Via Ben Garrison

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Republicans Win Emmy For Acting Like Government Spending Makes Them Sad

Via The Babylon Bee

Article Image

WASHINGTON, D.C. — House Republicans have been awarded their very first Emmy award for outstanding performance in acting like runaway government spending makes them sad.

“I’m so humbled to be receiving this prestigious award,” said a giddy Kevin McCarthy, holding the golden statue aloft. “This award belongs to all of us–every Republican who has gone on Fox News to complain about the national debt or give impassioned C-Span speeches to an empty House floor to convince the American people they care about this stuff, your acting really paid off.”

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The 2024 GOP Primary’s Fredocon Lane

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

They’re smart, not dumb like everyone says – they’re smart and they want respect. In a time where we need a wartime consigliere, we instead have a bunch of Fredos testing the waters for a presidential run on a tired platform of principled failure. It’s like the last couple decades never happened, like the world never turned upside down and the country we thought we knew turned into something quasi-fascist and full-out freakish. It’s like they learned nothing from the election of Donald Trump, except to bury their fat heads in the sand.

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This picture proves the House has been taken over by traitorous RINO cowards conniving with their treasonous Democrat co-conspirators to forever destroy the American Republic.

Via State of the Nation

Only the 20 brave Republicans shown below
against the ever-treacherous RINO Kevin McCarthy.  Which means that the other 202
RINOs are perfectly
okay with a Speaker who
secretly colludes with
the communist-run
Democrat Party to advance POTUS
Joe Biden’s utterly satanic agenda.

But who is really controlling the fake Republican Party from way behind the Khazarian curtain?  As follows:

Continue reading “This picture proves the House has been taken over by traitorous RINO cowards conniving with their treasonous Democrat co-conspirators to forever destroy the American Republic.”

Mitch McConnell Wins Senate Majority in Secret Vote (37-10)

Submitted by: Ooze the other one

At this point in time, we are simply documenting the destruction from within.

Mitch McConnell Survives Revolt, Wins Vote to Remain Senate Minority Leader

“We collectively I think had a good discussion about what happened in the election and what happens in the next election,” McConnell said.

And, in completely “unrelated” news:



‘Whatever you say, say nothing.’Old Irish Phrase

Patrick Radden Keefe's 'Say Nothing': Review - The Atlantic

“God made the Catholics, but the Armalite made them equal.”Patrick Radden Keefe

It has become clear to me, since the installation of dementia patient Biden as the illegitimate figurehead president by his globalist Deep State handlers, their agenda is to tear down our modern civilization and replace it with a totalitarian techno-gulag where you will be electronically monitored, disarmed, own nothing, be judged by social credit score, live in fear, and be happy – or else.

I’ve been pondering in which direction this Fourth Turning will flow, while observing the words and actions of our pedophile president and the other World Economic Forum puppets like Trudeau, Macron, and a myriad of other EU lackeys. I intellectually understand all Fourth Turnings reach their climax after immense bloodshed, climactic battles which could have gone either way, and in some cases saw citizens slaughtering fellow citizens. But I have tried to avoid thinking about the reality of what is likely to happen over the next five to ten years, as this Crisis turns from rhetoric and debate to violence and death. Keyboard warriors will yield to real warriors.


Republicans Desperately Need An Agenda

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Republicans Desperately Need An Agenda

“President Crusty and the Democrats suck” is a powerful battle cry, but it’s not enough. Cocaine Mitch, in one of his many recent missteps, indicated that the Senate GOP caucus was not going to disclose its post-election game plan and that it would be spending its campaign highlighting the myriad failures of the enemy. And what a litany of screw-ups it is…

The Afghanistan humiliation.

Gas at $6 a gallon and the redefinition of a recession.

Making the rest of us subsidize nitwits who dropped big bucks buying gender studies degrees at the University of College.

That’s just a few cuts off these knuckleheads’ greatest hits album. But here’s the thing – complaining about the immensity of their sucking is not enough.

Yes, the Democrats suck.

They super-suck.

They suck suck suckitty suck.

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Wake Up Flaccidcons – It’s Not 2005 Anymore

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Wake Up Flaccidcons – It's Not 2005 Anymore

Oh, Mike Pence, you soft, naive little man. Oh, Tim Scott, you kindly and friendly gentleman. I like you both. I really do. I would love you to be my neighbors. If I ran short of sugar or charcoal, you’d square me away. Not so much bourbon, but whatever. If I asked you to help me move or give me a ride to the airport, you suckers would be all in because you are nice guys. And that’s your problem and the problem of Republicans like you. You are nice guys in a time that calls for ruthless killers who want to destroy our enemies and leave them on their backs, figuratively cockroaching on the floor.

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Rep. Lauren Boebert Introduces Articles of Impeachment Against Joe Biden  and Kamala Harris | Representative Lauren Boebert

Joe Biden calls for President Trump's impeachment - Los Angeles Times

Rep to Introduce Biden Impeachment; Trump Praises Military Policies; 20K  National Guard Sent to DC - YouTube

Should Biden Be Impeached For Selling Oil Reserves to China? - YouTube

The scum sucking Democrats used their power to impeach Trump twice for crimes committed by Hillary, Obama and their cronies in the FBI, CIA, DOJ and DOD.

Will the spineless, gutless Republican cucks impeach Biden for actual crimes committed by himself and his cokehead deviant son?


Conservatives Are Not Giving Spineless Leaders Any Second Chances

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Conservatives Are Not Giving Spineless Leaders Any Second Chances

Okay, you have every right to expect that, by now, anyone purporting to be a conservative thought leader – ugh, what a lame term – will be conservative woke, sometimes known as “based,” by now. There’s no excuse for still living in a Mitt Romney/Candy Crowley gimp cellar of crippling principles and principled failure. If you presume to lead us, you need to understand that we are in a life-or-death struggle to preserve our lives and liberty against a Marxist offensive unlike anything we’ve ever experienced before, and that we need to fight back and win or go down in defeat. We’ve lost patience with the softcons, the surrendercons, and the sissycons who demonstrate that they do not. Just ask Kristi Noem, who waffled and lost her shot forever.

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“Excellence, he is known as the Mule. He is spoken of little, in a factual sense, but I have gathered the scraps and fragments of knowledge and winnowed out the most probable of them. He is apparently a man of neither birth nor standing. His father, unknown. His mother, dead in childbirth. His upbringing, that of a vagabond. His education, that of the tramp worlds, and the backwash alleys of space. He has no name other than that of the Mule, a name reportedly applied by himself to himself, and signifying, by popular explanation, his immense physical strength, and stubbornness of purpose.” ― Isaac Asimov, Foundation and Empire

“The fall of Empire, gentlemen, is a massive thing, however, and not easily fought. It is dictated by a rising bureaucracy, a receding initiative, a freezing of caste, a damming of curiosity—a hundred other factors. It has been going on, as I have said, for centuries, and it is too majestic and massive a movement to stop.”Isaac Asimov, Foundation

In March 2017, a mere two months after the stunningly unexpected victory of Donald Trump over the Deep State hand picked representative of dark forces – Hillary Clinton, I wrote a three-part article based upon Isaac Asimov’s Foundation trilogy, attempting to connect Trump’s elevation as the Gray Champion of this Fourth Turning to the plot of Asimov’s masterpiece. The three articles: Foundation – Fall of the American Galactic Empire; Foundation and Empire: Is Donald Trump the Mule?; and Second Foundation: Empire Crumbling, landed with a dud, generating few views and not many comments.

Continue reading “WAS TRUMP THE MULE?”


“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.” – Frank Zappa

“The choice for mankind lies between freedom and happiness and for the great bulk of mankind, happiness is better.” ― George Orwell, 1984

The quote from Frank Zappa has truly come to fruition during the first two weeks of 2021. We have been living in a Surveillance State since the introduction of the Patriot Act in 2001 (Biden has boasted that he wrote the bill years before). Until Snowden and Assange revealed the depth and depravity of this un-Constitutional intrusion into our lives only the Deep State cabal knew the truth.

Most Americans ignored these revelations, as they continued to be distracted and entertained by their iGadgets and new social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and others. These social media companies parlayed people’s narcissist need for affirmation, likes and followers into multi-billion-dollar conglomerates with near monopolistic control over the distribution of news, opinions, and on-line communication of the masses.

Continue reading “ILLUSION OF FREEDOM”

Liberals Want You Demoralized, So Don’t Be

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Liberals Want You Demoralized, So Don’t Be

The next guy who tells me his sad feelz are so intense over the election that he’s not going to vote in Georgia or anywhere else ever again cuz all is lost and blah blah blah is getting slapped.

Hard. I’m getting tired of loser talk, and I won’t have it.

This is for the benefit of the weak-hearts: Oh no, did you have a set-back? Did stuff not work out the way you wanted? Is it – gasp! – hard?

Too bad. Man up. Or woman up. Or genderfluid up. Just stop bawling like Brian Stelter over his cousins when he gets passed a bowl of mashed potatoes and get your head right. We’re in a fight. Fix your bayonets and follow me over the top.

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