Still trapped in our house by government mandate, I remembered that I wanted to see 89 year old Clint Eastwood’s last directorial effort – Richard Jewell. I wanted to see it because the critics hated it and the mainstream media ignored it. That meant it had to be good – plus Eastwood loves to stick his finger in the eye of the establishment. So we rented it on-demand last night.

I remember the Centennial Olympic Park bombing, but not the details. My memories were more about the bomber – Eric Rudolph – and his ability to avoid capture for 5 years by escaping into the Appalachian mountains. We were in Atlanta in 1997 for a Treasury Management conference and visited the park. It was an unimpressive concrete monument.

I really didn’t know the story of Richard Jewell, but I do now.

How the Investigation Into Richard Jewell Unfolded - The New York ...

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