“Politicians were mostly people who’d had too little morals and ethics to stay lawyers.”

George R.R. Martin

“The main problem in any democracy is that crowd-pleasers are generally brainless swine who can go out on a stage and whip their supporters into an orgiastic frenzy— then go back to the office and sell every one of the poor bastards down the tube for a nickel apiece.”

Hunter S. Thompson

“This idea that you can’t be an honest man and a Washington politician is a myth, a crock made up by sellouts and careerist hacks who don’t stand for anything and are impatient with people who do. It’s possible to do this job with honor and dignity.”

Matt Taibbi

Muck’s Minute #26

There isn’t any equality in anything

I’d like to tell everyone -the world if I could – that is no equality in anything short of extreme scientific comparisons of like atoms to a very fine scale.

Beyond that, we’re screwed as far as “equality” is concerned.  It’s a myth.  A human construct. A concept that is totally fucked up by unequal intellectual cognition and mumbling that passes for thought and a sorry and destructive (and political) effort to mash every living being with two legs, two arms, a head and the questionable ability to perhaps scratch his ass – excluding those of us who didn’t make the cut out of the tree yet –  into the same “equal” bucket…..

The what-used-to-be useful U.S.Constitution made a big semantic mistake with that phrase, “All men are created equal.”  They could not foresee in 240 years that there would be a thing called “political correctness” or that large numbers of citizens would turn into drones, neither understanding what they meant or care about it and our government would evolve into a politically correct group that throws common sense and human sensibilities in the trash.

It is readily ascertainable that no one is created equal.. Even identical twins are not “equal” in all respects.  I’m white, he’s brown, she’s red, he’s black and even a slight shade of yellow is present here and there and growing fast.  There are people of all those different colors with I.Q.’s from near zip-squat to 150 or more – scattered out it a bell curve with some races enjoying a better shape of the bell curve than others.  Some are tall, others short, some broad and muscular, some skinny, some are male and some are female and some don’t have a clue what they are or are of some odd, in between, sexual status.

But “equal” it’s not.  Never. Ever. No how. No way.

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Vladimir Putin Speaks Honestly

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Russia’s president is a refreshing contrast to the liars who inhabit Western governments and Western media. The agenda of the Russian government is peace and international cooperation under the rule of law. Washington’s agenda is hegemony.

President Putin endeavors to lead the world to peace, while the neoconservatives who control Washington’s foreign policy try to drive the world to war. Contrast the crazed statements that flow from Washington comparing President Putin to Hitler, suggesting his assassination, and calling for shooting down Russian military aircraft with President Putin’s appeal that Washington abandon its hegemonic agenda and submit to international law and international cooperation. As President Putin has emphasized, for Washington “international cooperation” means submission to Washington’s will.

President Putin repeatedly states that governments must govern in accord with the people and not function as a decree-issuing body in accord with interest groups disrespectful of the people.

Throughout the West we see the increasingly unresponsive behavior of government. In the United States careful studies conclude that, despite elections, the American people have essentially zero input into the policies decided in Washington. In Greece, the government is coerced to impose on the Greek people policies dictated by large German banks supported by the German and EU governments. In Portugal, the socialists who won the election were told by the conservative president that they would not be permitted to form a government.

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