Submitted by Hardscrabble Farmer


Hypocrisy At The Highest Levels: ATF Asks Judge To Close Hunter Biden Gun Inquiry

A story not being covered by the corrupt corporate media over the past few years has been the story of Joe Biden’s Son, Hunter. Or maybe, more specifically, the story of Hunter Biden’s Handgun.

Hunter Biden purchased a .38 Revolver from a Delaware gun shop on October 12, 2018. If you’re familiar with gun law or have bought a gun yourself, you’ll know that to purchase a firearm; you’ll have had to fill out an ATF Form 4473, also known as a Firearms Transaction Record. More on that later.

Days later, on October 23, Hallie Biden (widow to Joe Biden’s son Beau) searched Hunter’s truck and found the handgun. She apparently feared for Hunter’s safety and decided to put the gun in a shopping bag and throw it in the trash outside a grocery store. During the same day, Hunter finds out about the gun disposal and notifies law enforcement of the missing firearm. The investigation that followed involved the Delaware State Police, Secret Service, the FBI, and later on, the ATF.

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