foundation: Empire Crumbling, landed with a dud, generating few views and not many comments.

Continue reading “WAS TRUMP THE MULE?”