China Issues Stay-At-Home Order To Hong Kong To Prevent Spread Of Democracy

Via The Babylon Bee

HONG KONG—Sensing the possibility of a dangerous contagion spreading, China has issued a stay-at-home order for Hong Kong so that ideas of democracy might not spread.

“There is a virus out there,” said Chinese President Xi Jinping. “One that could destabilize all of China. That’s why we are requiring all people in Hong Kong to stay home so they don’t infect each other with the idea they get to vote for their own leadership, say whatever they want, or tell each other I look like Winnie the Pooh when I don’t because I look like Brad Pitt.”

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Man Set On Fire In Hong Kong After Confronting “Enemy Of The People” Rioters

Via ZeroHedge

In one of the most gruesome videos to emerge from Hong Kong’s increasingly violent protests, an unidentified man was set on fire during an argument on the street in Hong Kong.

The older man, seen in the video wearing a green shirt, reportedly helped chase demonstrators from a train station as they worked to disrupt the Monday morning commute. As the crowd started to disperse, the man was filmed arguing with young people who appear to be supporters of the protesters.

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